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An Original Screenplay By Holly Copella


FADE IN: EXT. MANSION -- EVENING We see the elegant home on the far edge of town. Music seems to flow from the well-lit home. There are many cars parked out front. INT. LOUNGE We see a distinguished, well-dressed man, DALLAN THORNE, make his way through the crowd of well dressed people. Throne approaches a woman dressed lavishly. She's DOTTY NEVINA. She talks to two other women. THORNE May I have a word with you, Dotty? DOTTY Certainly, Darling. Thorne takes her to a secluded corner. His expression is harsh. A young woman, RAMSEY GRAY, and a young man, DR. JORDAN GUNTHER, approach them. JORDAN Dr. Thorne, I'd like to meet my friend. Thorne appears slightly distracted. THORNE Good evening, Jordan. (shake hands) So glad you could make it. JORDAN Dr. Thorne, this is Ramsey Gray, Major Gray's daughter. THORNE This is a pleasant surprise. Your father speaks often of you. They shake hands. Thorne eyes Jordan.

THORNE As does Jordan. RAMSEY It's a pleasure, Dr. Thorne. My father speaks highly of you. THORNE (laughs) I find that difficult to believe, but your kindness is appreciated. DOTTY Aren't you going to introduce me? THORNE This is Dotty Nevina--your hostess for the evening. Dotty extends her hand to Ramsey along with a quick once over. DOTTY (shake hands) How is the major? RAMSEY You know my father? DOTTY Oh, yes. I had a crush on him when I was a little girl--as did every other girl in town. RAMSEY He and my mother decided to remain in Florida. DOTTY Are they selling their home here? (to Thorne) You should really buy that home from the major. They don't make homes like that anymore. (to Ramsey) The view is spectacular, I'm told.

RAMSEY Actually, I'll be staying there. I've decided to return to Bakersfall. JORDAN I believe my begging has finally paid off. DOTTY If you'll excuse me, we're out of champagne and the guests are starting to fidget. THORNE So--what career choice has the major forced upon you? RAMSEY Appropriate choice of words. He was pushing for the FBI. Since the major and I never could see eye to eye, I decided to really annoy him and become a professional car burglar. THORNE (chokes on his drink) A what? JORDAN She exaggerates. RAMSEY I work for a security company. Basically, they pay me to infiltrate security systems, find their weakness, and help enlist sales. THORNE That is a strange occupation, but less dangerous than the FBI, I'd guess. Ramsey smiles and offers a tiny shrug. Thorne's attention shifts across the room. We see Dotty enter the kitchen. Thorne looks back to Ramsey.

THORNE You should appreciate my security system. I was assured it's high tech as far as home systems go. RAMSEY Adequate for your common thief. Judging by some of the art you have around here, I'd guess you're under protected against a professional. Thorne's eyes are back on the kitchen. He looks back at Ramsey with some surprise. THORNE I find that difficult to believe. RAMSEY I hear that a lot. THORNE You think someone could get around my security? RAMSEY It's not that impressive. JORDAN Don't look so insulted, Dr. Thorne. It's a small town. What are the chances? THORNE Not the point. Do you honestly believe your company can find a flaw with my security? RAMSEY I'm confident, yes. I can tell you're a little insulted, Dr. Thorne. Maybe we should change the subject. THORNE I've never walked away from a challenge. If you think your company can infiltrate my home, I'd love to see them try.

JORDAN How about a little wager? RAMSEY Forget it, Jordan. THORNE No, you seem confident in your company. I'm confident with my security system. A friendly wager just makes it more interesting. RAMSEY I don't want your money, Dr. Thorne. THORNE You haven't earned it yet. JORDAN Come, Rams, it's every employees dream to belittle his boss. Do it for me. THORNE What would be a fair wager? Have your company send their best man. RAMSEY Do you really want to do this? THORNE Yes. It sounds--fun. RAMSEY You asked for it. JORDAN About that wager? A hundred dollars? THORNE You're on. Thorne looks back to the kitchen. He moves past them. THORNE Will you excuse me a moment?

Thorne walks toward the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN Thorne enters the kitchen and stops in the doorway. We see Dotty and another man, CROFT, toward the back. They're in each other's arms. INT. LOUNGE We hear a crash from the kitchen. Several people stop and look toward the kitchen. Only a few moments pass. Thorne storms out of the kitchen awhile slinging his right hand then rubbing his knuckles. He appears unpredictable. He storms across the room and leaves into the hallway. EXT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE -- DAY We see the private practice. The sign out front of the building reads: Dallan Thorne, M.D. INT. FRONT DESK We see Thorne walk out of one of the exam rooms with a small girl and her mother. Thorne wears his lab coat and stethoscope. He hands the mother the prescription. THORNE Make certain she completes all of the antibiotic--even after she feels better. The mother nods with a smile. Jordan approaches also wearing a lab coat and stethoscope. JORDAN I can't believe you punched Croft. THORNE Can you drop it already? JORDAN Sorry, I just find it overwhelming that you could hit someone. What happened to that good doctor reputation?

THORNE It fell by the way side along with Dotty's reputation. JORDAN It's none of my business, but I hope you're finished with her. THORNE You're right, it's none of your business. Thorne turns and approaches a nurse, HELEN, approaching from one of the rooms. JORDAN You have to admit, there's something attractive about being a small town doctor. You don't need Dotty. THORNE Not here, Jordan. I have patients. Don't you? HELEN Doctor, I think you should see the patient in room six. She won't go to the clinic. Thorne approaches room number six near the back. He knocks lightly on the door before entering. INT. EXAM ROOM SIX Thorne enters the exam room and pauses. We see Ramsey sitting on the exam table. She looks at him and smiles warmly. RAMSEY Good morning, Dr. Thorne. THORNE (shuts the door) Miss Gray, what brings you here this morning? Ramsey crosses her right leg over her left and removes a bloody cloth from a cut on her upper thigh near the side.

RAMSEY I had a little accident. THORNE Must hurt. Time lapse. Ramsey casually lie on her side propped on her elbow and watches as Thorne places tiny stitches along the four inch cut. THORNE What happened anyway? RAMSEY A disagreement with a kitchen knife. I was doing something pretty stupid, which I'd rather not mention. THORNE Uh, huh. Is that the story you want to stick with? RAMSEY Are you suggesting I'm lying? THORNE No--merely exaggerating the truth. RAMSEY Staples would've been quicker. THORNE Might leave a nasty scar too. RAMSEY Gives me character. His eyes lift to meet their gaze. Thorne smirks then returns to his stitch work. THORNE Somehow--I doubt you need more. RAMSEY Do you charge extra for the sarcasm?

THORNE Only coming from the patient. I suggest you be more careful in the kitchen. He removes his gloves and gives her a mocking smile. RAMSEY (pats his scabbed knuckles) You too, Doc. Thorne looks to his right hand, fidgets, and moves away. THORNE Return in a few days, and I'll remove those stitches. INT. HALLWAY Ramsey appears from the examination room, now dressed, and runs into Jordan. JORDAN Ramsey, what are you doing here? RAMSEY Just a little cut. JORDAN Oh? You should've told me you were here. I would've taken care of you myself. We're taking lunch. Would you like to join Dr. Thorne and myself? They approach the receptionist. RAMSEY If you're sure Dr. Thorne won't mind. JORDAN He needs a break from all his seriousness. A conversation not involving boils and colds will do us both some good.

RAMSEY Great. I'd love to contribute to the delinquency of doctors. Let me just take care of the damage. The receptionist smiles and exposes her hands. RECEPTIONIST Dr. Thorne said this one's on the house. RAMSEY Oh--well, that was very nice of him. (to Jordan) He won't get away with that. Lunch is on me. JORDAN What he pays me--I'll accept that. EXT. TOWN -- DAY Ramsey walks along side Jordan, linked onto his arm playfully. Thorne walks on the other side of Jordan. THORNE Really--if you two would prefer to have lunch alone, I can manage. RAMSEY Don't be ridiculous. I'm the one tagging along. Just please no boil talk. Thorne glares at Jordan. Jordan laughs. Several people greet them as they pass. It's obvious Dr. Thorne is well respected. INT. DINER Ramsey, Thorne, and Jordan sit at a booth near the back. Jordan sits along side Ramsey. JORDAN (to Ramsey) Seriously, why didn't you ask for me? I'm qualified to handle a cut. Thorne studies his menu, apparently oblivious to their conversation.

RAMSEY Why are you making an issue over a cut? JORDAN Because, I'm concerned about you, you know that. RAMSEY You would've made more of it than what it was because of that. JORDAN I'm very professional. It's not as if I would've been grossed out or upset that you were bleeding. Tell her, Dr. Thorne. THORNE Don't get me involved. Jordan frowns. Time lapse. The waitress brings the bill and a refill of coffee. Ramsey attempts to reach for the bill first. Without even looking, Thorne snatches the bill and pulls it along side his coffee cup. Ramsey leans on the table. RAMSEY I'm treating for lunch. Thorne ignores her. Jordan turns to face Ramsey. JORDAN I'm offended, Ramsey. Why didn't you let me take care of you? THORNE Honestly--boils would've been better conversation, Jordan. Jordan glares at Thorne. Thorne looks back to the small book before him. Jordan looks back at Ramsey. RAMSEY Drop it, Jordan.

JORDAN Come on--I'm getting a complex here. Don't you trust me to take care of you? RAMSEY It's not a matter of trust. I just preferred a more experienced doctor to treat me. JORDAN Experienced? It's a cut. I can handle a cut. Thorne sips his coffee, reads, and ignores them. RAMSEY Fine--I didn't want you to see me in my underwear. You'd take too great a pleasure in it. Thorne chokes on his coffee. Jordan glares at him. Thorne grabs the bill and slides from the booth. THORNE Excuse me. JORDAN I can't believe you said that in front of Dr. Thorne. He's my boss. RAMSEY Then you shouldn't have pressed. JORDAN He's going to think I'm some sort of pervert. I am a professional. RAMSEY That doesn't mean you're not a pervert. JORDAN You embarrassed me. RAMSEY You embarrassed yourself. Maybe now you'll drop it.

JORDAN I can't believe you'd let my boss see you in your underwear but not me. How long have I known you? RAMSEY Move out. I don't feel like being interrogated over something so stupid. Jordan moves out of the booth, allowing Ramsey to slide out. JORDAN It's not stupid. Come to me next time. You'll see I've changed. Ramsey turns and nearly collides with Dr. Thorne. She's flustered but smiles. Ramsey leaves the diner. Thorne collects his book and glares at Jordan. THORNE That could've gone better. JORDAN (sulks) I can't believe you saw my girlfriend in her underwear. THORNE Pretty low, Jordan. That's the difference between you and me. It's all very clinical to me--as it should be to you. JORDAN You don't understand, Dr. Thorne. Ramsey's like a fictional character in a book come to life. She'll make your head spin and make you want her, but she's always just out of reach. THORNE I see. Perhaps you should try reaching out emotionally rather than physically. EXT. TOWN -- DAY

Jordan and Thorne walk back toward the office. Several more people greet them. JORDAN Honestly, when Ramsey came back to town, I thought she'd be impressed with me. THORNE Impressed? Strange that you wish to impress your girlfriend. JORDAN Maybe that was the wrong term. You know how respected you are around town. Women fall all over you. I just want her to be that way with me. THORNE Yes--I could have my pick of any woman in this town--over seventy. JORDAN Women want doctors and lawyers. THORNE Because our lives are so exciting, boils, germs, and hemorrhoids. Sounds very attractive. JORDAN Oh, come on, Dr. Thorne. Money, power, and respect. That's what women are attracted too. I just want her attention. THORNE Do yourself and the world a favor, if you got into medicine for personal gain, find a new career. JORDAN That's unfair.

THORNE No--that's why I'm respected. I've earned it. INT. EXAM ROOM Thorne sits on the stool before ERIN MALINA, a woman in her early forties. She sits on the table and buttons her top button on her blouse. THORNE There appears to be nothing wrong with you, Erin. I could send you for some xrays and blood work, but I don't feel the need to put you through all that. ERIN Are you sure there's nothing wrong? What's that tightness in my chest? THORNE Anxiety--stress? Too much caffeine, perhaps. (stands) I could refer you to a heart specialist-ERIN I'm sure that's no necessary. THORNE I recommend a stress free diet. See if that doesn't fix the problem. ERIN If you're not concerned, that's good enough for me. (stands) Dr. Thorne-He washes his hands then turns to face her while drying his hands. THORNE Yes, Erin-ERIN Rumor has it you're no longer seeing Dotty.

THORNE I've heard the rumor too. ERIN I was thinking about this Friday's fund raiser. You are still going, aren't you? THORNE Actually, yes. Dr. Gunther wants to be introduced to some of the hospital administrators. ERIN Since you're going, and I'm on the committee and required to go, maybe you'd consider saving me a dance. THORNE Do you suppose that would cure your mysterious aliments? ERIN You never know. THORNE Alright. I'll save you a dance. Erin smiles proudly and gives a tiny wave. ERIN Thanks, Dr. Thorne. I'll see you Friday night. Erin leaves the room with a renewed spirit. Thorne sinks onto his stool and allows his head to fall into his hands. Helen enters the room and hesitates when she sees him. HELEN Everything okay, Dr. Thorne? THORNE Anymore single women with questionable aliments, transfer to Dr. Gunther. Can you do that for me?

HELEN Would you like a cup of tea, Dr. Thorne? THORNE (stands) Only if there's brandy in it. Helen laughs softly and chases him from the room to prepare for the next patient. EXT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE -- EVENING Thorne walks out of the building and heads for his parking spot. He looks up and stops. We see Dotty leaning against his black car. He places his hands in his pockets and approaches more slowly. THORNE What do you want, Dotty? Thorne stops several feet away and glares at her. DOTTY I thought maybe we could talk over coffee or dinner. THORNE I already have plans for this evening. DOTTY Surely they can be changed. We really need to talk. THORNE No, I don't think we have anything to discuss. Thorne opens his car door. DOTTY I'm pregnant. THORNE Well-congratulations. I recommend you stop taking your birth control pills immediately.

DOTTY Is that it? You're going to be a father. Don't you have anything more to say? THORNE Hmm, well--I could say the chances of me being a father are rather slim. See-that usually requires sexual intercourse, and since I can't even recall the last time I've engaged in that, it'd be very surprising to me if it were mine. (leans on his car door) Not to mention that I've kept tabs on your cycle since you'd started making eyes at Croft. I let you play me for a fool once, Dotty. That won't happen again. Thorne gets into his car, slams the door, and drives away. INT. LOUNGE Thorne sits in a comfortable chair with a glass of brandy in his hand. He stares blankly at a painting of countryside on the wall. An older woman, FRAN, the maid, enters the lounge. FRAN Dinner's ready, Dr. Thorne. THORNE I'm really not hungry, Fran. I'm sorry. FRAN Maybe you'll heat it up later. He attempts a smile and nods. Time lapse. It's two in the morning. Thorne is slouched in his chair with his head resting on his knuckles, asleep. The glass falls from his hand and shatters on the floor. Thorne jerks awake with surprise and looks around. He sees the broken glass and frowns. THORNE Fran's going to kill me.

He slowly stands. We hear a clunk from within the house. Thorne quickly turns with a look of concern. Something is heard falling. Thorne approaches the fireplace and grabs the fire poker. INT. STUDY The study door opens to darkness. Thorne stands in the doorway with his fire poker. A small red light appears on his chest. He stops and looks at the light then where it comes from. The desk light comes on. We see Ramsey sitting behind the desk, dressed in black. Her feet are propped on the desk. She holds a red pointer pen and wears a sly smile. RAMSEY Bang-bang, Dr. Thorne. You've just been killed by an intruder. Ramsey tosses the pointer aside. Thorne slowly enters the study with a startled look. THORNE What are you doing here? How did you get-(hesitates) Oh--the bet. RAMSEY You catch on fast--for a man who's just been murdered. (holds up a trinket) Safe combination in the same room with the safe--not a good idea. Thorne slowly sets the fire poker down and approaches the desk. THORNE Helen let you in, didn't she? RAMSEY No one let me in. That would be against the rules. (teasing) I'm sure you'd prefer an explanation in the morning. You look tired.

THORNE No--you just waltzed in past my security system? RAMSEY I didn't waltz--I don't know how. Mambo maybe. THORNE Please--my head's already spinning. Ramsey stands and walks out from behind the desk. RAMSEY It's late. I made my point. You can pay Jordan when you feel like it. THORNE Whoa--wait. You have to tell me how you got in. RAMSEY That's my secret. Scary though, isn't it? THORNE (nods) Yes--what if I had a gun? You could've been shot. RAMSEY What if I had one? Ramsey crosses her legs hanging over the arm of the chair. She props her head on her knuckles. RAMSEY You often sleep in the lounge with a drink in your hand? Sounds like it made quite a mess. I would've removed it, but I wasn't sure if I'd wake you. (tiny smile) I didn't want to give you a heart attack. THORNE How long have you been in the house?

RAMSEY About an hour. Enough time to have robbed you blind. But, of course, now that you're dead, I can take my time cleaning out the place. The alarm's been disabled, and your nearest neighbor never heard the gunshot. THORNE At least now I know how you got cut. Is this what you do with yourself? Break into people's homes to prove a point? RAMSEY Too subtle? THORNE Too bizarre. You'll be lucky to live to see twenty-five. Does Jordan know you do this? RAMSEY He has a pretty good idea, but I don't go into great detail. THORNE You actually enjoy this, don't you? I have a gun--I could've shot you. Ramsey removes a semiautomatic from the back of her pants and sets it on the table near her. RAMSEY I know--that's how I killed you. Never leave a loaded gun in a desk drawer. It's the first place a thief looks. Keep the clip separate, so they can't kill you with your own gun. That would be quite embarrassing. Thorne scratches his head with some disorientation. THORNE You have me at a loss.

RAMSEY I'm sorry about the late hour, but a smart thief waits until you're out or asleep. I usually case a place for a week before infiltrating it. I wasn't expecting you to be in the lounge. Ramsey pulls herself from the chair. RAMSEY Would you like me to go? You look tired. THORNE I don't expect I'll be sleeping much anymore. I suddenly feel violated. RAMSEY Wasn't me--never touched you, I swear. THORNE Can I get you a drink? RAMSEY Sure--whatever you're having. THORNE Coffee--I have hospital rounds in the city at six. RAMSEY And I thought my hours were messed up. INT. KITCHEN Ramsey sits on the counter, clutching the edge while Throne heats up leftover dinner. It's now four-thirty in the morning. RAMSEY All that federal training--it had to be put to use somewhere. I couldn't imagine being a beat cop. That'd drive me insane. I hate ignorance, and that's all they get. I got this job on a dare.

THORNE I still think it's foolish and extremely dangerous. RAMSEY Usually we plan ahead and use laser guns. They're expecting me, so they don't use real guns. THORNE What happened the other night? RAMSEY Sore loser. Pulled a knife on me to prove a point. I reacted, uncertain what he was doing, and he cut me. Was mostly just an accident, but the guy was a bit of a jerk. Thorne carries two plates to the table. Ramsey slides off of the counter and joins him at the table. RAMSEY You certainly are a good sport, Dr. Thorne. I don't think I've ever been offered a meal after breaking into someone's home. A lot of men take it personal. THORNE My own damned fault, really. A little too much to drink--if I'd gotten that gun, I'd probably have shot myself by accident. Thorne eats his dinner with more enthusiasm. Ramsey picks at the plate before her. RAMSEY Enough about my strange occupation, what's it like being the good country doctor in this one horse town?

THORNE Routine. Lots of farmers--lots of boils and tetanus shots. RAMSEY Town hasn't changed much while I was gone. Are you a fan of routine? THORNE I like my world neat and tidy. Routine suits me. I suppose I was more like Jordan when I was younger--conquer the world sort of deal. A bit reckless, I suppose. RAMSEY Yes--you seem fairly serious. But I suspect you were always like that. THORNE You're definitely the major's daughter. The man never sat still. I'm kinda surprised he'd actually retired. RAMSEY He didn't exactly retire. He's teaching flight school. THORNE There are some pretty unhappy students down south right now. RAMSEY He wasn't that bad. You just had to work around him. Five in the morning. Thorne looks at his watch, groans, and finishes his coffee. THORNE Damn--I really should shower and get going. Do you need a ride anywhere? RAMSEY No. I prefer to walk. I love the early morning sunrise.

They both stand. He walks her to the kitchen door. INT. HALLWAY Thorne walks Ramsey to the front door. Ramsey faces him with a meek smile. RAMSEY I'm sorry if I ruined your sleep. THORNE I wouldn't have slept well in that chair anyway. RAMSEY If you'd like, I could tell Jordan you caught me after I'd gotten in. He'd still claim the bet, but you'd have bragging rights. THORNE That's quite alright. I'm secure enough with myself to accept defeat--even by a young lady. RAMSEY How noble. I'll give you a chance for redemption some other time. THORNE Yes, perhaps. You are attending the benefit this Friday, aren't you? RAMSEY I haven't heard anything about it. THORNE That's right. The tickets were out before you'd moved back. Of course Jordan would've invited you. I happen to have an extra ticket. I'm sure he'd love to take you. It's not very exciting, but the food and entertainment is usually good.

RAMSEY Sounds interesting. I have to report back to the major next week. He wants a full update of everyone and everything. If I don't report anything good, there will be hell to pay. (pause) You're sure you don't mind? I wouldn't want you to miss out on taking someone else. THORNE I'm sure Jordan would rather take you. I'd like to keep him happy--I like having Fridays off. RAMSEY Great. As long as you don't feel put out. I'm the one intruding. THORNE Absolutely no intrusion at all. I get the sneaky suspicion I'll be slipping out early anyway. The benefit committee won't give me a moments peace. I'll be looking at warts, moles, and boils all night. It'll be like working without being paid. RAMSEY If you find yourself surrounded by warts and moles, just call. I'll come to your rescue. I still owe you for the surgery. THORNE I may actually cash in that favor. I can't be rude to gray haired women. It's a character flaw. RAMSEY Don't kid me--you haven't got a single character flaw. (opens the door) I'll see you Thursday for stitch removal. Thorne nods. Ramsey turns to the open doorway and pauses.

RAMSEY God--what a beautiful sunrise. Thorne steps behind her and looks outside. EXT. MANSION -- MORNING We see the colorful sunrise. INT. HALLWAY Ramsey and Thorne stand in the doorway and stare outside. THORNE Yes--it is. I never really took notice before. RAMSEY A sunrise is like a new day, you never know what it brings. Ramsey pats his chest then leaves the house. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE Thorne approaches the counter with his cup of coffee and hands the receptionist his clipboard. He looks completely exhausted. Jordan approaches with more enthusiasm. JORDAN You look like hell. THORNE Is that your professional opinion, Doctor? JORDAN Yes. You seem to be in a good mood though. Can I assume you and Dotty are back on? THORNE No, you may not. Jordan follows him.

JORDAN Oh--a new flame then? Thorne turns to face Jordan with a tiny smile. THORNE You have a one track mind. I have a few patients at the hospital making splendid recoveries. It's a good day. There was a beautiful sunrise this morning. JORDAN Really--I hadn't noticed. I'm glad you're in a better mood these days. Relishing in Dotty's failed affair with Croft maybe? Word is she was completely miserable. THORNE That's her usual state. However would she notice the difference? (removes a clipboard) Had she been by here this morning for any reason? JORDAN Not yet. THORNE If she mysteriously appears, she's all yours. JORDAN Might defeat her purpose for dropping by. I'll do you that favor if you do a disappearing act tomorrow when Ramsey comes by for her suture removal. THORNE Are you still on that?

JORDAN I can't help if it bothers me. I need to prove to her that I'm professional. THORNE As am I. If she's uncomfortable having you take care of her, it's my duty to care for her. And while we're on the subject(hands him one hundred dollars) You won the bet. JORDAN (accepts the money) She got you! You have to tell me all the details over lunch. THORNE I'm sure she'll tell you herself. I'm convinced she's almost as bad as the major himself. JORDAN Worse. She's dangerous and sexy. That's a deadly combination. THORNE Like the major, she's completely reckless. She's on a short road to self destruction. I hope you can tame her wild spirit. JORDAN Believe me--I'm trying. Thorne's about to enter an exam room. He pauses and turns to Jordan. THORNE Oh, I almost forgot. I still had Dotty's ticket for Friday night. I figured you'd want to take Ramsey, so I took it upon myself to invite her for you. JORDAN This Friday--the benefit?

THORNE Yes--why? JORDAN I appreciate the thought, but you know I'm counting on meeting with all those administrators. I really won't have time to entertain Ramsey. THORNE She'll manage while you hob knob. It's not as if she won't know anyone there. JORDAN I made plans with the guys for after the party. I can't tell her that. THORNE Oh, I see. I'm sure she'll understand. JORDAN No. She'll hold it against me. After yesterday, I can't afford to screw up. THORNE Then don't go out the guys. JORDAN It's a friend's bachelor party. I'm leaving the benefit early. I can't not go. THORNE She'll understand. Give her some credit. I'll even apologize for not checking your plans first. JORDAN No--I'll think of something. Thorne nods, taps on the exam door, then enters the room. INT. DR. THORNE'S OFFICE

Dr. Thorne sits at his desk at work and reads over a few reports. Helen enters with more papers. She pauses in the doorway. Thorne glances up then looks back to the papers before him. THORNE We'll need to call Melinda this afternoon. I'd like to send her for more tests. I don't like this report. HELEN I'll call her right away. (approaches) This report just came through the fax. (extends report) You won't like it. Thorne accepts the top report and looks at it. He sits back and tosses the report across the desk with disgust. He scratches his brow with some agitation. THORNE I'm not falling for that. (eyes Helen) She's desperate now. HELEN I knew there wouldn't be any other reason for that report to be here. She's a real bitch. THORNE Would you mind asking Rene to make an appointment for me with my lawyer? HELEN Of course, Dr. Thorne. The rumor around town is she dumped Croft. She's possibly trying to get you back in her life for good. THORNE Yes--I realize this wasn't meant to be a slap in the face.

HELEN Foolish woman. Surely she must realize you'd get a blood test as soon as possible. THORNE Yes--that's what has me concerned. HELEN Besides, there are plenty of options out there for single mother's today. THORNE Options, yes, but not by my will and certainly not for my poor judgment. I'm in the practice of saving lives--not taking them. HELEN Of course, Dr. Thorne. She slowly turns and leaves the office. Thorne sits forward and allows his head to fall into his hands. Jordan pauses in the doorway. JORDAN Everything okay, Dr. Thorne? Thorne rubs his temples and looks up with a sigh. THORNE Nothing a bottle of brandy won't cure. (stands) I need to leave early. You're in charge the rest of the day. Thorne snatches the report and places it inside his desk. The phone rings. Thorne hesitates a moment, then picks it up. THORNE Dr. Thorne speaking. (pause) Well, Major--what a pleasant surprise. (pause/laughs) She did, did she? (pause) I wouldn't want to disappoint you.

(laughs) That's very kind of you. (pause) No, I couldn't. (laughs) Anytime, Major. It was great hearing from you. (pause) Certainly. Have a nice day. Thorne hangs up the phone. Jordan approaches. THORNE That was the major. He's very grateful for what the office did for his daughter. JORDAN Praise from the major. That's noteworthy. THORNE Yes--especially considering what a terrible patient he was. It's like having the president pat you on the back. Must be softening in his golden years. JORDAN Doubtful. Just a weak spot where Ramsey's concerned. I never got past the porch while dating Ramsey in high school. If you were a minute late-verbal castration. THORNE I don't know if it was respect or fear-but I've never seen this town so polite as when the major came to town. Most fascinating man. Handed me my head once or twice, but with him, you never seemed to mind. JORDAN Scared the piss out of me--still does, actually. I swore he'd kill me if he found out I'd ever kissed Ramsey. Talk about a terrifying first kiss--

THORNE A compliment from the major--it just makes my day. JORDAN Obviously she didn't tell him that you saw her in her underwear. Probably would've had you shot. THORNE What is this fetish with underwear? Just ask her to marry you and get on with it. JORDAN Just like that? We've been apart a long time, Dr. Thorne. It's almost like starting all over again--without her father, thankfully. THORNE He's grown used to you by now. I'd think you'd be okay. (stands) I'm going to go. JORDAN I'm glad you're feeling better. EXT. STRIP MALL -- DAY Thorne comes out of the liquor store and walks past the other shops linked together. He pauses before a jewelry display and peers into the case. He frowns and continues past the other stores. He looks into a dress store and stops. He forces a tiny smile and enters. INT. DRESS SHOP Thorne enters the dress shop and approaches Ramsey as she searches through a rack of dresses. Ramsey looks at him and smiles. RAMSEY How am I supposed to dress for this function on Friday? Formal? Casual nice?

THORNE Casual nice, though some tend to overdress. Ramsey pulls out two dresses. RAMSEY Help this poor army brat. I've never been good with dressing up and playing snob. Thorne eyes both dresses and scratches his temple. RAMSEY You don't like either, huh? THORNE No-no, they're fine--for a grandmother. RAMSEY (replaces them) Shopping sucks. Ramsey strains to look in his bag. RAMSEY Curing more aliments, Dr. Thorne? THORNE Maybe one or two. Ramsey picks out another dress and holds it up. RAMSEY Would I dare be caught in this? Thorne eyes the black, thin strapped dress with a low neckline. THORNE Black's always appropriate, and I'm sure Jordan wouldn't mind you in that. RAMSEY Great--then I'm taking it. I can't bear another moment of shops and dresses.

THORNE I'm not sure I'd ever met a woman who didn't like shopping. I thought the instinct kicked in at puberty. RAMSEY Not in my house. It took my father sixteen years to figure out I wasn't a boy. Most kids were learning to drive cars--mine taught me to drive a tank. Thorne follows her to the register. RAMSEY On my twenty-first birthday, my father bought me an assault rifle. THORNE And what did your mother have to say about all of this? RAMSEY She was raised very proper. She just did her own thing and never commented much. Despite what most people might think, my father has always been very good to my mother. He never argued with her, and she was always ncouraged to do what she pleased. She had a thing for flowers. She loved to put together arrangements for affairs. The major was very tolerant of all the flowers. THORNE The major called me earlier today. RAMSEY Guess that explains the booze. The cashier rings up the dress and takes Ramsey's credit cards. THORNE No, he was actually rather pleasant. He wanted to thank me for taking care of you.

RAMSEY That's a first. I got the third degree for my accident. I hope you didn't mention my current profession. I don't need to hear about that. THORNE No--I didn't offer anything. RAMSEY I appreciate it. He's liable to come back and ground me for a week. THORNE You aren't honestly still afraid of him, are you? RAMSEY I was never afraid of the major. Are you? THORNE I have no reason to be. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE The receptionist hangs up the phone and glares at Helen. Thorne hands a man a prescription and turns the paper work over to the receptionist. HELEN She called again. THORNE Tell her I'll call her when I get a chance. HELEN (annoyed) Shouldn't call her at all. THORNE I have little choice. I can't do anything more for another seven months. Jordan stands in the hallway with a frown on his face.

THORNE What's his problem? HELEN Room five--suture removal. Thorne groans and walks down the hall. He takes the clipboard from Jordan. THORNE Get yourself some coffee and relax--will you? JORDAN This whole situation is messed up. THORNE If you'd marry her, we wouldn't have this problem. Thorne taps on the door then enters. The door shuts behind him. INT. EXAM ROOM Ramsey half lie on her side and watches as Thorne cuts the tiny sutures and removes them delicately. RAMSEY In a sick way, that tickles. THORNE Maybe you shouldn't watch. You'd feel less. RAMSEY It fascinates me. THORNE I'm glad I could amuse you. Shouldn't leave much of a scar. I can give you a cream sample. It may eliminate the scar altogether. RAMSEY And here I was going to name it after you.

THORNE Naming a scar--that's strange. Ramsey suddenly jerks and eyes him. RAMSEY That hurt-THORNE Sorry--I've been a little on edge the last few days. RAMSEY I'm a captive audience. Go ahead and vent. THORNE That would be inappropriate. RAMSEY So is me lying here in my underwear. What's your point? THORNE Just personal problems-(soft sigh) They'll work themselves out in time. RAMSEY Most things do. Does it bother you? THORNE What's that? RAMSEY Becoming a father. Thorne remains motionless and stares at her. He quickly looks away and attempts to pick at the next suture. THORNE (low) Where'd you hear that?

RAMSEY It's around town. Ramsey suddenly jumps and thrust her leg. THORNE Sorry. RAMSEY I think we've found your source of agitation. You shouldn't let it bother you. It's not as big of a deal as it used to be years ago. THORNE For your own comfort, it'd probably be best if we didn't discuss it. RAMSEY I'm just trying to help. THORNE (irritable) You can't help. It's my problem--my indiscretion--my embarrassment. RAMSEY Sorry. Ramsey turns away and focuses on the opposite wall. Thorne slowly returns to the sutures.

THORNE You certainly take after your father. Direct and straight to the point. RAMSEY Jordan gets pissed off at me a lot too. Explains why I'm not married yet, huh? THORNE You're young. You have plenty of time.

RAMSEY Perhaps--if I don't self-destruct. You must think I'm very indiscreet. Never really cared what other people thought. My reputation matters very little to me. Being that way, I tend to forget most people prefer to remain private. THORNE It's nothing against you, Ramsey. I'm just embarrassed by the entire thing. People look up to me as--well, a role model. I feel like I've let them down. I'm supposed to set an example. I'm supposed to know better. RAMSEY You can do everything by the book your entire life, Dr. Thorne, but when you involve other people into your life, you can't account for their actions--you're also not responsible for them either. THORNE You're probably right, but that still doesn't change anything. It's still my mistake, and I'm responsible for doing the right thing. RAMSEY I wonder why the right thing seems to make people the most miserable? THORNE Maybe because right isn't always best, but it's still right. RAMSEY You make an interesting point. EXT. COUNTRY CLUB - NIGHT We see the elegant country club with people strolling around outside. The interior and exterior are well lit. INT. LOBBY

Thorne stands inside the lobby and politely nods to those coming and going. Jordan and Ramsey enter the lobby. Jordan appears embarrassed. Ramsey looks beautiful in the elegant dress. They approach Thorne. He hands them the extra ticket. JORDAN Sorry we're late. I couldn't find my cuff links. THORNE Most expect doctors to be behind schedule anyway. JORDAN You look perfectly miserable. THORNE (waves a hand) Unexpected guest arrived here. JORDAN Dotty? Thorne nods. THORNE We should probably get to our seats before dinner is served. JORDAN Who are we sitting with? THORNE I have no idea. All three hand in their tickets and enter together. INT. BALL ROOM The ball room is set up elegantly with flowers, decorations, an orchestra, and a dance floor. We see Thorne, Ramsey, and Jordan at a table with Erin and two other women. Ramsey sits between Thorne and Jordan. Erin talks to Thorne throughout the entire dinner.

After the dinner, everyone moves around to converse with others. Thorne politely introduces Jordan and Ramsey to several administrators and other influential people. A very official, important looking man in his midfifties, DR. METZGER, approaches them. METZGER Dr. Thorne--what a pleasure to see you again. Why haven't you come around lately? THORNE (shakes hands) Been busy, Dr. Metzger. I'd like you to meet my resident--Dr. Gunther. Jordan eagerly shakes his hand. JORDAN Dr. Metzger, this is a pleasure. METZGER You must be pretty outstanding to practice with Dr. Thorne. (to Ramsey) And who's this lovely young lady? THORNE I'd like to introduce Major Gray's daughter, Ramsey. Metzger's eyes light up with surprise and delight. He shakes her hand warmly. METZGER Well--Ramsey Gray. I haven't laid eyes on you since you were a little girl. How is the major? RAMSEY Living well and happy in Florida. METZGER That's splendid. Who would've thought a man as grouchy as the major could raise such a beautiful daughter?

RAMSEY Jordan was telling me your hospital is the finest facility in the entire state. Ramsey looks to Jordan. Jordan immediately dives in. JORDAN I've read your thesis while I was in med school. Ramsey links onto Thorne's arm. RAMSEY How about a dance, Dr. Thorne? Thorne smiles warmly and walks her to the dance floor. THORNE That was kind of you to direct Metzger back to Jordan. He really wants to get on staff at that hospital. RAMSEY I know. It's all he talks about. They join company on the dance floor to the slow song. Thorne keeps a comfortable distance between them. THORNE Are you bored to tears yet? RAMSEY Getting close. (looks around) I think things will liven up shortly. THORNE Oh, what makes you think that? RAMSEY Your ex-girlfriend is coming this way. Dotty pauses before them. DOTTY Mind if I cut in? We need to talk.

Ramsey looks to Thorne for an answer. Thorne frowns and releases Ramsey. THORNE This will only take a minute. Dotty steals the dance and attempts to get closer. Thorne holds her back. THORNE What do you want now? DOTTY Come on, Dallan. Don't be so cold toward me. There are more important things now than petty differences. THORNE Until the baby is born, and it's proven to be mine, there's nothing left to discuss. DOTTY Lack of health insurance. How can I afford to get proper treatment for our child without that? THORNE How can you be so sure it's mine? You were fucking Croft for months. DOTTY I can count back. That was before Croft. Point is, Dallan, I'm not able to handle raising a baby on my own--nor do I intend to go through pregnancy alone. If you won't support me or marry me, then I'll have no choice but to get an abortion. THORNE (pulls away) We can discuss this on Monday--at my lawyers office. Ramsey approaches Thorne while watching Dotty storm away. Thorne watches her as well.

RAMSEY Are you okay? Thorne looks at her and attempts a smile. He resumes their dance and avoids looking into her eyes. THORNE Yeah, I'm fine. Considering hanging myself though. RAMSEY I'd guess she's supplying the rope-Thorne avoids eye contact by dancing closer. THORNE Can't say I wasn't expecting it. My views on abortion are strong and predictable. She's forced my hand. I can't trust her not to do it. RAMSEY Very noble--and very stupid. THORNE That comment holds little merit coming from a career cat burglar. The song barely ends. Thorne gently pulls away and attempts a smile. THORNE If you'll excuse me, I need to speak with Dr. Gunther. Ramsey watches Thorne leave the dance floor with his hands in his pockets. Erin approaches Thorne. ERIN Dr. Thorne-THORNE Excuse me a moment, Erin. Thorne continues through the crowd. Another man approaches Ramsey. She joins him for the next dance. Thorne approaches Jordan and Metzger.

Jordan appears extremely pleased. THORNE I'm afraid I'm going to need to leave early, Dr. Gunther. JORDAN (to Thorne) What about Ramsey? THORNE She's not my problem. Jordan looks at Metzger and excuses himself. He walks with Thorne. JORDAN You promised you'd keep her company. It was you idea to invite her, remember? THORNE She's your girlfriend. JORDAN I had plans long before you took it upon yourself to invite her on my behalf. You can't just dump her back on me. THORNE You can take her home before you go out with the guys. JORDAN That's half an hour out of my way. I have to drive an hour the other direction as it is. THORNE I have enough of my own problems. How did I get involved in yours? JORDAN By inviting Ramsey without asking me first.

METZGER (approaches) Dr. Thorne, is everything okay? Do you have an emergency? THORNE Just feeling ill, Dr. Metzger. METZGER Then I don't suppose you'd care to join Dr. Gunther, myself, and a few others in the smoking room for Brandy and cigars. THORNE Thanks, but no. METZGER (to Jordan) Join us in the smoking room when you're finished, Dr. Gunther. Metzger and a few other doctors head across the room. JORDAN This is important to me, Dr. Thorne. They like me. What would you have me do? Please, make up some excuse and take Ramsey home. THORNE Okay, but only because I feel responsible for her being here. Jordan smiles then hurries after the group of doctors. Thorne turns and nearly runs into the smiling Erin. ERIN You promised me a dance, Dr. Thorne. THORNE Yes, you're right. Forgive me. He guides her to the dance floor. He holds Erin a comfortable distance away while they dance.

ERIN Do you have a headache, Dr. Thorne? I have some pills in my purse. THORNE It'll pass. ERIN I don't know how that woman got in tonight. I'm sorry if Dotty upset you. THORNE No, no. It's just been a rough day. I'll be fine after I get some sleep. ERIN We worry about our doctor. We can't afford to have you falling ill. We see Ramsey dancing with a young man. Both appear to be having a good time. Thorne looks at Erin's pleased, proud smile and attempts his own smile. The song finally ends. Thorne graciously thanks Erin then looks around the dance floor. Ramsey has some trouble escaping her dance partner. Thorne slowly walks toward them. The young man sees Thorne, smiles, and leaves. Ramsey links onto Thorne's arm and leaves the dance floor with him. She strains to look around. RAMSEY What became of Jordan? Did he throw me over for Dr. Metzger? THORNE I'm afraid so. You understand, don't you? RAMSEY I only want what's best for him, Dr. Thorne. I have no intention to keep him from his dreams. I just hope he cares for me enough to do the same. They pause just off the dance floor. THORNE He cares a great deal for you, I promise.

Thorne looks down and rubs his forehead. THORNE I have a difficult problem, Ramsey. I hate to be rude. Jordan would like me to take you home. Circumstances being what they are, I don't think I can remain much longer. RAMSEY You don't have to explain, Dr. Thorne. I understand if you'd prefer I found my own ride home. THORNE No, no, it's not that. I'll gladly take you home. I just--can't stay here. RAMSEY Could you survive one more dance? I'd like to get a few more miles out of this dress--then I'll gladly leave. THORNE I'd be honored. Ramsey takes Thorne by the hand and leads him back to the dance floor. She spins to face him, swiftly placing his arm around her waist and remains close. He holds her left hand, and they dance to the faster, slow song. RAMSEY You dance much more graceful than that other guy--even if you're really only putting half an effort into it. THORNE Was that a compliment or an insult? RAMSEY You've had a bad day. Take it as a compliment. Sometime, when you're under less stress, you can show me what you've got. Without warning, Thorne twirls her once out of his arms, back against him,

and then dips her. He pulls her back into his arms. He looks into her eyes with a sly smile. THORNE Better? RAMSEY I'll give you an A+ for the dip. THORNE I wasn't aware I was being graded on performance. RAMSEY You know what they say--how a man performs on the dance floor is a good indicator to how he performs in the bedroom. THORNE I won't even honor that comment with a response. RAMSEY I'm sorry--I didn't mean to embarrass you. I didn't know it was possible to embarrass a doctor. He spins them along the floor with more enthusiasm. THORNE More surprising than anything. Dress you up and take you out, but you're still the major's daughter. RAMSEY I'm just one of the boys, Dr. Thorne. I'd think you'd know this by now. THORNE You don't look like one of the boys. Ramsey slings herself into his other arm and tilts herself backward into a dip. Thorne follows through and assists her back into his arms. Ramsey touches his face upon contact and smiles seductively.

RAMSEY Thanks for noticing. The song ends. Ramsey pops up on her toes and quickly kisses him on the nose. THORNE I think I'd better speak to Jordan about you. He can't possibly know what he's getting himself into. RAMSEY Jordan's a big boy. He can take care of himself. Ramsey backs away and clings to his arm. RAMSEY Now that everyone's gotten the wrong idea, we can leave now. THORNE I've already ruined my reputation. I suspect you don't care much what other people think. RAMSEY You know--you're right.

EXT. MAJOR'S HOUSE -- NIGHT Thorne walks Ramsey to the front porch. The outside light is lit. Ramsey removes her keys and turns to face Thorne. He appears uneasy with his hands in his pockets. RAMSEY You didn't have to walk me to the door. THORNE Just showing my age. I'm sorry you weren't able to spend the evening with Jordan. It's really my fault for not thinking.

RAMSEY You don't have to apologize for being thoughtful. I'm also not as naive as you seem to think. I knew Jordan wanted to hob nob. (tiny smile) I also know he has plans to go out with some friends afterwards. THORNE He told you? RAMSEY I don't have to be told things. I'm just very good and reading people. THORNE If you knew that, why did you agree to come along? Didn't it bother you? RAMSEY I certainly don't need Jordan around to have a good time. You're a hell of a better dancer than he is anyway. THORNE You have an incredibly unique way of looking at things, Ramsey. RAMSEY Are you sure you wouldn't like some coffee before heading home? I promise my father isn't just inside with his shotgun. THORNE With that proposal, how can I resist? Ramsey opens the door and enters. Thorne cautiously follows. INT. RECK ROOM Thorne stands within the large rec room. We see weapons decorating the walls. There's a gun cabinet, automatic cabinet, knives and swords along the walls, and many framed photos. Ramsey stands in the doorway with a tiny smile.

RAMSEY The major loves his knife collection. THORNE Are you sure its the collection--or the power that he loves? Thorne turns to face her. RAMSEY Next time he comes home, you can ask him yourself. THORNE Actually, I'd prefer not to agitate the man. RAMSEY My father is a tough looking teddy bear. The people in this town created his reputation. He just played along to amuse himself. THORNE I find that hard to believe. RAMSEY I forgot--men need things explained in plain terms. It's kind of like you. You like to be viewed as this proper, unemotional doctor. You're polite but untouchable, when in reality, you're hiding your emotions because you know you're easily hurt. THORNE I thought we were having coffee. RAMSEY It should be ready. INT. LOUNGE Ramsey and Thorne wander through the lounge with their coffee. Thorne looks over the many framed photos.

RAMSEY Is your headache better? THORNE The fresh air outside took care of it, thankfully. RAMSEY You seem very interested in photos. THORNE My family was never big on photos. I found a few in an old shoe box under their bed. So few memories when there's little to remind you. RAMSEY My mother took a lot with her when they moved. Our house has always been filled with memories. Every table, every wall another memory. Thorne slowly sits on the sofa and looks around the room. THORNE Certainly more homey than my place. I don't think I have one photo lying out. Ramsey kicks off her shoes and pounces on the other end of the sofa tucking her legs beneath her. She smiles warmly. RAMSEY You're far too serious, Dr. Thorne. You need to learn to relax--dance in the rain or something. THORNE There's no hope of me anymore. I'm not holding out much hope for my children either. What a fine mother Dotty will make. While we pay someone else to raise the baby, she'll have more time to socialize with the other snobs at the country club.

(Cont) And me, well, how could I ever be a loving father when my own couldn't even hug me? Yes, I've certainly stuck it to myself this time. RAMSEY Sounds like you've already made up your mind to marry her. THORNE I don't really have any other options. She won't get a church wedding or a diamond from me. She'll have my name and my wealth. I suspect that's all she really wants anyway. RAMSEY I wish there was something I could say or do to help, Dr. Thorne, but if you're going to marry her, there's not much left that will help. THORNE I can't bear to think of a little life I helped create being destroyed. Maybe I won't be such a bad father after all. (stands) I'm sorry, Ramsey. I don't mean to burden you with my problems. I'll see myself out. Thorne leaves the lounge. Ramsey jumps to her feet and follows. INT. FOYER Ramsey reaches the door first and casually leans against it with a tiny smile. RAMSEY Problems have a way of working themselves out. Give it a few days, okay? Get away for a weekend. You'll be surprised how clearer things will appear after a good rest.

THORNE Thanks for listening to me. I appreciate it. RAMSEY Just don't do anything stupid, okay? Trust me--things will be better in the morning. Ramsey opens the door and leans against it. Thorne moves into the doorway and forces a smile. THORNE I believe it, if you say so. Ramsey smiles and places her arms around his neck. She hugs him for a long moment. Thorne uncertainly returns the embrace. Ramsey pulls back just far enough to look into his eyes. She gently touches his cheek. RAMSEY I enjoyed your company tonight, Dr. Thorne. THORNE Yeah, I'll bet. Right now, I can't even stand my own company. RAMSEY I mean it. You're a wonderful man. Don't sell yourself short. Thank you for taking me along. Ramsey kisses him quickly on the lips and smiles warmly. She releases him and backs a step away. RAMSEY Only happy thoughts this weekend. Thorne smiles and turns to the door. He hesitates a moment then slowly turns back to face Ramsey. His eyes meet hers. Thorne suddenly moves into her, pulls her into his arms, and kisses her passionately. He pulls away just as fast, kisses her quickly on the lips once, then turns and leaves. INT. DR. THORNE'S HOUSE HALLWAY-- MORNING

Thorne jogs down the steps while working on his tie. He reaches the bottom of the stairs, glances at his watch, and then hurries toward the kitchen with a more enthusiastic gait. He pauses in the hallway and appears confused. THORNE Why do I smell coffee? Thorne slowly enters the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN Thorne pauses within the kitchen doorway and stares a moment. We see Ramsey in a form fitting black, prowling outfit complete with black boots. She searches the cupboard for something. She stretches to reach for something on a higher shelf. Thorne stares a moment longer then steps through the doorway, allowing the swinging door to fall back into place. THORNE Good morning--or would that still be night for you? Ramsey jumps with surprise and nearly drops a large mug. She turns to face him and smiles. RAMSEY Haven't you ever considered sleeping in on the weekend? THORNE Have you considered sleeping at all? RAMSEY It's hard to unwind after the night shift. I was going to surprise you with breakfast. Now you've ruined it. Thorne approaches. THORNE I appreciate the gesture, but what brings you to my kitchen? Ramsey hands him the cup of coffee and smiles.

RAMSEY Does it bother you? She pours herself a cup of coffee then boosts herself onto the counter to drink it. THORNE No, I suppose not. But I suspect you have an ulterior motive. RAMSEY Not so much motive as a gift. (nods to the table) Where are you off to so early in the morning? Thorne looks to the kitchen table. We see an envelope with a rose lying on top of it. He looks back at her. THORNE Half day at the office. What's in the envelope? RAMSEY And ruin the surprise? Look for yourself. Thorne slowly turns and approaches the table. He sets the cup down and picks up the envelope. He opens it and removes folded papers. We see the pregnancy report. He looks back at Ramsey with little humor. THORNE Yes, I've seen this before. I'm not impressed. Ramsey groans and leaps gracefully from the counter and approaches. She points to several marks on the report. RAMSEY Note the use of correction tape over key information, such as the dates. Thorne studies the paper more closely. He turns the report over and attempts to read the date.

RAMSEY Oh, Dotty was pregnant--ten years ago. Next page please. Thorne eagerly moves to the next page. It's a letter from ten years ago. Thorne scans through it. Ramsey points to the third paragraph. RAMSEY After an abortion, your ex-girlfriend was told she'd never be able to get pregnant again. Next page-Thorne goes to the next page. It's another letter to Dotty's sister. RAMSEY If all goes well, I'll be married to Dallan shortly. I'm convinced he'd never allow me to get an abortion. Being a gentleman is his strongest asset and his greatest weakness. Thorne hesitates a moment then turns to Ramsey. THORNE Is this for real? Where did you get it? RAMSEY From Dotty's office. THORNE You broke into the gallery? RAMSEY Had no choice. There was nothing in her apartment. Thorne appears concerned but relieved. THORNE You shouldn't have done that. You could've gotten into a lot of trouble--or even killed. They have armed guards at the gallery.

RAMSEY That lazy, old man? I don't think he woke the entire time I was there. It was almost embarrassing to break in. Not even a security camera. THORNE There's one at each door. RAMSEY I didn't use the doors. Will you relax? You have the proof you need to rid yourself of Dotty forever. Her reputation rests in those letters. She wouldn't dare confront you again. Thorne returns the letters to the envelope and looks at Ramsey with a gentle smile. THORNE I'm very grateful for this, Ramsey, but please promise me you'll never do something this foolish again. RAMSEY Can't stand not playing by the rules, can you? THORNE Had something happened to you, I would have felt responsible. I'm not sure I particularly care for your chosen profession. RAMSEY If we played by the rules, Dr. Thorne, you'd be marrying a lying, two-faced bitch. I had the means and the ability to help you. I did what I had to do. THORNE You didn't have to. I never asked you to risk your safety over my personal problems.

RAMSEY There was no risk. And if you're worried about your reputation, no one knows I was there, let along to suspect you of putting me up to it. (frowns) I honestly thought you'd be happier about this. Thorne sets the envelope down and stares at her a long moment. THORNE I am happy about the information--it's your way of obtaining things that concerns me. I'm just worried for your safety. RAMSEY Then stop worrying--no harm done. I got out of there long before she reached her office. THORNE She was there? RAMSEY Yeah, she showed up around four in the morning. Strange hours for an administrator. THORNE Are you sure she didn't know you were there? RAMSEY Oh, I'm positive. She seemed upset and distracted. She wouldn't have noticed me even if I'd been standing right in front of her. THORNE God--I'm going to be late. RAMSEY As if it matters--you guys are never on schedule.

THORNE I owe you, Ramsey Gray. (kisses her forehead) If there's anyway I can pay you back, just name it. Thorne hurries to the door. THORNE Enable the alarm before you leave. RAMSEY Actually, I'm going to crash on your sofa, if you don't mind. THORNE Help yourself to one of the spare rooms. I'll talk to you later, okay? Ramsey nods and waves him off. Thorne hurries from the kitchen. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE Thorne leaves one of the exam rooms carrying a little girl on his hip. The proud mother follows. The little girl clings to the stethoscope around his neck. He approaches the receptionist. THORNE Miss Thompson will need a return appointment for next week. (sits the girl on the counter) And check my schedule for twenty years from now. She wants to marry me, but mom says college first. Helen approaches with a concerned look on her face. HELEN Dr. Thorne--Sheriff Keiser is here to see you. He says it's important. He's in your office. Thorne tenses with a concerned look. He attempts a smile.

THORNE I hope it's nothing serious. INT. DR. THORNE'S OFFICE Thorne enters his office. Sheriff Keiser plays with the fake skeleton. THORNE Good morning, Lt. Keiser. KEISER Not really, Dr. Thorne. I'm afraid there's been some trouble at the gallery. Thorne sits on the edge of his desk and studies the officer. THORNE What sort of trouble? What's Dotty accusing me of this time? KEISER She was murdered early this morning. Thorne stares with a horrified expression. THORNE Murdered? I'm--stunned. Robbery? KEISER Nothing was stolen--not even her diamond tennis bracelet. They stare at one another a long moment. THORNE I don't like the way you're staring at me, Lt. Keiser. KEISER I'm sure you don't, but I'm afraid I'm going to need to ask you a few questions--starting with where you were between two and seven this morning.

THORNE At home, asleep--until six. Then I got ready and arrived here by seven. (pause) You can't possibly think I'd kill Dotty. KEISER You had a very good motive, Dr. Thorne--more so than anyone else. I hate to report on rumor, but word around town was you were angry with Dotty for her affair with Croft, then for telling you she was having your baby. THORNE Lieutenant, I'm apposed to abortion. I doubt I'd support murder, particularly to a woman who was possibly carrying my child. KEISER Some men might find that motive enough--especially if they have a lot to lose, perhaps even another love interest. THORNE I'm afraid I'm not following you. KEISER (pulls out the paper) Perhaps you hadn't seen the front page of the local section this morning. We see a clear, close-up picture of Ramsey and Throne dancing from the benefit last night. The picture is right after the dip. The way they look at one another is almost sinful. THORNE It was a benefit party. People dance at parties. That's Dr. Gunther's girlfriend. You know better than to listen to idol gossip.

KEISER You'd think so, but I have plenty of witnesses who saw you and Dotty have a disagreement on the dance floor. Now she's dead. Thorne rubs his temple. THORNE I can't believe you'd actually think I'd kill anyone. KEISER I never said I believed it, I just need to check into it. My personal feelings can't get in the way of a murder investigation. THORNE (shakes his head) If you intend to arrest me, you may as well shoot me. The suspicion alone will ruin me forever. KEISER We're trying to avoid that, Doc. There's no real evidence. We don't want to falsely accuse anyone, especially one of the town's most respected citizens. (pause) We'd like your full cooperation. THORNE Of course. I'd be happy to work with the coroner-KEISER That won't be appropriate--under the circumstances. You knew Dotty pretty well. Who'd want to kill her? THORNE She'd broken up with Croft and wanted to get back together with me. Maybe you should question him.

KEISER We were looking for him. I hadn't heard they were broken up. THORNE Also a rumor, but she'd stopped by here after work on Tuesday and asked me to take her back. That's when she told me she was pregnant. With all her lies in the past, I'm not sure I'd believed her. KEISER We'll find out after the autopsy report comes back. Do you know anything else that might help us? Thorne stares a long moment then shakes his head. THORNE No, I'm afraid I don't. KEISER We'll be in touch. Thorne nods. Keiser leaves. EXT. DR. THORNE'S HOUSE -- MORNING Thorne's car pulls into the driveway and screeches to a stop. Thorne hurries from the car and to the front door. INT. LOUNGE We see Thorne pass through the hallway. He stops and enters the living room. We see Ramsey peacefully sleeping on the elegant sofa. The coffee cup sets on the floor, still half full. Thorne approaches the sofa and slowly sits on the edge. He studies her a long moment then gently touches her cheek. Ramsey stirs. He pulls his hand back as she slowly wakes. Ramsey turns her head and smiles at him from where she lies. RAMSEY Is noon already? THORNE No, it's nearly ten.

Ramsey slowly pulls herself into a sitting position against the arm of the sofa. RAMSEY You're home early. THORNE Something's happened, Ramsey, and I need you to be completely honest with me. RAMSEY What's wrong? You seem upset. THORNE Dotty was murdered in the gallery between two and seven this morning. RAMSEY That's impossible. I saw her at four in the morning. You don't think I-THORNE No--no, of course not, but it doesn't look good. If the police discover you were there-RAMSEY No--they couldn't. THORNE I don't know what to do, Ramsey. I've put myself back into a personal trap. RAMSEY By the book, right? You're going to tell the police I was there last night, aren't you? THORNE I don't lie well. If we don't tell them, we're interfering with a murder investigation. If we do tell them, they'll think you did it, and I put you up to it. Ramsey pulls her knees to her chest and hugs them.

RAMSEY I can't ask you to lie for me, Dr. Thorne. THORNE (collapses onto the sofa near her feet) I just don't know what to do. RAMSEY You don't have to do anything. I'll just destroy the papers I gave you. If they manage to track anything back, you don't know anything. I won't take you down with me. If I self-destruct, I'll do it alone. THORNE Murder--I can't believe this is happening. RAMSEY (moves onto her knees) Dr. Thorne-THORNE Hmm? RAMSEY You didn't kill her, did you? THORNE (surprise) Of course not. RAMSEY I'm sorry. I just wanted to know. There was someone with her when she'd arrived. THORNE Who?

RAMSEY I didn't exactly hang around to find out. I saw her pull into the parking lot. There was someone else in the car. I'd already found those papers. So I gathered what I had and bugged out. I saw her walking into the gallery around four thirty. I left after that. THORNE Too bad you couldn't have stayed to see who was with her. RAMSEY If I had, I'd be in jail right now. THORNE I'm not sure if I can take the pressure of knowing what I know. RAMSEY You're not hiding anything important, Dr. Thorne. I didn't kill her, but if you find me a list of suspects, maybe I'll be able to find her killer. THORNE No, absolutely not. You're not getting involved in this investigation. I suggest you refrain from any nocturnal activities in this town--for a very long time. RAMSEY You can't have it both ways. Let's give the police a couple of days and see what they come up with. Maybe they'll catch the real killer. If they dont' come looking for me, I've no reason to seek out them. If it comes back to me, you were completely unaware of my actions--which is mostly true anyway. THORNE Why did you have to go out there?

RAMSEY I'll make it right, Dr. Thorne. Just try and stay out of it, okay? THORNE Easier said than done. RAMSEY (pats his arm) I need to borrow one of your shirts. I can't be seen like this--I look like a cat burglar. THORNE Take whatever you need. Maybe I should drive you home--so you're not seen roaming around on foot. RAMSEY That's not necessary. THORNE It'd make me feel better. INT. LOUNGE -- SUNDAY Thorne sits in his favorite chair and stares at the front page article. It's a photo of Dotty with murdered written above it. We hear the phone ring several times. Thorne reads the article again. Fran approaches from the hall. FRAN Dr. Thorne, it's Carl Hollace. You're late for lunch. THORNE Apologize for me. I'm not up to going out. (pause) And, Fran-She pauses about to walk away. THORNE Let the machine take the rest of the calls.

FRAN Yes, Dr. Thorne. Fran hurries away. Evening. Thorne walks lifelessly along the hall and pauses by the hall phone. The answering machine blinks. Thorne inhales deeply then pushes the button. HELEN (V.O.) Hi, Dr. Thorne. I just wanted to see if you were okay. Let me know if you won't be in Monday. Take care. JORDAN (V.O.) It's Jordan. What's going on? Give me a call. METZGER (V.O.) Dr. Thorne, it's Dr. Metzger. I just heard. Give me a call if you want to talk. ERIN (V.O.) Hello, it's Erin. All of here at the women's society are thinking of you. Terrible business with Dotty. Give us a call if you need anything. RAMSEY (V.O.) Hey, Dr. Thorne. Call me at home. KEISER (V.O.) Dr. Thorne, it's Sheriff Keiser. We have the coroner's report. Give me a call back Monday. RAMSEY (V.O.) Are you avoiding me? It's important. Call me. JORDAN (V.O.) It's Jordan again. Call me when you get a chance.

CROFT (V.O.) I know it was you, you son-of-a-bitch. You'll regret it--I promise. Thorne frowns. RAMSEY (V.O.) Are you there? I'm getting worried here. I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me--but tell me so. I just want to make sure you're okay. The messages end. Thorne picks up the phone, hesitates, and then puts it back down. He turns and walks toward the stairs. INT. BEDROOM Thorne tosses under the covers. He slowly wakes to a gentle breeze. He looks to the open window. The curtains gently blow inward. He appears confused a moment then turns over in bed. We see a red rose lying on the vacant pillow next to him. He gently touches the rose and smiles. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE -- DAY Thorne hands a form to the receptionist. Helen approaches with a tiny smile. HELEN Slow morning, huh? THORNE Was that everyone? HELEN Dr. Gunther's with the last now. Looks like we can all take an extended lunch. THORNE Maybe a permanent lunch. HELEN No one thinks you did it, Dr. Thorne. Monday late mornings are always slow. Patty's gotten a hundred phone calls today expressing their sympathy and support toward you.

THORNE We'll see in the months to come. Until they find her killer, I'm pretty much branded. Jordan comes out of the office with an older woman. He approaches as she pays and leaves. JORDAN A pleasant morning, I must say. Tomorrow should be hell. THORNE A little early for lunch. Maybe I could get some phone calls in. JORDAN And Ramsey should be the first. THORNE Ramsey? Why should I call her? JORDAN She refuses to have lunch with us this afternoon. She thinks you're mad at her. Did something happen at the benefit? THORNE No. Why on earth would I be mad at her? Call her and tell her I'm not mad. JORDAN I already told her, but she won't listen. Maybe it's me she's mad at. THORNE There's a more distinct possibility. They walk back to the office. JORDAN I haven't seen her since Friday evening. She talked to me for five minutes on Saturday, and ten yesterday. She seemed rather cool--even for Ramsey.

THORNE I knew it wasn't me. Call her. Apologize for being such a Neanderthal and buy her flowers--or better yet, an engagement ring. They enter the office. Jordan shuts the door. INT. DR. THORNE'S OFFICE Thorne collapses in the chair behind his desk. Jordan takes the one before it. JORDAN I wish you'd ease up on the marriage thing. Ramsey isn't anywhere near ready to settle down. Her wings can't be clipped. Besides, I'm not secure in my profession just yet. Let's face it-neither of us is ready. THORNE There's more than enough to do right here. I could offer you a permanent position in this office. JORDAN That's generous, Dr. Thorne, but Dr. Metzger might be interested in taking me away from all of this. THORNE That's a lot of stress, you know. JORDAN It's what I want. THORNE Then you need to pursue it. Call Ramsey and apologize, so we can go to lunch. I'm getting hungry.

JORDAN Oh, no. I'm not getting into it again with her. You call her. She listens to you. THORNE What makes you so certain? She doesn't seem to listen to anyone. JORDAN Because you're Dr. Thorne--respected country doctor. She respects and looks up to you--like her father. THORNE I suddenly feel old. (picks up the phone) What's the number? JORDAN 9682, I think. THORNE (dials the number) Think? No wonder she's mad at you. You're not calling her enough. (pause) Hello? Ramsey? It's Dr. Thorne. (pause/smiles) I'm fine. Dr. Gunther and I would like you to join us for lunch. (pause) You should've been up hours ago. (pause) I'm not interested in your personal appearance. Can you be ready in thirty minutes? We'll come and get you, if you give us a hard time. (soft laugh) That's right--you have no choice. (pause) Okay--we'll meet you there. Thorne hangs up the phone and smiles and Jordan.

THORNE She'll meet us there in thirty minutes. JORDAN Amazing. If I spoke to her like that, she'd rip my head off right through the phone. THORNE I'm a father figure--remember? I'm sure the major was worse. JORDAN Did she seem upset? Think I should get her some flowers? THORNE That would be nice. You don't need a reason to buy a lady flowers. Thoughtfulness goes a long way. JORDAN Any tips on how to get her into bed? THORNE Yeah, marry her. JORDAN Be serious here. I dated her all through high school. She won't put out. Nothing works. You've been around-what would work on someone like Ramsey? THORNE First off--I was never much of a womanizer, and secondly, I've never met anyone like Ramsey--so my experience can't help. Maybe she doesn't feel you're serious enough about her and your relationship. JORDAN Back to marriage again. Save the fatherly image for Ramsey.

THORNE Have you ever discussed it with her-why she won't, I mean? JORDAN Not really. It's almost as if she can read my mind. I move in, she backs off. A psych major friend of mine thinks she has a commitment problem. Maybe the trauma of a childhood in the service left her unsettled. THORNE I'm not so sure about that. They lived here most of her teenage life. I think you need to talk more and make less moves. Find out what's going on inside her head. JORDAN Now there's a frightening thought. Thorne laughs softly. INT. DINER Thorne and Jordan sit in the back of the diner. Jordan sinks into his menu. Thorne looks up every few seconds from his menu then looks at his watch. Keiser enters the diner and approaches them. Both Jordan and Thorne look up with some discomfort but manage to smile. KEISER Dr. Thorne, your secretary told me I'd find you here. We seem to keep missing one another this morning. THORNE Would you care to join us for lunch? Or is this an official call? KEISER Official, but not completely official. Jordan slides over and allows Keiser to sit alongside him.

KEISER You'll be happy to know we've found signs of tampering with the alarm system at the gallery. It looks as though someone broke into Dotty's office with criminal intent. Murder was probably an afterthought when they were discovered. THORNE But nothing was stolen? KEISER Nothing that we'd noticed. Her boss is searching the files. We haven't ruled out sour business deals or disgruntled employees. Seems Dotty was an unpopular boss. THORNE She had mentioned a dislike for several employees, but never gave names. KEISER I hope you're put to ease about this whole deal. And that matter you'd mentioned-THORNE It's okay, Dr. Gunther is aware of the situation. KEISER It turns out she was never pregnant, as you suspected. THORNE What about Croft? KEISER We questioned him. Nothing on him so far. The waitress brings coffee for Keiser and prepares to take their order.

JORDAN (looks around) Looks like she stood us up. KEISER Who? JORDAN Ramsey. She was meeting us for lunch. Guess I'll need to get her those flowers after all. THORNE Told you so. They order. Time lapse. Ramsey enters the diner and approaches the table. She wears her hair down and appears rushed. RAMSEY Sorry I'm late. Everyone moves. Keiser is about to stand. Thorne stands and allows Ramsey to slide in next to him, across from Jordan. KEISER Good afternoon, Miss Gray. RAMSEY Afternoon, Lieutenant. (looks around) Did you already order? JORDAN I'm afraid so. Ramsey looks briefly at the menu and sets it aside. The waitress approaches with a pleasant smile. WAITRESS Can I get you something, Ramsey? RAMSEY I'll have the special, thanks. The waitress takes her order and leaves.

RAMSEY What did I miss? Hangnails and blisters? Thorne and Jordan laugh softly. KEISER No, we were just discussing the murder, but I believe we were finished. RAMSEY Did they find the killer? KEISER No, but it looks like an inside job or a burglary. RAMSEY Oh? But nothing was stolen--according to the paper. THORNE They're checking for missing files. RAMSEY Not a very good reason to kill someone. But--as long as you don't think it was Dr. Thorne-KEISER No--I never believed that for a minute myself. Jordan stares at Ramsey a moment then leans forward. JORDAN What's that-Ramsey doesn't lift her head only her eyes. RAMSEY What's what? JORDAN Pull your hair back.

Thorne and Keiser both look at Ramsey. She slowly pulls her hair back to reveal a black and blue mark on her cheek, a cut to the corner or her mouth, and a cut near her hair line. Jordan appears horrified. JORDAN Ramsey--what happened? RAMSEY I had a little accident last night. Thorne turns her head to him for a better look. Thorne looks to her scalp and frowns. THORNE I think you'd better come back to the office with us. (to Jordan) Don't you agree? JORDAN Absolutely. What happened? RAMSEY Missed a step. Never drink alone. JORDAN I guess not. RAMSEY Okay--now that everyone's seen the mess I've made of myself, can we stop staring? All three look away from her. KEISER I heard I missed a pretty hopping benefit on Friday night. Who would've thought Dr. Thorne to be a dancer? THORNE I have my moments now and again.

JORDAN Yeah, I saw that picture in the paper. (to Ramsey) Guess you had fun. RAMSEY While it lasted. JORDAN I'm sorry I abandoned you like that. I'll make it up to you. RAMSEY It wasn't your fault. I know you had people to meet. It doesn't bother me at all. Dr. Thorne is excellent company. THORNE That's a lie, but I'll accept the compliment. Ramsey shakes her head with a tiny smile. RAMSEY We really need to work on inflating that ego of yours. JORDAN Please! He's impossible to work with already. All that's missing is the pedestal for him to stand on while his patients worship him. KEISER He's got you there, Doc. Thorne looks away with embarrassment. THORNE Okay--let's not pick on Dr. Thorne the entire lunch. Ramsey clings to his arm and playfully glares at Jordan and Keiser.

RAMSEY Don't pay attention to them. They're just jealous because you have the entire senior set on your side. JORDAN (mocking smile) One dance and she's on his side. Ramsey releases Thorne's arm and glances at Jordan with a tiny, irritated smile. JORDAN What's that look for? The waitress brings their food with great timing. The tension quickly passes. Time lapse. The waitress clears their plates and pours more coffee. She places the bill to the front of the table. Both Thorne and Keiser reach for it. Keiser gets it first. KEISER Too slow, Doc. Lunch is on me. Keiser stands and nods to Jordan and Ramsey then walks away with the bill. Jordan laughs at Thorne. He manages a smile and leaves a healthy tip. Thorne looks to his watch. THORNE We'd better get back. They rise from the booth. RAMSEY You two have fun. I'll see you later. Ramsey attempts to slip past them. Thorne grabs her arm casually and forces her to walk with them. THORNE Not so fast--crash Ramsey. Ramsey frowns. RAMSEY I'm fine

THORNE You have an appointment with Dr. Gunther to look at your head. Jordan smiles proudly. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE Thorne looks over his clipboard then hands it to Helen. The exam room door opens. Jordan hurries out while holding his arm and a surprised look on his face. JORDAN She hit me! THORNE (approaches) What is with the two of you? JORDAN I told you--she's mad at me. THORNE Go check on room four, will you? Thorne taps on the door then enters. INT. EXAM ROOM Thorne enters the exam room and nearly collides with Ramsey on her way out. Thorne shuts the door behind him and points back to the table. Ramsey frowns and swiftly hops back onto the table. THORNE What's going on? Why would you hit Jordan? Thorne brushes the hair from her temple and examines the cut. RAMSEY Because he deserved it. Thorne pulls back and looks at her.

THORNE Headaches--nausea? RAMSEY No, he's just a real pain the ass. THORNE That's not what I meant-RAMSEY I know. Thorne checks her eyes with a light. He sits on the stool and folds his arms over his chest. THORNE What really happened last night? I know the difference between a fall bruise and those from being punched. RAMSEY You'll just lecture me again. Thorne stands with a groan. THORNE Damn it, Ramsey. How long until it's something serious? This isn't some sort of game. RAMSEY I know that. I know what I'm doing. You're not my father, so don't lecture me. THORNE Calling the major sounds like a good idea. RAMSEY Patient privacy--remember? THORNE I hope you're not poking around in the murder, Ramsey. What happened?

RAMSEY Just a little scuffle. I'm fine. No harm done. THORNE Take off your shirt. RAMSEY (surprise) Excuse me? THORNE You heard me. RAMSEY No--I don't have too. THORNE (firm) You do and you will. Ramsey springs from the table and flashes a smile. RAMSEY Not even dinner and a movie--very rude, Dr. Thorne. I have to go now. Thorne leans against the door casually with his hands in his pockets. RAMSEY (agitated) I'll scream. THORNE Go ahead. RAMSEY Bastard. She swiftly removes her shirt. We see a large bruise on her side and another near her neck. Thorne straightens and shakes his head. THORNE A little scuffle, huh?

He approaches and inspects the bruise near her neck. She winces as he touches it. He frowns and motions her to the table. She climbs onto the table more slowly. He inspects the bruise on her side and feels her ribs. She winces slightly. RAMSEY They're not broke. He uses his stethoscope and has her breath as he listens to several places. He removes the stethoscope and looks into her eyes. THORNE No more, Ramsey. No job is worth this. RAMSEY Is the peek show over? Thorne frowns and turns away. Ramsey puts her shirt back on. THORNE (back to her) I understand Jordan's frustration with you. His girlfriend is a real pain in the ass. Thorne turns to face her. Ramsey jumps from the table and walks closer to him. RAMSEY You don't have to feel sorry for Jordan, Dr. Thorne. I'm not his problem--and I'm not his girlfriend. Jordan wants a sex toy--that's it. So, please, don't refer to him as my boyfriend. He's a friend-nothing more. THORNE Then you need to stop leading him on. RAMSEY No--he needs to stop leading you on. He knows there's nothing between us, he just won't admit it.

THORNE If you don't want his advances then stop going places with him. You're sending him mixed signals. RAMSEY I'm not sending any signals, Dr. Thorne. He's making them up. THORNE Dinner--the benefit. Lunch every day for the past week--what would you call that? Ramsey stares at him a moment and sighs with a tiny smile. RAMSEY Allow me to clarify that for you. Ramsey places her hands on his shoulders and kisses him quickly but passionately on the mouth. She pulls away and smirks. RAMSEY Any questions? Thorne stares at her with surprise. RAMSEY Good. Ramsey leaves. Jordan enters the room. Thorne collects himself. JORDAN What happened? You look flustered. She lay into you too? THORNE Uh, yeah. Certainly set me straight. She, uh, claims you and she aren't actually--dating. JORDAN She told you that, huh? We broke up right before college. Since wed be apart, we felt it was best to be free to see other people.

Thorne nods with an understanding smile. THORNE I see-JORDAN I thought maybe we'd resume where we'd left off, but it seems there was never really anything to work from. Honestly, I don't think she's interested in me. I think she likes you. Thorne sinks into thought then looks at Jordan. THORNE What makes you think that? JORDAN She talks about you--a lot. THORNE Father figure--remember. JORDAN Yes, possibly. Thorne sinks back into thought. Jordan stares a long moment. JORDAN Look, Dr. Thorne, it's none of my business what you do. If you want to pursue Ramsey, I won't be upset with you. Thorne looks at Jordan with some surprise. THORNE That's very mature of you, Jordan, but unnecessary. She's young, foolish, and headstrong. I like my life neat and predictable, remember?

JORDAN You have her pretty much pegged. Believe me, you're better off. Ramsey is an exhausting young woman. The effort is great and the payback small. She's far from settling down and doesnt put out. What's left except the chase? Why chase if you can never have? THORNE I'm getting too old to chase young women, especially one as reckless as that one. There' plenty of lovely women available right here. Plenty more my speed--like Erin. JORDAN I like Erin. She's an attractive woman. Settled and confident. THORNE Maybe I'll ask Erin out this Saturday. Dotty's ruined my life for nearly six months now--between her affair with Croft and this whole pregnancy thing. JORDAN I think we both need a break from Ramsey Gray. INT. DR. THORNE'S HOUSE HALLWAY Thorne enters the hallway, shutting the door behind him. He approaches the hall phone and checks the messages. ERIN (V.O.) Hello, Dr. Thorne. It's Erin. I know it's short notice, but our ladies group is running a trip to the orchestra in the city. We had a last minute cancellation and voted unanimously to invite you. Please call me back at home. Thorne smiles lightly.

THORNE Guess that's my cue. Thorne picks up the phone then hesitates. He dials a number. THORNE Hello--Ramsey? (hesitates) I, uh, was wondering if you were, uh, doing anything tonight-(pause) Take out would be fine. I could bring it over-(pause) Alright, if you insist. Yes, I'll be looking for you in half an hour. Bye. Thorne slowly hangs up the phone. THORNE My God, Dallan, what are you doing? Fran approaches from the kitchen. FRAN Oh, Dr. Thorne, I thought I heard you come in. What time would you like dinner? THORNE I'm having company tonight, Fran. FRAN Shall I make dinner for two? THORNE No--that won't be necessary. She's bringing Chinese. FRAN But you hate Chinese. THORNE Not tonight, I don't. Please, take the rest of the night off.

FRAN Oh--yes, Dr. Thorne. Have a wonderful evening. Fran giggles and hurries back to the kitchen. Thorne fidgets. THORNE Damn--I should shower. Thorne hurries up the stairs. Several minutes later, Thorne hurries down the stairs while buttoning his shirt. He's dressed fairly casual but in his usual tasteful style. He pauses before the hall mirror and quickly fixes his hair. There's a knock on the door. Thorne appears confused and hurries to the door. He opens it. We see Ramsey in the doorway with a bag in her hand. She smiles warmly. THORNE Odd--that's the first time you'd knocked. Ramsey enters with a pleasant smile. RAMSEY This was the first time I was actually invited. He shuts the door behind her. RAMSEY I didn't know what you liked, so I picked up several things. Leftovers are always good. THORNE I never really had Chinese much. Your guess is as good as mine. (pause) Would you like to go to the kitchen or would the dining room be more comfortable? Ramsey smiles and points to the lounge. INT. LOUNGE

Thorne and Ramsey sit on the floor before the coffee table against the sofa with several open containers lined on the table. Thorne uses the plastic fork while Ramsey skillfully uses the chopsticks. There's a romantic fire in the fireplace and the lights are dim. RAMSEY My father brought Chinese home every Friday night. We'd sit around the coffee table like this and watch cartoons and variety shows. THORNE The major watching cartoons? RAMSEY Oh, he loved cartoons--still does. THORNE That's very interesting. I have to ask-what am I eating? RAMSEY (looks to his container) Cat. Thorne chokes. Ramsey laughs. RAMSEY It's chicken, silly. THORNE Don't do that. RAMSEY I couldn't resist. What did you want to talk about? You sounded strange on the phone. You aren't going to lecture me again, are you? THORNE No--I'm sorry for my earlier behavior in the office. It's that wicket do-good doctor inside me. You know--the sterile smell, the white lab coat, stethoscope-preaching, they all go together.

RAMSEY You don't have to apologize, Dr. Thorne. You're looking out for my best interest. Everything you said--you're absolutely right. THORNE You're actually agreeing with me? RAMSEY Agreeing--yes, but that doesn't mean I intend to change anything. THORNE At least I have satisfaction of being right. Ramsey places her hand on Thorne's shoulder and rests her chin on her hand. RAMSEY What would you suggest? What does a failed federal agent do for a living? Postal worker? Secretary? Waitress? What? Thorne looks at her and hesitates. THORNE You could go back to college--choose another career. Get into the medical field, perhaps. I have a lot of connections. RAMSEY No offense, Dr. Thorne--but that's boring THORNE I suppose it is--so am I.

RAMSEY No-(hand to his chest) I don't think you're boring. You're just stuck in a rut. THORNE You're just being kind. His hand covers hers on his chest. Thorne looks at her--close to him. THORNE I'm sure there's something out there that interests you. Is it important to decide this very minute? RAMSEY No, of course not. My father pretty much spoils me, but I don't want to live off of him. Can I ask you something, Dr. Thorne? THORNE Hmm? RAMSEY Did you really ask me over just to talk? THORNE That's part of it. RAMSEY So--what's the other part? Thorne looks at her a long moment. THORNE Ramsey--will you marry me? RAMSEY Where did that come from? THORNE From a lonely old man who wants to keep you in his life.

Ramsey stares at him and slowly pulls away. RAMSEY What brought this on? THORNE I'm sorry--I shouldn't have come on so strong. I don't want to frighten you away. It's just since you've come into my life I feel--alive. (pause) If you marry me, maybe you'll no longer want to leave the house at night. You'll have more reason to stay at home. RAMSEY You're serious--aren't you? THORNE Yes--I'm afraid I'll lose you forever. Ramsey looks to his Chinese carton and smells it. RAMSEY What did they put in this stuff? She sets the carton down and looks back at him. He appears even more concerned. RAMSEY This is taking the over protective father routine to the extreme, you do realize? THORNE I don't want to be your father, and I don't want to control you. I want to spend the rest of my life waking up to roses on my pillow. I want to make love to you every night and know you'll be here every morning. I kept telling Jordan to marry you-- today, I realized that's what I wanted for myself.

RAMSEY You don't have to explain yourself to me. I just have one question for you. THORNE What? Anything. RAMSEY If I say yes, you'll still ravish me tonight, right? THORNE Is this a trick question? I'll make love to you all night long. Ramsey smiles and kisses him on the cheek and jaw. He pulls her against him with a soft groan. RAMSEY Then, yes, I'll marry you, Dr. Thorne. THORNE Stop calling me that. My name's Dallan. RAMSEY Remember, you promised--all night long. THORNE (soft moan) Oh, I won't forget. Thorne kisses her passionately and lowers her to the floor. INT. BEDROOM The sun shines through the sheers on the open window. A gentle breeze blows in. Thorne holds Ramsey to his chest while she sleeps peacefully. He looks at the clock then kisses her forehead. THORNE Ramsey--I need to get up. Ramsey slowly wakes, smiles through weary eyes, and starts kissing his chest.

RAMSEY Hurry back. THORNE I need to go to work. RAMSEY That's not fair. THORNE (kisses her) Just half a day, I promise. I have an idea. Why don't you meet me at the office around noon, and we'll go get you a ring--make it official. RAMSEY I'd rather have you stay in bed with me. THORNE That does me a world of good just to hear you say that. RAMSEY Can I shower with you? THORNE That sounds very enjoyable, but we don't have time for anything else. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE Thorne hurries into the office past several patients in the waiting room. He straightens his tie and nods to them with a cheerful grin. Thorne grabs a clipboard. Jordan glares at him. JORDAN You're late. This is a first. THORNE I had trouble with the shower. You look down. Something wrong? JORDAN I did something stupid yesterday.

THORNE Oh? JORDAN I asked Ramsey to marry me. THORNE I-uh-thought you were forgetting about her. JORDAN Well, after leaving here yesterday, I started thinking about things. I didn't want to give her up. Turned me down-flat. THORNE There's something I should tell you, Jordan. Helen hurries toward them. HELEN Come on, you two--full house today. They watch Helen hurry past. JORDAN What? THORNE You said you didn't care. I asked Ramsey to marry me--she said yes. Jordan appears shocked. Thorne hurries to the nearest exam room and darts inside. Noon. Ramsey enters the now empty waiting room and approaches the receptionist. RAMSEY I'm here to see Dr. Thorne.

RECEPTIONIST Yes, Ramsey. He said you should wait in his office. Ramsey enters past as the receptionist watches with the same smile. Jordan appears from one of the rooms as she passes. Jordan shuts the door and glares at her. JORDAN I can't believe it. RAMSEY There was nothing between us, Jordan. You knew that. Ramsey enters Dr. Thorne's office. Jordan follows. INT. DR. THORNE'S OFFICE Jordan shuts the office door behind him. JORDAN How could I forget? You keep reminding me. Ramsey leans against the desk. RAMSEY You wanted your freedom before going to college. You wanted to be able to date other people. My feelings for you were never that way. You were like my best friend. I couldn't get beyond that. Just because you've sewn your oats, that doesn't mean we can resume where we'd left off. I don't have those feelings for you. JORDAN I knew you liked Dr. Thorne, but I didn't think they were sexual. Come on, Ramsey, he's fifteen years older than you.

RAMSEY He's charming and sophisticated. He's also capable of a very deep and passionate love. JORDAN Tell me you slept with him and I'll die. RAMSEY It's none of your business. JORDAN My God--you did. I should've known by that smile chiseled into his face (angry) All those years I was with you--never once. RAMSEY That's completely different, Jordan. I wasn't ready in high school, and my feelings weren't that way for you. JORDAN Think about what you're doing, Ramsey. He doesn't want you working your current job. He wants you to settle down and be the good little wife. I can offer more than he can. I'm going to make more money at the hospital then he'll ever make here. I can give you a lifestyle greater than he can. He's settled already. I'm on the rise up. RAMSEY You don't get it, do you? This isn't a competition. I'm not looking for the better prize. I want what he can offer me emotionally. I don't want someone ambitious--I want someone passionate. Dr. Thorne is vibrant and exciting. You just want to seize and conquer. JORDAN That's completely unfair. You'll grow bored as a housewife.

RAMSEY Whoever said I intended to be a housewife? JORDAN Not in so many words, but he won't allow you to continue with what you're doing now. The door opens and Thorne stands just inside the doorway with an icy expression. THORNE The word obey has been removed from the wedding vows for many years now. Love and control are two different things, Jordan. Thorne walks across the room and joins Ramsey by the desk. THORNE A friend of mine at the insurance company has already agreed to take Ramsey in as an insurance fraud investigator once she gets her private investigator license. It's a day position with less danger but variety. We both agreed upon it. JORDAN What happened to dating Erin? Ramsey being too reckless? THORNE I had to find out for myself--before I'd made another mistake. After talking to her, I'd discovered her recklessness over the past two weeks was all on my account. She only wanted to help me. Everything she did--she did for me. JORDAN What do you mean?

THORNE She wanted to prove Dotty was setting me up with a false pregnancy. When I appeared guilty, she went looking for information. She got a little too close to Croft. JORDAN Croft? Croft beat you up? RAMSEY He got in a few lucky punches. JORDAN You and Croft got into a fight? Does that mean he murdered Dotty? RAMSEY No, he was just slinking around the gallery looking for something--I'm not sure what. I saw him, but he couldn't recognize me. JORDAN Whoa--what were you doing there? RAMSEY The night Dotty was murdered, she wasn't alone. I'd seen her getting out of her car, but there was someone else in the car with her. JORDAN You were there the night she was killed? Are the police aware-THORNE Not in the gallery--just passing by. Ramsey eyes Thorne and remains silent. Jordan stares a moment longer. JORDAN You two know more than you're pretending.

THORNE I'm sorry you're upset about me and Ramsey, Jordan, but this is how it is. You weren't interested in marrying her, made it clear you didn't care if I made a play for her, and admitted there was nothing between you. I'm not going to walk on eggshells around you and keep my distance from Ramsey while you're around. You need to adjust to us being together, because I intend to display my feelings opening and publicly. If you can't deal with us being together, you'll need to move on. JORDAN For now, I have little choice. I still think you're making a mistake. Jordan leaves the office. Thorne groans and shakes his head. THORNE I suddenly have a very bad feeling. RAMSEY He'll get over it. Ramsey turns in Thorne's arms and smiles warmly. RAMSEY I guess now wouldn't be the best time to throw me onto your desk and take me, huh? THORNE No, it wouldn't. But I'll keep it in mind for his next day off. RAMSEY You kinky doctor you-They kiss passionately. The door opens. Helen appears embarrassed as they pull apart. She smiles brightly.

HELEN Sorry, Dr. Thorne. I'd better start knocking. THORNE What is it, Helen? HELEN Erin's on the phone. She said it's important. THORNE I'll take it in here. HELEN Line three. Helen disappears.

RAMSEY Would you like me to wait outside? THORNE No, it's just about that orchestra on Friday night. (picks up the phone) Hello, Dr. Thorne-(pause) How are you, Erin? (pause) No, I won't be able to attend, though I appreciate the offer. (pause) Oh, what's that? (expression drops) I think you're mistaken. (pause/eyes Ramsey) Why exactly are you telling me this? (pause/frowns) That sounds very much like a threat. I'd prefer if you didn't call upon me or this office anymore.

Thorne slams down the phone. Ramsey appears concerned. RAMSEY What's wrong? THORNE Erin claims she saw you near the gallery the night Dotty was murdered. She threatened to turn you in to Keiser if I didn't agree to see her. RAMSEY What would posses her to suddenly call you with that? Did you tell her we're getting married? THORNE No--I told no one except Jordan and Helen. She may have seen you leaving my house this morning. Are you sure no one saw you at the gallery? RAMSEY Of course I'm sure. There wasn't a soul around anywhere. (hesitates) She saw me outside the gallery? Thorne nods RAMSEY Oh, Dallan. We have problems. I need to look around the gallery one more time. THORNE No--that's not a good idea. RAMSEY This time, I'm looking for something different. You have to trust me. It's important. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE HALLWAY

Ramsey hurries from the office with Thorne directly behind her. RAMSEY You can't tell me what to do, Dallan. THORNE You're not doing it, Ramsey. It's too dangerous. I don't care what evidence there is. It's a matter for the police. RAMSEY They won't believe me--not without proof. I have to go. THORNE If you go there tonight, you can just forget about us. RAMSEY Oh? Pulling rank on me, Dr. Thorne? THORNE That's right. It's for your own good. RAMSEY I can prove why Dotty was murdered and even find out who did it--that's more important than my own good. Ramsey turns and leaves. Helen and the receptionist stare with amazement. Jordan comes out of one of the nearby exam rooms. JORDAN What was that all about? THORNE None of your business. Thorne storms back into his office and slams the door. EXT. GALLERY -- NIGHT We see the gallery in darkness except for one small light near the lobby. Several parking lot lights are lit. INT. GALLERY

The skylight opens and a rope falls through to the floor. Ramsey, all in black, complete with a black hood, slides down the rope on a device and jumps off near the bottom. She gracefully hurries across the gallery to the lobby and peaks into the lobby. INT. LOBBY Ramsey's POV. We see the heavyset guard asleep at the front desk. INT. GALLERY Ramsey hurries across the gallery to the back office. She pops a device into the key panel. The panel pops open. She reroutes some wires then opens the door. INT. DOTTY'S OFFICE Ramsey enters Dotty's office and peers out the window. Ramsey hurries to the desk and pulls open the bottom drawer. She moves a box then a back panel to reveal a closed folder. She removes the folder and a disk from it. The office light comes on. Ramsey looks up. We see Jordan standing in the doorway, holding a gun. JORDAN I'll take that, Ramsey. Ramsey slowly removes her hood and stares at him. RAMSEY Jordan? It was you? JORDAN That bitch was blackmailing me along with several other doctors and administrators. RAMSEY (holds the disk) And that's what's on here? Evidence against you and other important people?

JORDAN That's how she got where she was. She'd discover secrets about people from connections then used the information to get money and power. Nobody knew it was her behind the blackmail until she tried to us Dr. Throne with that baby business. Dr. Metzger got Dotty the job here and even set her up with Dr. Thorne. She was blackmailing him too. I couldn't chance that you'd seen me here that night in her car. I'd confronted her about her involvement, and she admitted to it. The price for her silence was that I have sex with her. She didn't know my plan though. RAMSEY So you killed her when you got here? JORDAN I didn't intend to kill her. I simply knocked her out and searched for the evidence. When I couldn't find it, that's when I hit her again and again until I was sure she was dead. RAMSEY What did she have on? JORDAN A couple of us med students were more than a little drunk at the docks. One of the guys drown. Dotty knew his family. I'm still not sure how she found out, but she wasn't about to keep our secret without compensation. RAMSEY And she dated Dr. Thorne--hoping to get something on him.

JORDAN She came up empty with the respected doctor. But she liked him and wanted to keep him enslaved. I would've warned him before he dated her if I'd known it was her. RAMSEY And Croft? JORDAN One of her less wealthy victims. She used him in a different way. He wanted her, despite her using him, so he repaid her with muscle backup. She dumped him because she wanted Dr. Thorne back. RAMSEY So, he was here looking for the evidence as well. JORDAN If you don't mind-Ramsey slowly approaches Jordan and places the disk in his hand. She remains close to him. JORDAN Don't take it personal, Ramsey. Although dumping me for Dr. Thorne certainly makes it a lot easier. RAMSEY I'm not taking it personally, Jordan. Please, don't take this personal either. Ramsey grabs his arm holding the gun, thrust it away from her, flips back and kicks him in the face. Jordan flies back into the doorway. Ramsey bolts past him and enters the gallery. INT. GALLERY Ramsey runs into the gallery and nearly collides with Croft. Jordan runs from the office. Croft attempts to grab Ramsey. She whirls into a high, roundhouse kick and catches him in the face.

She kicks him again in the chest. Jordan runs for her and grabs her around the waist. She kicks Croft a third time while in mid air against Jordan. She throws Jordan off balance then lands on her feet and flips Jordan over her and onto the floor. She follows through with a kick to the groin. Croft slowly pulls himself to his knees and slashes at her with a knife. Ramsey kicks the hand with the knife then kicks him in the chest and bowls him over. Jordan aims his gun. KEISER Don't even think it! We look across the gallery. Several officers approach with guns drawn. Thorne hurries across the gallery with Keiser. Thorne gathers Ramsey in his arms while she breaths heavily. She pulls away and gives him a serious look. RAMSEY Where were you guys? THORNE When you started doing those kicks, we were so entertained, we forgot to come out. RAMSEY That was rotten. THORNE Actually, it was quite a turn on--you bruit. RAMSEY You don't grow up with the major and not have a black belt. Even my sainted mother can kick my father's ass. Keiser approaches as they handcuff Jordan and Croft. KEISER Sorry about our lagging response time. Maybe you could teach me and the boys a few moves? RAMSEY We'll see. Did you get that confession on tape?

Keiser nods. Ramsey pulls on some wires under her shirt. RAMSEY Good, then get this damned thing off of me. It's very uncomfortable. KEISER Here that, Doc. Help her with that wire. I'm staying out of this. Thorne smiles and helps remove the tape and wire from her abdomen beneath her shirt. He tosses the wire aside and pulls her into his arms. THORNE Promise you'll never do anything this foolish again. RAMSEY If I can help it--I promise. THORNE Good enough. They kiss passionately. FADE OUT

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