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Employee Management Database System #include<fstream.h> #include<dos.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<graphics.

h> class group { private: struct person { char flag; char empcode[5]; char name[40]; int age; float sal; int day; int month; int year; }p; fstream file; public: group(); void addrec(); void listrec(); void modirec(); void delrec(); void recallrec(); void packrec(); void exit(); };

void main() { char choice,v; group g; do { clrscr(); struct dosdate_t d; _dos_getdate(&d); //; // p.month=d.month; // p.year=d.year; // _dos_getdate(&d); gotoxy(12,5); textcolor(6); cprintf("Todays date:"); printf("%d",; cout<<"/"; printf("%d",d.month); cout<<"/"; cout<<d.year; gotoxy(12,9); cout<<"Srknec.corporation"; gotoxy(12,12);

cout<<"1.Add record"; gotoxy(12,15); cout<<"2.List Record"; gotoxy(12,17); cout<<"3.Modify record"; gotoxy(12,19); cout<<"4.Delete record"; gotoxy(12,21); cout<<"5.Recall record"; gotoxy(12,23); cout<<"6.Pack record"; gotoxy(12,25); cout<<"0.Exit"; gotoxy(12,28); cout<<"Your choice"<<" "; cin>>choice; clrscr(); switch(choice) { case '1': g.addrec(); break; case'2': g.listrec(); break; case'3': g.modirec(); break; case'4': g.delrec(); break; case'5': g.recallrec(); break; case'6': g.packrec(); break; case'0': g.exit(); exit(1); } } while(choice!=0); }

void group::group() {"Emp.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); p.flag=' '; if(!file) { cout<<endl<<"Unable to open file"; exit(); } }

void group::addrec() { char ch; file.seekp(0L,ios::end); struct dosdate_t d; _dos_getdate(&d);; p.month=d.month; p.year=d.year; cout<<"Make shure that no employee has the same code"<<endl; do { cout<<endl<<"Enter employee code, name, age & salary :"<<endl<<endl; cout<<"OR"<<endl<<endl; cout<<"To return to the Main menu press'm' key else press'a':"; cin>>ch; if(ch=='m'||ch=='M') { main(); } cin>>p.empcode>>>>p.age>>p.sal; p.flag=' '; file.write((char*)&p,sizeof(p)); cout<<"Add another record ?(y/n) :"; cin>>ch; } while(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'); } void group::listrec() { int j=0,a; file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); cout<<"List of records present are as under>>>"<<endl<<endl; cout<<" "<<"|CODE|"<<" "<<"|NAME|"<<" "<<"|AGE|"<<" "<<"|SALARY|"<<" "<<"|DATED|"<<endl; //Donot touch Above Line Any Way it is set to give Some Nice Look while(*)&p,sizeof(p))) { if(p.flag!='*') cout<<endl<<"Record#"<<" "<<j++<<setw(6)<<p.empcode<<setw(20)<<<<setw(4)<<p.age<<setw(9)<<p.sal<<" "<<<<"/"<<p.month<<"/"<<p.year<<endl; } file.clear(); if(j==0) { gotoxy(10,10); cout<<"No record exit"; gotoxy(10,11); cout<<"Press any key..."; getch(); } else { cout<<endl<<"Press any key..."; getch(); } } void group::modirec()

{ char code[5]; int count=0; long int pos; cout<<"Enter employee code whose record is to be modified :"; cin>>code; file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); while(*)&p,sizeof(p))) { if(strcmp(p.empcode,code)==0) { cout<<endl<<"Enter new record "<<endl; cout<<endl<<"Enter employee name,age & salary :"<<endl; cin>>>>p.age>>p.sal; struct dosdate_t d; _dos_getdate(&d);; p.month=d.month; p.year=d.year; p.flag=' '; pos=count*sizeof(p); file.seekp(pos,ios::beg); file.write((char*)&p,sizeof(p)); return; } count++; } cout<<endl<<"No employee in file with code= "<<code; getch(); file.clear(); } void group::delrec() { char code[5]; long int pos; int count=0; cout<<"Enter employee code to be deleted :"; cin>>code; file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); while(*)&p,sizeof(p))) { if (strcmp(p.empcode,code)==0) { p.flag='*'; pos=count*sizeof(p); file.seekp(pos,ios::beg); file.write((char*)&p,sizeof(p)); return; } count++; } cout<<endl<<"No employee in file with code="<<code; cout<<endl<<"Press any key..."; getch(); file.clear(); } void group::recallrec() { char code[5]; long int pos; int count=0; cout<<"Enter employee code to be recalled :"; cin>>code;

file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); while(*)&p,sizeof(p))) { if(strcmp(p.empcode,code)==0) { p.flag=' '; pos=count*sizeof(p); file.seekp(pos,ios::beg); file.write((char*)&p,sizeof(p)); return; } count++; } cout<<endl<<"No employee in the file with code="<<code; cout<<endl<<"Press any key..."; getch(); file.clear(); } void group::packrec() { ofstream outfile;"TEMP",ios::out); file.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&p,sizeof(p))) { if(p.flag!='*') outfile.write((char*)&p,sizeof(p)); } outfile.close(); file.close(); remove("Emp.DAT"); rename("TEMP","EMP.DAT");"EMP.DAT",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out|ios::nocreate); gotoxy(10,10); cout<<"Marked records to be deleted are all removed"; gotoxy(10,11); cout<<"press any key...."; getch(); } void group::exit() { file.close(); }

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