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FANUC 0M Parameter List

Parameter taxonomy ............................................. Error! Marcador no definido. Acc/Dec Control .................................................................................................... 1 Automatic Corner Override ................................................................................... 2 Axis Control ........................................................................................................... 2 Canned Cycle ......................................................................................................... 3 CRT/MDI and EDIT ................................................................................................. 5 Custom Macro ....................................................................................................... 6 Feed Rate............................................................................................................... 7 Graphic Display ...................................................................................................... 8 Hand Wheel ........................................................................................................... 9 Input/Output by serial interface ........................................................................... 9 Part Counter ........................................................................................................ 10 Pitch error compensation .................................................................................... 10 PMC axis control .................................................................................................. 10 PMC signals - Digital inputs/outputs ................................................................... 11 Programing .......................................................................................................... 11 Remote Buffer ..................................................................................................... 12 Rigid tapping........................................................................................................ 12 Scaling & coordinate rotation ............................................................................. 13 Servo.................................................................................................................... 13 Skip signal input .................................................................................................. 15 Spindle control .................................................................................................... 15 Stroke limit .......................................................................................................... 16 Timers and counters ............................................................................................ 17 Tool Life Management ........................................................................................ 17 Tool Offset ........................................................................................................... 17 Uni-Directional Poitionning ................................................................................. 18

Acc/Dec Control
Symbol LSUP EDMZ EDMY EDMX EDPZ EDPY EDPX LINTX LINTY LINTZ LINT4 Param 0045 0059 0059 0059 0059 0059 0059 0522 0523 0524 0525 Bit 3 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description Cut. Feed acc/dec after interpol. 1 : Linear, 0 : Expo. -Z Ext. Dec. Is valid for : 1 : RPD+cut feed, 0 : RPD Only -Y Ext. Dec. Is valid for : 1 : RPD+feed, 0 : RPD Only -X Ext. Dec. Is valid for : 1 : RPD+cut, 0 : RPD Only +Z Extern. Dec. Is valid for : 1 :RPD+Feed 0 :RPD only +Y Extern. Dec. Is valid for : 1 :RPD+Feed 0 :RPD only +X Extern. Dec. Is valid for : 1 :RPD+Feed 0 :RPD only Time const. Of linear acc/dec of X axis. 8-4000 m.sec. Time const. Of linear acc/dec of Y axis. 8-4000 m.sec. Time const. Of linear acc/dec of Z axis. 8-4000 m.sec. Time const. Of linear acc/dec of 4 axis. 8-4000 m.sec.

FANUC 0M Parameter List 2 Symbol FEEDT FEDFL JOGFL PEXPJX PEXPJY PEXPJZ PEXPJ4 PFLJGX PFLJGY PFLJGZ PFLJG4 PLNTC PEXDEC LINT7 LINT8 PEFDTX PEFDTY PEFDTZ PEFDT4 PEFDT7 PEFDT8 PEAFLX PEAFLY PEAFLZ PEAFL4 PEAFL7 PEAFL8 LINT5 LINT6 FEEDTS FEDFLS Param 0529 0530 0548 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0635 0636 0645 0646 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 0656 0657 0658 0659 0660 0661 0662 7522 7523 7529 7530 Bit Description Time const. Of expo. Acc/dec in cut. Feed & Jog feed. The lower feed rate (FL) in exponential acc/dec. Lower Lmt. Of jog feed (FL) in exponential acc/dec. Exponential acc/dec time constant in manual feed. Exponential acc/dec time constant in manual feed. Exponential acc/dec time constant in manual feed. Exponential acc/dec time constant in manual feed. FL Rate during acc/dec in manual feed (mm/Min.). FL Rate during acc/dec in manual feed (mm/Min.). FL Rate during acc/dec in manual feed (mm/Min.). FL Rate during acc/dec in manual feed (mm/Min.). Time const. If lin. Acc/dec after cut feed interpolation. Extern. Dec. Speed all axes (6-15000mm/min.). Time constant of linear acc/dec rapid trav. 7th. Time constant of linear acc/dec rapid trav. 8th. Time constant of exponen. Acc/dec of PMC cut feed. Time constant of exponen. Acc/dec of PMC cut feed. Time constant of exponen. Acc/dec of PMC cut feed. Time constant of exponen. Acc/dec of PMC cut feed. Time constant of exponen. Acc/dec of PMC cut feed. Time constant of exponen. Acc/dec of PMC cut feed. Lower limit speed FL at expon. Acc/dec of PMC axis. Lower limit speed FL at expon. Acc/dec of PMC axis. Lower limit speed FL at expon. Acc/dec of PMC axis. Lower limit speed FL at expon. Acc/dec of PMC axis. Lower limit speed FL at expon. Acc/dec of PMC axis. Lower limit speed FL at expon. Acc/dec of PMC axis. Time const. Of linear acc/dec of 5e axis. 8-4000 m.Sec. Time const. Of linear acc/dec of 6e axis. 8-4000 m.Sec. Time const. Of expo. Acc/dec in cut/jog feed 5e & 6e. The lower feed rate (FL) in expon. Acc/dec (5e & 6e).

Automatic Corner Override

Symbol Param AOVMDR 0213 AOVOR 0413 AOVTH 0215 AOVLE 0580 AOVLS 0581 Bit Description Min. Dec. Ratio of inside circular speed for autom. Dec. Ratio of inside corner auto. Averride 1-100%. Inside judgement angle of auto. Over. At inside Corner. End point dist. At inside corner part (Set Le). End point deceleration dist. At inside corner (Ls).

Axis Control
Symbol DECI ZM4 ZMZ ZMY ZMX Param 1 3 3 3 3 Bit 5 3 2 1 0 Description 1= Logic 1 in Ref. Deceleration signal indicate deceleration. 0= Ref. PNT. Return and backlash in + dir; 1= -dir. 0= Ref. PNT. Return and backlash in + dir; 1= -dir. 0= Ref. PNT. Return and backlash in + dir; 1= -dir. 0= Ref. PNT. Return and backlash in + dir; 1= -dir.

3 Canned Cycle Symbol Param ADW2 8 ADW1 8 ADW0 8 ADLN 11 NCIPS 20 S3JOG 49 C8NG 62 ADLIN8 62 ADLIN7 62 ZM8 66 ZM7 66 PSELP4 279 DPAX7 285 DPAX8 286 DECIS 7001 ZM6 7003 ZM5 7003 SUB1 7021 PNGMLK 7032 ROT6 7032 ROT5 7032 DSPSU1 7130 DSPSU2 7131 Bit 4 3 2 2 5 4 7 5 4 5 4 Description Name of 4th axis. (Voir tableau Appendix 8) Name of 4th axis. (Voir tableau Appendix 8) Name of 4th axis. (Voir tableau Appendix 8) 1= 4th axis is linear; 0= 4th axis is rotary. 1= No position checking; 0= Position checking. No. Of simultaneous axes in man. Operation. 1=3; 0=1. The 8th axis is 1= Invalid; 0=Valid. Set 8th axis to : 1=Rotary axis; 0=Linear axis. Set 7th axis to : 1=Rotary axis; 0=Linear axis. Set Ref. pt. Return direction of 8th axis 1=Minus; 0=Plus. Set Ref. pt. Return direction of 7th axis 1=Minus; 0=Plus. Set axis in basic coord. System for the 4th axis. Set the name of 7th axis. Set the name of 7th axis. 1= Decelaration signal 1 in Ref. indicate decel. 5th & 6th axis. 0= Ref. Pnt. Return and bcklsh in +Dir; 1= -Dir (5th & 6th). 0= Ref. Pnt. Return and bcklsh in +Dir; 1= -Dir (5th & 6th). 1= PMC axis cntl. Is 5th; 0=PMC axis cntl is 5th/6th. 1= In 5th/6th axis Cntrl, Mach. Lock shall be invalid. Selection for 6th axis. 0=Linear axis; 1=Rotary axis. Selection for 5th axis. 0=Linear axis; 1=Rotary axis. Set the name of the 5th axis. Set the name of the 6th axis.

5 1 0 6 4 1 0

Canned Cycle
Symbol PMXY2 PMXY1 MCF G84S FXCO FXCS FXY CYCR CYCD Param 2 2 11 12 12 12 57 531 532 Bit 5 4 4 6 5 4 6 Description Set the tool escape direction in G76 or G87 (Voir tableau Appendix) Set the tool escape direction in G76 or G87 (Voir tableau Appendix) 0= In G81, EF is output at in Posntn.; 1= Outpt any time. 1= Type B in G74/G84 With S analog; 0= Type A 1= No M05 outpt in G76/G87; 0= M05 outpt in G76/G87. 1= M05 is not outpt in G74/G84; 0= M05 is outpt. 1= The Drill axis is the axis select by the program Setting of relief amount in canned Cycle G73. Setting of the cutting start point in canned cycle G73.

Coordinate System
Symbol SCW PPD APRS APCX8 Param 1 2 10 21 Bit 0 1 7 5 Description 0= Least command incr. Is Metric; 1= Inch. Relative coord. Value is preset when abs. Is set. 1= Coord. Value (para. 708/711) is enter at ref. point. 1= Absolute puls coder is optioned; 0=No optioned.

FANUC 0M Parameter List 4 Symbol Param APCX7 21 APC4 21 APCZ 21 APCY 21 APCX 21 ABS8 22 ABS7 22 ABS4 22 ABSZ 22 ABSY 22 ABSX 22 CLCL 24 UWKZ 24 LII10 24 EX10D 28 NUABS 45 PRSTIN 63 MTDSPI 63 PRSX 708 PRSY 709 PRSZ 710 PRS4 711 REF2X 735 REF2Y 736 REF2Z 737 REF24 738 ABSXP 739 ABSYP 740 ABSZP 741 ABS4P 742 EXOFS1 751 EXOFS2 752 EXOFS3 753 EXOFS4 754 ZOF1S1 755 ZOF1S2 756 ZOF1S3 757 ZOF1S4 758 ZOF2S1 759 ZOF2S2 760 ZOF2S3 761 ZOF2S4 762 ZOF3S1 763 ZOF3S2 764 ZOF3S3 765 ZOF3S4 766 ZOF4S1 767 ZOF4S2 768 ZOF4S3 769 Bit 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 5 1 5 5 1 0 Description 1= Absolute puls coder is optioned; 0=No optioned. 1= Absolute puls coder is optioned; 0=No optioned. 1= Absolute puls coder is optioned; 0=No optioned. 1= Absolute puls coder is optioned; 0=No optioned. 1= Absolute puls coder is optioned; 0=No optioned. 1= Ref. Point Pos. In abs Pilse coder is settled. 1= Ref. Point Pos. In abs Pilse coder is settled. 1= Ref. Point Pos. In abs Pilse coder is settled. 1= Ref. Point Pos. In abs Pilse coder is settled. 1= Ref. Point Pos. In abs Pilse coder is settled. 1= Ref. Point Pos. In abs Pilse coder is settled. 1= Local Coord. Sys. Cancel by auto. Ref. point return. Work zero shift : 1= Change abs. Coord; 0=Doesnt Inpt/outpt unit is : 1= 0.01mm/0.001 0= 0.001mm/0.0001 1= Ext. Work Coord. Shift is multiplied by 10 times. 1= Return to same status before machine lock was on. 1= In inch auto. Coord. Setting is done by prms 815/818. 1= Mach. Coord. Sys. Is display to meet the input system (mm/inch). Coordinate value of the refer. Point of X axis. Coordinate value of the refer. Point of Y axis. Coordinate value of the refer. Point of Z axis. Coordinate value of the refer. Point of 4th axis. Distance from the Ref. point to the 2nd Ref. Point. Distance from the Ref. point to the 2nd Ref. Point. Distance from the Ref. point to the 2nd Ref. Point. Distance from the Ref. point to the 2nd Ref. Point. Counter Data at Ref. point when abs. Coder is used. Counter Data at Ref. point when abs. Coder is used. Counter Data at Ref. point when abs. Coder is used. Counter Data at Ref. point when abs. Coder is used. Amount of external Work zero point shift on X axis. Amount of external Work zero point shift on Y axis. Amount of external Work zero point shift on Z axis. Amount of external Work zero point shift on 4th axis. 1st Work zero point amount on X axis (G54). 1st Work zero point amount on Y axis (G54). 1st Work zero point amount on Z axis (G54). 1st Work zero point amount on 4th axis (G54). 2nd Work zero point amount on X axis (G55). 2nd Work zero point amount on Y axis (G55). 2nd Work zero point amount on Z axis (G55). 2nd Work zero point amount on 4th axis (G55). 3rd Work zero point amount on X axis (G56). 3rd Work zero point amount on Y axis (G56). 3rd Work zero point amount on Z axis (G56). 3rd Work zero point amount on 4th axis (G56). 4th Work zero point amount on X axis (G57). 4th Work zero point amount on Y axis (G57). 4th Work zero point amount on Z axis (G57).

5 CRT/MDI and EDIT Symbol ZOF4S4 ZOF5S1 ZOF5S2 ZOF5S3 ZOF5S4 ZOF6S1 ZOF6S2 ZOF6S3 ZOF6S4 REF3X REF3Y REF3Z REF34 REF4X REF4Y REF4Z REF44 PRSTIX PRSTIY PRSTIZ PRSTI4 PRS7 PRS8 ABS7P ABS8P SCWS APRSS APC6 APC5 ABS6 ABS5 PRS5 PRS6 Param 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 815 816 817 818 825 826 827 828 7001 7010 7021 7021 7022 7022 7708 7709 Bit Description 4th Work zero point amount on 4th axis (G57). 5th Work zero point amount on X axis (G58). 5th Work zero point amount on Y axis (G58). 5th Work zero point amount on Z axis (G58). 5th Work zero point amount on 4th axis (G58). 6th Work zero point amount on X axis (G59). 6th Work zero point amount on Y axis (G59). 6th Work zero point amount on Z axis (G59). 6th Work zero point amount on 4th axis (G59). Distance of 3rd Ref. Pnt to 1st Ref. Pnt on X axis. Distance of 3rd Ref. Pnt to 1st Ref. Pnt on Y axis. Distance of 3rd Ref. Pnt to 1st Ref. Pnt on Z axis. Distance of 3rd Ref. Pnt to 1st Ref. Pnt on 4th axis. Distance of 4rd Ref. Pnt to 1st Ref. Pnt on X axis. Distance of 4rd Ref. Pnt to 1st Ref. Pnt on Y axis. Distance of 4rd Ref. Pnt to 1st Ref. Pnt on Z axis. Distance of 4rd Ref. Pnt to 1st Ref. Pnt on 4th axis. Coordinate value of X ref. Pnt. In inch programming. Coordinate value of Y ref. Pnt. In inch programming. Coordinate value of Z ref. Pnt. In inch programming. Coordinate value of 4th ref. Pnt. In inch programming. Coordinate value of the Ref. point of the 7th axis. Coordinate value of the Ref. point of the 8th axis. Data value at Ref. Pnt. For Abs. Pulse coder (7th). Data value at Ref. Pnt. For Abs. Pulse coder (8th). 0= Least command incr. Is Metric; 1= Inch (5th/6th axis). 1= Sets auto. Coord. At Ref. Pnt Return (5th/6th axis). 1= Absolute Pulse coder is optioned 0= No Optioned. 1= Absolute Pulse coder is optioned 0= No Optioned. 1= Ref. Point Pos. In Abs. Pulse coder is settled. 1= Ref. Point Pos. In Abs. Pulse coder is settled. Coordinate value of the refer. Point of 5th axis. Coordinate value of the refer. Point of 6th axis.

0 7 1 0 1 0


Symbol DCS EBCL INHM CBLNK CPRD NPRD OPG7 OPG6 OPG5 OPG4 OPG3 OPG2 OPG1 EDITB Param 1 10 13 15 15 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 Bit 2 1 4 0 7 3 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 Description 1= Cycle start by start key on MDI panel. 1= EOB code by * ; 0= EOB code by ; . 1= Menu programming inefective; 0= Menu programming effective. 1= Cursor blinks; 0= Cursor doesnt blink. 1= Set to mm or inch if dec. Point is omitted 0= Least inp. Incr. 1= Inp. And display without dec. Point,; 0= With dec. Point. 1= Feed hold actuated with soft. Operators panel. 1= Protect key actuated with soft. Operators panel. 1= Opt-blk-skip, Sing-blk, Mach-lock, D-run. Actuated soft Panel. 1= Jog-fdrate, Overr, Raptrvse Overr. Actuated soft. Panel. 1= Axis select, Man. Puls Generator. Actuated soft Panel. 1= Jogfd axis select, Jograptravers. Actuated soft Panel. 1= Mode Select Actuated with soft Operators Panel. 1= Edit B is effective; 0= Edit is standard.

FANUC 0M Parameter List 6 Symbol Param DSPN 23 DHNG 23 DITA 23 DCHI 23 DFRN 23 DGRM 23 DJPN 23 MMDL 28 DACTF 28 PRCMSG 28 PRCPOS 28 NDSP4 35 NDSPZ 35 NDSPY 35 NDSPX 35 FLKY 38 SORT 40 NAMPR 40 CLER 45 MBCLR 57 IGNCOL 60 C14DGN 60 ALL78 61 DSP78 61 MTDSPI 63 NPA 64 SETREL 64 UPKY 130 DWNKY 131 RGTKY 132 LFTKY 133 FWDKY 134 BACKY 135 RTDKY 136 LTYLY 137 NSW11 140 NSW88 203 Bit 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 4 0 6 7 7 3 7 6 0 5 0 Description 1= The CRT screen is displayed in Spanish. 1= The CRT screen is displayed in Hangeul. 1= The CRT screen is displayed in Italian. 1= The CRT screen is displayed in Chinese. 1= The CRT screen is displayed in French. 1= The CRT screen is displayed in German. 1= The CRT screen is displayed in Japanese. 1= Modal status is displayed in MDI operation B. 1= Act. Speed is display on current position and prgm Check.. Display on Prgrm Check Screen 1= PMC-MES. 0= Rem. Motion. Display on prgrm Check Screen 1= Abs. Coor. 0= Rel. Coor. 1= The current position of 4th axis is not displayed. 1= The current position of Z axis is not displayed. 1= The current position of Y axis is not displayed. 1= The current position of X axis is not displayed. 1= CRT/MDI Keyboard uses a full key. Prgrm-Library is displayed in : 1= Num. Order 0= Norm. Order. 1= Displays prgrm Name on the directory Display. RST. PB. Selects : 1= Clear 0= Reset Conditions 1= MDI-B Prgrm is cleared by the reset operation. 9 High-Resolution Display 1= Color, 0= Monochrome. Diagnose Screen 1= 14, 0= 9 1= 7th & 8th axse Display in common position Display. 1= 7th & 8th Axes display in Abs. & Rel. Position Coord. 1= Machine coor. Sys. Displ. To meet the input systeme. 1= Screen is not switched to the Alarm/Message Page 1= Preset is made for each axis in Rel. Pos. Display. Set Jogfeed axes & Dir. On Software Operators Panel. Set Jogfeed axes & Dir. On Software Operators Panel. Set Jogfeed axes & Dir. On Software Operators Panel. Set Jogfeed axes & Dir. On Software Operators Panel. Set Jogfeed axes & Dir. On Software Operators Panel. Set Jogfeed axes & Dir. On Software Operators Panel. Set Jogfeed axes & Dir. On Software Operators Panel. Set Jogfeed axes & Dir. On Software Operators Panel. Set the names of Genral Purpose Switches on Software Ope. Panel. Set the names of Genral Purpose Switches on Software Ope. Panel.

Custom Macro
Symbol LOCC COMC TMCR DPOSUP ASTCD EQCD SHPCD LBLCD RBLCD MUSR Param 40 40 40 40 42 43 44 53 54 56 Bit 7 6 5 1 4 4 4 7 7 7 Description 0= Places local var. (#1 to #33) in state during resetting. 0= Places common Var. VACANT during Resetting. T Code : 1= Call Subprogram; 0= As a Normal Function. At Data Out. By DPRINT, 1= CHR. Space =0; 0= Nothing =0 Set Hole Pattrn of *, =, #, Of EIA Code in Macro B using 8 bit data. Set Hole Pattrn of *, =, #, Of EIA Code in Macro B using 8 bit data. Set Hole Pattrn of *, =, #, Of EIA Code in Macro B using 8 bit data. EIA Hole Pattnr of AND is set by 8 bit in Sequence. EIA Hole Pattnr of AND is set by 8 bit in Sequence. The Custom Macro Interrupt Function is : 1= Used; 0= Not Used.

7 Feed Rate Symbol Param MCYL 56 MSUB 56 MPRM 56 MTSE 56 MBLK 56 MSKT 56 CROUT 57 M198P 63 UMGCD0 220 UMGCD1 221 UMGCD2 222 UMGCD3 223 UMGCD4 224 UMGCD5 225 UMGCD6 226 UMGCD7 227 UMGCD8 228 UMGCD9 229 UMMCD4 230 UMMCD5 231 UMMCD6 232 UMMCD7 233 UMMCD8 234 UMMCD9 235 UMCD10 236 UMCD11 237 UMCD12 238 UMCD13 239 UMCD1 240 UMCD2 241 UMCD3 242 MCALL 246 MACRET 247 M198M 248 Bit 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 2 Description 1= Custom Macro Inter. Is exec. Even in Cycle Operation. 0= The Local variables of Macro Interrupt are unique. 1= Interrupt Valid/Invalid M-Code is set in a parameter. Interruption signal is : 1= Status; 0=Edge Trigger Typ. 1= Custom Macro Interrupt Type 2; 0= Interrupt Type 1. At Interrupt Abs. Coor. Is set to a skip Coor. In B/D Print, After ISO Code 1= LF & CR; 0= LF is output. Address P of M198 Indicate a : 1= Prgrm; 0= File Number. G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9010 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9011 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9012 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9013 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9014 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9015 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9016 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9017 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9018 G Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9019 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9020 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9021 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9022 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9023 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9024 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9025 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9026 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9027 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9028 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9029 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9001 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9002 M Code Calling Custom Macro Body Prgrm 9003 M Code to enable Custom Macro Interruption. 0-255 M Code to disable Custom Macro Interruption. 0-255 M Code to call prgrm Regi. In a prgrm Other than M198.

Feed Rate
Symbol RDRN OVRI EILK ROVE ISOT ADNW ZILK FLM10 NPRV FIDN RPDFX RPDFY RPDFZ Param 1 3 8 8 10 11 12 49 49 216 518 519 520 Bit 6 4 7 5 0 3 1 7 6 Description 1= Fry Run Effective for Rapid Traverse. 0= Feed Increase when *OV1 to *OV8 Decr.; 1= Decrease. 1= Interlock is valid for each axis; 0= All axis. 1= Rapid Trav. Signal ROV2 is not Active; 0= Active. 1= Rpr. Trav. Effective when No Ref. Point Return is done. 1= Select B type for feedrate; 0= Select A type. 1= Interlock for Z only; 0= Interlock for all axis. 1= Rpd + Upper Lmt. Cut. Feed Params. Are Mult. By 10. 1= When no Pos. Coder, Per-Revol. Feed command valid. Const. To find feedrate when Mpg. Rotate 1 Scale. Rapid Traverse Rate Of X axis (mm/Min or mm/Min x 10). Rapid Traverse Rate Of Y axis (mm/Min or mm/Min x 10). Rapid Traverse Rate Of Z axis (mm/Min or mm/Min x 10).

FANUC 0M Parameter List 8 Symbol Param RPDF4 521 FEDMX 527 RPDFL 533 ZRNFL 534 FINT 549 RPDJX 559 RPDJY 560 RPDJZ 561 RPDJ4 562 JOGF 565 JOGFAD 566 FEDMAD 567 RPDFLA 568 ZRNFLA 569 F1DMAX1 583 F1DMAX2 584 RPDF7 643 RPDF8 644 F1DF1 788 F1DF2 789 F1DF3 790 F1DF4 791 F1DF5 792 F1DF6 793 F1DF7 794 F1DF8 795 F1DF9 796 RPDF5 7518 RPDF6 7519 ZRNFLS 7534 Bit Description Rapid Traverse Rate Of 4th axis (mm/Min or mm/Min x 10). Upper speed of cutting feed on X, Y, Z axes (mm/Min). The least speed of rapid traverse override (F0). Low feed speed at Ref. point return (FL, all axes). Cutting feedrate in AUTO mode at turning power On. Rapid traverse rate in JOG mode for X axis. Rapid traverse rate in JOG mode for Y axis. Rapid traverse rate in JOG mode for Z axis. Rapid traverse rate in JOG mode for 4th axis. Jog feedrate when rot. Switch pos. is 10 in B Spec. Jog feedrate when rot. Switch is 10 for 4th axis. Upper Limit of feed rate of all axes in case B spec. Low Spd (F0) of rapid traverse override for 4th axis. Low feed rate (FL) at Ref. point Return of 4th axis. Upper limit of F1 Digit command Feedrate. Upper limit of F1 Digit command Feedrate. Rapid travers speed of 7th axis. Rapid travers speed of 8th axis. Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F1 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F2 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F3 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F4 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F5 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F6 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F7 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F8 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Feedrate for F1 Dgt, Command F9 (0.1-1500.0 mm/Min). Rapid traverse rate 5th axis (nn/Min or mm/Min x 10). Rapid traverse rate 6th axis (nn/Min or mm/Min x 10). Low Feed speed at Ref. point Return (FL, 5th & 6th Axis).

Graphic Display
Symbol Param GRPOS 46 SGCSR 58 SGFIN 58 SGPLN 58 SG3PLN 58 SGTLC 58 SGORG 58 RGDOV 63 PSGSPR 589 PSGSPL 590 PSGSPA 591 PSGSPB 592 9HRDSX 630 9HRDSY 631 Bit 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 Description 1= Axes Pos. are display in projec. View or tool path. Type of Magnification Marks of tool path drawing. Projection view Drwg. Is 1= Fine mode 0= Rough Mode. In projection plane is dranw : 1= With ridge line. 3 Plane view in Proj. Drwg id drawn 1= In 3Dr Angle. 1= In ProjViewDrw, tool Lenght Compensation is made. When G54/G59 is read Drwg Coord. Are : 1= Changed, 0= No. 1= Override is valid in drawing in rigid Tapping. Right Margin in projection View Drawing. Left Margin in projection View Drawing. Upper Margin in projection View Drawing. Lower Margin in projection View Drawing. Dot shift amount in horizontal Direction of 9 Crt. Dot shift amount in vertical Direction of 9 Crt.

9 Hand Wheel

Hand Wheel
Symbol Param THJD 2 HSLE 3 NZMP4 18 NZMP2 18 NYMP2 18 NXMP2 18 MHPGB 19 H4/ZNO 117 NUMHG 118 MULHPG 121 JHD 13 Bit 6 7 3 2 1 0 0 Description 1= Handle Feed Possible with MPG in teach in Mode. 1= When 3 Mpgs; Axis select sign. Is valid. Hndl Feed *100 for 4th axis : 1= Ineffectiv; 0= Effective. Hndl Feed *100 for Z axis : 1= Ineffectiv; 0= Effective. Hndl Feed *100 for Y axis : 1= Ineffectiv; 0= Effective. Hndl Feed *100 for X axis : 1= Ineffectiv; 0= Effective. Multi-Handle function is specification : 1= B; 0= A. MPG NBR. Of Z/4th in Multi-Handle B Specif : 1 to 3. Number of Man. Puls Generator to be used in Multi-Handle. Multiplier N of the Manual Handle Feed. Set. 1-127. 1= MPG is valid in Jog Mode; 0= MPG is not valid.

Input/Output by serial interface

Symbol Param NFED 2 ASR33 2 STP2 2 NFED 12 ASR33 12 STP2 12 PRWD 15 TVC 18 NEOP 19 RSCMD1 38 DEVFL1 38 RSCMD2 38 DEVFL2 38 RWDOUT 45 RAL 45 RDL 45 NFED 50 RSASCI 50 STP2 50 BRATE2 250 BRATE3 251 BRATE0 552 BRATE1 553 Bit 7 2 0 7 2 0 5 6 6 7 6 5 4 2 1 0 7 3 0 Description 1= No tape leader; 0= Tape leader before program. (I/O=0) 1= 20MA Loop in Chanel 1; 0= RS232 in Chanel 1. (I/O=0) 1= 2 Stops bits in Chanel 1; 0= 1 Stop bit in chanel 1. (I/O=0) 1= No tape leader before Program; 0= Tape leader. (I/O=1) 1= 20MA Loop in Chanel 1; 0= RS232 in Chanel 1. (I/O=1). 1= 2 Stops bits in Chanel 1; 0= 1 Stop bit in chanel 1. (I/O=1) 1= RWD Signal is output to port. Tape reader; 0= Not output. 1= TV Check at the comment; 0= No. 1= M2, M30, M99 Command the end Regis. Into Part Program. Setting I/O Device of Reader/Puncher Interface Chanel 1. Setting I/O Device of Reader/Puncher Interface Chanel 1. Setting I/O Device of Reader/Puncher Interface Chanel 2. Setting I/O Device of Reader/Puncher Interface Chanel 2. 0= A signal is outputted for Tape Rewinding. Regist. 1= Only one prgrm; 0= All prgrms thru RS232C. I/O Ext. Cont. 1= Regist. When all mem. Clear ; 0= Norm. 1= No tape Feed is output (I/O=2). Input uses : 1= ASCII Code; 0= ISO/EIA Code (I/O=2). 1= 2 Stop Bits; 0= 1 Stop Bit (I/O=2). Baud Rate when (I/O=2). Baud Rate when (I/O=3). Baud Rate when (I/O=0). Baud Rate when (I/O=1). Setting Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Baud Rate 50 100 110 150 200 300 600 1200 2400

FANUC 0M Parameter List 10 Setting Value 10 11 Baud Rate 4800 9600

Part Counter
Symbol Param RWCNT 40 MCDCNT 219 PARTRQ 600 PARTAL 779 Bit 3 Description 0= Counts Total no of Parts Machined at M2 or M30. M Code to count-up Number of machined parts. Number of Machined parts required 0 to 9999. No. Of Machined parts in total 0 to 99 999 999.

Pitch error compensation

Symbol Param PML2 11 PML1 11 PECINX 712 PECINY 713 PECINZ 714 PECIN4 715 PECOGX 1000 PECOGY 2000 PECOGZ 3000 PECOG4 4000 PECOG5 5000 PECOG6 6000 PECIN5 7713 PECIN6 7714 Bit 1 0 Description Pitch error compensation magnification. Pitch error compensation magnification. Pitch error compensation interval for X axis. Pitch error compensation interval for Y axis. Pitch error compensation interval for Z axis. Pitch error compensation interval for 4th axis. X axis zero point pitch error compensation (0 to 127). Y axis zero point pitch error compensation (0 to 127). Z axis zero point pitch error compensation (0 to 127). 4th axis zero point pitch error compensation (0 to 127). 5th axis zero point pitch error compensation (0 to 127). 6th axis zero point pitch error compensation (0 to 127). Pitch error compensation interval for 5th axis. Pitch error compensation interval for 6th axis.

PMC axis control

Symbol Param DSPSUB 29 EAC1 30 EAC0 30 EACSB 32 PNGMLK 32 EFML10 49 NODIC8 52 NODIC7 52 NODIC6 52 NODIC5 52 NODIC4 52 NODICZ 52 NODICY 52 Bit 6 1 0 6 4 5 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Description 1= Display 5th & 6th Axis current position for PMC axis. Axis setting for PMC axis control. Axis setting for PMC axis control. 1= PMC axis control is B specification; 0= A specification. 1= In PMC axis control, Machine lock shall be invalid. 1= Feedrate Command of PMC axis is used by 10 times. 1= Ignore 1/10 increment systeme of the PMC 8th axis. 1= Ignore 1/10 increment systeme of the PMC 7th axis. 1= Ignore 1/10 increment systeme of the PMC 6th axis. 1= Ignore 1/10 increment systeme of the PMC 5th axis. 1= Ignore 1/10 increment systeme of the PMC 4th axis. 1= Ignore 1/10 increment systeme of the PMC Z axis. 1= Ignore 1/10 increment systeme of the PMC Y axis.

11 PMC signals - Digital inputs/outputs Symbol Param NODICX 52 EBC8 61 EBC7 61 EBC4 61 EBCZ 61 EBCY 61 EBCX 61 EAXOV 63 Bit 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 Description 1= Ignore 1/10 increment systeme of the PMC X axis. For DI/DO of PMC axis control use : 1= B; 0= A. For DI/DO of PMC axis control use : 1= B; 0= A. For DI/DO of PMC axis control use : 1= B; 0= A. For DI/DO of PMC axis control use : 1= B; 0= A. For DI/DO of PMC axis control use : 1= B; 0= A. For DI/DO of PMC axis control use : 1= B; 0= A. 1= Dry Run & Override is valid for the PMC axis.

PMC signals - Digital inputs/outputs

Symbol Param TMF 9 TFIN 9 MCINP 11 RILK 15 C4NG 19 BCD3 20 IGNPMC 24 EXTS 28 HSIF 45 RDIK 49 DILK 49 PRSTCT 252 Bit 4 0 7 2 1 4 0 4 7 1 0 Description Delay time between M, S, T Codes and MF, TF, SF Strobe. Time of reception width of FIN Signal. 1= Program input start with signal MINP 1= Intlk. At high speed; 0= Intlk. At normal speed. 1= 4th axis neglect signal is valid. Output B code is 1= 3 Digits; 0= 6 Digits. 1= Control by PMC is made ineffective. Search by external 1= Prgrm (1-9999); 0= 1-15. M/S/T/B Code process : 1= High speed; 0= Normal Interface. 0= The high speed interlock signal always valid. 1= Each axis interlock signal valid only in manual operation. Par. To prolong the RST signal output time (0-225).

Symbol Param PRG9 10 G01 11 SBKM 11 CPRD 15 REP 15 SUPM 16 SQTYP 18 M02NR 19 G91 30 SSCA1 41 SSCA0 41 DAT16M 55 DAT4MS 55 DAT2MS 55 ITPCNT 55 MIC 57 Bit 4 6 5 7 6 2 4 5 7 5 4 6 5 4 5 3 Description 1= Prgrm and Sub-prgrm from 9000 to 9999 are protected. 1= G01 Mode at power on; 0= G00 Mode at power on. 1= Single block active in macros; 0= Not active. 1= If no decimal point, unit is mm or inch; 0= Least input incr. 1= New entered prgrm replace old one; 0= Doesnt replace, alarm. 1= Start up B type type effective with Cut. Comp. 0= Not effective Program restart should be : 1= R type; 0= P or Q type. 1= Return to head of program after executing M02. When power on : 1= G91; 0= G90 Mode is set. Set the reference axis for C.S.S. Calculation. Set the reference axis for C.S.S. Calculation. Set the data distribution time (msec) of G05. Set the data distribution time (msec) of G05. Set the data distribution time (msec) of G05. Interpolation time in high speed cycle machining. 1= At omission of Decimal point, min. unit x 10.

FANUC 0M Parameter List 12 Symbol Param M3B 65 MBUF1 111 MBUF2 112 PSRNQ1 124 PSRNQ2 125 PRSNQ3 126 PRSNQ4 127 INTPLN 212 SEQINC 550 G05NOM 597 Bit 7 Description 1= Max. 3 M codes can be designated in one block. Set the 1st M Code not subject to buffering. Set the 2nd M Code not subject to buffering. Order of movement to DNR restart position in prgrm of X axis. Order of movement to DNR restart position in prgrm of Y axis. Order of movement to DNR restart position in prgrm of Z axis. Order of movement to DNR restart position in prgrm of 4th axis. 0= G17 1= G18 2= G19 is select at power on. Increment value on automatic insertion of sequence number. Max. simultaneous axis during G05 specification.

Remote Buffer
Symbol Param RSCMD3 38 DEVFL3 38 ECLK 51 NCKCD 51 SYNAK 51 PARTY 51 NFED 51 STP2 51 RMSTS 55 RS42 55 PROTCA 55 EXT 55 ASCII 55 Bit 2 1 5 4 2 1 7 0 7 3 2 1 0 Description Setting I/O Device of remote buffer chanel. (See figure in anexe). Setting I/O Device of remote buffer chanel. (See figure in anexe). 1= Remote buffer is effective by an external clock. 1= Signal status CD is not monitored in interface. 1= In protocol B, output SYN & NAK is controled. Parity bit shall be : 1= Present; 0= Absent. 1= Tape feed is output in I/O interface #3. Stop bit in I/O interface #3 : 1= 2 stop bits; 0= 1 stop bit. 1= SAT TGRM. Is Ret. Uncond. When host sends SET. Remote buffer interface made by 1= RS422; 0= RS232C. For communication protocol, use protocol : 1= A; 0= B. End code shall be : 1= EXT; 0= CR. For all communication exept NC data, use : 1= ASCII; 0= ISO.

Rigid tapping
Symbol Param SRGTP 19 VALT 37 VALPC 63 TPSUP 254 BKL9 255 MCODE 256 RGOVG 258 TPFDT 613 TPFFL 614 TLPG 615 LPGM9 616 TPSMX 617 TPIPZ 618 Bit 4 6 3 Description Rigid tapping Selection signal : 1= G130.5 0= G123.1 1= Time const. Is steplessly switched in rigid tapping. 1= Opt. Gear ratio is used between Spdl & Position coder. Spindle and Z axis acc/dec : 0= Exponential; 1= Linear. Spindle backlash amount in the rigid tapping (0-127). M Code to specify the rigid tapping mode (0-256). Used to set the override value at drawing in rigid. Acc/dec time constant of spdl. And Z axis in msec. Lower speed limit at expon. Acc/dec (Z and spindle). Position control loop gain between spindle and Z axis. Loop gain multiplier of spdl. In high peed range. Maximum allowable speed on spdl. In rigid tapping. Z axis in position width in the rigid tapping mode.

13 Scaling & coordinate rotation Symbol Param INP9 619 TPERZ 620 TPER9 621 TPESZ 622 TPES9 623 LGM9M 624 LGM9H 625 ERR9 627 IPL9 628 GRPLW 663 GRPMD 664 GRPHI 665 GRQLW 666 GRQMD 667 GRQHI 668 TPLGL 669 TPLGM 670 TPLGH 671 ABS9 799 Bit Description Spindle in position width in the rigid tapping mode. Error lmt. Of pos. Deviation during Z move in rigid tapping. Error lmt. Of pos. Deviation of spindle move in rigid tapping. Limit of position deviation at stop of Z axis. Limit of position deviation at stop of spindle. Spindle loop gain multiplier for middle gear. Spindle loop gain multiplier for high gear. Spindle position deviation value (Diagnose only). Spindle distribution amount in rigid tapping (Diagnose only). Nbr. Of teeth of 1st spdl. Gear at opt. Gear ratio. Nbr. Of teeth of 2nd spdl. Gear at opt. Gear ratio. Nbr. Of teeth of 3rd spdl. Gear at opt. Gear ratio. Nbr. Of teeth of 1st gear in psn. Coder at opt. Gear ratio. Nbr. Of teeth of 2nd gear in psn. Coder at opt. Gear ratio. Nbr. Of teeth of 3rd gear in psn. Coder at opt. Gear ratio. Pos. Control loop gain of Z and Spdl of 1st stage. Pos. Control loop gain of Z and Spdl of 2nd stage. Pos. Control loop gain of Z and Spdl of 3rd stage. Spindle distribution cumulative value (Diagnostic).

Scaling & coordinate rotation

Symbol Param SCR 36 SCLZ 36 SCLY 36 SCLX 36 RIN 41 ESCAL 63 PROTAG 730 PSCRT 731 PSCRT2 732 PSCRT3 733 Bit 7 2 1 0 0 6 Description Scaling magnification incr. Shall be : 1= 0.001 0= 0.00001 1= Scaling is valid on Z axis only. 1= Scaling is valid on Y axis only. 1= Scaling is valid on X axis only. Command coor. Rot. Angle by : 1= Increment; 0= Abs. Command. Scaling magnification is pecified by : 1= I, J, & K; 0= P Default angle value of coordinate rotation. Default value of scale magnification factor. Default value of scale magnification factor of Y. Default value of scale magnification factor of Z.

Symbol Param DMRX 4 DMRY 5 DMRZ 6 DMR4 7 GRDX 4 GRDY 5 GRDZ 6 Bit 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 Description Detection multiply ratio X axis (Bits 4 to 6). Detection multiply ratio Y axis (Bits 4 to 6). Detection multiply ratio Z axis (Bits 4 to 6). Detection multiply ratio 4th axis (Bits 4 to 6). Capacity of reference counter X axis (Bits 0 to 3). Capacity of reference counter Y axis (Bits 0 to 3). Capacity of reference counter Z axis (Bits 0 to 3).

FANUC 0M Parameter List 14 Symbol Param GRD4 7 OFFVY 10 ACMR 35 PLC01 37 SPTP8 37 SPTP7 37 SPTP4 37 SPTPZ 37 SPTPY 37 SPTPX 37 DMR7 67 DMR8 68 GRD7 67 GRD8 68 CMRX 100 CMRY 101 CMRZ 102 CMR4 103 SVAXX 269 SVAXY 270 SVAXZ 271 SVAX4 272 SVAX7 273 SVAX8 274 CMR7 275 CMR8 276 INPX 500 INPY 501 INPZ 502 INP4 503 SERRX 504 SERRY 505 SERRZ 506 SERR4 507 GRDSX 508 GRDSY 509 GRDSZ 510 GRDS4 511 LPGIN 517 BKLX 535 BKLY 536 BKLZ 537 BKL4 538 STPEX 593 STPEY 594 Bit 0 2 7 7 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 4 0 0 Description Capacity of reference counter 4th axis (Bits 0 to 3). 1= No servo alarm when VRDY on before PRDY is output. 1= Optional CMR is used. 1= A pulse coder of 0.1m detection is to be used. 1= Separate pulse coder is used as a detector for 8th axis. 1= Separate pulse coder is used as a detector for 7th axis. 1= Separate pulse coder is used as a detector for 4th axis. 1= Separate pulse coder is used as a detector for Z axis. 1= Separate pulse coder is used as a detector for Y axis. 1= Separate pulse coder is used as a detector for X axis. Set the detection multiply of 7th axis. Set the detection multiply of 8th axis. Set the reference counter capacity of the 7th axis. Set the reference counter capacity of the 8th axis. Command multiply for X axis. Command multiply for Y axis. Command multiply for Z axis. Command multiply for 4th axis. Set the servo axis no. To output the X axis command. Set the servo axis no. To output the Y axis command. Set the servo axis no. To output the Z axis command. Set the servo axis no. To output the 4th axis command. Set the servo axis no. To output the 7th axis command. Set the servo axis no. To output the 8th axis command. Command multiply for 7th axis (Para. 100-130). Command multiply for 8th axis (Para. 100-130). In position zone for X (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). In position zone for Y (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). In position zone for Z (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). In position zone for 4th (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Servo error limit X during move (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Servo error limit Y during move (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Servo error limit Z during move (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Servo error limit 4th during move (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Setting of X axis grid shift amount in detect unit. Setting of Y axis grid shift amount in detect unit. Setting of Z axis grid shift amount in detect unit. Setting of 4th axis grid shift amount in detect unit. Servo position loop gain all axes (Unit = 0.01 Sec-1). Backlash amount of X axis (0 to 2550 Microns). Backlash amount of Y axis (0 to 2550 Microns). Backlash amount of Z axis (0 to 2550 Microns). Backlash amount of 4th axis (0 to 2550 Microns). X servo error limit at stop (0 to 32767 Detect unit). Y servo error limit at stop (0 to 32767 Detect unit).

15 Skip signal input Symbol Param STPEZ 595 STPE4 595 INP7 637 INP8 638 SERR7 639 SERR8 640 GRDS7 641 GRDS8 642 BKL7 647 BKL8 648 STPE7 649 STPE8 650 DMR5 7004 DMR6 7005 GRD5 7004 GRD6 7005 OFFVYS 7010 CMR5 7100 CMR6 7101 INP5 7500 INP6 7501 SERR5 7504 SERR6 7505 GRDS5 7508 GRDS6 7509 LPGINS 7517 BKL5 7535 BKL6 7536 STPE5 7593 STPE6 7594 Bit Description Z servo error limit at stop (0 to 32767 Detect unit). 4th servo error limit at stop (0 to 32767 Detect unit). In position zone for 7th (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). In position zone for 8th (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Servo error limit 7th during move (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Servo error limit 8th during move (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Setting of 7th axis grid shift amount in detect unit. Setting of 8th axis grid shift amount in detect unit. Backlash amount of 7th axis (0 to 2550 Microns). Backlash amount of 8th axis (0 to 2550 Microns). 7th servo error limit at stop (0 to 32767 Detect unit). 8th servo error limit at stop (0 to 32767 Detect unit). Detection multiply ratio 5th axis (Bits 4 to 6). Detection multiply ratio 6th axis (Bits 4 to 6). Capacity of reference counter 5th axis (Bits 0 to 3). Capacity of reference counter 6th axis (Bits 0 to 3). 1= No servo alarm evan if VRDY is on before PRDY. Command multiply for 5th axis. Command multiply for 6th axis. In position zone for 5th (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). In position zone for 6th (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Servo error limit 5th during move (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Servo error limit 6th during move (range :0 to 32767 Detection unit). Setting of 5th axis grid shift amount in detect unit. Setting of 6th axis grid shift amount in detect unit. Servo position loop gain 5/6th axes (Unit = 0.01 Sec-1). Backlash amount of 5th axis (0 to 2550 Microns). Backlash amount of 6th axis (0 to 2550 Microns). 5th servo error limit at stop (0 to 32767 Detect unit). 6th servo error limit at stop (0 to 32767 Detect unit).

4 4 0 0 2

Skip signal input

Symbol Param SKPF 15 Bit 3 Description 1= DRN, Overr., acc/dec effective with skip; 0= No effect.

Spindle control
Symbol Param GST 3 TCW 13 CWM 13 ORCW 13 SFOUT 20 Bit 5 7 6 5 7 Description 1= Gear shift by SOR signal; 0= Orientation By SOR. Output code at S analog output. Output code at S analog output. 1= Minus analog output at orientation; 0= Plus output. SF in S4/5 is : 1= output at new; 0= Output at gear change.

FANUC 0M Parameter List 16 Symbol Param SCTO 24 PSG2 28 PSG1 28 SFOB 29 LGCM 35 SPMRPM 63 SPLOW 108 SCTTIM 110 PSANGN 516 GRHMAX 539 GRHMIN 540 GRLMAX 541 SPDMAX 542 SPDMIN 543 LOWSP 551 GRTMAX 555 GRTMIN 556 SPDLC 577 SPDMXL 585 SPDMXH 586 PSANGS 7516 SPDLCS 7539 Bit 2 7 6 5 6 7 Description 1= Spindle speed reach signal is checked. Gear ratio of spindle and position coder. Gear ratio of spindle and position coder. In CSS mode : 1= SF is output; 0= SF is not output. 1= Low, Highspeed gear change depend on param. No. 585. 1= At S5 Digit anal. Control, Max Spdl speed i 99999R. Min. Spindle speed during CSS or at gear change. Set delay timer for checking the Spndl speed reach signal. Gain of D/A converter for spindle analog output. Max. spndl speed (for anal. Output) at high gear. Lower limit of spndl speed when using high speed gear. Max. spndl speed at lower speed gear. Upper limit of output value to the spindle motor. Lower limit of output value to the spindle motor. Min. spindle speed in constant Surface speed control mode. Max. Spindle speed at high speed gear in 3 step gear select. Lower limit of spindle speed when using high speed gear. Zero offset value of the spindle analog output. Spindle speed at which gear is changed (L to H or L to M). Spindle speed at which gear is changed (M to H). Gain of D/A converter for sub-spindle analog output. Zero offset of the sub-spindle analog output.

Stroke limit
Symbol Param OTZN 8 LM2 15 INOUT 24 HOT3 57 LT1X1 700 LT1Y1 701 LT1Z1 702 LT141 703 LT1X2 704 LT1Y2 705 LT1Z2 706 LT142 707 LT2X1 743 LT2Y1 744 LT2Z1 745 LT241 746 LT2X2 747 LT2Y2 748 Bit 6 4 4 5 Description 1= Z axis stored stroke check is not done; 0= Is done. 1= Stroke limit 2 sign. Valid; 0= Stroke limit 2 sign. Invalid. 1= Outside 2nd stroke limit is forbidden area; 0= Inside. A signal of hardware 0T is : 1= Valid; 0= Invalid. Stroke limit 1 located right to ref. point X axis. Stroke limit 1 located right to ref. point Y axis. Stroke limit 1 located right to ref. point Z axis. Stroke limit 1 located right to ref. point 4th axis. Stroke limit 1 located left to ref. point X axis. Stroke limit 1 located left to ref. point Y axis. Stroke limit 1 located left to ref. point Z axis. Stroke limit 1 located left to ref. point 4th axis. Ext. stroke limit 2 located right to ref. point on X axis. Ext. stroke limit 2 located right to ref. point on Y axis. Ext. stroke limit 2 located right to ref. point on Z axis. Ext. stroke limit 2 located right to ref. point on 4th axis. Ext. stroke limit 2 located left to ref. point on X axis. Ext. stroke limit 2 located left to ref. point on Y axis.

17 Timers and counters Symbol Param LT2Z2 749 LT242 750 LT3X1 804 LT3Y1 805 LT3Z1 806 LT3X2 807 LT3Y2 808 LT3Z2 809 LT171 821 LT181 822 LT172 823 LT182 824 LT151 7700 LT161 7701 LT152 7704 LT162 7705 Bit Description Ext. stroke limit 2 located left to ref. point on Z axis. Ext. stroke limit 2 located left to ref. point on 4th axis. Stroke limit 3 located right to ref. point on X axis. Stroke limit 3 located right to ref. point on Y axis. Stroke limit 3 located right to ref. point on Z axis. Stroke limit 3 located left to ref. point on X axis. Stroke limit 3 located left to ref. point on Y axis. Stroke limit 3 located left to ref. point on Z axis. Stroke limit 1 located right to ref. point on 7th axis. Stroke limit 1 located right to ref. point on 8th axis. Stroke limit 1 located left to ref. point on 7th axis. Stroke limit 1 located left to ref. point on 8th axis. Stroke limit 1 located right to ref. point on 5th axis. Stroke limit 1 located right to ref. point on 6th axis. Stroke limit 1 located left to ref. point on 5th axis. Stroke limit 1 located left to ref. point on 6th axis.

Timers and counters

Symbol Param DBCD 19 Bit 7 Description Timer Counter data displayed in : 1= Decimal; 0= Binary.

Tool Life Management

Symbol Param M6TCD 39 IGIN 39 IGSK 39 GRST 39 TLSK 39 LCMT 39 GST2 39 GST1 39 M6TST 41 TLCNEG 599 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 Description Regards M06 + T code as : 1= Tool grp no.; 0= Back tool. 1= Ignore tool back-number. 0= Tool skip signal is always accepted. 1= Clears all grp. Execut. Data by tool reset signal. 1= By tool skip input, group number is also entered. Designates the tool life by : 1= Time; 0= Frequency. Designates the no. Of regist. Grp in tool grp setting. Designates the no. Of regist. Grp in tool grp setting. When T is specified with M06, Life of the Grp. Is counted. Tool Life management ignore number.

Tool Offset
Symbol Param IOF 1 RS43 1 PROD 1 TLCP 3 PROAD 18 Bit 4 3 1 6 5 Description Offset value : 1= Absolute; 0= Incremental 1= G43, G44 is not cancelled in reset : 0= Cancelled by reset. Rel. Pos. Display shown : 1= Prgrm pos; 0= Actual pos. + offset. 1= Tool lenght on axis select by G17, G19 : 0= Z only. Abs. Pos. Display shown : 1= Prgrm pos; 0= Actual pos. + offset.

FANUC 0M Parameter List 18 TLCD OFRD TLCDOK CRCDR 19 36 36 557 3 6 5 Tool lenght comp. : 1= Type C (+ OFRD=1); 0= Normal. 1= Lenght comp. By H & Rad. Comp by D; 0= Both by H. 1= No alarm if more than 2 axis are offset. In T lenght Limitation on ignoring a small movement amount.

Uni-Directional Poitionning
Symbol Param G604 29 G60Z 29 G60Y 29 G60X 29 POSTN1 204 POSTN2 205 POSTN3 206 POSTN4 207 Bit 3 2 1 0 Description Approach direc. in single direction pos. For 4th :1= - Dir; 0= + Dir. Approach direc. in single direction pos. For Z :1= - Dir; 0= + Dir. Approach direc. in single direction pos. For Y :1= - Dir; 0= + Dir. Approach direc. in single direction pos. For X :1= - Dir; 0= + Dir. Approach amount for single direction positionning of X axis. Approach amount for single direction positionning of Y axis. Approach amount for single direction positionning of Z axis. Approach amount for single direction positionning of 4th axis.

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