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Emily Mullins

TE 407 Lab
11 September 2008

Commas and Semi-Colons

This mini-lesson will be a refresher course on the correct use of commas and

semi-colons, which is a part of grammar that happens to be a lost art, even for

college English majors.

• Audience: High School, 9th or 10th grade, lower or upper level English


• Why?: Although the use of commas and semi-colons may seems less

important than other aspects of grammar, students seem to neglect to

use them, or rather, just put them in wherever it sounds right in their


• Introduction to Lesson: Begin by asking students to write what they think

grammar is for two minutes. Then ask a few students to share their

ideas. Respond by saying that grammar is not just important for us to use

in class today, but for doing well in college, applying and interviewing

for jobs, and gaining respect in the workplace. Then ask them to share

any rules they may know about commas and semi-colons. [2-3 minutes]

• Objective: Students will learn and apply the rules for commas and semi-


• The Lesson: I would begin a lesson with this activity. First, divide the

class into groups and pass out a worksheet with sentences that does not
contain any punctuation. Have them insert the correct punctuation

where they think it should be placed. While they are working, write the

sentences on the chalk board. When they are finished, have the groups

come up and insert the punctuation where they think it should be placed

in the sentences on the board. (If time does not allow for the board, it

can also be done aloud. However, a visual representation for everyone is

sometimes better.) [5 minutes]

• During the Lesson: Ask how they decided on that certain place in the

sentence. Was it random or did they knew the rules previously? Always

ask how they got to that conclusion, other students will be able to

compare their answers and this will force discussion. The students will

have their misconceptions corrected. [1 minute]

• Next Part: Hand out the comma and semi-colon rule sheet and allow

them to go back through and make corrections. If possible, have them

write the correct rule next to the punctuation they inserted. [2 minutes]

• Assignment: A second worksheet could be given for homework and would

be done individually for practice.

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