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Sfintia Sa Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Collection of excerpts with Her updates on gnostics Culegere de fragmente care actualizeaza gnosticismul
Oamenii iluminati erau numiti gnostici. Acest cuvant vine din cuvantul Sankrit gna care inseamna cunoastere. Dar cunoasterea nu se refera la ceea ce cineva invata prin intermediul creierului deoarece creierul sau inteligenta duc pe cineva catre rationalitate care nu are niciun fel de intelepciune in spatele ei. Rationalitatea poate duce oriunde, poate justifica orice si nu este nicidecum absoluta. Astfel ar trebui sa mergeti dincolo de rationalitate, sa dezvoltati abilitatea de a percepe Divinul, prin care puteti intelege problemele reale cat si adevaratele solutii ale acestor probleme.

"The enlightened people were called as gnostics. This comes from the Sanskrit word Gna which means knowledge. But knowledge does not mean what one knows through the brain, because brain or intelligence takes one to rationality, which has no wisdom behind it. Rationality can take one anywhere, can justify anything, as it is not absolute. So one has to go beyond rationality, develop higher senses of Divinity by which one can understand the real problems, and the actual solutions of all these problems." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga (1990), p. 21-22

This is a big power you have got, you all should use. First of all you can use a group if you want and afterwards you should do it individually. Can you imagine all of you, if you become gurus, how many sahaja yogis well have all over the world? Whatever you teach you must practice. When a person who drinks, cannot become a guru. A person who flirts and has a licentious life, cannot become a guru. So first examine yourself: are you clean or not?If there are many possessed people who try to become gurus, they cannot. Honestly you should see on the photograph if you are possessed, then you cannot be guru. So now to become a guru is first to criticise yourself, to find out yourself fully, and then you can become a guru.I dont want to tell anybody individually but you all can find out.

Aceasta este o mare putere pe care o aveti, voi toti ar trebui sa o folositi. Prima data puteti folosi un grup daca doriti si apoi ar trebui sa o faceti individual. Va puteti imagina pe voi toti, daca deveniti guru, cati Sahaja yoghini vom avea in toata lumea? Orice predicati, trebuie sa practicati. Persoana care bea nu poate deveni un guru. O persoana care flirteaza si care are o viata destrabalata nu poate deveni un guru. Deci mai intai examinati-va daca sunteti curati sau nu. Daca exista oameni posedati care incearca sa devina guru, ei nu pot sa o faca. Cu onestitate ar trebui sa vedeti fata de fotografie daca sunteti posedati, atunci nu puteti fi guru. Deci acum a deveni un guru inseamna mai intai sa va criticati pe voi insiva si sa descoperiti doar voi insiva si apoi puteti deveni un guru. Nu vreau sa spun nimanui in mod individual. Dar voi toti puteti descoperi.

*Albrecht Durer Isus printre doctori Jesus among the doctors

Say four-five people can join together and they can find out from each other if they are all right or not, if there is missing, if they are catching. But if they say there you are alright then you can become gurus and you can preach Sahaja Yoga. This is your responsibility. This is how Sahaja Yoga will grow. Otherwise after Ill retire or Ill dont go anywhere, then Sahaja Yoga will go to waste. So it is for you to carry the torch, the light, it is your responsibility now. You have got your realisation.I was born with the responsibility, I was born with all the understanding. And now you are also understanding yourself. Do not condemn yourself, as long as you start your own realisation, but be careful: dont become egoistical. You have to be very humble, very humble with everyone. And work it out because if they are not realised souls you shouldnt condemn them but tell them very patiently and sweetly that you are not alright. Tell them how to meditate, how to improve.

De exemplu 4-5 oameni se pot alatura si ei pot descoperi de la celalalt daca sunt in regula sau nu. Daca ceva lipseste, daca ei capteaza. Dar daca ei spun ca sunteti in regula, atunci voi puteti deveni guru si puteti predica Sahaja yoga. Aceasta este responsabilitatea voastra. Acesta este modul in care Sahaja yoga va creste, altfel dupa ce Ma voi retrage sau nu voi mai merge nicaieri, atunci Sahaja yoga se va irosi. Deci va revine voua rolul de a purta torta, lumina. Este responsabilitatea voastra acum. V-ati primit Realizarea. Eu m-am nascut cu responsabilitatea asta. M-am nascut cu toata intelegerea. Si acum va intelegeti de asemenea pe voi insiva, nu va condamnati pe voi insiva atata timp cat incepeti propria voastra munca de a oferi Realizarea, dar fiti atenti sa nu deveniti egoisti. Trebuie sa fiti foarte umili, foarte umili cu toata lumea. Si sa lucrati deoarece daca ei nu sunt suflete Realizate, nu ar trebui sa ii condamnati, ci sa le spuneti, cu foarte multa rabdare si intr-un mod dulce, ca ei nu sunt in regula. Spuneti-le cum sa mediteze, cum sa se imbunatateasca. Guru Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italia) 20 Iulie 2008

And third one is the discretion, which He calls as the Gnyana Marg, is the central path, by which you evolve. You evolve into a new state, into a new state of your mind, a new state of your being, by which you become absolutely above every nonsense. Also you are endowed with power to fight whatever is bad, whatever is corrupting, whatever is killing this one. At that stage, you are equipped with a Divine Power that you can finish off anything that is negative around you. This is to be understood that thats a state. Thats not just talking. Thats not just believing that: I am that, but its a state. If you come up to that state where you are beyond all these things and you have all the knowledge, pure knowledge, the subtle knowledge of being, this is the Gnyana Marg.

Iar a treia cale este discernamantul pe care El (Shri Krishna) il numeste Gnyana Marg, este calea centrala prin care noi evoluam. Voi evoluati intr-o noua stare, intr-o noua stare a mintii voastre, o noua conditie a fiintei voastre prin care deveniti absolut deasupra oricarui nonsens. De asemenea voi sunteti inzestrati cu puterea de a lupta impotriva a orice este rau, orice corupe sau ucide aceasta stare. La aceasta etapa, voi sunteti echipati cu Puterea Divina prin care voi terminati orice este negativ in jurul vostru. Asta trebuie sa se inteleaga despre aceasta stare. Nu este doar vorbarie. Nu este doar credinta ca Eu sunt asta ci este o stare. Daca atingeti acea stare unde voi sunteti deasupra tuturor acestor lucruri si voi aveti toata cunoasterea, cunoasterea pura, cunoasterea subtila a fiintei noastre, aceasta este Gnyana Marg. Multi oameni spun ca nu oricine poate merge pe calea Gnyana Marg si pentru asta voi ar trebui sa aveti un tip special de personalitate dar asta este derutant. Oricine poate intra in Gnyana Marg! Aceasta aptitudine evolutiva este construita intr-un mod foarte, foarte innascut in interiorul nostru. Este in interiorul nostru si noi toti putem sa o avem. Numai ca noi nu avem incredere poate si prin urmare noi continuam sa o evitam si sa ne aplecam spre lucruri neinsemnate ca si cum am deveni devotati a ceva, facand un soi de ritual, mergand intr-un soi de loc sfant, tot felul de nonsensuri care nu va dau ascensiune evolutiva prin care voi sa aveti cunoasterea, cunoasterea pura, cunoasterea reala. Pana la acest moment, indiferent de ceea ce voi cunoasteti a fost scris in carti, v-au spus parintii sau orice ati explorat in exterior. Dar cunoasterea care este cea mai pura, care este cunoasterea reala, este Gnyana prin care voi mergeti spre ascensiunea voastra si va stabilizati corespunzator in acea stare. Daca voi ii dati inainte cu negarea ei, voi nu puteti sa o dobanditi. Dar oricine are dreptul de a o atinge. Nu trebuie sa fiti educati, nu trebuie nici sa fiti o persoana simpla, nu e nevoie sa fiti foarte bogat sau sarac, asta nu face nici o diferenta atata timp cat voi sunteti o fiinta umana, o fiinta umana umila si care gandeste ca trebuie 3

Many people say that everybody cannot go to Gnyana Marg and, for that, you have to have a special type of personality, but this is very misleading. Everyone can go into Gnyana Marg. It is very, very innately built within us, this evolutionary attainment. It is within us and all of us can have that. Only thing is we have no confidence perhaps, that we go on avoiding it and go to cheaper things, like becoming devoted to something, doing some sort of a ritual, going to some sort of a holy place, all kinds of nonsense, which doesnt give you the evolutionary ascent, by which you know the Knowledge, the pure Knowledge, the real Knowledge.

So far, whatever you have known was written in the book, whatever your parents told you or whatever you have explored outside. But the knowledge which is the purest, which is the real Knowledge, which is the Gnyana, that you can only get through your ascent and establishing yourself properly in that state. If you go on denying it, you cannot get it. But everyone has right to get it. You need not be educated, you need not be a very simple person, you need not be very rich or poor, makes no difference, as long as you are a human being and a humble human being, thinking that you have to achieve that state.

sa dobandeasca acea stare. Shri Krishna Puja, Nirmal Nagari, Canajoharie, New York (USA), 29 Iulie 2001

In the same way you have to think from others point of view. First of all tuhi, when you say, you say it to your Guru or to God, that You are, Im no more, Im dissolved, Im finished, I have become one with this ocean of love. And then you say to others: you are, you are. That is Sahaja culture. See, so lots of falsehood will fall away (?follow?). Falsehood that surrenders you and others. Like people try falsehood by saying something: I love you very much, and on the back they plan something very bad. They can do anything. Not Sahaja Yogis, they dont do it, I must say that they have reached that state where they dont do it. But still if they dont do it, they are conscious of it. All the time they are conscious: we dont do this, we dont drink. So what? We dont fuss about food. I mean all their things they have achieved, they are very proud of it, you see, very proud. That we are like this, we are that. You see, because you are the pure spirit, because you are that, so you have become that. How can you take pride in something what you are[] This is all coming from the consciousness that you are better equipped, that you have all the knowledge. You have, you are very knowledgeable. I must say you are very knowledgeable, you are the Gnostics, all that I accept, but as long as you are aware of it; you are not. Once you are aware of it then you are that what is called Sahaja Yogi. So I would expect all of you to have this new development in your Sahasrara. In your Sahasrara. In everybodys Sahasrara. We have to think of the whole world. We cannot just think of Sahaja Yogis and also about the seekers. Seekers are there, all right, but what about the rest? There are so many problems there. And so many things are to be done. For example, now we have a problem in India of poverty. So I am trying to do something for them. You have problems in your countries, you should find out what problems there are. You can start some sort of a movement for them, try to help them as far as possible. Its not missionary like that you convert somebody for some sort of a reward, or for some name you have to do. You just do it for your pleasure. Because its your pleasure to do it. Thats how you will go to the society and you wont be afraid that you will be caught up.

In acelasi fel voi trebuie sa priviti din punctul de vedere al celorlalti. Prima data tuhi cand spuneti, fie ca o spuneti Guru-lui vostru sau lui Dumnezeu, si anume ca Tu esti, eu nu mai sunt, m-am dizolvat, am devenit una cu acest ocean de iubire, nu mai sunt nimic altceva. Si apoi spuneti celorlalti: voi sunteti, voi sunteti, voi sunteti. Asta este cultura Sahaj.Vedeti, astfel multe falsuri vor disparea. Falsul care va incojoara pe voi si pe ceilalti. Spre exemplu oamenii incearca sa spuna: te iubesc foarte mult iar pe la spate ei planuiesc ceva foarte rau. Ei pot face orice. Nu Sahaja yoginii, ei nu fac asta, trebuie sa spun ca au atins aceasta stare unde n-o mai fac. Dar chiar daca nu o fac ei sunt constienti de asta. Incontinuu sunt constienti de asta. Nu facem asta, nu bem Si ce daca? Noi nu dam in vant dupa mancare. Vreau sa spun ca toate lucrurile pe care le-au obtinut, ei sunt foarte mandrii de ele. Ca suntem una sau cealalta. Vedeti voi pentru ca sunteti spirit, pentru ca sunteti asta, pentru asta ati devenit toate acestea. Cum puteti fi mandrii de ceea ce sunteti?[]Toate acestea vin din constiinta ca sunteti bine echipati, ca aveti toata cunoasterea. O aveti, sunteti foarte inteligenti. Trebuie sa spun ca voi sunteti foarte cunoscatori, voi sunteti gnosticii , dar in masura in care sunteti informati de asta, nu sunteti. Odata ce nu sunteti informati de asta de atunci sunteti ceea ce se numeste Sahaja yogini (n.t.- se refera la alte informatii inclusive intelectuale cu care este bombardat mentalul). Deci as astepta ca toti sa aveti aceasta dezvoltare in Sahasrara. In Sahasrara voastra. In Sahasrara fiecaruia. Noi trebuie sa avem in vedere intrega omenire. Nu putem sa ne gandim numai la Sahaja yogini si cautatori. Cautatorii sunt aici, foarte bine, dar ce se intampla cu ceilalti? In zona asta sunt foarte multe probleme. Si sunt atat de multe lucruri care trebuie facute. De exemplu, acum noi avem in India o problema a saraciei. Asa ca Eu incerc sa fac ceva pentru ei. Voi aveti probleme in tarile voastre; voi ar trebui sa aflati ce probleme sunt acolo. Puteti sa incepeti un gen de miscare pentru ei, sa incercati sa ii ajutati atat cat puteti. Nu precum misionarii, care convertesc pe cineva pentru un tip de recompensa sau pentru

renume. Voi sa o faceti doar din placere. Pentru ca va face placere sa faceti asta. Asa veti merge in societete si nu va va mai fi frica sa captati negativitate.

Sahasrara Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 4 Mai 1997

Even the early Christians who were Gnostics, gna, gna in Sanskrit means know, though had the knowledge, beginners were also suppressed and tortured by the people who were supposed to be in charge of christian religion. And so many Christians were massacred by the so-called christian priests and christian churches. And still it is going on. What you find in the west is a great influence of these churches on the minds of the people. Otherwise they are supposed to be intellectuals, otherwise they are supposed to be analytical, otherwise they are supposed to be something very brainy. But when it comes to temples and churches, when it come to religions, when it comes to christianity, I think their brains are blocked, completely blocked, by some sort of a mesmerism. They just cant think that there could be something very wrong with these people. Chiar primii crestini care au fost gnostici, gna (gna in sanskrita inseamna a cunoaste), desi aveau cunoasterea, fiind incepatori au fost opresati si torturati de oamenii care erau considerati ca fiind la conducerea religiei crestine. Si atat de multi crestini au fost masacrati de asa numitii preoti si asa numitele biserici crestine. Si inca se intampla asta. Ceea ce vedem in occident este o mare influenta a acestor biserici asupra mintii oamenilor. Altfel se presupune ca acestia sunt intelectuali sau analitici sau foarte destepti. Dar cand ajung la biserici sau temple, cand ajung la religii, ca de pilda la crestinism, cred ca mintea lor este blocata, complet blocata de un soi de mesmerizare. Ei nu pot sa creada ca poate fi ceva foarte gresit cu acesti oameni.

Puja de Craciun, Ganapatipule (India), 25 Decembrie 1996

Intr-o astfel de conjunctura in care odata ce toti stim ca exista Forta Divina, voi toti v-ati luat Realizarea si ca acum voi toti sunteti oameni sfinti, atunci ar trebui sa privim catre oamenii care au fost precum voi. Precum au fost sufitii, nath panthisi, gnosticii toate felurile de oameni in fiecare religie. Ce au facut ei? Ei au mers sa trezeasca constiinta celorlalti catre faptul ca exista o Forta Divina. Ei nu au putut da Realizarea, asa ca ei nu au putut proba asta, dar au rezolvat-o intr-un alt fel, vorbind sau cantand despre asta este ceea ce avem de inteles, ca nimic nu trebuie sa va impiedice sa va exprimati compasiunea. Cand stiti ca oamenii cad, ca sunt intr-o mizerie teribila, acesta este un fel de macel urias al raului asupra fiintelor umane. Si daca aveti acea compasiune inauntrul vostru voi veti sari sa-i ajutati. Aceasta este treaba Chittvilas, a acestei stari de bucurie din atentia voastra.

So, at this juncture when we all know that there is Divine Power, you all have got your realization and that you are all now saintly people, then we should see to people who were like you. Like we had Sufis, then we had Nath Pantis, we had Gnostics all kinds of people in every religion What did they do? They went all out to awaken other people to the fact that there is Divine Power. They could not give realization, as such, they couldnt give proof of that, but they worked it out, they talked about it, they sang about it thats what we have to understand, that nothing should deter your compassion to be expressed. When you know the people are getting drowned, they are in a terrible mess, this is a kind of a huge, I should say, onslaught of the evil on human beings. And if you have that compassion within you, you will go all out to save them. That is what is the work of this Chitvilas, of this enjoyment of your attention.

Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italia), 9 Iunie 1996

In the beginning there were many Sahaja Yogis, I should say they were called as gnostics gn in Sanskrit means knowledge who had the knowledge about Self. Christ has said, Thou shalt

La inceput erau multi Sahaja yogini, as adauga ca ei erau numiti gnostici (gna in sanscrita inseamna cunoastere) care aveau cunoastere de Sine. Christos a spus, Trebuie sa va cunosteti Sinele.

He said that Know thyself. You have to knock at the door, meaning you must have Shuddha Icha, otherwise it wont work out. Nobody can force you. He controls the ego [???]. Hes the one who gives you the balance. But, if you go to the west, you know theyre nothing but some sort of a stupid, donkey-like ego. The way they talk, the way they behave towards each other, its a big eye-opener. They are developed. How they are developed, God knows. Now, they are very advanced, sophisticated, this, that. With this Agnya catching, Christ has said in His Lords Prayer, Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them who trespass against us. What a big thing to say, but one thing Ive seen in the West, people dont know how to forgive. They are full of hatred. And they cannot ask forgiveness because theyre full or terrible ego. Though they will feel guilty, but they will never ask for forgiveness. Theyll never say that, Oh God, forgive me for what Ive done.

Trebuie sa bateti la usa insemnand sa aveti dorinta pura, altfel nu va functiona. Nimeni nu te poate forta. El controleaza ego-ul. El este acela care ne da echilibru. Dar mergand catre occident, iti dai seama ca ei nu sunt decat un soi de ego stupid precum cel al unui catar. Felul in care merg, felul in care se comporta unii cu ceilalti, iti deschid ochii. Cat sunt ei de dezvoltati? Dumnezeu stie. Ei sunt avasati, sofisticati, cate si mai cate. Pentru acest blocaj de Agnya, Christos a spus in rugaciunea Tatal Nostru: Iarta-ne greselile noastre precum si noi iertam gresitilor nostri. Acest important lucru pe care L-a spus si totusi in occident oamenii nu stiu sa ierte. Ei sunt plini de ura. Si nu cer iertare pentru ca sunt plini de un ego oribil. Desi se simt vinovati, ei nu isi cer iertare. Ei nu vor spune O, Doamne iarta-ma pentru ceea ce am facut. Puja de Craciun, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 1995

We cannot change it. We cannot transform it. We cannot cinceptualize it. We have to know it on our central nervous system. This is what is described in Sanskrit language as Budh or they call it Bodh from which the word Buddha, means enlightened personality. Also, its called as [Veeda?] from where the word Vedas come from. Also, the word Gna as Gn used in Sanskrit language means the knowledge, means the absolute knowledge. The same word again was used in the talk of Gnostics. These were the people who knew the absolute knowledge long time back. Johns Revelation is a very beautiful book which is much more than what it is in the Bible. And he has talked about the Gnostics who lived in those days and were tortured by the people who were supposed to be in charge of religion. So this is the knowledge we are talking about [our ascent? In the Zen? Sahaj?] [unclear phrase] and our inner being. We have to realize that our Creator was the greatest organizer and the centers that you see here, the seven centers were created within us during our evolutionary process.

Nu o putem schimba, nu o putem transforma. Nu o putem conceptualiza. Noi trebuie sa o cunoastem prin sistemul nostru nervos central. Acest lucru este descris in limba sanscrita ca budh sau bodh de la care a venit cuvantul Buddha care inseamana personalitate iluminata. De asemenea este numit veeda de unde a provenit denumirea de Vede (n.t - vechile texte indiene). De asemenea cuvantul gna ca si gn folosit in sanscrita inseamna cunoastere, insemna cunoastere absoluta. De asemenea acelasi cuvant a fost folosit in textele gnosticilor. Acestia sunt aceia care au avut cunoasterea absoluta cu mult timp in urma. Revelatia Sfantului Ioan este o carte care contine mai mult decat ceea ce este in Biblie. Si el a vorbit despre gnostici care au trait in timpurile acelea si care au fost torturati de cei care erau socotiti ca fiind la conducerea religiei. Deci aceasta este cunoasterea la care ne referim cand vorbim de evolutie noastra, in zen(?), Sahaj(?) [fraza neclara] si in fiinta noastra interioara. Noi avem de realizat ca cel mai mare organizator a fost Creatorul si ca acesti sapte centri au fost creati in interiorul nostru in timpul procesului evolutiv. Program Public, Basel (Elvetia), 9 iulie 1994

To begin with, as you have seen yesterday also how the cosmos was created and then how this special planet of Mother Earth was created. Now what I have told you about Adam and Eve, we have found out, said by also John in his Gnostics book. Its very surprising. They always told you that

Pentru inceput, asa cum ati vazut chiar ieri, v-am spus despre cum a fost creat cosmosul si apoi cum a fost creata aceasta planeta speciala, Mama Pamant. Acum, ceea ce v-am spus despre Adam si Eva, am aflat ca s-a spus si de catre Ioan in cartea

Christ must have told you many things, but they are not in the Bible. So if you understand that this Adi Shakti came as a serpent the Adi Kundalini part of Her and told the Adam and Eve, especially Eve, that she should ask for the fruit of knowledge to be eaten. The reason I gave you is exactly written there, that the Mother power, the feminine power, didnt want Her children to live like animals without understanding what is the knowledge of the higher realms, not giving them chance to rise higher through their freedom and then to higher and higher awareness. It was the concern of the Mother.

sa despre gnostici. Este foarte surprinzator. Ei au spus intotdeauna ca Isus Christos trebuie sa va fi transmis multe lucruri, dar ele nu se regasesc in Biblie. Deci daca ati putea sa intelegeti ca aceasta Adi Shakti a venit sub forma de sarpe - partea din Ea care este Adi Kundalini si le-a spus lui Adam si Evei, in special Evei, ca ar trebui sa ceara ca fructul cunoasterii sa fie consumat. Exact acelasi motiv pe care vi l-am spus este chiar cel scris acolo, si anume ca puterea feminina nu a vrut o viata precum cea a animalelor pentru copii Ei, fara intelegerea cunoasterii sferelor inalte, fara sa le fi dat sansa sa se ridice in propria libertate iar apoi mai sus catre o constiinta tot mai inalta. Asta a fost preocuparea Mamei. Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italia), 26 June 1994

Shri Krishnas whole philosophy is like this. That you should get your Gnyana. Gnyana is Gni means gnostics, you have to be gnostics means on your central nervous system you must know it. Thats the first thing. The second thing was because Arjuna was so half-hearted, still he asked him questions. So he said, What about karma? Everybody talks of karma. Again diplomacy. The whole Gita is full of diplomacy and normal human beings cant understand. So he said, Yes of course, you must do your karmas, but you have to surrender your karmas at My Lotus Feet. No not possible. Very clever because as long as you have, I am doing this, I am doing that idea, how can you put your karmas onto the feet of Shri Krishna. That means you should get your realization where you know that you are not doing anything. When that happens that you know you are not doing anything, at that time the Karma becomes akarma. And how you talk, Ive seen people raising Kundalini saying, Mother, it doesnt rise, it doesnt work. You dont say that, I am doing it. You just say, It doesnt rise, it doesnt work out, in the third person. Another is about bhakti, because now we have lots of these Hare Rams, Hare Krishnas spoiling their Vishudhi. So for bhakti He has used only one word. He says, You give me flowers, you give me water, you give me leaves, Ill take them. But while giving what does He say ? But you must do ananya bhakti. Ananya means when there is not the other, when you become one with Me, when you are connected. On ananya word he has danced the whole thing and these stupid people dont know that they are not connected as yet and they are talking about Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Rama. Thats how they are not connected. They dont understand that they have to be connected. And this is the trick he has played with all the people that All right, all right go on saying Hare Rama, Hare Rama well

Intreaga filozofie a lui Shri Krishna este in acest fel. Si anume ca trebuie sa obtii gnyana, gnyana sau gni insemnand cunoastere, gnoza, trebuie sa deveniti gnostici insemnanad ca trebuie sa cunoasteti prin sistemul nervos central. Acesta este primul lucru. In al doilea rand, pentru ca Arjuna avea inima indoita, El ii punea tot felul de intrebari. De exemplu, Ce este cu karma? Toata lumea vorbeste de karma. Din nou diplomatie. Intreaga Gita este plina de diplomatie iar oamenii obisnuiti nu inteleg asta. Asa ca El a spus, Desigur ca trebuie sa-ti faci karmele, dar trebuie sa le abandonezi la Picioarele Mele de Lotus. Nu, asta nu este posibil. Pentru ca odata ce consideri ca Fac asta, fac cealalta, cum poti sa abandonezi asta la picioarele Lui Shri Krishna? Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa obtii Realizarea si numai atunci iti poti da seama ca nu faci absolut nimic, numai in acel moment karma devine akarma. Chiar dupa felul cum vorbiti, am vazut oameni ridicand pe Kundalini si spunand Mama, nu pot sa o ridic, numi functioneaza!. Nu spuneti Eu fac asta caci nu se ridica! Spuneti doar Nu se ridica, nu functioneaza, la persoana a treia. Un alt aspect este bhakti, pentru ca acum noi avem multe tot felul de oameni din astia gen Hare Ram, Hare Krishna care isi strica Vishuddhi. Pentru bhakti El foloseste o singura descriere, spunand Imi dati flori, imi dati apa, imi dati frunze, eu le voi primi. Dar in timp ce dati - ce spune El sa faceti? - Trebuie sa faceti ananya bhakti. Ananya inseamna ca nu este diferenta intre unul si celalalt, cand deveniti una cu Mine, cand sunteti conectati. In spiritul ananya El a manuit intreaga piesa iar acesti oameni stupizi nu stiu ca ei nu sunt conectati si totusi vorbesc despre Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Rama. Exact asa iti dai seama ca nu sunt conectati. Ei nu pricep ca trebuie sa fie conectati. Si acest truc L-a folosit tot timpul zicand, Vedeti-va de treaba, spuneti in

see. So the diplomacy part in his case because He had to bring them to the point that no, no, this doesnt work out, No this doesnt work out. So then gnyana. Now what is gnyana, is they start reading books? No, No. It means both, on your central nervous system you have to go. So how gradually he brought them to that level. In the same way when you are dealing with others you have to work it out that way.

continuare Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, vom vedea. El foloseste astfel diplomatia ca sa ii aduca la punctul in care sa-i faca sa inteleaga ca Nu, asta nu functioneaza. Iar atunci gnyana (cunoasterea). Acum gnyana inseamna ca ei trebuie sa citeasca din carti? Nu. Inseamna amandoua, dar prin canalul central trebuie sa mergeti catre ea. Iata cum, gradual, i-a adus la acest nivel. Cand aveti de-a face cu ceilalti trebuie sa rezolvati in acelasi fel. Shri Virata Viratangana Puja, Los Angeles (USA), 10 October 1993 Deci pentru ca noi credem in toate religiile precum a facut-o Mahatma Gandhi, noi nu le placem fundamentalistilor, ei vor sa se lupte cu noi tot timpul. Deci fiti precauti cu ei. Ei pot sa cumpere mass media. Noi trebuie sa fim foarte precauti. In acelasi mod, primii discipoli ai lui Christos au trebuit sa sufere pentru ca ei aveau cunoasterea reala. Erau numiti drept gnostici. Cuvantul gna vine din sanskrita. Acesta inseamna cunoastere pura. Aceasta cunoastere pura este dreptul vostru. Nu aveti nevoie de diplome inalte sau altceva pentru ca este innascuta. Exact precum Ma vedeti pe Mine sezand aici si puteti simti adevarul, Puterea Atotpatrunzatoare. Dar cand lumina Spiritului vine in atentia voastra, voi insiva stiti si puteti afla orice fie ca este adevarat sau fals prin aceste vibratii racoroase pe care le primiti. Voi nu trebuie sa credeti in nimic, nici o credinta oarba ci doar puneti mainile asa si intrebati, Exista Dumnezeu? si incepeti sa primiti o puternica briza racoroasa. Voi adresati intrebarea, A fost Christos Fiul lui Dumnezeu? Da, voi incepeti sa capatati briza racoroasa in mainile voastre. Dar daca vreti sa stiti despre Hitler sau Stalin, voi ati putea capata putina fierbinteala, poate si basici sau usturimi. Chiar si copiii pot spune. Deci voi stiti adevarul absolut. Nu este relativ. Oricine cunoaste acelasi lucru si il stie in mod clar.

So because we believe in all the religions as Mahatma Gandhi did, fundamentalists dont like us, they want to fight us all the time. So be careful about them. Even they can purchase the media. We have to be very careful. Even same type of things, the early disciples of Christ had to suffer, because they had the real knowledge. They were called as Gnostics. The word gna comes from Sanskrit. That means pure knowledge. This pure knowledge is your own. You dont need a big degree or anything, because it is so innate. Just as you can see Me sitting here you can feel the truth, the All Pervading Power. But when the light of the Spirit comes into your attention it starts flowing on your nerves and you can feel, actualize, you feel the All Pervading Power. You dont have to go and ask somebody else, you yourself know and you can find out anything whether it is true or false with these cool vibrations you get. You dont have to believe into anything blind-folded, you just put your hands and ask a question: Is there God? and you start getting the cool breeze quite a lot. You ask a question: Was Christ the Son of God? Yes, you start getting the cool breeze in your hands. But if you want to know about Hitler or Stalin you might get little burning, maybe blisters also. Even the children can tell. So you know the absolute truth. It is not relative. Everyone knows the same thing and knows for definite. Program Public, Sofia (Bulgaria), 23 Iulie 1992

He edited the Bible, this sinister fellow Paul. He edited the Bible. The whole work of Christ went into the hands of this devil. He started editing it, and when he edited, if you read him youll be surprised its full of ego. His organizing is full of ego whatever he writes, absolutely. But he cut down many things which should have been there. Christ must have mentioned about Kundalini Im sure. But not a word about all these things, he avoided it, though that you are to be born again and

Acest tip sinistru Pavel a editat Biblia. El a redactat Biblia. Toata munca lui Cristos a intrat pe mainile acestui diavol. El a inceput editarea si pe cand a editat-o, puteti sa fiti surprinsi citindu-l ca era plin de ego. Structurarea facuta de el este plina de ego, indiferent de ceea ce scrie, e clar acest lucru. El a exclus multe lucruri care ar fi trebuit sa se gaseasca acolo. Christos trebuie sa fi mentionat despre Kundalini, sunt sigura. Dar nu apare niciun cuvant despre aceste lucruri, el le-a evitat desi

all these things Christ said, Matthews insisted. But he fought with Matthews, and he couldnt accept the Immaculate Conception. He had no idea about the truth, about the reality, about the miracles that exist with Divinity. So he denied, but still Matthew stuck onto his own Gospel. But John ran away. He started his own style which we call people as Gnostics, and the other disciples, out of them Thomas went away. So, he edited Lukes Gospel and Matthews Gospel and with great struggle they could retain certain original things in that. So this devil entered into the arena of such a great religion as Christianity, and the whole thing became upside down. And thats how Bible, which they use now as authority has such words that people start thinking no end of themselves. The first one suggesting that if you become the members of a church, you are chosen. But first of all he saw, that it should be written that Peter will start this church and he will have the key, thats what Christ has said. And put him on a rock and he will start the church. Impossible! Then put Me in the place of Christ. Will I ask the wickedest man to do such a thing? Will I appoint one person to look after the whole thing? This part of the Bible is absolutely blasphemy, and thats how once he put it there, Peter got into his own ego, thinking no end of himself. It was just maneuvering, and managing everything. This was all done with his bureaucratic brains but Peter played into it because he was a very weak disciple of Christ.

Matei a insistat pe aceste lucruri precum Voi trebuie sa fiti nascuti a doua oara. Insa el s-a luptat cu Matei si nu a putut accepta Conceptia Imaculata. El nu a avut nici o idee despre adevar, despre realitate, despre miracolele care exista prin Divinitate. Asa ca el a negat insa Matei a ramas strans legat de marturia si invatatura lui( n.t cuprinsa in carte). Insa Ioan a fugit. El a inceput stilul lui propriu pe care noi oamenii il numim Gnosticism, iar dintre toti discipolii Toma a plecat. Asa ca el a redactat Evanghelia dupa Luca si Evanghelia dupa Matei si cu un efort colosal ei au putut transcrie lucruri originale in acestea . Deci acest diavol a intrat in arena acestei religii marete precum este crestinismul si totul a devenit cu susul in jos. Si iata cum Biblia pe care ei o folosesc acum ca si autoritate, contine astfel de cuvinte prin care oamenii se gandesc numai la ei insisi. Prima supozitie este aceea ca daca devii membru al unei biserici faci parte dintre cei alesi. Dar prima viziune pe carea proiectat-o a fost aceea ca ar trebui sa mentioneze faptul ca Petru va constitui biserica si el va detine cheia, cum ca asa ar fi spus Christos. Si ca punandu-l pe Petru pe un piedestal, gata, el va pune in miscare biserica. Imposibil! Puneti-Ma pe Mine in locul lui Cristos, as pune Eu pe cel mai nelegiuit om sa faca acest lucru? As desemna Eu o singura persoana sa se ocupe de intregul lucru? Aceasta parte a Bibliei este o blasfemie absoluta si de asta odata pusa acolo, Petru a capatat propriul sau ego gandindu-se numai la el insusi, devenind egocentric. A fost doar manipulare si pentru a domina totul. Toate acestea au fost facute de creierul birocratic al lui Pavel insa Petru a cazut in plasa asta deoarece el a fost cel mai slab discipol al lui Christos. Puja de Paste, Roma (Italia), 19 Aprilie 1992

Q (Gentleman): Why did Peter and Paul alter Christ teachings and why is the Catholic Church against reincarnation? Wasnt Christ resurrection a form of reincarnation? Shri Mataji: All right, Ill tell you the truth. You know this Mr. Paul, when I saw him in the Bible, I asked My father Who is this gentleman?, so My father told Me he is a [squatter?]. And he was the man who killed so many Gnostic Christians, early Christians; he also killed a disciple of Christ Steven. And this Paul says that he saw a cross, I mean its never that way you see Realization, its a supra-conscious experience, you will find that very soon. And that he met Christ is all nonsense and then what happened with this man that while doing all these sinful things, he discovered thathe was bureaucratits a good platform for him to jump in

Intrebare (un domn): De ce Petru si Pavel au alterat invataturile lui Christos si de ce este biserica catolica impotriva reincarnarii? Nu a fost invierea lui Christos o forma de reincarnare? Shri Mataji: In regula, va voi spune adevarul. Il stiti pe domnul Pavel, cand l-am vazut in Biblie l-am intrebat pe tatal Meu, Cine este acest domn?iar tatal Meu Mi-a spus ca el este un parvenit. Chiar el a fost acela care a ucis atat de multi crestini gnostici, crestinii timpurii; el de asemenea l-a ucis pe Stefan un discipol al lui Christos. Iar acest Pavel zice ca a avut viziunea unei cruci desi vreau sa va spunca in niciun caz nu puteti vedea Realizaree, ci a fost o experienta supraconstienta, veti afla asta foarte curand. Si zicand ca l-a intalnit pe Christos, este un complet nonsens si apoi ce s-a intamplat este ca in timp ce el facea toate aceste

Christianity. Now, what is the best way to handle it? He found out Peter, as the worst disciple of Christ. Christ has said that the devil will take you over, He has said it about Peter and this was the devil and he told him that I will edit all the Bible. And it was he who wrote about Peter because he couldnt write about himself that Christ gave the keys to this Mr. Peter whom the devil was going to take over. Thats how the Catholic Church started.Despite all these things, he wanted to edit Bible and big fight between Mathews and him. Thomas ran away to India and then he wrote his treatise and they were kept in a jar in Egypt about fifty years back, now decoded, called as the library of Hammadi, which is a big book and people have probed into it and found out its all Sahaja Yoga. He talks of experience and nothing else. So, John also decided not to write himself, somebody else wrote for him, but lots of things are there, many things there are which are today can be verified, despite all the effort of this Mr. Paul I dont think he was intelligent enough to manage the rest of it. But whatever he tried was very, very dangerous. One of them was to say that this church is to be formed by Mr. Peter.

pacate, el a descoperit ca - el fiind un birocrat viziunea lui este o foarte buna platforma pentru a urca deasupra crestinatatii. Acum, care este cea mai buna metoda prin care o manuiesti? El l-a descoperit pe Petru ca fiind cel mai slab discipol al lui Christos. Cristos a spus ca Diavolul te va absorbi de tot, El a zis-o despre Petru si asta a fost diavolul care i-a spus ca el [Pavel] va edita intreaga Biblie. Si Pavel a fost acela care a scris despre Petru pentru ca Petru nu putea sa scrie despre el insusi precum Christos i-a dat cheile acestui domn Petru si pe care diavolul urma sa il ia in stapanire. Si astfel este cum biserica catolica s-a nascut. In ciuda tuturor lucurilor, el vroia sa editeze Biblia si a inceput o mare lupta intre Matei si el. Toma a fugit in India si si-a scris tratatele care au fost tinute intr-un ulcior in Egipt pana acum cincizeci de ani cand au fost decodate si numite Manuscrisele de la Nag Hammadi si care este o carte groasa iar oamenii au facut teste si au descoperit ca este Sahaja yoga. El vorbeste despre experienta si nimic altceva. Deci Ioan de asemenea a decis sa nu scrie el insusi ci altcineva a scris pentru el dar multe lucruri sunt acolo, multe lucruri care astazi pot fi verificate in ciuda tuturor eforturilor domnului Pavel Eu nu cred ca a fost destul de inteligent pentru a administra intreaga situatie. Dar orice a incercat a fost foarte, foarte periculos. Unul dintre lucruri a fost acela de a spune ca aceastei biserici ii este sortit sa fie condusa de domnul Petru. Navaratri Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italia), 27 Septembrie 1992

And I was surprised when I went to Nepal, which is a temple of Shiva there: despite they were worshipping Shiva they were putting all the kumkum here. So I thought that they dont know why they are putting, because even if you worship Shiva you must also worship here, the Virata. They dont put it here here ; because theyre absolutely hundred percent only Shiva worshippers, so why should they put it here? Because somebody who knows, who was gnostic, has told them that this is the place of Virat.

Si am fost surprinsa cand M-am dus in Nepal unde era un templu al lui Shiva: in ciuda faptului ca ei il venerau pe Shiva, puneau kumkum-ul numai aici. Si M-am gandit ca ei nu stiu de ce pun kumkum asa, caci daca Il venerati pe Shiva trebuie de asemenea sa venerati si Virata. Ei nu il pun aici ci aici; pentru ca ei sunt suta la suta adoratori ai lui Shiva deci de ce ar pune kumkum aici? Asta se intampla pentru ca cineva care a stiut, cineva care a fost gnostic le-a spus ca acesta este punctul ce corespunde lui Virata. Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italia), 16 August 1992

Yogi: Id like to ask you Mother about the apostle Paul. Brian and I were talking one day at his place and, I was saying to him that Id never trusted Paul, he seemed to be anti-women and Brian told me that You had views on Paul too. So I thought if I ever

Yoghin: Mi-ar placea sa Va intreb, Mama, despre discipolul Pavel. Impreuna cu Brian am discutat intr-o zi acasa la el si i-am spus ca niciodata nu am avut incredere in Pavel, el parea misogin iar Brian mi-a zis ca si Dumneavoastra aveti opinii despre Pavel. Asa ca m-am gandit ca V-as intreba despre asta daca Va voi intalni vreodata.


got to meet You Id ask you about it. Shrti Mataji: Despre ce? Shri Mataji: About what? Yogi: It is about Paul. Shri Mataji: In the Bible. Yoghin: Este despre Pavel. Shri Mataji: In Biblie. Yoghin: Da, Pavel din Biblie. Ea nu a avut niciodata incredere in Pavel asa ca

Yogi: Paul in the Bible. She has never trusted Paul Shri Mataji: Foarte bine. Intr-o alta zi am spus and so foarte clar ca el a fost un parvenit, vedeti. A fost foarte istet, nu a fost niciodata impreuna cu Cristos. Shri Mataji: Very good. The other day very clearly El nu a avut nimic de-a face cu crestinismul. De I said, that he is like a squatter you see. He was fapt el a ucis un discipol al lui Cristos pe nume very clever, was never with Christ. He had nothing Stefan. Apoi Pavel a fost epileptic. Si el zice ca a to do with Christianity. He actually killed one vazut o cruce. Si ce daca? Aceasta este o experienta disciple of Christ whose name was Steven. Then he supraconstienta si nu o experienta spirituala, was epileptic. And he says he saw some cross. So indiferent ce ar spune ca a vazut. Dar fiind o what? This is supraconscious experience is not persoana cu o buna capacitate de administrare Spiritual experience, whatever he might say. But he activase ca ofiter in armata romana - el a considerat thought that its a very good platform for him, and ca fiind o buna platforma pentru el. Asa ca el a because he is a, person with a administrative gandit ca ar fi o idee buna sa scoata in fata aceasta capacity, he was an officer, with the Roman viziune si sa faca uz de ea si de asta a inceput el sa Government. So he thought it would be a nice now domine pentru ca el se credea superior iar Matei si idea that he should jump on the platform and he toti ceilalti discipoli erau doar niste pescari. Si el a should take over, and thats how because he was zis ca, Eu voi organiza crestinismul. Eu voi face like that you see they were fishermen, Matthews asta. and all these were fishermen so, he started dominating. And he said Ill organize Christianity. Si si-a imprimat propria viziune asupra Ill do this. crestinismului si intr-adevar, felul prin care a vorbit despre Christos si Mama Sa si toate acestea a fost And he gave his own color to Christianity and they, in asa fel incat nimeni nu poate afirma ca Ei erau really the way he talked about Christ his Mother personalitati Divine. De asemenea lui nu i-a placut and all that, was such that nobody can say sa vorbeasca despre Conceptia Imaculata care a definitely that they were Divine personalities. He fost un fapt real iar Toma a fugit de acolo pentru ca also didnt like to talk about the Immaculate el a fost surprins de faptul ca Pavel incerca sa Conception which was a fact, and Thomas ran intoarca totul in avantajul lui insusi. Si a coborat in away from there because, He was surprised the way Egipt unde a scris toate tratatele sale si le-a pus he was trying to twist everything to his advantage. intr-un ulcior si dupa aceea s-a dus in India. Acum And He came down to Egypt where He wrote all aproximativ cincizeci de ani ei au descoperit acest His treatise and put them in a jar there, and then He ulcior si au descoperit ceea ce este cunoscut drept came to India. Now about fifty years back they cunoasterea gnostica. El avea obiceiul sa ii have discovered that jar, and found it out its numeasca gnostici, cuvantul Gn inseamna known as the Gnostic knowledge. cunoastere asa precum si voi oameni buni, vedeti, sunteti gnostici, aceia care stiu. Nu mental He used to call them Gnostics Gn word means ci cunoasteti pur si simplu prin sistemul vostru knowledge as you people are Gnostics, those who nervos central. Este un cuvant in Sanskrita numit know you see. Not mentally but you know it, on bhod de la care vine numele lui Buddha, your central nervous system. Theres a word in insemnand aceea de a cunoaste in sistemul nervos Sanskrit for that is bhod, from where the word central iar alt cuvant este Veda de la care numele Buddha has come, to know on your central nervous de Veda vine. system and another is veda from where the word Veda has come. Asa ca Toma a fugit dar am citit istoria acelor locuri care atesta ca atunci cand oamenii au inceput So he ran away but, I read the history of that place sa le spuna Noi suntem gnostici si astfel de is that, that when people started telling them that: lucruri, nu numai in acele zile, ci si peste trei sute We are Gnostics, and this thing, for days together de ani, oricine isi zicea gnostic si avea cunoasterea I mean not its only during his time but even, three acelor lucruri, oricine ar fi fost de oriunde ar fi fost,


hundred years after that, anybody who said that he was a Gnostic and he had the knowledge of these things, anyone anywhere, was murdered and killed by these bishops you see. So the whole religion went into the hands of these bishops and, also you can call them the people who were appointed by the pope.

era ucis si omorat de catre acesti episcopi sau de acei oameni care erau desemnati de papa.

Deci a devenit o ierarhie si o casta preoteasca, si multe altele, fara niciun fel de Realizare a Sinelui. Asa ca religia a devenit un lucru absolut artificial. De aceea ei pot sa nu fie crestini deloc. Iar religia So it became hierarchy and priesthood and this and nu este una interioara, ci una exterioara, care nu that without any Realization. So the religion ofera nicio posibilitate de a experimenta adevarul became absolutely a superficial thing. Thats why interior. they may be Christians anything. There is a, religion not within, its without. No experience of Discutie cu Yoghinii, Christchurch (Noua it. Zeelanda), 25 Februarie 1992 Acum cuvantul a cunoaste vine din cuvantul gna din sanscrita, insemnand a cunoaste; gna. Crestinii timpurii erau numiti gnostici pentru ca ei cunoasteau. Cunoscut inseamna a cunoaste in sistemul vostru nervos central. Nu a cunoaste mental ci in sistemul nervos central. De aceea imediat ce Pavel a preluat conducerea, discipolii lui Christos au fugit. Iar cand Toma a venit in India el a scris despre cunoasterea realitatii si a pus-o intr-un ulcior, in Egipt, plecand apoi mai departe. De ce? Pentru ca el trebuie sa fi fost persecutat de oamenii interesati de organizarea religiei, de a face bani de pe urma ei. Ca si rezultat al acestor nonsensuri oamenii au zis ca Mai bine nu vorbiti despre religie. Daca vorbiti despre religie asta inseamna cearta, se va crea o lupta precum Eu apartin acestei religii, tu apartii acelei religii asa ca hai sa ne luptam! Ca si cand religie inseamna sa te lupti. Ucigand oameni, omorandu-i cum poate fi asta un act religios? Imposibil. Dar asa a devenit pentru ca asa sunt fiintele umane. Ei pot sa faca un dezastru din orice daca le permiti. Si facand un dezastru din asta, nu sunt surprinsa de felul prin care au ucis oameni, au obtinut bani din asta, au acaparat prin furt Vreau sa spun ca toate aceste lucruri pe care ucigasii si banditii nu le fac, ei le fac in numele lui Dumnezeu. Dar asta nu inseamna ca nu exista nici o Divinitate si ca nu este nici o realitate. Felicitarile Zilei de Nastere, Siri Fort Auditorium, Delhi (India), 22 Martie 1992 But as I told you the other day that those people who talk of knowledge, like Sufis, who got their realization, real Sufis, they were called as heretics they were thrown out of the religion. Also, the Christians, the early Christians, who were Gnostics were called as mad people, heretics. In the same way, those who are following stupid Dar precum v-am spus in alta zi, acesti oameni care vorbesc despre cunoastere precum sunt sufitii care si-au obtinut Realizarea, deci adevaratii sufiti, ei erau considerati eretici erau izgoniti din religia lor. De asemenea, crestinii, crestinii timpurii care erau gnostici erau numiti nebuni, eretici. In acelasi fel, aceia care urmeaza lucruri stupide si

Now the know word comes from the word gna as in Sanskrit means to know gna. Early Christians were called Gnostics because they knew. Knew means to know on your central nervous system. Not to know mentally, but to know on your central nervous system. Thats why, when as soon as this Paul took over, Christs disciples ran away. And when Thomas came to India, he hid all the knowledge about reality in a jar in Egypt, and then he came down. Why? Because he would have been persecuted by people who were interested in organizing religion, in making money out of it. As a result of all this nonsense, people said, Better not talk of religion. If you talk of religion, that means theres a quarrel, theres a fight, theres I belong to this religion, you belong to that religion, so let us fight! As if religion means you have to fight. Killing people, murdering people how can it be a religious act? Impossible. But it has become because human beings are like that. They can make a mess of everything, if you allow them. And if they have made a mess of this, I am not surprised the way they have been killing people, they have been making money, they have been smuggling things I mean all sorts of things which thugs and dacoits wont do, they are doing in the name of God. But, that doesnt mean there is no divinity, there is no reality.


things, and are following something that is very black and dark, negative, will definitely go against Sahaja Yoga and will say that this is something heretic or it is something that is blasphemy. But, as you understand now what it is, we have to bring forth new laws that those who are not Sahaja Yogis are actually, if they are practicing any religion, they are not doing the right thing.

care urmeaza ceva ce este foarte negru si intunecat, negativ, in mod sigur vor merge impotriva Sahaja yoga si vor spune ca este ceva eretic sau ca este o blasfemie. Dar asa precum intelegeti voi astazi, noi trebuie sa aducem in fata legi noi, precum cea prin care cei ce nu sunt Sahaja Yoghini,orice alta religie ar practica, nu fac lucrul potrivit. Shri Shakti Mahakali Puja, Bangalore (India), 9 Decembrie 1991

This knowledge was known to us since long. We had three types of movements towards Divine. One was the Vedas. Even the vida means to know what Thomas has called the people who know as gnostics, as gni. I dont know in the south what do you say to gnana or gyana, but in Marathi we say gni. Gnostic word comes from the same thing as person who is knowledgeable; not outward knowledge, not by your mental efforts or by emotional feelings, but something much beyond. And the same path they tried, but in the Vedas they have said, in the first, first sloka is said if you do not know it, no use reading this book. But knowledge means what? to know it on your central nervous system; not on your mental or physical plane, but on a much higher level.

Aceasta cunoastere a fost stiuta de noi cu mult timp in urma. Am avut trei tipuri de miscari catre Divin. Una au fost Vedele. Insusi cuvantul vida inseamna a cunoaste ceea ce Toma a spus despre cei ce erau denumiti gnostici, precum gni. Nu stiu daca in sud voi spuneti gnana sau gyana dar in marathi noi spunem gni. Cuvantul gnostic ca radacina inseamna ca o persoana este plina de cunoastere; nu de cunoastere exterioara, nu prin eforturi mentale sau prin emotii ci prin ceva cu mult mai mult decat acestea. Si ei au incercat aceeasi cale dar in Vede ei au spus dela inceput, inca din primul sloka (vers) ca, daca nu aveti cunoasterea, nu e nici un folos in a citi aceasta carte. Dar cunoastere ce inseamna? Inseamna a cunoaste in sistemul vostru nervos central; nu intr-un planurile mental sau fizic ci la un nivel mult mai inalt. Public Program, Madras (India) 6 Dec 1991

And early Buddhists, Im told of course they were bhikshukas, they were ascetics, but they had the experience of the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, just like the gnostics I think, but they were very few. They were not as many as you are, but quality-wise they were very high because all of them had come through that terrible penances. So quality-wise they were very high and because the difference between them and others, the qualitywise, was so much that they could not impress the others and so just it died out, I should say.

Iar despre primii budisti Mi s-a spus ca... desigur erau bhikshukas, au fost ascei, dar au experimentat briza rece a Duhului Sfnt, la fel ca i gnosticii cred, dar au fost foarte puini. Ei nu au fost la fel de multi ca voi, dar au fost nelepi de o calitate foarte inalta, deoarece toi au venit n urma unor penitene teribile. Inelepciunea lor ca si calitate era atat de inalta, precum i datorita faptului c diferena dintre ei i ceilalti era atat de mare nct nu i-au putut impresiona pe ceilali, astfel ca pur si simplu a disparut. Shri Buddha Puja, Deinze (Belgia), 4 August 1991

Formerly in India we had three type of institutions, as far as the Divine was concerned. One we call as the right side of Vedas. Veda itself comes from the word vidh means to know on your central nervous system. Its not mental; you have to know it on your central nervous system. And this was also shown in the early Christians, when Thomas has written a beautiful treatise which were found about fifty years back in

In trecut n India am avut trei tipuri de instituii n ceea ce privete Divinul. Una o numim ca partea dreapt a Vedelor. "Veda" vine de la cuvntul "vidh" nseamn "a v cunoate pe voi sistemul nervos central." Nu e ceva mental, voi trebuie s-l cunoasteti n sistemul nervos central. i acest lucru a fost demonstrat, de asemenea, de catre cretinii timpurii, atunci cnd Toma a scris un tratat frumos care a fost gsit cu aproximativ cincizeci de ani n


Egypt, that he called Christians as Gnostics. Gni, gni word comes from the word gni or dnya in Sanskrit language, meaning the knowledge. Knowledge is not mental, and according to this book which is now being rewritten, knowledge is an experience on our central nervous system.

urm n Egipt, unde ii numea pe acestiagnostici, "gni". Cuvntul gni vine de la cuvntul "gnya" sau "dnya" n limba sanscrit nsemnnd "cunoatere". Cunoaterea nu este mental i n conformitate cu aceast carte care este acum reconstituita, cunoaterea este o experien perceputa prin sistemul nostru nervos central. Public Program, Canberra, Australia, 13 Apr1991

When you have the absolute knowledge, theres no quarrel, no war, and everybody knows it on their fingertips. To know on your central nervous system is the real bodha, from where the word Buddha has come, is the vidya from where the word Vedas has come. Gnostics, gni: gni means gyana. Gyana means the knowledge. And the knowledge is not mental knowledge, but the knowledge on your central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our ascent as human beings, we have got all this on our central nervous system. For example, you take a dog or a horse through a dirty place, he can pass through easily; but a human being cannot pass, because he has developed a new awareness about it. He knows what is beauty is, he knows what virtues are, he knows what is sin is. For an animal there is no sin, hell do whatever he likes, because hes completely under the control of the Divine. But for human beings theres freedom, and he has to judge it with trial and error and reach a point to understand that he has to get to a higher awareness.

Cnd avei cunoaterea absolut nu exista nici o ceart, nici un rzboi, i toat lumea o tie/cunoaste n vrful degetelor lor. A ti prin sistemul nervos central reprezinta bodha (iluminarea) real , de unde a venit cuvntul Buddha, este vidya (cunoasterea) de unde a venit cuvntul Vede. Gnosticii, "gni" - gni nseamn "gnyana. Gnyana nseamn cunoatere. Iar cunoaterea nu este cunoatere mental, ci cunoaterea prin sistemul vostru nervos central. Indiferent ce am realizat n ascensiunea noastr ca fiine umane, toate acestea le-am obtinut prin sistemul nostru nervos central. De exemplu, ducei un cine sau un cal printr-un loc murdar, el poate trece cu uurin prin acesta dar o fiin uman nu poate trece, pentru c el a dezvoltat o nou contientizare cu privire la asta. El tie ce este frumuseea, el tie ce sunt virtuile, el tie ce este pcat . Pentru un animal nu exist nici un pcat, el va face tot ce-i place pentru c el este complet sub controlul Divin. Dar pentru fiinele umane exista libertate i ele trebuie s judece cu incercari i erori pana s ajung la un punct, de unde sa neleaga c trebuie s ajung la o constinta mai inalta.

Program public, Melbourne, Australia, 12 Apr 1991

So, like every instrument has to be connected to the mains, you get connected with that subtle energy. And because this is the seat of your spirit, but the seat in human beings resides in their heart, immediately the spirit start emitting light on your central nervous system. This is a very important point one must know. So you cannot understand it through your mental activity, but through your evolutionary process you manifest a new awareness on your central nervous system. And this awareness is called in the Christian tradition in the olden times they were called as gnostics. []. And Im sure you must have read the Book of Thomas who wrote on his way to India, and where he has touted many theories of Christianity also. This gn or this knowledge, gn, is the same as bodha in the Buddha tradition, is to know on your central nervous system. Its an experience, its not Deci, asa cum orice instrument trebuie conectat la sursa de alimentare, astfel va conectati cu acea energie subtil. i pentru c acesta este locul Spiritului vostru, iar in fiinelor umane se afl n inima lor, imediat Spiritul ncepe s emit lumina prin sistemul vostru nervos central. Acesta este un punct foarte important ce trebuie s-l tim. Astfel nct nu se poate nelege prin activitatea mental, ci prin procesul de evolutie va manifestati o nou contientizare privind sistemul vostru nervos central. Iar aceast contientizare este numita - n tradiia cretin, n vremurile de demult au fost numit gnostici [...]. i sunt sigura c trebuie s fi citit Evanghelia dupa Toma pe care a scris-o n drumul su spre India, si unde el a propovaduit multe teorii ale cretinismului. Acest "gn" sau aceast cunoatere - "gn", este la fel ca "bodha" n


through your brain, not with mental activity, but on tradiia lui Buddha - este o experien, "a cunoate your central nervous system. prin sistemul nervos central." Inseamna sa experimentati, nu prin creier, nu prin activitatea mental, ci prin sistemul vostru nervos central."Program public pentru membrii of

Departmentului de Studii religioase al Universitatii din Sydney (Australia), 15 Mar 1990

I would request you now to know that you are Sahaja Yogis, and that you are the followers of Christ, you are the gnostics as described, you are the ones who know, and thats how you have to tell people to emancipate. It is very surprising that I saw that the Western life, the stupid, destructive ideas did not kill the innocence. Like the clouds all these affectations were there but once the Kundalini rose the innocence started expressing itself, but still I would say that this kind of lovely dovey stuff must be given up. It is just most unChristian because if you see his life was a life of a tapasvi. A man who lived in a very detached manner, in nishanga. So for Sahaja Yogis coming from a Christian life have to understand if they have to get rid of it they should be like that.

Acum v rog s recunoatei c suntei Sahaja yoghini, c suntei urmai ai lui Christos; voi suntei gnosticii aa cum a fost descris, suntei cei care cunosc i acesta e modul n care trebuie s le spunei oamenilor s se emancipeze. Este foarte surprinztor faptul c am vzut c nu au ucis inocena si nici viaa din occident, nici ideile stupide, distructive. Ca norii toate aceste afectri au fost acolo, dar odat ce Kundalini s-a ridicat nevinovia a nceput s se exprime pe sine, dar a spune c trebuie renuntat la acest gen de lucruri care va erau dragi. Acesta este doar foarte necretin pentru c dac vedei, viaa lui a fost o via de tapasvi. Este cel mai contrar crestinismului pentru ca vedeti voi, viata Lui a fost cea a unui tapasvin. Un om care a trit ntr-o maniera foarte detaata, n nishanga. Deci Sahaja yoghinii provenii dintr-o via cretin trebuie s neleag c, n cazul n care ar scapa de astfel de obiceiuri, tot aa ar trebui sa devina si ei.

Puja de Craciun, Ganapatipule (India), 25 Dec 1989

In Sahaja Yoga on what subject youll discuss? I dont know how can you discuss on anything? Now you see this one as a green thing, now, what can you discuss on this? You will say, Alright, is green, butthere is. Then another one says, No, this is green, but. One may go on like that, madly. There is no need to discuss in Sahaja Yoga. I just dont know what are we going to discuss. You know everything, you know how kundalini rises, you know how chakras are cleared out, you know how you get realization. You all know who is, who catches what and you know that how it affects. Now, if that is the fact, if that is the truth, that is what it is, what are we going to discuss about it? Discussions are over now. You are gnostics, you are knowledgeable people. You have the knowledge, but the knowledge that you have is Ce fel de subiect de discutii veti avea in Sahaja Yoga? Nu stiu cum puteti discuta despre aproape orice. Asa cum vedeti lucrul acesta verde, ce puteti discuta despre el? Veti spune, Da, e verde, dar e ceva Apoi altul spune, Nu, este verde, dar Si se poate continua asa, nebuneste. Nu e nevoie sa discutati in Sahaja Yoga. Chiar nu stiu despre ce discutati. Voi stiti totul, stiti cum se ridica Kundalini, stiti cum se curata chakrele, stiti cum primiti Realizarea. Stii toti cine si unde are blocaje si stiti cum va afecteaza acestea. Daca acestea sunt faptele, daca acesta e adevarul, aceasta este ceea ce este, ce mai putem discuta despre aceasta? Discutiile sunt terminate acum. Voi sunteti gnostici, sunteti oameni cunoscatori. Aveti cunoasterea dar cunoastrea pe care o aveti e impartasita de fiecare. Cel mult puteti vorbi despre experientele voastre, despre relatiile voastre, despre cum v-ati bucurat. Dar nu e nimic de discutat in


shared by every one of you. At the most, you can Sahaja Yoga. talk about your experiences, you can talk about your relationships, how you have enjoyed. But Am auzit despre oameni care discuta. Nu stiu cum there is nothing to discuss in Sahaja Yoga. poate exista o discutie despre Sahaja Yoga. As fi foarte fericita sa aflu, daca-Mi puteti spune, cum Ive heard about people who are discussing. I just putem discuta despre Sahaja Yoga. Trebuie sa ne dont know how can there be a discussion about amintim ca orice am discuta ar trebui sa fie despre Sahaja Yoga. I would be very happy to know, if experientele noastre, despre bucuriile noastre, you can tell me, how we can discuss about Sahaja fericirea, totul, si nu sa discutam si sa analizam, Yoga. So we have to remember that whatever we pentru ca astfel va fi distrusa complet bucuria. Nu e talk, we should talk about our experiences, about nicio bucurie in asta, prin discutii incercati doar sa our enjoyments, our happiness, everything, and not aratati ca voi stiti mai bine decat altul, sau ca puteti to discuss it and analyze it because that would kill avea o alta opinie. In Sahaja Yoga nu exista o alta the joy completely. Theres no joy in it, discussion opinie. Daca cineva are un blocaj la Nabhi, atunci il is just trying to show that you know better than the are, ce alta opinie mai puteti avea? other, or you can give another opinion. In Sahaja Yoga there is no another opinion. If somebody has Asa ca sa incheiem toate argumentele, discutiile si a nabhi, he has a nabhi, what another opinion can altele. Poate ca e cineva care deraiaza, poate, dar you have? toti stiti ca deraiaza, ce folos e in a discuta asta? So then we finish with different kinds of arguments Toti stiti ca vorbele lui sunt deviate, asa ca e in and discussions and things. Maybe somebody goes regula. Ajungeti la concluzia Da, stim, stim ca off the track, maybe, but you all know he is going stim. Nu e nevoie sa discutati despre asta. Odata off the track, so whats the use of discussing it? ce stiti si aceasta e in constiinta voastra, You all know what he is talking is off the track so Paramchaitanya va avea grija de aceasta si voi nu its alright. You come to the conclusion Yah, we trebuie sa va ingrijiti deloc de felul in care sa know, we know we know. But to discuss it out corectati, sa vindecati, ce sa faceti nu aceasta e there is no need. Once you know and it is in your munca voastra, lasati-o doar in grija awareness the Paramchaitanya will take care of it Paramchaitanyei si se va rezolva. and you wont have to bother at all how to correct, how to mend it, what to do thats not your work, Prima Puja din turul Indiei 89, Alibag, 17 you just leave it to Paramchaitanya and it will work Dec 1989 out.

Sahaja Yogis have to establish that truth, that dedication. So Buddha has said, Buddham Sharanam Gachami. I bow to all those who are Realized souls. Dharmam Sharanam Gachami. I bow myself, to my Dharma. That is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. And then lastly is, Sangham Sharanam Gachami. I bow to collectivity. In these three things He has solved the problems of all three types of people, if you see that. First is the Buddham, the one who is a Realized soul. All the Realized souls are to be respected, to be surrendered to. I find one Sahaja Yogi talking about another Sahaja Yogi in a very funny manner, for nothing at all. No respect, Buddham Sharanam Gachami. I surrender myself to all the Buddhas. Now there are eight I counted, but we have so many all Buddhas sitting here. Those who have known, those who are gnostics, who are vidas [vidjanas ?] are sitting before Me. So I surrender myself to them, as he says, Buddham Sharanam Gachami. You must respect every Sahaja Yogi whether he is from the black race or a white race or

Sahaja Yoghinii trebuie sa stabilizeze acest adevar, aceasta dedicare. Buddha a spus asa, Buddham Sharanam Gachami. Ma inclin celor ce sunt Suflete Realizate. Dharmam Sharanam Gachami. Ma inclin propriei mele Dharme. Aceasta este Vishwa Nirmala Dharma (Religia Pura Universala). Apoi, in cele din urma, Sangham Sharanam Gachami. Ma inclin in fata colectivitatii. Cu aceste trei lucruri El a rezolvat problemele celor trei tipuri de oameni, dupa cum vedeti. Primul este Buddham, cel care este un Suflet Realizat. Toate Sufletele Realizate sunt pentru a fi respectate si toti li se abandoneaza. Mai vad cate un Sahaja yoghin care vorbeste despre un alt Sahaja yoghin intr-o maniera ciudata, fara a avea vreun motiv. Nu exista respect, Buddham Sharanam Gachami. Ma abandonez sufletelor Realizate. Aici am numarat opt, dar sunt atat de multe toti Buddhas care stau aici. Cei care au cunoscut, care sunt gnostici, care sunt vidias [n.t -care au cunoasterea pura] stau in fata Mea. Asa ca Ma inchin in fata lor, asa cum a


a blue race, whether he is from Spain or from Italy or from India, or from any other place. Whether he is from Jew religion or from Islamic religion, or any religion whatsoever, whether hes a legitimate child or illegitimate. Whether he comes from aristocratic or a rich or royal family, or from the poorest of poor. Whether he has money or no money. Whether hes unwell or hes all right, whether he had a very bad past. Everything has to be forgotten, the past. Theyre all Buddhas and all the Buddhas must be respected and surrendered to, to their wishes. I mean, I surrender to your wishes, all the time, I have become now so desireless that I have to tell you that you better desire, otherwise I am useless, I have no desires. As if My power of desire has gone into your heads and I have nothing left. So you have to desire.

spus El, Buddham Sharanam Gachami. Trebuie sa respectati fiecare Sahaja yoghin, fie el de rasa neagra, sau alba, sau albastra, fie el din Spania sau Italia sau din India sau din orice alt loc. Fie ca e de religie iudaica sau islamica sau orice alta religie, fie ca e un copil legitim sau ilegitim. Fie ca vine intr-o familie aristocrata sau regala sau dintre cei mai saraci dintre saraci. Fie ca are sau nu are bani. Fie ca e bolnav sau sanatos, ori are un trecut foarte rau. Totul este uitat, tot trecutul. Toti sunt Buddhas si toti Buddhas trebuie sa fie respectati si trebuie sa li se abandoneze lor, dorintelor lor. Eu Ma abandonez dorintelor voastre tot timpul, am devenit acum atat de lipsita de dorinte incat trebuie sa va spun ca e mai bine sa aveti voi dorinte, altfel Eu nu am niciun folos, nu am dorinte. Ca si cum toata puterea dorintei Mele s-a dus in capetele voastre, iar Mie nu Mi-a mai ramas nimic. Asa incat voi trebuie sa doriti. Shri Buddha Puja, Barcelona (Spania), 21 Mai 1989 Aceasta transformare este ceea ce numim nasterea care are loc a doua oara. Nu e un certificat de la vreo institutie care sa ateste ca suntem nascuti din nou. Sau ca am devenit o persoana nascuta a doua oara, precum brahminii din India care cred ca sunt cu adevarat botezati. Dar adevaratul botez este un eveniment imprevizibil. S-a descoperit recent o scriere foarte frumoasa apartinand Sfantului Toma, care a fost un discipol al lui Christos, si care in drum spre India a descris foarte frumos felul in care ar trebui sa fie un sfant, cum ar dori Christos sa fim, o carte foarte frumoasa, care a fost gasita intrun vas, in Egipt. Aceasta carte a fost gasita acum cu numai 48 de ani inainte si a fost descifrata de catre un domn foarte bun, care a publicat cartea numita Gnostic. Gna in limba sanskrita inseamna a cunoaste. A cunoaste prin sistemul vostru nervos central. Nu e o cunoastere mentala. Citind carti nu deveniti un Suflet Realizat. Nu e o realizare mentala. Exact asa a scris si Sfantul Toma, ca nu e un lucru mental.

This transformation is what we call, is the birth which takes place second time. It is not just a certificate we should have, from some institution that we are born again. Or we have become a twice born person, as we call in India a Brahmin, who thinks that he is really baptized. But the real baptism is a happening.

Recently there has been a very beautiful discovery of Saint Thomass writings who was a disciple of Christ and on his way to India, he wrote a beautiful description of what a saint should be, and what Christ wanted us to be, in a very large book, and put it in a jar in Egypt. This book was recovered only 48 years back and has been again deciphered by a very good gentleman who came out with the book call Gnostic. Now Gna in Sanskrit language also means to know. To know on your central nervous system. Is not a mental knowledge. By reading books you cannot become a realized soul. It is not a mental achievement. Thats exactly what Saint Thomas has written that it is not a mental Ci trebuie sa fie un eveniment interior prin care thing. stim noi insine ca am primit adevaratul botez. El That it has to be a happening within us, by which este impotriva tuturor teoriilor despre suferinta. we know our self we get our real baptism. Hes Spunea ca Isus a suferit pentru noi. Trebuie doar against all kinds of theories of sufferings. He says sa-L trezim pe Christos in interiorul nostru. Iar Christ has suffered for us. We have to just awaken Dumnezeu Atotputernic este un tata atat de plin de Christ within us. And God Almighty is a father compasiune si iubire pentru copiii Lui. who is so much full of compassion and love for His Program public, Geneva (Elvetia), 11 August children. 1988


Gnostics means the one who knew. When St. Thomas came to India, He came via boat and He wrote all about it, what is to know. And He said it is a personal experience of everyone, just He described all Sahaja Yoga there. And, also He said why should God makes you suffer? He is the most loving and affectionate father, blasting all ideas of christianity. Also so many hindus believe like that, muslims believe like that, that you must suffer. But now some or other the exposure of the fruit is also coming out and also there is a kind of a turmoil going on, a kind I would say a tremendous dynamic effects are seen on human mind today, that it starts thinking what is this? And you are the answer. You are the ones who is going to convince them.

Gnostic inseamna cel care stie. Atunci cand Sf. Toma a venit in India, El a venit cu barca si El a scris tot ceea ce trebuia stiut. Si El a spus ca este o experienta personala a fiecaruia, astfel ca a descris intrega Sahaja yoga acolo. Si, de asemenea a intrebat de ce sa faca Dumnezeu pe cineva sa sufere? El este cel mai iubitor si plin de afectiune tata, distrugand ideile fundamentale ale crestinismului. De asemenea atat de multi hindusi cred asta, atat de multi musulmani cred asta, ca trebuie sa suferi. Dar acum, intr-un fel sau altul, expunerea fructelor (acestor idei) iese la suprafata si de asemenea efecte dinamice colosale apar in mintea omului azi, este un fel de turbion ce se invarte, care ii face sa se intrebe Ce este asta? Iar voi sunteti raspunsul. Voi sunteti cei care ii veti convinge. Discurs de bun venit, Turul Indiei, Alibag , 13 Decembrie 1987

As you know, recently, they have found out the books written by Thomas, the disciple of Christ who was coming to India. On his way he went to Egypt, and there he wrote this treatise and had put them in a big earthen vessel, or perhaps it was a metallic thing, and it was discovered 42 years back. The people whom he considers to be authorized Christians, he calls them as Gnostic. Gne, Gne in Sanskrit language means, to know. Gne means to know. And he has written that to know, and to have the personal experience is the only way to follow Christ. Clearly. Not only that, its said that God Almighty who is so kind, why will he ask you to suffer? So it challenges all the Christian principles of [NOT SURE if 'suffering' or 'sufferings']. In the same way, in all religions, people have diverted from the right path, and have come to the wrong path, and are indulging into self-created delusions, which has no relationship with reality, or with the incarnations, those who started the religion or who gave the ideas of the religion.

Asa cum stiti, de curand s-au descoperit cartile scrise de Sfantul Toma, discipolul lui Christos care a ajuns in India. In acest drum a traversat Egiptul si acolo el a scris acest tratat pe care l-a ingropat intrun vas de lut, sau poate inchis intr-un invelis metalic, care a fost descoperit acum 42 de ani. Oamenii pe care el ii considera a fi crestini autorizati sunt cei pe care el ii numeste gnostici. Gna. Gna in sanskrita inseamna "a sti". Gna inseamna "a sti". El a scris ca "a sti si a avea propria experienta e singurul mod de a-L urma pe Christos. Foarte clar. Si nu numai asta, dar el a zis ca Dumnezeu Atotputernic este atat de bun, de ce v-ar ruga el sa suferiti? Deci el a provocat toate principiile suferintei din crestinism. In acelasi mod toate religiile au deviat de la calea dreapta si au apucat pe o cale gresita si merg pe calea acestor religii artificiale care nu au nici o legatura cu realitatea sau cu Incarnarile, cu cei care au pornit religia sau au dat ideea despre acea religie.

I hope you dont do that to Me, because you are Sper ca nu veti face la fel si cu Mine pentru ca voi Gnostic people. You are the ones who know, who sunteti gnostici, voi sunteti cunoscatori, cei care au primit Realizarea Sinelui. have had self-realization.

Puja in Aurangabad (India), 19 Decembrie 1987


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