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An Original Screenplay By Holly Copella


NIGHT CREATURE FADE IN: EXT. AIRPORT -- DAY We see the cloudy, dreary looking day. The runway and planes remain wet from a previous storm. It appears as if another is on the way. We see a small building toward the back of the airport. INT. BUILDING A well-dressed man, ROB STILLER, stands before the counter while arguing with a heavy-set man, GUS, standing behind the desk eating a sandwich. GUS I can appreciate your need to get to that boat, Mr. Stiller, but we don't fly our choppers in weather like this. Our insurance is high enough. ROB I have to get out there. urgent. It's

GUS Uh, huh--someone need an organ transplant urgent or business urgent? Rob stares with a frown. ROB I'm willing to pay whatever it takes. GUS I'm sure you would, but it's still against company policy. can't help you. ROB There must be someone-GUS (considers) Wait--which cruise ship was that? ROB Queen Andrea.

GUS Well, this must be your lucky day. (points outside) See that hanger over there? That crazy bastard is flying out there to that same ship. Must be picking up some rich guy. For a price, he may let you ride along, but you'd better hurry. Rob looks to a well-dressed woman, JETT, on a pay phone. She hangs up the phone, looks to him, and shrugs. He motions for her to join him. She grabs her bag and hurries toward him. INT. HANGER We see a distinguished looking man, MAX, alongside a man in a white mechanic uniform. They look at a map of the ocean. MECHANIC Based on its coordinates and destination. Your boat will be somewhere-(points to the map) Around here. Thanks. MAX You're a lifesaver.

MECHANIC You got some sort of death wish, Max? MAX No, just important matters to attend to. The mechanic smiles and shakes his head. We see Rob and Jett run through the light rain and into the hanger. Rob hurries past Max and approaches the mechanic. Jett waits by the open hanger doors and shivers from the cold. Max approaches the bay doors and looks outside. He glances at Jett and smiles. MAX Beautiful day, don't you think? JETT All things being equal, I'd rather be at home in bed. Max places a baseball cap on his head.

MAX (lusty smile) I wouldn't mind that myself. Good day. Max ventures into the rain and heads for a healthy looking helicopter. Jett looks back across the hanger to Rob attempting to talk to the busy mechanic. Jett hurries out of the hanger. EXT. HANGER -- DAY Light rain. Jett hurries after Max. He opens the helicopter door and climbs inside. He pauses when he sees her approaching. MAX Must be that new cologne-JETT The man at the desk said you were flying out to the Queen Andrea. MAX (flips several switches) So I am. Why the interest? JETT My boss and I need to get to the Queen Andrea right away. It's very important. Could we fly with you? He'd pay you very well. MAX It's not a very good day to play taxi. I shouldn't even be going myself. I couldn't risk anyone else. JETT He's very determined. make an offer. MAX (considers) Dinner? JETT To my boss-MAX I doubt he's my type. At least

JETT (sighs) Please-We see Rob appear from the hanger. He hurries to join them.

ROB I'm so glad we were able to catch you. MAX I was told the story, but I'm afraid I can't take you with me. Much too risky. ROB Name your price. MAX It's not about money. It'll be good flying tomorrow. Any number of pilots will take you then. ROB This is extremely important. MAX Someone need a kidney? ROB Please, just name your price. There's a long moment of silence. the control panel. Max taps his fingers on

MAX One hundred dollars and an evening with the lady. ROB Done. Jett appears horrified. Rob pulls on Jett. She doesn't move. He looks back at her and receives an annoyed look. ROB What's wrong? JETT Don't I have a say in this? ROB (soft) We're getting off cheap.

JETT Who's getting off cheap? You can't make that sort of decision for me. MAX Come on guys--fight about it later. This bus leaves in one minute. ROB (low) Say yes to the nice man and let's go. Jett appears even more annoyed with Rob. MAX Getting further into the doghouse. Better tread light. ROB Jett, you're being wellcompensated. I'm not going to lose this deal because of this. MAX (studies them) Tick, tick, tick. He starts the helicopter. stares her down. (firm) No. Rob points his finger at her and talks low. ROB You got us into this-MAX (groans) What do I look like? A low budget gigolo? Just dinner. I'm convinced you'll survive. Max directs Rob to the back seat and motions Jett to the seat beside him. Rob continues to glare at Jett. She takes her bag and hurries around the helicopter. INT. HELICOPTER -- CONTINUOUS Jett climbs into the front seat as Rob buckles himself into the back. Max shuts his door and straps himself in. The sound becomes loud. JETT Rob

Max assists Jett with her seat harness and smiles deviously. MAX I hope you don't get airsick. It's going to be a rough ride. EXT. HELICOPTER -- CONTINUOUS The helicopter lifts off and maneuvers swiftly across the airfield. INT. HELICOPTER -- CONTINUOUS Both Jett and Rob appear a little nauseous. lively tune while skillfully flying. MAX Must be something very important to go through all this trouble-and hostility. ROB It's an important business account. I need to get out to the ship to fix some mistakes. MAX Must be worth quite a bit of money to risk one's life on a day like today--and to fly with a pilot like me. I'm considered to be an aggressive pilot. High risk. Rob shuts his eyes and puts his head back. more ill. ROB Oh--how long until we get there? MAX About an hour. Relax. Enjoy the ride. Look at the size of those storm clouds. We're in for one hell of a storm. Max looks at Jett and smiles. She attempts to smile back. He appears even Max hums a

MAX We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Max--just Max will do. I hate formalities and titles.

JETT Jett--and the ill man in the back is my boss, Rob Stiller, President of Avec, Incorporated. MAX Isn't that a drug company? ROB (sick) Yes-MAX There's a little bag back there. Use it if you must woof woof. (to Jett) I hate the smell of vomit. Jett appears more nauseous herself. MAX So--what do you do for Mr. President? JETT I'm his personal assistant--at least I think I still am. MAX Why? Because of that little scene at the airport? He can't fire you for that. There are laws against it. (indicates candy) Have a peppermint. It'll calm your stomach. Jett uncertainly removes a candy from the bag on the seat. JETT Thank you. MAX (to Rob) You still with us, Rob? ROB (moans) Yeah--don't talk to me. MAX Sorry--but you insisted on going along. I did warn you. Rob grumbles something but doesn't open his eyes.

EXT. CRUISE SHIP/QUEEN ANDREA -- DAY We see the cruise ship stalled in the middle of the ocean. The helicopter circles in the pouring rain. INT. HELICOPTER We see Rob in the back looking pale and sweated. Jett looks down to the ship below, while Max attempts to contact them. MAX (into his headset) Queen Andrea, this is chopper one, do you copy? No response. That's odd. responding. MAX They're not

JETT Why do you suppose the ship is stopped? MAX The storm perhaps. I know very little about ships. I guess I'll have to land without permission. They can yell at me later. EXT. CRUISE SHIP/QUEEN ANDREA -- DAY The helicopter lands on a special, elevated pad. Rob springs from the helicopter, runs to the railing, and throws up. Max and Jett get out and watch him with sickened looks. MAX Hope he has better luck with boats. JETT Thanks for the lift, Max. (hands him a card) You can reach us there for payment arrangements. MAX (accepts the card) I'll do just that. Good luck with the business deal. Jett smiles and returns to Rob. He still appears sick.

When they turn, Max is already heading down the steps and out of sight. ROB Let's find Dennis first. He's in room 142. It's on the lower level. I should clean up before meeting with Friedman. They head toward the steps as the rain pours down upon them. Jett totes the bag with her. JETT Odd that the crew hasn't come to greet us. ROB Probably don't want to get wet. INT. NEPTUNE DECK LOUNGE Rob and Jett enter the lounge and stop in the doorway. The lounge is completely empty. There aren't any crew members or passengers. JETT This isn't right. ROB Where is everyone? We hear the faint sound of a helicopter. another and hurry from the lounge. EXT. NEPTUNE DECK -- DAY Rob and Jett rush onto deck and stop by the railing. the helicopter flying away from the boat. Damn it. here? ROB What's going on around We see They look at one

JETT They must be somewhere. Let's go to the main deck lobby. There has to be someone there. ROB Seems we have little choice, now that Max has left. They watch the helicopter a moment longer while walking toward the doors. The helicopter suddenly rocks then crashes into the water. Rob and Jet stand in the pouring rain with a look of horror on their faces. The helicopter explodes moments after impact.

JETT Max-ROB What on earth would've caused him to crash? JETT We'd better go get help. ROB I doubt he survived, Jett. JETT How can you be so callus? ROB It's obvious the man was an idiot. Let's go. They enter through the side doors. INT. MAIN DECK/LOBBY Rob and Jett hurry down the staircase and slow as they near the bottom. The entire lobby is empty. There's no crew minding the desk. They slowly enter the lobby. The gift shop appears empty and wide open. They approach the desk and look around with some concern. JETT This is definitely not right. ROB Where the hell did they all go? JETT Abandoned ship? ROB That's ridiculous. The ship's not sinking. I hope. JETT Maybe we should check the dining room and kitchen. ROB Face it, Jett. They're gone. There would be someone tending the front desk if there was anyone around. JETT There has to be someone onboard. Let's check the lifeboats.

Rob nods.

They leave the lobby.

EXT. MAIN DECK -- DAY Rob and Jett look from their deck to the one above them. We see all of the lifeboats are gone. They look at one another with concern. ROB This can't be good. Why would they abandon a ship that wasn't sinking? JETT I don't like this. ROB Let's check the control deck. Maybe we can radio for the coast guard. INT. CONTROL DECK Rob and Jett stare at the demolished radio and controls. They look at one another without a word. INT. MAIN DECK/LOUNGE Rob pours himself a drink while Jett paces the length of the lounge. Both are completely soaked. JETT What about your cell phone? ROB No reception this far out. Someone has to come along eventually. We'll just wait here until they do. We won't starve, that's for sure. JETT I need to find some dry clothes. Will you come along? ROB (drinks) Why? You know where the lobby is. I've just lost a million dollar deal, and I'm stranded on an abandoned cruise ship. This is going to cost the company a fortune. That bastard, Max. Serves him right for leaving us.

JETT (frowns) Be happy we weren't with him. I wish you'd come along to the lobby. My luck, you'll disappear as well. ROB You'll be okay. Just go. Jett frowns and leaves the lounge. INT. MAIN DECK/LOBBY Jett wanders through the gift shop portion of the lobby and looks over shirts with the ship logo on them. She finds a nice button shirt and a pair of jean shorts. She bites the tags off with her teeth and approaches the changing room. INT. CHANGING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Jett changes into the dry clothes and hangs her wet things over the changing room door. We hear a clunk from the gift shop. Jett tenses and stares at the changing room door. She quickly slips into her shoes and hurries to the door. Jett slowly opens the door and looks into the gift shop. INT. MAIN DECK/LOBBY -- CONTINUOUS A statue lay on the floor near one of the shelves and rolls slightly. Jett slowly leaves the changing room and walks across the gift shop to the lobby. She approaches the desk. We hear a thump from an office behind the front desk. Jett quickly hurries behind the desk, snatches a ship paperweight, and approaches the office. The door opens. Jett coils back with the paperweight. As someone steps into the doorway, Jett lunges forward. Max catches her arm with the paperweight and swiftly tosses her to the across the lower portion of the desk. The paperweight flies from her hand and strikes the floor with a loud thud. They stare at one another with a look of surprise while he holds her to the lower portion of the desk. Max quickly releases her and helps her into a standing position. MAX Jett, I'm so sorry. right? Are you all She stares

Jett painfully rubs her shoulder and lower back. at him. JETT What are you doing here? I thought you'd left. Didn't you crash into the ocean?

MAX I'd thought the same about you and Rob. Where is Rob? JETT Probably passed out in the lounge by now. He's nursing a bottle of whiskey. So who took the helicopter? MAX Damned if I know. I wish I knew what was going on around here as well. We should collect Rob. JETT What do you suppose happened here? MAX We're not sinking, but something caused the rats to abandon ship. I'm afraid to find out. Jett continues to rub her shoulder. timid smile. Max eyes her with a

MAX I'm really sorry if I'd hurt you. JETT I'll live. Max leads her toward the main staircase. INT. MAIN DECK/LOUNGE We see the empty lounge. Jett looks around with a look of concern. Max stands behind her and shakes his head. MAX Are you sure this is where you'd left him? There are several others. JETT He was here just twenty minutes ago. MAX Where would he have gone? JETT I don't know. He gets something into his head and just goes after it.

Max walks across the lounge and looks over the bar. turns back to face her and shrugs. MAX We can either wait here for him or go looking for a working radio. JETT The control room's been destroyed. I doubt it can be repaired. MAX So was the one in the lobby office. I'll take your word for it. (sits) We're on a multi-million dollar floating junkyard. Communication has been destroyed along with every method of escape. Something caused everyone to abandon ship very quickly. The question isis whoever did this still onboard? JETT So what do we do now? MAX I'm open to suggestions. JETT We should stay together. Max nods in agreement. JETT We need to find Rob and lock ourselves in a room somewhere. MAX I'm all for finding Rob, but if there is someone onboard, I'm not sure I want to be running all around this ship. JETT But you're relatively convinced whoever destroyed the radio was the same person who crashed you helicopter, right?


MAX I prefer that explanation myself, but I'd rather not to take any chances. JETT Damn it, why did Rob have to wander off? He always does this to me. MAX (stands) First, we're going to remain calm. JETT Maybe he went to Dennis' cabin-142. MAX That's lower deck--in the bowels of the boat. Couldn't he have afforded better accommodations for an important business deal? JETT Actually, it was all they had left. This is all my fault. MAX Don't blame yourself. I was the one who brought you here. JETT No, this began long before you came along. I messed things up at the office. Probably cost Rob this account. This was my last attempt to fix it. MAX For the moment, your job is about as unimportant as my helicopter. We need to worry about looking after ourselves. JETT Understood--I'll stop whining. MAX That's not what I was getting at--but it works for me. I suggest we check that cabin. If we don't find Rob, then we'll wait in the main lobby. It's open with plenty of exits.

JETT Okay--let's get this over with. Max smiles and extends his hand to her. She uncertainly accepts it. He leads her to the lounge door. MAX I didn't mean to upset you. I have a bad habit of being overdramatic and saying what's on my mind. JETT Great. I have an overactive imagination and think the worst. We can scare each other to death. INT. MAIN DECK LOBBY Max sits on the lobby counter, eating chips from a bag. Jett paces every so often then throws herself onto the plush sofa closest to him. MAX I thought you'd never get tired. JETT How can you eat? MAX Easy--I'm hungry. Want some?

JETT No. I could use a stiff drink though. I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin. MAX Really--I hadn't noticed. It's getting late. Why don't we check out the galley, gather something to eat, get you a bottle, and lock ourselves into the presidential suite for the night. JETT I thought you didn't want to lock yourself in anywhere? MAX Neither of us are going to last all night without sleep. Things seem quiet around here. I'm sure you'd be more comfortable behind a locked door.

JETT I would--very much. Max flashes a large ring of keys and approaches her. remains close to him as they leave the lobby. INT. GALLEY Jett appears uneasy in the large, obstructed kitchen. Max sifts through the refrigerator and removes a few items. Jett finds a basket and holds it for him while he tosses things into it. He then approaches a wine rack and selects a bottle. He smiles with satisfaction. MAX Not bad. He places it into the basket. A pot suddenly crashes to the floor. The basket falls from Jett's hands, and she jumps into Max's arms. Max appears startled by her actions more than the sound. He holds her against him and looks around the kitchen to locate the source of the sound. We see a fat rat scurry across the floor. MAX Just a rat. JETT What is wrong with me? MAX You probably just need some sleep. It's been a mentally exhausting day for both of us. Jett lifts her head from his shoulder and meets his gaze. Max smiles with a confident look, relaxing her. JETT You must think I'm feeble and helpless. Really--I'm not usually like this. MAX Perhaps if I wasn't so tense and uneasy, I may consider how feeble and helpless you are. Max slowly releases her, reclaims the basket with the bottle of wine still intact, and guides her toward the door. Jett opens the door and nearly collides with Rob. Both scream. Jett flies backward into Max. Jesus! ROB You scared me! She

JETT Serves you right! Where the hell were you? ROB Looking for you. (to Max) Where did you come from? MAX My mother and the milkman I believe-JETT It's a long story. Max suggested staying in one of the rooms tonight. So we can get some rest. ROB One? (eyes Max) What are you up too? MAX Please-JETT It was my idea. ROB (to Max) I'm not leaving you alone with her. MAX Make up your mind, Rob. staying with us or not? Are you

ROB (to Jett) Am I missing something? Did you suddenly start working for him? JETT I don't want to be alone. This whole situation gives me the creeps. ROB Jesus, Jett. You're an executive assistant, and you're afraid of the dark? MAX There's nothing wrong with a little safety in numbers.

ROB I don't believe this. You two are feeding off of each other's fears. (to Jett) Do you actually trust this man? He'll probably take advantage of you the first chance he gets. MAX Don't accuse me of some devious plot to seduce her. I don't take advantage of women--and I don't abandon them either. ROB I didn't abandon her. I was looking for her, but she wasn't where she was supposed to be. I've been all over this lousy ship. JETT I don't want this to turn into a shouting match. (to Rob) Max and I are going to stay in the suite. You can either stay with us or do--whatever. I would prefer if you remained with us, but I'm not going to stand around and debate it any longer. Rob glares at her. INT. SUITE/SITTING ROOM Jett walks through the suite with her glass of wine. Max and Rob sit in chairs across from one another and attempt to stare one another down. JETT This is very classy. I've always wondered how the other half lived. MAX It's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. ROB Those who dont have are the first to criticize those who do have. I'll have you know, I work very hard for what I have.

MAX I never said you didn't, Rob. Don't be so defensive. ROB Why not? You're quick to cut down my lifestyle. MAX You're right, Rob. drink. Have another

ROB I earn a million dollars a year. I hire and fire guys like you every day. MAX (calm) I can fly with the birds and master my own fate. Your wealth and status means nothing to guys like me. And I wouldn't prostitute out my personal assistant either. ROB (annoyed) I never offered her to you. MAX No, but you were willing to sacrifice her to get what you wanted. JETT Will you two give it up! You sound like a couple of teenage boys comparing cars. Max sits back in his chair and sips his wine. Rob finishes his drink and stands with some difficulty. It's clear he's drunk. ROB I'm taking that room. The two of you can fight over the other room. Rob staggers to the second bedroom. The door slams. approaches the sofa and casts herself into it. MAX He has some serious issues. Jett

JETT He's one of those men who doesn't know how to relax. He likes control and being the center of attention. MAX Probably pays women to spank him too. JETT (smirks) I don't recall scheduling those appointments. MAX I've known too many men like him. Fancy cars, expensive home, snobby wife, and trashy mistress. It can all end at any moment--then they're only stuck with themselves. If you don't care for you, you're in pretty bad shape. JETT And you like you? MAX I enjoy my company--yes. Other than my reckless flying habits, I'm pretty dull. Do you like you? JETT Some days more than others. I sometimes think I'm just a trained poodle. I jump through hoops, beg, speak on command, and get sent back to my cage when he doesn't want to be bothered. MAX Even well-trained dogs have been known to bite. Max sits forward, retrieves the bottle of wine, and extends it to her. She shakes her head. JETT I think I've had enough. Max pours the rest into his glass.

MAX I'm not fond of poodles or that entire foofoo dog thing. Maybe you could be a nice collie--like Lassie. JETT What breed would you be? MAX A wolf. Rebellious, no respect for authority, and pleasant only from a distance. JETT What breed would Rob be? MAX Some sort of Terrier. Well groomed, well-bred, quick to bark, but backs away from real aggression. JETT I don't know about that. Max finishes his glass of wine, sets the glass down, and stands. MAX If you don't mind, I'd like to borrow your bathroom and steal a pillow for my sofa. JETT I probably won't sleep much anyway--you can have the bedroom. Max walks past her and growls. wine. INT. JETT'S BEDROOM -- MIDNIGHT Jet tosses restlessly beneath the covers and whines softly. A shadow passes outside the deck window. Jett wakes abruptly and looks around the dimly lit room. There's a light on in the living area, shining through the open doorway. Jett looks across the room once more and climbs out of the bed, fully dressed. She walks to the doorway. INT. SUITE/SITTING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS We see Max lying on the sofa with a blanket over him. He appears to be sleeping peacefully. Jett approaches the sofa and kneels on the floor near him. Jett smiles and finishes her

JETT (soft) Max-Max jerks awake with a startled gasp. He looks at her, rolls onto his back, and groans while running fingers through his hair. MAX Don't do that. Can't you sleep? JETT I had a terrible dream. Everyone was dead-MAX Tell them I said they should stop bothering you. That should work. JETT (soft) Will you stay with me in the bedroom? I swear I'm not normally such a baby, but I don't want to be alone. Max sighs and sits up. MAX As long as you dont snore. Jett stands and returns to the bedroom. pillow and follows more slowly. Max carries his

MAX (mutters) Now I know why guys take girls to horror movies. He enters the room and shuts the door behind him. INT. JETT'S BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS Jett climbs under the covers into a sitting position and hugs her knees. Max casts his pillow on the bed and practically falls on top of it. Jett watches Max as he appears to immediately fall back to sleep. Jett pulls the covers over him. JETT Thanks, Max. Max turns from his stomach onto his side facing her and smiles gently.

MAX As long as you feel safe. Jett slips beneath the covers and lay on her side facing him. JETT For someone I barely know, you have a way of putting me at ease. MAX I know, I have that fatherly quality. We hear the wind outside. relaxes. Jett looks to the window then

JETT You must think there's something wrong with me. MAX No, you have every right to be suspicious. I'm uneasy too--but men have to pretend nothing bothers them JETT You're making fun of me. MAX Maybe a little. I'll look after you, Jett. I promise. Jett places her hand on his arm and smiles. JETT Thank you. Max places his hand on her and shuts his eyes. Two A.M. Max sleeps against Jett from behind with his arms securely around her. Jett holds Max's hand to her chest while sleeping peacefully. A shadow moves past the bedroom window. We hear a faint wheezing sound. Jett slowly wakes. She lifts her head and looks around. She then appears to notice Max against her and how she clings his arm to her chest. She returns her head to the pillow without changing positions. We hear a faint scratching. Max wakes and turns his head a moment and listens. JETT (softly) What was that?

MAX Mice, I think. JETT More like rats. Max repositions himself against Jett and returns his head to the pillow. MAX Nothing to worry about. to sleep. Go back

Jett strokes his arm and shuts her eyes. Max's thumb her skin above the neckline of her shirt. He moves onto his back and away from her. JETT Something wrong? MAX No, just a little warm in here. JETT I think it's damp. Jett pulls the blankets over her shoulders and cuddles them. Max slowly moves back against Jett and places his arm around her waist. JETT I thought you were warm. MAX I wouldn't want you to catch a chill. I'm fine, really. Max shifts slightly. Jett tenses.

JETT Should I be worried? No. MAX Go to sleep.

JETT I'm not sure what to make of you, Max. MAX Maybe you shouldn't try to figure me out all in one night. You'll only exhaust yourself. I have to ask. Did you and Rob used to date?

JETT (soft laugh) No. Never. I suppose Rob would consider having an affair with me, but I'm beneath his standards as far as a relationship would go. MAX What's missing? Old money? does he prefer the pampas, snobby type? JETT I suppose he likes women from high class families. MAX Not surprising. Respect is very important. If you don't respect yourself, no man ever will. JETT I'm glad I was stuck with you. I'd be insane if I was alone with Rob. MAX Give me a chance. I'm sure I'll make you insane soon enough. JETT (warm smile) I doubt that. He holds her against him and shuts his eyes. thud. Both jump and look around the room. JETT What was that? Max pulls away from her and springs from the bed. We hear the thud again. Max runs from the bedroom. Jett hurries after him. INT. SUITE/SITTING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Max enters the dimly lit suite with Jett behind him. The thud is louder as the door vibrates. Jett gasps with surprise. Rob comes out of the room, looking very tired. ROB What's going on out-The door vibrates again with a thud. We hear a low wheezing and a possible snarl. Max runs to the door and places the dead bolt across it. We hear a low Or

The door vibrates violently several times. with surprise. ROB The sofa!

Max jumps back

Max spins. Both men push the heavy sofa across the room and in front of the door. Both men back away and stare at the door. My God! JETT What's out there?

Max backs up and pulls Jett into his arms while watching the door. The regular lock cracks and the study bolt catches. We hear a loud snarl. Something moves before the half inch opening. Rob appears horrified. He moves closer to them without looking away from the door. The vibration and snarling stops. The light can once more be seen from the hallway. ROB What the fuck was that? MAX I'm not sure I want to know. JETT What about the window? MAX It can't break the windows. They're too thick. It would've gotten through the door first. JETT What are we going to do? MAX Never leave this room. ROB We'll last a couple of weeks before we starve to death. MAX It doesn't make any sense. We were running around the ship and never ran into anything like what we've just experienced. JETT Maybe it's nocturnal. Max releases Jett and hurries back to the bedroom. Rob follow him. Jett and

INT. JETT'S BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS Max crosses the bedroom and opens the curtains. The outer deck is dimly lit. Jett slows and pauses behind Max. JETT What are you doing? MAX If we could see it, maybe we'd know what we're dealing with. Rob pauses in the bedroom doorway. ROB I'm not the least bit curious. It didn't sound friendly. I doubt it looks much better. Max suddenly moves against the window and strains to look. MAX Something just moved further down the deck. Jett grabs Max's arm and attempts to pull him away from the window. MAX I couldn't see it. (to Jett) Whatever it is--it must be the reason they evacuated the ship. ROB That means it's something very nasty. MAX We may have to kill it. ROB Are you out of your mind? We're safe here. There's no reason to worry about killing it. MAX What happens when someone does come out to the ship? If it's dangerous, it'll attack any rescue. JETT You can't seriously consider going out there, Max. Something scared them to evacuate.

ROB Sound like it had big teeth. MAX It's gone for now. Let's just relax a moment, okay? I'm certainly not going out there in the dark looking for some vicious creature. Six A.M. Max and Rob sit on opposite ends of the bed with a small map of the ship before them. MAX This is the quickest route to the galley. We'll get ourselves a sack, fill it with nonperishable foods, and return within twenty minutes. ROB I don't care for the idea. MAX I care less for starving to death. In a couple of days, we won't have as much strength. ROB Maybe help will come today. MAX Somewhere there must be guns or weapons of some We can secure a few, so help does arrive, we're to move out. flare kind. when prepared

Jett comes out of the bathroom wearing expensive shorts and a designer blouse. She dries her damp hair with a towel. JETT What are you two doing? ROB Stocking up for a long hibernation. How can you shower at a time like this? JETT What else is there to do? If you two want to collect crud--go right ahead. I'm going to take advantage of the rich people's clothing left behind. I may as well remain comfortable.

MAX She has a point. I could use a little freshening myself. Max approaches the closet and rummages through it. ROB Unbelievable. JETT Not even a deck of cards. Jett approaches the dressing table and brushes her hair. Max approaches her and the bathroom. MAX Think I should shave? Jett glances at him and touches his face. JETT Most definitely. Max totes his change of clothing and enters the bathroom. JETT What's he plotting now? ROB A little trip to the kitchen. We'll bring back some cards, if we find any. JETT I can't believe you two are going out there. You're just as crazy as he is. ROB He makes a good point. Jett pulls her hair back into a ponytail and turns to face him. JETT Then what do I do after you get yourselves killed? INT. SUITE/SITTING ROOM Max, now showered and changed into an expensive, casual outfit, looks out the door into the corridor. He looks back to Rob, still in his original clothing.

MAX Okay, it looks clear. (to Jett) We'll be gone twenty minutes. Keep the door bolted. JETT I'm coming with you. MAX No, you're staying here. and I are going. Rob

JETT You're not leaving me here while you go off and get yourselves killed. MAX (firm) Jett-JETT Don't take that tone with me, flyboy. Max looks at Rob. Rob attempts a smile and shrugs.

ROB You want her--you deal with her. MAX (to Jett) I'm not above tying you to a chair. JETT Then you'd leave me completely defenseless in an unlocked room. MAX Don't leave my side. INT. GALLEY Jett, Max, and Rob enter the kitchen with some anxiety. They look around, and then hurry to the pantry. Rob opens the pantry door. Two women, SHELLY and RITA, scream and strike Rob with bags of rice. Rob dives away from the pantry. The women look to all three and relax. SHELLY Oh, thank God! RITA We didn't know there were others still onboard.

SHELLY The guys will be thrilled. MAX How many of you are there? SHELLY There's me and Rita, Davis, Braddon, and Collin. ROB We've been onboard since yesterday afternoon. Why haven't we seen you? RITA After Anderson went insane, we were afraid to leave the gym. The gym? ROB Why the gym?

SHELLY It was Collin's idea. The gym has security doors and several rooms attached together. We were just gathering some supplies. Why don't you guys join us? Davis and Braddon should be back shortly. Braddon knew where to find some flares and a couple of guns. MAX Didn't you hear the helicopter when we arrived? Why didn't you come and warn us? We could've left. RITA Anderson went nuts. We couldn't leave. We made it to deck and saw the helicopter crash. We didn't know what had happened. JETT It must have been Anderson who took the helicopter. SHELLY Let's talk about it back in the gym. I still don't feel safe out here.

MAX Do you know what that thing is running around the ship? RITA We have a pretty good idea. We can discuss it after we get back to the gym with the supplies. Max looks to Rob and Jett. MAX Well? ROB What have we got to lose? INT. GYM We meet COLLIN, a mousy guy with a nervous look about him, DAVIS, a tall, well-built man, and BRADDON, a good-looking, younger man. Davis and Braddon push equipment before the gym door. Max, Rob, and Jett look around the large room with some discomfort. JETT (softly) Not exactly the presidential suite. MAX So--who'd like to tell me what came after us last night? BRADDON That was a vampire. Max, Rob, and Jett stare at Braddon without expression. ROB A what? DAVIS A vampire best describes it. The crew started to disappear then some of the passengers. The night before last, the captain and first mate were attacked in the control room. The ship stopped and a barely human man was seen almost certainly drinking his blood. The crew couldn't radio out, so they just started evacuating. Several men got together to try and kill it. None were seen again.

COLLIN Except me. I was part of the party out to hunt it down. We got separated in the cargo area. When I'd returned to deck, all of the boats were gone. I only hope they'd gotten away to safety. ROB And there's just one? DAVIS We think, but we're not sure. Whatever it is, we're pretty sure it only comes out at night. SHELLY The four of us had been out late partying. We were in our rooms while they were evacuating. When we woke, all we knew was what Collin had told us. RITA We ran into Anderson. He was in the cargo when that thing attacked. He was too far gone to help us. MAX So, we're stuck onboard with some sort of vampire? DAVIS I know you don't believe it, but you don't want to find out for yourselves. MAX There's been no contact with the mainland? They shake their heads. MAX How long until the coast guard comes looking for us? COLLIN One of the crew thought two days. That's a day overdue for our next port. We should have been there today.

MAX So by tomorrow afternoon, someone should come looking for us. COLLIN Maybe sooner. It depends if anyone was trying to reach us by radio. They may come out sooner. MAX What kind of weapons to we have? DAVIS The purser had a gun, but he must've taken it with him. We have two flare guns and two antique pirate swords. Relatively dull. SHELLY (produces a sharpener) I found this. COLLIN I'll start sharpening the swords. Collin takes the sharpener and disappears into the sauna area. ROB How big is this area? DAVIS The gym, sauna room, two shower areas, a bathroom, and a lounge. Two doors. Both are blocked with equipment. BRADDON It tried to get in last night, but couldn't even move the doors. SHELLY I felt relatively safe last night. RITA We have enough food to last us a week, if necessary.

ROB Sounds like a pretty sound set up. BRADDON We should all remain together. When help arrives, we'll be able to make a quick escape. MAX And you're sure there aren't any others? SHELLY None that we know of, but others could be hiding. DAVIS Doubtful, though. Only if some of the others survived trying to hunt the thing. BRADDON Collin and Anderson were convinced there were no other survivors. RITA I'm not happy with Collin's mental state either. He's about to go over the edge any minute now. SHELLY We have a pile of blankets and pillows, but privacy space is limited. (to Jett) Rita and I were staying in the lounge. The guys were staying in the whirlpool area. JETT Honestly, I just want to get out of here in one piece. I don't care where I sleep. Davis leads Rob and Max from the gym. Shelly opens the curtains to several panes of glass to the deck and the swimming pool below. SHELLY I can't believe we were having so much fun just one day ago. Jett approaches one of the weight lift benches and sits on it near the window. Braddon approaches all three women.

BRADDON We're perfectly safe in here. (to Jett) We watched him strike that glass twenty times last night--not even a scratch in the glass. You saw him? JETT The vampire?

SHELLY Well--a little. It was dark out there. He must've destroyed the lights just outside. RITA Human looking. I couldn't see the fangs, but definitely a man. BRADDON Very comforting to know he can't get inside. SHELLY Creeped me out. RITA Some vacation, huh? I was supposed to be looking for my rich, future husband. BRADDON She sets the bar awfully high. RITA I've been struggling long enough. I deserve something more. JETT Trust me--there's no substitution for a nice guy who'll treat you well. RITA Those two men with you--either rich? Nice taste in clothes. JETT Max is a pilot. We borrowed some clothes from first class. Rob is an executive, but he's married to the corporation.

RITA Pilot, huh? They don't make much. Is Rob yours? JETT Rob's my boss--nothing more. SHELLY What about Max? Are you two together? JETT No--not really. SHELLY Nothing better to do. Maybe I'll just pass some time and talk to that one. Shelly and Rita appear to conspire. They get up and walk away while talking softly. Braddon sits on the press near her. Jett stares out the window a moment longer. JETT I can't believe there's no way off this ship. BRADDON All of the lifeboats and rafts are gone. Every form of communication has been destroyed. Our best chance is to remain here. We can see help arriving. We have flares, weapons, food, water, entertainment--we're pretty much set for a few weeks. Nothing to worry about. Collin will try to upset you with his horror stories, but you'll see there's little fear during the day, and at night, he can't get to us. JETT I hope you're right about the glass. BRADDON You couldn't even shoot a bullet through that stuff. We hear a crash, followed by Shelly's scream. Jett and Braddon bolt up from their seat and run for the lounge. INT. LOUNGE -- CONTINUOUS

We see the elegant bar setting with sofas and coffee tables. Davis and Max stand five feet apart with Rob in the middle. Max is bleeding from the corner of his mouth. Both men appear pissed. Rob attempts to calm Max. Neither appears to relax. Davis suddenly tosses Rob aside and swings at Max. Max blocks his punch and strikes him in the face. Braddon runs for Davis and keeps him from returning fire. Jett darts in front of Max and places a hand on his right, lower arm. Max looks to Jett and relaxes, though he casts a stray glare at Davis. Max leaves the room, into the gym. Jett quickly follows him. INT. GYM -- CONTINUOUS Jett follows Max to the glass windows in the sunlight. Max stares out the window. Jett leans her back against the glass. JETT Are you okay? MAX Yeah, I'm fine. JETT What started that? MAX He was just being a little prick. I more or less told him to fuck off. JETT This could be a very tense situation. MAX Not if he keeps his distance. I won't back down from him. JETT Maybe you need to avoid him. MAX Maybe I need to leave. JETT No, you can't leave. you--I need you. We need

Max slowly turns to face her and smiles gently. MAX I wouldn't leave you, Jett. already quite fond of you. I'm

JETT I'm glad to hear. So we'll just avoid Davis. We have a few other rooms to elude him. MAX If it was only that easy. But I'm willing to try it your way first-(takes her hand) If you're going to be there to keep me company. JETT I feel very safe and comfortable around you, Max. Keeping you company will be very easy. Max stares at her a moment then pulls her into his arms and holds her. Jett returns the warm embrace then pulls back enough to meet his gaze. JETT I may have some competition for your company. I think Shelly has a thing for pilots. MAX You'll never have to compete for my attention, Jett. They stare into one another's eyes. embarrassment. Jett smiles with some

JETT That's probably the nicest thing a man's ever said to me. Thank you. Max gently touches her face then follows through by lowering his mouth to hers. He gently kisses her on the lips. Max slowly pulls back and meets her gaze. Jett smiles and runs her hands up his chest and clings to his neck with a childish smile. JETT (soft sigh) Oh, Max-Max groans softly, pulls her against him, and kisses her passionately. Jett returns the passionate kiss. Max slowly pulls away then holds her in his arms with a soft groan. MAX (softly) I'd love to get you alone.

JETT That would be difficult--under the circumstances. MAX Would you have said yes? JETT I wanted to say yes last night. Max groans and once more kisses her passionately. enters the gym. He sees them and stops. ROB Oh, please-Max slowly pulls away from Jett. They smile at one another. Max turns and glares at Rob. They release one another. MAX Problem? ROB (approaches) No, no problem at all. We're trapped here by a vampire, and you two are becoming a little too familiar. No problem--just bad timing. You really pissed off Davis. Would've been better off staying upstairs. MAX We're not going anywhere anymore tonight. In the morning, we can reconsider returning to the suite. ROB If we make it until morning. Do you think they're telling the truth? Really a vampire? JETT They claimed to have seen it. ROB Probably all drunk at the time. MAX There's something out there. Whatever it is, it didn't sound friendly. Rob

ROB I'd like to talk to that Collin guy, but the others always seem to keep him from speaking. MAX Where is he now? ROB At the bar, getting plastered. MAX (groans) Here we go again. INT. LOUNGE Max sits alongside Collin and keeps him from drinking. and Jett keep the others occupied. MAX What aren't you telling us? COLLIN (half drunk) The others don't want me talking about it. MAX About what? COLLIN About how the others died. Horrible--horrible. MAX Bit them? COLLIN Tore their throats right out. Blood everywhere. Horrible. MAX Why were you and the others down in the cargo area? Did you follow him? COLLIN We followed the blood--they're down there. MAX Who? Rob

COLLIN All the dead people. He collected them. We saw the bodies. By the time we realized what we were hunting, he had us trapped. I was the only one who escaped. (reveals a cross) I found this. It kept him away from me. Stake through the heart. That's the only way to kill a vampire--and sunlight. Cutting off their head seems to help. I've seen all the movies. MAX Me too. But in most movies, vampires can break through glass--even the thick stuff. COLLIN Maybe, but this one isn't like those. I think he's injured. He seems pretty weak and almost slow. He has these really nasty claws. That's how he was able to get the slip on us. He slashed several as they came at him. It wasn't pretty, I'll tell you. MAX Did you notice any injuries on the creature? COLLIN Didn't really take the time to look. Too busy running. He's pretty gruesome looking to start. Almost like a homeless vampire. Long matted hair, tattered clothing--no facial hair though, but very dirty looking. Old blood, I think. You aren't actually thinking about going out there, are you? The cargo area is very big with winding aisles everywhere. I was lucky to find my way out. MAX I don't intend to go after him. COLLIN Good--I don't want to see that again.

MAX Does he have a coffin or something in cargo? COLLIN I don't know. We never got that close, and it's not real bright down there. But that's where he is until it gets dark. Then he'll be coming back for us. MAX Maybe you should consider not drinking into the evening. COLLIN If he gets in, I'd like to be passed out, so I don't feel a damned thing. MAX Well, I'd like you sober. We may need you to help kill it, if it gets inside. COLLIN Kill it? There's no way you'll be able to kill it. MAX Collin, you're the only one who survived before. We really need you. Will you please sober up? COLLIN Survive? I only survived because I ran! I ran and left them there with that thing slashing at them. MAX It's natural to retreat when you know you can't win. If we have to retreat, you won't be able to move. Good. COLLIN I deserve to die.

DAVIS (O.S.) Leave him alone, will you? Max stands and leaves the lounge. Jett hurries after him.

INT. GYM Jett joins Max near the windows. The outside is now dark and only dimly lit by what few lights still work. JETT Anything useful? MAX He thinks the creature may be injured. Unfortunately, that might mean hell become stronger. JETT That's not good. MAX He lives in the cargo somewhere. JETT Maybe we could seal off the cargo exits. MAX Perhaps, but I don't know how many exits there are. We'll need to find another map. There may be too many other escape routes. We're not doing anything tonight. Tomorrow we'll take advantage of the daylight and collect some supplies. JETT Like what? MAX Axes, wooden stakes, crosses from the chapel. Anything that myth says works. If he does get in here, I'd like to be prepared. JETT How would you even get close enough to put a stake through his heart? The best we could do is run. MAX If we're able too. If we could arrange some sort of spear or crossbow, we may be able to strike from a distance. I just want some added insurance.

JETT Just as long as you don't get it into you head to hunt him down in the cargo area. MAX That would be the better solution, but I'm afraid it wouldn't work. We're not sure garlic, holy water, and crosses really work. Jett clings to Max's arm. JETT We can only pray they do. I'm sure someone will be along to help us soon. MAX Hopefully during the day. We suddenly hear a thump against the glass. Max and Jett spin to see the frightening looking creature as it strikes the glass window again. We see the fangs in its mouth. It only has claws on its left hand. The fingertips on the right have been severed and healed. Max and Jett jump away from the windows. Jett lets out a startled cry. The others hurry from the lounge. Rob appears completely horrified. The others just stare. Braddon approaches with a mocking smile. BRADDON There's no reason to be alarmed. He can't get through. ROB (softly) Famous last words. The glass suddenly cracks. Everyone jumps.

DAVIS Into the lounge! The other return to the nearby lounge. The glass shatters with the next strike before Max, Jett, and Braddon can move. Max pulls Jett away from the glass. Braddon runs for the lounge. The vampire crashes through the glass and runs after Braddon, tackling him to the ground. The vampire plunges his claws into Braddon's back then goes for his throat. Max pulls Jett toward the lounge. Davis suddenly closes and bolts the door. The creature jumps from Braddon, who still twitches and spins for Max and Jett. Max pushes Jett for the broken window. They quickly jump through the opening in the thick glass.

EXT. NEPTUNE DECK -- CONTINUOUS Max follows Jett from the window onto the deck. The vampire appears right after them. They attempt to run. The vampire leaps for Jett and propels her into the wall with his nonclawed hand to her chest. He moves in to bite her. Max lunges for the vampire and tackles him back against the upper railing. We see the pool on the deck below. The vampire attempts to slash Max, but he catches his left wrist. Jett gasps then looks around the deck for a weapon. MAX (to Jett) Run!


Jett grabs the state flag from its pole and runs back for them. The vampire suddenly turns and bites Max on the arm holding his left wrist. Max cries out. Jett rams the metal tip of the pole into the vampire's side while running. When the pole embeds itself, her weight and force pushes the vampire away from Max. Max clutches his bleeding forearm and leaps away. The creature grabs him by the shoulder with his claws and slings him backwards--over the railing. Max plummets into the pool below with a loud splash. The vampire snaps the flag pole. Jett jumps back with surprise. Max surfaces in the blood tinged pool below with a gasp. Damn it, Jett! MAX Run!

Jett spears the broken pole forward and strikes the creature in the shoulder. The creature cries out and staggers back. It squeals and grips the wooden pole, attempting to pull it free. MAX (O.S.) Run! I'll find you in the morning! Go! Jett turns as the creature painfully pulls the spike from its shoulder. It wheezes and hisses. Jett runs along deck. We can hear the wheezing and hissing behind her. Jett bolts through a doorway. INT. CORRIDOR -- CONTINUOUS Jett runs along the corridor. The creature runs behind her with a severe limp but manages to remain only a few feet behind her. Jett spins the corner and skids. We see only one set of doors at the end of the corridor. She's trapped. She runs through the doors. INT. CHAPEL -- CONTINUOUS Jett runs past the church pews toward the altar. large, gold cross to the front. We see the

She jumps onto the altar, snatches the cross, and spins while on top of the altar. The creature squeals from the doorway and looks around with agitation and fear. Jett looks back to her surroundings. JETT He can't cross into the chapel-Jett slowly climbs down from the altar and walks toward the back doors with her three foot cross in her hands. The creature squeals with panic and runs away. Jett pauses halfway down the aisle and falls to her knees with a sob. JETT Oh, Max--please have gotten away. INT. LOUNGE Davis, Rob, Collin, Shelly, and Rita back away from the bolted and braced door. We hear the creature wheezing from the opposite end. There's a tremendous vibration as it strikes the door. Shelly cries out with fright. ROB (to Davis) It's going to break down the door. Davis retrieves the two sharpened swords and hands one to Rob. DAVIS We'll kill it if we have too. COLLIN Those won't work against a vampire. We need to get out of here. DAVIS (angry) And go where? If it gets through this door, it'll get through all the doors. COLLIN We're not safe here. We should go to the chapel. It may not be able to enter. RITA The chapel is down a level and clear on the other side of the ship. What if it doesn't work?

COLLIN We're going to die if we stay here! DAVIS (angry) Shut up! ROB I think he's right. safe here. We're not

DAVIS Counting on myth is suicide. The door vibrates with a crash and dents. ROB We'd better think of another hiding place and fast. COLLIN He's stronger then yesterday. He's going to come through that door. Shelly begins to wail hysterically. DAVIS Sit down and shut up! The door vibrates and puckers away from the frame. ROB Holy shit! We have to go, Davis! Anything that can do that to a door will cut through us like butter! COLLIN Once it gets inside, we won't have time to remove the barricade from the other door. Collin backs up to the open, dividing door. COLLIN We have to go--now! Rob looks from the door to Collin. motioning both women along. He runs after Collin, Davis grabs Collin.

RITA Are you insane? Where are we going?

ROB To the chapel. RITA You're insane too! Davis appears concerned as the door puckers further. DAVIS Let's barricade the other door. SHELLY He'll only break that one too! They all hurry into the next room. INT. SAUNA ROOM -- CONTINUOUS The five run into the next room. Davis and Rob block off the door with a heavy massage table. Collin and Shelly run to the other blocked door and start pulling on the table blocking the door to the corridor. Davis quickly approaches. Stop it! there! DAVIS You can't go out

SHELLY He's coming in here! There's a bang against the inner door they've just barricaded. ROB That door won't hold long. Rob helps Collin and Shelly move the table. Collin opens the door. He and Shelly step out. Rob turns in the doorway. Come on. through. ROB He's going to get

DAVIS (to Rita) Well? RITA There's no place else to run. DAVIS (to Rob) We'll stay here and take our chances.

Come on!

COLLIN Let's go!

Rob shakes his head then runs after Collin and Shelly. Davis and Rita lock the door behind them, without barricading it. DAVIS (clutches the sword) If he starts coming through, we'll leave through the back. Rita nods. The pounding ceases. moment then relax. RITA It's gone. DAVIS It may have gone after the others. Let's block off the other door--in case it went around to this door. INT. CORRIDOR Rob and Shelly stop by a map of the ship. runs back to them. COLLIN (points) The chapel is this way. ROB (to the map) These are fire doors. COLLIN So? ROB If we can get the fire doors to close in this section, the creature will be locked out. COLLIN Engage them now, and he'll be trapped in here with us! Let's go! Collin runs for the stairs. toward the stairs. Rob pulls Shelly behind him Collin pauses and Both stare at the door a

ROB He's going to get us killed--I know it.

SHELLY The chapel's on a dead end. (stops him) If he's wrong--we're trapped. ROB What other choice to we have? SHELLY The purser's office on main deck. It's like a fortress. They keep all the records there. The door is solid steel. Even flood proof, I was told. ROB That's one deck down. We'll meet Collin and tell him. We hear a faint wheezing behind them. ROB He's coming. They run down the stairs. INT. MAIN DECK LOBBY -- CONTINUOUS Rob and Shelly run across the main lobby. The vampire runs only yards behind. Shelly points out the purser's office. They bolt inside and shut the door. The vampire strikes the door roughly. It doesn't budge. It strikes it again. It still doesn't move. INT. SAUNA ROOM Rita paces the room while Davis sits in a desk chair and nervously taps his fingers on the sword that lay across his lap. RITA I wonder what happened to the others. DAVIS We won't find out anything until morning. RITA Do you think Max and Jett are dead? DAVIS I don't know. Rob becomes alarmed.

RITA I can't believe we closed the door on them. DAVIS We closed the door on that thing. They wouldn't have made it past it any way. It was the right thing to do. RITA I need to use the bathroom. Rita approaches the enclosed bathroom. continues to tap his fingers. INT. BATHROOM Rita washes her hands then places her wet hands to her face. She looks at herself in the mirror and frowns. She removes some paper towels and dries her hands and face. We hear a hollow, metallic thump. Rita looks around with confusion. The panel opens in the ceiling without her knowledge. The vampire almost silently drops to the floor behind her. Rita turns. The vampire hisses, exposing bloodstained teeth. Rita attempts to scream, but he's swiftly on top of her. INT. SAUNA ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Davis groans and stands. He twirls the sword with boredom and approaches the bathroom door. Come on, Rita. There's no response. DAVIS I have to go. She enters. Davis

Davis taps on the door. DAVIS

Rita--come on. Davis opens the bathroom door. INT. BATHROOM -- CONTINUOUS Davis stands in the doorway. We see blood along the floor. The vampire kneels over Rita's sprawled body with a portion of her throat torn out. The vampire turns with blood down his chin and a killer look in his eyes. Davis appears terrified. He slams the door shut. INT. SAUNA ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Davis runs across the room to the blockade. He pushes frantically to move the heavy table. He looks back, but the door doesn't open. Davis pulls open the outer door and runs from the room.

INT. CHAPEL Jett paces the altar area while carrying her large cross. We hear movement from the hall. Jett slowly approaches the back door. She holds the cross close in front of her. Collin suddenly collides with her. Both fall to the church floor. Collin slowly picks himself up then helps the dazed Jett. Are you okay? see you. What happened? COLLIN He got through the second door. I wasn't about to wait for the third. JETT What about the others? Have you seen Max? COLLIN Max was with you. JETT The creature stabbed him in the shoulder. I don't know how badly he was hurt. I want to find him-COLLIN You can't go out there. It's gotten stronger. Are we safe here? JETT It wouldn't come inside the room. I think it's not allowed. What about the others? COLLIN Rob and Shelly were behind me then they vanished. I don't think they liked my chapel idea. Davis and Rita wanted to stay. God only knows what became of them. That's one big cross to bear. JETT It makes me feel safe. Rob? COLLIN Am I ever glad to JETT

Collin looks past her then runs to the front of the church. He exposes the holy water. He looks at her as she approaches. COLLIN We can use this. All we need is a container. Collin Collin bottle goblet water. walks around the church in search of a container. disappears into a back room. He returns with a of wine. He empties the wine into a large, gold on the altar and fills the bottle with the holy

Morning. Light shines in through the stained glass window. Jett slowly wakes where she lay on the wooden church pew. She looks around. Collin lay beneath the altar, clinging to the three foot, gold cross. Jett sits up. JETT Collin--it's morning. Collin jerks awake with a soft gasp. sits up as well. He looks around and

COLLIN I can't believe it's finally morning. JETT Is it safe? COLLIN I hope-Jett runs toward the door. her. Collin runs after her and stops

COLLIN Whoa, whoa--where are you going? JETT I have to find Max. COLLIN We only assume he can't stand sunlight. What if the myth is wrong? Jett looks around. on top of it. We see a staff by the altar with a cross

JETT I'll take that, just in case.

COLLIN I don't think you should leave. Though I'm dying for something to eat. It's been twenty-four hours since I've eaten. We should check on the others. Davis and Rita. Jet nods. She runs to the altar and removes the large staff. Collin stops her. He takes the staff, props it over the pew, and steps on it. The stick snaps. The staff is now only three feet with the cross and a jagged, wooden edge. COLLIN You daze him with the cross--and get him through the heart with the wooden end. He hands Jett the staff and collects his bottle of holy water. COLLIN Let's go. They cautiously leave the church. INT. SAUNA ROOM Jett and Collin looks around the open room. the bathroom. He pauses and looks back. COLLIN Jett-Jett hurries to the bathroom. INT. BATHROOM -- CONTINUOUS Jett's POV. We see little more than blood remaining. Collin checks

INT. SAUNA ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Jett and Collin look around the room. JETT I don't see the others. someone got away. Maybe

COLLIN The only problem is, how would we know where to look? JETT The kitchen maybe--for food.

COLLIN There are three kitchens. JETT We'll check the one on this level first. We hear someone clearing their throat. There's no one there. Both look around.

ROB (intercom) May I have your attention please. Would all live passengers please report to the main lobby? Thank you. Jett slaps Collin's arm and motions. with a look of discomfort. COLLIN Owe. INT. MAIN DECK LOBBY Rob sits on the desk with an ax across his lap. Shelly eats a candy bar while pacing in front of the desk. Shelly nervously jumps as Jett and Collin hurry into the lobby. Rob jumps off of the desk, meets Jett half way, and hugs her happily. ROB Oh, Jett--I thought you were dead. JETT For a moment there, so did I. COLLIN Are we it? Davis appears in the doorway. DAVIS I'm still here. It got Rita. Fucker came down through a vent in the ceiling. COLLIN It's getting smarter. ROB We need a plan for tonight. SHELLY I vote we swim for it. He clutches his arm

JETT Has anyone seen Max? They all shake their heads. Jett lowers her head and rubs her arms insecurely. Rob places an arm around Jett's shoulder and pulls her to his side. ROB (softly) I'm sorry, Jett. DAVIS Maybe we should hunt the bastard down and take care of him first. COLLIN Bad plan. DAVIS This time will be different. You guys went down there at night. We know what we're dealing with. He's resting during the day. COLLIN Resting, maybe, but we don't know that he's incapacitated. He may be able to function just fine in the darkness of the cargo area. SHELLY He could be right. COLLIN I'm not going back down there. Jett and I stayed in the chapel. He wouldn't cross the boundary. We'll be safe in the church. DAVIS What if that changes as he gets stronger? COLLIN He won't. You just need a little faith. DAVIS I saw what that thing did to Rita. We have to stop it. ROB Maybe Davis and I should go to the cargo hold and see if we can find him.

JETT I can't believe what I'm hearing. ROB For once, I have to do the right thing, Jett. JETT No, Rob-Rob hugs her. She returns the embrace. looks to Davis. ROB What's our plan? COLLIN You have to drive a stake through his heart and cut off his head. ROB Doesn't sound too difficult. DAVIS I'll grab an ax, you find some wooden stakes to sharpen. COLLIN Why don't we find a way to seal off the fire doors to the cargo area? He shouldn't be able to get through them. DAVIS There's no telling what he's capable of at this point. There are still air ducts. He could use them like he did last night. COLLIN I'll help you sharpen some wooden poles, but I'm not going back down there. I'll wait with Shelly and Jett in the chapel. DAVIS We'll need someplace secure for tonight. I don't know that I trust the chapel. I do. COLLIN That's where we're going. ROB He smiles then

We'll meet you there before dark. INT. CHAPEL -- EVENING Jett and Shelly pace the chapel while Collin sharpens the cross staff pole. SHELLY It's going to be dark soon. They should've been back by now. COLLIN We can't go after them. SHELLY How can you be so heartless? COLLIN I told them not to go down there. I can't make anyone listen to me. I said it was dangerous. If we go now, it's even more dangerous. You need to listen once in awhile! Jett stares at Collin from the chapel doorway. She turns and nearly collides with Max. Jett stares a moment in surprise then relief. Max appears weak and pale. Jett hugs him thankfully. JETT Oh, Max--I was so worried. Max returns the hug. Jett pulls back and touches his face with a look of concern. JETT Are you okay? MAX Not really. Jett leads him into the chapel and helps him to the back pew. We notice he's changed clothes again. Jett fusses over him. She sits alongside him. JETT Can I get you anything? Max pulls her to his side and smiles. MAX No, I'm just glad you're okay. That's all that matters. COLLIN

(approaches) He injured you? MAX (to Collin) Scratched me in the shoulder. I doped myself up in the doctor's office. JETT Maybe I should have a look at the scratches. MAX Later. I just changed the dressing on it. I only woke about an hour ago. I gave myself a shot of something not so friendly. Knocked me right out. Collin and Shelly exchange looks. COLLIN But how do you feel? MAX A little sedated. Why?

COLLIN There's no telling what sort of reaction you might have from being scratched. MAX The scratches are healing. tired, but I'm fine. I'm

Jett clings to Max's neck. He holds her against him, smiles, and shuts his eyes. Davis and Rob enter the chapel with disgust. DAVIS That place is a fucking maze down there! Both eye Max. relief. Jett pulls away and looks at them with

ROB Max--you're alive. Just barely. MAX Where were you? ROB

In the cargo. There's no way we'll ever find him in there. Dark, congested, and disorganized. You look like hell. MAX Thanks. DAVIS (to Collin) Something wrong? Collin shakes his head. DAVIS (to Max) Are you hurt? MAX Just a scratch. DAVIS You seem awfully strange for just a scratch. JETT Leave him alone, Davis. had a rough night. He's

DAVIS Just cool your heels, Jett. (to Max) You weren't bit, were you? Jett stares at Davis. A flash crosses her mind. vampire bite Max on the lower arm. MAX He scratched me on the shoulder. (to Jett/stands) I have to go. I'm not well enough to deal with him. Jett follows him to the doorway. JETT There's no place else to go, Max. MAX I'll be fine. The captain's cabin is pretty secure. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. We see the

Max gently touches her face and smiles warmly. He leans closer and gently kisses her on the lips. Jett stares at him a long moment then looks back to the others. JETT You can't just let him go off on his own. There's silence. Jett looks back to Max.

JETT Don't go. You promised you wouldn't leave me, Max. MAX I'll be back first thing in the morning. I just need some more sleep--maybe more morphine. JETT I'm going with you. ROB Jett-Jett clings to Maxs arm. JETT I want to stay with you, Max. I need to know that you're okay. MAX I appreciate that, Jett, but I'd like you to stay here. JETT Only if you stay too. DAVIS (firm) I think he needs to leave. Jett glares at Davis then looks back to Max. JETT I'm not leaving you. MAX (tiny smile) Okay. They leave the chapel. Collin frowns and turns away.

ROB Was that necessary? DAVIS

The good of the many, Rob. INT. CAPTAIN'S CABIN Max sits on the sofa with his left sleeve rolled up. He gives himself an injection, grimaces, and then sets down the needle. Jett sits alongside him and helps roll down his sleeve. JETT Can I have a look at your injury? MAX (tiny smile) It's bad, Jett. I don't think I'm going to make it. JETT What? Of course you are. talk so-Don't

MAX Please, Jett. My arm is tingling, and the wound won't stop bleeding. I just wanted to see you one last time. I love you, Jett. I just wanted you to know that. Please, go back to the chapel before it gets dark. JETT (tears) No, Max. You won't die--you can't. Jett places her arms around his neck and buries her face into his chest. She sobs softly. Max holds her against him. JETT I love you, Max. Please don't leave me--you promised. Max removes an envelope from his jacket and gives it to her. Jett doesn't accept it. MAX I want you to give this to my friend, Benson. His name is on the envelope. He'll take care of you for me. I promise. JETT No--you won't die. MAX

Jett, please.

Don't do this--

He sets the envelope down and looks into her eyes. MAX Don't make it harder than it already is. Jett leans toward him and kisses him gently on the lips. Despite her tears, she kisses him more passionately. Max aggressively responds. He then pulls away slowly. MAX I'll walk you back to the chapel. JETT You wanted to get me alone-we're alone now. This may be our last chance. MAX There's nothing I'd love more, Jett, but that'll just make it tougher on you. Jett once more leans against him and kisses him, this time more aggressive. Max clings to her and returns the aggressive kiss. INT. BEDROOM We see Max and Jett bare and united beneath the sheets on the bed. Max kisses her neck and shoulders. Jett gasps softly and holds back her tears of sorrow. Jett then begins to kiss his neck. Max moans softly and shuts his eyes. His lips part slightly to gasp. We see the fangs within his mouth. He lowers his mouth to her shoulder and kisses her. He then pulls away and kisses her passionately on the mouth. INT. CHAPEL Collin paces the chapel near the altar and looks at the others. They remain seated on the pews with looks of dread. COLLIN Supposing he was bit-ROB What are you talking about? COLLIN What if Max had been bit? He wouldn't allow us to look at the wounds. If he was bit, he could become a vampire himself.

ROB Don't be ridiculous. DAVIS He was acting strange. Rob looks away from both of them. INT. CAPTAIN'S CABIN/BEDROOM Jett lie against Max's chest while he securely holds her. He stiffly flexes his wrapped right arm and shoulder. Jett eyes his movement. JETT Are you okay? MAX I'm wonderful. JETT You're feeling better? MAX Surprisingly, much better. Max rolls on top of her and kisses her warmly. the kiss with a pleased smile. JETT (sighs) Oh, Max-She kisses his neck as his hands disappear beneath the covers. Max groans softly and smiles. Jett pulls back, opens her eyes, and sees the fangs in his mouth. Before she has time to express her alarm, he kisses her passionately on the mouth and presses against her beneath the covers. Jett jumps with surprise and anxiety. Max meets her gaze and smiles, with a glimpse of the exposed fangs. MAX Sorry--I was trying to be gentle. Jett forces a tiny smile. JETT It's okay. He lowers his mouth to her neck. Jett suddenly tenses and lets out a soft gasp. Max gently kisses her neck. He moans softly, apparently pleased by her response. MAX I love you so much. She returns

Jett shuts her eyes and clings to him as he moves against her. JETT (softly) Oh, Max-INT. CHAPEL -- LATER Max stands in the chapel doorway. Jett stands just inside the chapel. The others are toward the front talking quietly. JETT Max, please change your mind and stay. Max lowers his head. MAX You saw, didn't you? JETT Yes, Max. Max lifts his head and runs his tongue over the sharp teeth and attempts a smile. MAX Do they make me look more intelligent? JETT You knew that was happening, didn't you? MAX Not until afterwards. I truly thought I was dying. I wouldn't have subjected you to that had I know. The scratches are almost completely healed now. An hour ago, they were black. I swear, I wouldn't have taken advantage of you, if I'd known. JETT Max, it's okay. You don't need to apologize. I'm more worried about you.


There's no reason to worry about me, Jett. I know what I need to do. He's going to come down that hallway in a few hours, and I'll be waiting for him. If I kill him, I'll allow Davis to put a stake through my heart. JETT No, Max. Maybe you won't be like him. We don't know-MAX By tomorrow morning, you'll be thinking about killing me yourself. JETT No, I would never. MAX It's the humane thing to do. I don't want to kill anyone, but I doubt I'll be able to control it. This is my last chance to protect you. I'd like you to remember me that way--not as a half-crazed bloodsucker. I'll always love you. Max quickly kisses her, turns, and walks away. back her tears. Collin slowly approaches her. COLLIN He was bitten, wasn't he? Jett breaks down and cries. arms around her. Collin uncertainly places his Jett holds

COLLIN I'm really sorry, Jett. I wish there was something I could say. Jett slowly pulls away, wipes her eyes, and sniffs. JETT It's not fair. He saved me from death, and now he's the one who has to suffer. COLLIN He chose you over himself. Most people never find someone like that. JETT

He wants Davis to kill him--I can't let him do it. I know it's wrong, Collin, but I can't allow that. COLLIN You're not thinking rationally. It's almost sundown. Who knows what poison is pumping through his veins. He seemed okay just now, but in another hour, he could be killing you without a second thought. Anything short of killing the master-Collin suddenly becomes silent. JETT What was that? COLLIN There's nothing anyone can do. JETT No. You said about killing the master. If the one that bit him dies, he might return to normal. COLLIN Thats a myth, even I can't believe it could be real. JETT But if Max kills the vampire-COLLIN He becomes the master. myth though-It's Jett stares.

JETT I have to kill the master. COLLIN No, you'll be the one killed. One hour until sundown. You may have two of them after you. There's no way you can kill an awake, alert vampire. His powers are probably stronger then last night. JETT I have to try.


You can't. I won't let you. It's suicide. Jett grabs an ax near the door and takes the cross staff. She holds the ax up to his face. JETT Try and stop me. Collin slowly steps out of her way. INT. CARGO HOLD Ten minutes to sundown. Jett hurries through the cargo hold. She looks at her watch. She appears concerned and looks around with anger in her eyes. Something causes her to stop. She turns to her right and walks down another aisle. Jett makes a disgusted face. JETT What's that smell-As she approaches, we see piles of dead, decaying bodies of people killed over the last few days. Jett walks across several bodies and severed limbs. We see an antique coffin on top of several crates in the center of the bodies. Jett nearly steps on Rita's body. Jett gasps with surprise and horror. She composes herself and approaches the coffin with a determined look. She climbs on top of the crates and pulls open the coffin lid. We see the hideous vampire creature in his coffin with its eyes closed. Jett sets the ax on one of the crates she teeters upon. She raises the cross staff above her head. The creature's eyes suddenly open and it leaps up. Jett cries out, loses her balance, and falls down onto the pile of bodies. A rat scurries away with a loud, annoyed squeak. Jett recovers the staff and scrambles to her feet, stumbling over decaying bodies. The vampire glides down from his coffin and nearly lands on top of her. Jett cries out and bolts away from him. She spins with the cross raised. When she looks back, he's gone. Jett looks around the dimly lit area. Shadows are everywhere, alongside crates, on the ceiling, and by the bodies. Jett clutches the staff, keeping the cross exposed. A shadow moves behind her. Jett nervously scans the area before her. The shadow moves closer to her. Jett suddenly whirls around with the staff positioned, cross up. Max stands behind her. He turns and lowers his head to avoid looking at the cross, as if in pain. MAX What are you doing down here, Jett? You have to go back with the others. JETT Jett leaves the chapel.

I can save you, Max. Max places his hand to shield his eyes. MAX Do something with that. It's giving me a terrible headache. Jett nervously looks around them. She lowers the staff, allowing Max to lift his head and look at her. JETT If I can kill the vampire, you'll be restored to normal. If you kill him, you're stuck. MAX And if he kills you--then what? I appreciate what you're doing for me, Jett, but I can't stand the thought of losing you. Max follows through with a gentle kiss to her lips. He pulls back, meets her gaze, and then returns for a more passionate kiss. Jett attempts to hold him back. In one swift movement, he knocks the staff from her hand and pushes her on top of a nearby crate. Jett manages to break off the kiss. JETT Max--stop! Max kisses her lips several times despite her protest. pulls back just far enough to meet her gaze and smiles charmingly through his fangs. MAX What's wrong, Jett? want me? Don't you He

JETT Of course I do, but there's a killer vampire nearby. MAX It occurred to me not long ago. We can stay together--literally forever. If you just let me-have you. What do you say, my darling? One little bite, and we'll be creatures of the night together forever. JETT That's tempting, Max, but why don't we try it my way first.

Max playfully pops open the top button on her shirt. MAX Okay-Max release Jett and turns toward the area covered with piled bodies. MAX This is attractive. a housekeeper. Not much of

Jett recovers her staff then points to the crates. JETT Can you get that ax? Max approaches the crates. He playfully skips between the bodies with a lively step. He balances on one foot and snatches the ax. Max turns and skips through the bodies while eyeing them. MAX Suddenly--I'm very hungry. Jett makes a face and holds her stomach. The vampire suddenly drops down behind her. Jett feels the small gust of air. She spins around. The vampire strikes her across the face with his right, clawless hand. Jett strikes the crates and falls to the floor. The staff projects across the room. Max hisses and charges for the vampire. The ax flies to the floor, nearly striking Jett. Max tackles the vampire into several crates. Despite the heaviness, the crates crash to the floor beneath them. Max hovers over the now stronger vampire. Both hold each other's throat in their hands. The vampire pulls Max closer to him then casts him off and across the room. Max flies backwards into the crates and the coffin. All three crash to the floor. The vampire easily springs to his feet. Jett and the ax are gone. The vampire looks around and smells the air. He approaches some crates. Jett jumps around the crates from behind him with the ax coiled back. The vampire spins. Jett swings with the ax as the vampire comes at her with his left claws. The ax severs the hand. Jett is momentarily surprised. She attempts to swing again. The vampire knocks the ax from her hands and lunges for her throat. Max suddenly leaps gracefully through the air and tackles the vampire into more crates. They fling one another around while hissing and growling. Max bites the vampire at the base of the neck. The vampire squeals and attempts to force Max off of him. Max suddenly knees the vampire in the groin. The vampire shows signs of pain. Max pulls his teeth free. The vampire leaps to the floor, snatches his severed hand,

and simply reattaches it. He flexes his clawed fingers. Max leaps for him. The vampire slashes Max across the chest. Max leaps back with surprise and pain. The vampire catches Max by the throat, sinking his claws into Max's neck. Max cries out and struggles. The vampire shoves Max backward and against several crates. His claws tighten on Max's throat. Jett grabs the ax, runs alongside them, and cries out with anger and fury. JETT No! She swings the ax and severs the vampire's head. The head flies across the cargo and lands with the other bodies. The vampire clutches at his stump frantically. Max harshly shoves him away. The eyes on the severed head look to Max. The body follows through and lunges for Max. Max dives out of his path and grabs Jett by the arm. He pulls her several feet away. The vampire's head continues to watch. The body charges for them as the head cries out with a hideous, animal like sound. Collin suddenly springs from an aisle with the cross staff in his hands. He lunges forward and plunges the spear into the vampire's chest. The head cries out in agony as the body is tackled to the ground, the cross sticking out on top of the pole. Collin grabs either side of the cross and pushes down with all his body weight. The spear makes a distinct crunching sound just before striking the floor on the bottom. The creature's head wails. The limbs flail several times then fall motionless. The head gasps and the eyes roll back. Collin gasps and slowly backs away from the body. Jett looks at Max as he clutches the deep scratches in his chest. The scratches slowly fade, along with his fangs. Max sinks to his knees and clutches his head in agony. Jett quickly falls to her knees and attempts to look at him. Max! JETT Max, are you all right?

MAX (soft) One hell of a hangover-COLLIN (approaches) He'll probably be weak for a day or two. Let's get him to a sofa. Collin and Jett pull Max to his feet and half carry him from the area. INT. SUITE/BEDROOM

Max slowly wakes and looks around the bedroom. the edge of the bed and touches his face. JETT How are you feeling? Sore. MAX Where am I?

Jett sits on

JETT The presidential suite. On our way home. You've been out for two days. MAX (touches his teeth) Oh, thank God. I had some pretty nasty dreams. The others? JETT They're around. MAX I never want to go through that again. Well, except maybe the part where I was about to ravish you. JETT I see you're feeling like your old self. Max pulls her over him and onto the bed beside him. Jett cries out playfully. Max rolls on top of her and kisses her passionately. EXT. MAIN DECK -- DAY Collin approaches Max and Jett with a young, female coast guard officer attached to his arm. COLLIN And I single handedly killed the vampire with my staff. WOMAN I'd like to see that staff. Collin smiles and laughs softly. Jett. They pause before Max and


This cruise is finally starting to get exciting. JETT I've had enough excitement, thanks. COLLIN (to Max) How are you feeling? MAX A new normal. COLLIN I can relate to that. biting anyone. Don't go


Jett subconsciously conceals the blemish on her neck. Collin leads the woman past them. Max pulls Jett into his arms and smiles contently. MAX Before reality returns us home, I have a small confession to make. JETT You're not married, are you? Max suddenly stops and looks at the helicopter on the landing pad. He appears surprised then frowns. MAX Oh, great. Rob approaches them from behind. ROB Max, good to see you up and about. We were worried. MAX I'm a tough bastard. BENSON (O.S.) You're a bastard all right. Max spins and comes face to face with a man in his late forties. Max attempts a smile. MAX Benson, what are you--


You crazy son-of-a-bitch! You know you're not licensed to fly. My insurance will never cover whatever it is you did to my chopper. MAX Not me--someone stole it. BENSON Oh, right. Someone stole it after you stole it. MAX I had to come out and get you. No one else would fly. BENSON You're absolutely crazy. Some cruise. Sat in a lifeboat for how many days until the coast guard found us. MAX Benson, this is Jett. I'm taking her home with me. BENSON (surprise) You mean--home home? MAX Yes. I'm going home. to stay. Hopefully

BENSON Thank you lord. Back to sleeping in late. Jett looks at both with an odd stare. JETT What's going on? MAX Something I neglected to mention earlier. I own a mansion and a small island. Shall we have lunch? JETT (stops him) What?


You seemed to like me as a flyboy. I couldn't tell you who I really was. All my life, I've been told how to act, who to like, who to date, what to wear. One day I realized that I never had real friends. Three years ago, I walked away from my life. I discovered people did like me for who I really was--even without the money. JETT So who are you? MAX William Maxwell Kensington. Rob suddenly bolts forward. ROB You knew I was coming out here to see you! Why didn't you say something? MAX Because I didn't want to be bothered with business deals. I'd have him. He me--knew from him BENSON a bit of fun playing booked this trip for I needed to get away for awhile.

MAX Benson's my pilot and driver. ROB Listen, Max, we really need to talk. MAX I'm not interested, Rob. just go home. Benson appears excited. BENSON Oh, we're going home. days. Happy Let's

Max looks at Jett and smiles warmly.


You still want to come home with me, don't you? Even if I'm not a pilot. JETT I suppose it doesn't change who you are. I'm not into all that snobby stuff, though. Max laughs softly then kisses her quickly and smiles. looks to Benson. MAX I'll drive. BENSON Like hell you will. Get your pampered, rich boy ass into that chopper! I want my ass home! MAX (to Jett) You don't have to worry about snobbishness at my house. Most of the staff are worse then Benson. JETT Sounds like an adventure in itself. They approach the helicopter. Benson climbs into the pilot's seat. Max opens the back door for Jett. Jett looks at him and smiles. JETT Tell me something, Max, down in the cargo deck, did you really intend to bite me? MAX (tiny smile) I still might. Jett smiles and climbs into the helicopter. Rob waves, turns, and walks away. Max looks back to the ship and smiles. We see the small fangs. He runs his tongue over the pointed fangs, smirks, and then climbs in beside Jett. The helicopter fires up and lifts off from the landing pad. FADE OUT He

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