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1. What were the researchers trying to find? 2. Why was the topic important to investigate or understand? 3. How did researchers investigate this? Were their research methods appropriate and adequate for the research? 4. What statistical methods did the researchers use? 5. What did researches claim to have found? 6. Were the findings/results clearly stated? 7. How the findings advance knowledge in the field? 8. How well do the researchers place their findings within the context of on going scholarly inquiry about their research topic? 9. What do you consider to be the major strengths and weakness of the research? 10. How does the findings relate to something you have experienced in physical education on the course or in real life? 11. Could the results be applied to physical education situations to improve performance/solve problems etc?

Bonus of up to a maximum of 7% may be positive to students who are highly motivated. Illustrate of motivations are full class attendance, punctually, good class participation and satisfactory commitment in studies. However, this is only a privilege and not a right.

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