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miniletterjune2008 Luis Gutheinz, 8 <> 2008 41:6 Fi 19 FF 8:05 BEIM REALAGE 24255 GALRRTHETT Luis Gutheinz, S.J. Fu Jen Catholic University Faculty of Theology Room (0)155, 156,159,(H) 339. TIERS 514 48 103 We 103 Lane $14, Chungcheng Rd. Tel. (02)29017270 24255Taipei Hsien, Hsinchuang City 155,156,159(0),339(H) TAIWAN, ROC Fax, (02) 2901-4219(0) E-mail: f00046@mail 2908-0835(H) Mobile:0958-193-403 June 21, Graduationday and “vacation” begin DEAR FRIENDS, >What you did to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me “ (Jesus, Mt 25.40) A detailed description of events and experiences since the last miniletter around Easter 2008 would fill a book. Permit me to limit this description to one humble page. Thank you! Many visits of good friends bring light to the daily work and enlarge the horizon of awareness: On March 21, ZUU8 the Superior General of the Society of the Helpers (SH), St. blisabetta Flick with her General Assistant Sr. Gudrun Bohle came to the office of the CLS (China Leprosy Service), to discuss possible ways of further cooperation. Add to this encounter, the visit of Sr. Hemma Muschik of the same Congregration on May 5. 2008. who is responsible for the area of India. Hongkong and Taiwan. Such encounters gradually increase the feeling of a growing international networking in the service of the poorest of the poor, and this networking will be stronger than all human weaknesses and egoisms. The events around the natural catastrophies in Burma and Sichuan, China point to the fact that ever more people become more concerned with the welfare of whole humankind On April 1, 2008 P. Friedrich Weingartner, S.J., in the infirmary at the Fu Jen Theologate, and myself were honoured by the visit of Mrs. Sieglinde Spanlang, Director of the Austrian Tourism Bureau (OTB), accompanied by the Deputy Director Gerhard Pfeiffer. The Austrian State wants to show its appreciation for the very specialized lingnistic studies of P- Weingartner, and also for the redaction and publication of theological working instruments, carried forward since many years by the Fu Jen Theological Publications Association, responsibly directed by P. Gutheinz. It would be wonderful if the Austrian State would generously support these academic activities, In this context I can share with you the good news of the foundation of the Ausirian-Taipei-Sociely, on May 15,2008, (o promote solidarity and mutual support among the more than 30 members. Mrs. Sieglinde Spanlang (OTB) has been unanimously elected as an honorary member of the ATS. Life and death, death and life are unseparably interwoven in our Christian vision of the Paschal Mystery Qn April 20, 2008 P Taseph Kung Te-chien, ST, horn in the former Anstrian mission in Jingxian, Hebei Province on August 29, 1922, died after a long sickness. Since my first arrival in Taiwan on September 23, 1961, we knew each other as real friends in the Lord. In the last years we even shared mutual sacramental confession with one another. On May 12, 2008, P. Joseph Hsia Chin-po, S.., 82, died suddently. At the funeral of P. Joseph Kung, May 10. 2008. he still took many fotos in his lively way; these fotos might remain forever in his abandoned camera. And then, like a lightening out of the blue eky, we got the news on June 13, 2008, that Sr. Maria Xue Ling, O.HLE., 42, medical doctor and Superior of her community of the Sisters of the Holy Family, had died some few hours ago in the Province of Guangdong, Bailu, in the East of Canton, in the service of leproay patients in a very special accident: due to torrential rains suddently a wave of water overthrew the taxi and pushed it into the ditch on the roadside. Sr. Maria Xue Ling was not able to escape and died in the car, with a beautiful smile on her face. Only the Loving God saw all the tears in China and Taiwan, caused by this agonizing event. We will take Sr. Maria Xue Ling with great honour as our Patron for the leprosy service, together with P Damian de Veuster. She will accompany us at the next study monitoring trip to China (July 7 August 31, 2008) and she will protect me on the trip to Austria in October 2008 for the celebration of Missio-Austria-Bregenz. Of course, she will help us in the ongoing Denzinger-work. Again, in deep gratitude for your friendship and support, blessing you luis gutheinz sj

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