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de natacin

del mundo


De cine al aire libre

film Festival


bienvenidos Welcome

grandes personajes insignes de todas las artes, pero con una particularidad en todos ellos: su moderacin. Barcelona desborda al visitante por su variada oferta musestica, aunque, cabe decir, que la ciudad en si misma es un gran museo. Perderse por sus barrios, disfrutar de su generosidad y de su gente tan pausada como discreta. Y como podemos hablar de Barcelona sin hablar de se gastronoma de fama mundial, esta ciudad, crisol de restaurantes tanto tradicionales como de la cocina ms novedosa y reconocida. Hay cientos y a cual mejor. Algo parecido ocurre con sus tiendas para perderte, sus calles legendarias, lugares que te sorprendern, no es por casualidad el inters turstico de nuestra ciudad. Por ellos, a sus 7 terminales de cruceros llegan los mejores barcos del mundo y, de ellos, desembarcan, con los ojos bien abiertos y brillantes, miles de nuevos visitantes a la conquista de su rincon, pues Barcelona tiene un rincon para cada uno de ello. Ese ejercito habla mil lenguas, no importa, aqu, no seris extraos porque aqu, en Barcelona, siempre estaremos preparados para deciros una y mil veces Welcome To Barcelona.


La ciudad que recibir por mar este ao 2, 6 millones de visitantes, el desembarco ms numeroso de su historia, Barcelona, es una ciudad que siempre ha vivido de cara al mar pero, sobre todo, ahora vive ms que nunca de todo lo que el mar le proporciona: turismo y visitantes dispuestos a disfrutar de una ciudad nica en el mundo por su personalidad cosmopolita, hospitalario y, sobre todo, catalana. Para todo ellos, estamos preparados. Estamos encantados de recibirlos. Los millones de vistantes que cada ao pasean por las rambas, calles y paseos de Barcelona vienen por muchos motivos, porque existen mil Barcelonas, cultural, histrica siendo la cuna de


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bienvenidos Welcome

Barcelona will receive 2, 6 million visitors by sea this year, the largest disembarkation of its history. Barcelona has always been facing the sea but is now more than ever making a living from what the sea provides: tourism and visitors ready to enjoy a city, unique in the world for its cosmopolitan, hospitable and, above all, Catalan personality. We are well prepared and delighted to receive them. The millions of visitors that each year walk around the Ramblas, streets and avenues of Barcelona come for many reasons, as Barcelona has many faces; its cultural, historical, the cradle of great important people representing all kind of arts, all of which have one thing in common: its moderation. Barcelona exceeds the expectation of the visitors with its wide range of museums, although we can say that the city itself is one great museum, where you can wander around its many quarters; enjoy its generosity and its peaceful and discreet inhabitants.


We cannot talk about Barcelona without mentioning its world famous gastronomy; this city is a melting pot of restaurants, from the traditional to the most innovative and recognized cuisine. There are hundreds to choose between in this city, and they are all good. This also goes for its shops, its legendary streets, places that will surprise you... Its power of attraction on the tourists is not a coincidence.

The best boats in the world arrive at Barcelonas seven cruise terminals, and thousands of new visitors disembark with eyes wide open, to conquer their corner of the city, because Barcelona has a corner for each and everyone. This army speaks a thousand languages, but please dont worry, you wont feel alien here in Barcelona, as we are always prepared to greet you with a Welcome to Barcelona.

tradiciones traditions


la danza del pueblo cataln
La Cobla es una agrupacin musical folklrica originaria de Catalua
La Sardana, la danza ms representativa y arraigada del pueblo cataln. Su sobriedad y armona os cautivarn. La Sardana es la danza popular considerada el baile nacional de la comunidad autnoma de Catalua. Su nombre puede hacer referencia tanto al baile que se ejecuta como a la msica. sta es una danza colectiva que bailan hombres y mujeres cogidos de las manos formando un crculo y punteando con los pies los compases de la cancin. Para disfrutar este baile cataln, el cual se populariz a finales del siglo XIX, un nmero indeterminado de personas forman un corro mirando al centro, bailando hacia derecha e izquierda con un tempo bastante estable, en momentos ms lento y en otros ms animado. Esta danza es ms compleja de lo que parece, teniendo en cuenta que los bailarines deben contar el nmero de pasos que hacen, as como tambin identificar los cambios de ritmo y de volumen de la cancin e interpretarlo correctamente. Pero si en medio de vuestra ruta os encontris con un grupo de gente bailndola, estad atentos a los pasos y no dudis en animaros y uniros al crculo. Seris bienvenidos!


denota, segn algunos autores, una antigedad que podra remontarse a pocas prerromanas. Se han llegado a decir leyendas que fijan sus principios a la Antigua Grecia. Pero, no fue hasta el siglo XVI que apareci la terminologa Sardana, la cual hace referencia concreta a una danza que se baila en forma de crculo cerrado. Durante el primer cuarto del siglo XX, se intensific la prctica de la actividad sardanista, y fue por esta razn por la cual aparecieron casales y asociaciones que se reunan peridicamente para bailar canciones populares y sardanas. A medida que pasaban los aos la Sardana se iba arraigando en Catalua como smbolo poltico, cosa que hizo que se convirtiera en la danza nacional. Fue por ese motivo que, durante la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930), se prohibi bailar sardanas. Posteriormente, en la Guerra civil espaola se fren por completo la intensa actividad sardanstica, aunque el smbolo patritico y nacionalista ya estaba establecido y adopt connotaciones reivindicativas. Al terminar la dictadura franquista el movimiento sardanista se recuper y se expandi con ms fuerza, constituyendo nuevas entidades que trabajaban para la recuperacin del patrimonio cultural y las libertades democrticas. En el ao 2010, desde la Generalitat de Catalua se inscribi la Sardana en el Catlogo del Patrimonio Festivo de Catalua, declarndola as elemento festivo patrimonial de inters nacional. Si queris ver la Sardana en directo, siempre podis ir a alguno de los grandes parques de la ciudad un domingo por la maana, donde algunos barceloneses, gente de todas las edades, acuden a bailar en crculos que se van formando espontneamente. El parque que os recomendamos desde W2 Barcelona es el de la Ciutadella, all, seguro que podris disfrutar viendo el tpico baile cataln.

La Sardana es tocada por una cobla La cobla es una agrupacin folklrica originaria de Catalua. Generalmente, sta est formada por 11 msicos que interpretan las canciones con instrumentos tpicos catalanes, como el flabiol (una curiosa flauta pequea) o el tambor (un tambor de pequeas dimensiones), pero tambin con instrumentos ms convencionales como la trompeta o el contrabajo. En Catalua hay ms de 25.000 partituras escritas de este gnero musical, y algunas de ellas tienen acompaamiento coral. El origen de la Sardana es desconocido, sin embargo, la forma de bailar y el hecho de cogerse de las manos,

The Sardana is the dance more representative of the Catalan people. Its sobriety and harmony will captivate you. The Sardana is a popular dance considered the national dance of Catalonia. Its name may refer both to the dance that runs or the music. This is a collective dance done by men and women; they link her hands forming circles tapping with their feet the strains of the song. To enjoy this Catalan dance, which became popular in the late nineteenth century, an unknown number of people form a circle facing the centre, dancing to the right and left with a fairly steady tempo, at times slow and other livelier. This dance is more complex than it seems, considering that the dancers must count the number of steps they make, they also have to identify the changes of rhythm and volume of the song to interpret it correctly. But if in the middle of your route you meet a group of people dancing it, be attentive to the steps and do not hesitate to join the circle. You will be welcome! The Sardana is played by a cobla. The cobla is a popular band originally from Catalonia. Generally, played by 11 musicians who play songs with typical Catalan instruments like the flabiol (small fipple flute) or the tambor (very small drum), but also with more conventional instruments such as trumpets or the bass.

tradiciones traditions

La Cobla es una agrupacin musical folklrica originaria de Catalua

ish Civil War the Sardana activity was stopped, although the patriotic and nationalistic symbol was already established and adopted a protest connotation. At the end of the Franco dictatorship the Sardana movement was recovered and it was expanded with more force, forming new entities working for the recovery of cultural heritage and democratic freedoms. In the year 2010,the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalonia government) added the Sardana to the Catleg del Patrimoni Festiu de Catalunya (Catalonias festivities heritage catalogue) and declared it a festivity of national interest. If you want to see the Sardana live, you can always go to one of the big parks of the city on a Sunday morning, you will find people from Barcelona, people of all ages who come to dance in circles that are formed spontaneously. The park that we recommend from W2 Barcelona is the Ciutadella where you will enjoy watching the typical Catalan dance.

In Catalonia there are more than 25,000 scores written in this genre, and some of them have a choral accompaniment. The origin of the Sardana is not clear, however, the to dance and the fact of holding the hands denote, according to some authors, an antiquity that could be traced back to pre-Roman times. Even to the Ancient Greece. But it was not until the sixteenth century that the terminology of Sardana appeared, which makes specific reference to a dance danced in a circle. During the first quarter of the twentieth century, the practice of the Sardana was intensified, and it was for this reason that the associations to dance the Sardana appeared. As the years passed the Sardana would root in Catalonia as a political symbol, and became the national dance. It was because of this, during the dictatorship of the Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) the Sardana was banned. Later, in the Span-

the dance of the Catalan village



Un da One day


La obra de Antoni Gaud en Barcelona, uno de los principales atractivos para los turistas que llegan a la ciudad. Son muchos los que conocen Barcelona gracias a las obras del famoso arquitecto modernista Antoni Gaud. Existen turistas que incluso visitan la ciudad solo para poder contemplar sus creaciones como un aliciente que hace que valga la pena viajar hasta la Ciudad Condal. Para empezar la ruta, nos dirigimos hasta la parte alta de Barcelona, donde nuestro recorrido tomar comienzo en el Parque Gell, el cual fue construido por Antoni Gaud entre los aos 1900 y 1914 y fue inaugurado como parque pblico el ao 1926. Es una de las obras arquitectnicas ms grandes del sur de Europa y en el ao 1984 la UNESCO lo declar Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Dentro del recinto podremos observar los tpicos elementos decorativos modernistas del famoso arquitecto; creaciones muy curiosas, como por ejemplo el dragn que se localiza en la entrada. Por ltimo si subimos al mirador, el punto ms alto del parque, disfrutaremos de unas maravillosas vistas de la ciudad de Barcelona. Pero Antoni Gaud en su legado dej muchas ms creaciones que dan prestigio a las calles de Barcelona, empezando por uno de sus monumentos ms famosos que podemos encontrar en el Paseo de Gracia; la Casa Mil o tambin conocida como la Pedrera. Se trata de la ltima obra civil diseada por el artista, que en su momento recibi muchas crticas debido a las originales formas onduladas de la fachada de

Descubriendo la Barcelona de

piedra y los hierros que decoran con gran acierto los balcones y ventanas. Curiosamente, estos elementos tan denostados en sus inicios son los que le otorgan actualmente el calificativo de monumento y le han hecho ganarse un merecido reconocimiento mundial. Siguiendo nuestra ruta por el Paseo de Gracia, a mano derecha nos encontramos con la Casa Batll, considerado uno de los trabajos ms creativos y originales del arquitecto cataln, y que cuenta con una amplia variedad de tonalidades verdes, rojas y azules que se renen en la fachada. Por ltimo, es imprescindible mencionar la obra ms valorada y reconocida a nivel internacional de Antonio Gaud: la Sagrada Familia, que es adems la mayor representante del modernismo cataln. No hay que olvidar que esta baslica es uno de los monumentos espaoles que recibe ms turistas al ao, de manera que si visitamos la zona, en cualquier poca del ao, la encontraremos siempre rodeada de un tumulto de gente disparando sus cmaras desde todos los ngulos posibles. A pesar de que todava no est terminada, y las previsiones apuntan que hasta el ao 2026 no lo estar completamente, ya es fascinante de contemplar tanto por fuera como su interior, que maravilla con se estructura, su decoracin y sus formas inspiradas en elementos de la naturaleza, cuidadas minuciosamente en cada detalle. No existe ninguna obra arquitectnica en todo el mundo que se le asemeje. Con este pequeo recorrido, esperamos que podis disfrutar de uno de los encantos ms significativos de la ciudad, la obra de Antoni Gaud. The work of Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona is one of the main attractions for tourists who visit the city.

Gaud en su legado dej muchas ms creaciones que dan prestigio a las calles de Barcelona

Many people know Barcelona thanks to the work of the famous modernist architect Antoni Gaud. Some tourists visit the city specifically to admire his creations that alone make a trip to Barcelona worthwhile. To start the route, we head up to the higher parts of Barcelona, where our tour begins with the Park Gell, built by Antoni Gaud between 1900 and 1914 and opened to the public in 1926. It is one of the largest architectural works of southern Europe and in 1984 the UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site. Within the enclosure we can observe the typical decorative elements of the famous modernist architect, curious creations, such as the dragon that is located at the entrance. Finally if you climb to the lookout, the highest point of the park, you will enjoy a wonderful view of the city of Barcelona.


Un da One day

But Antoni Gaud in his legacy left many more creations that give prestige to the streets of Barcelona, starting with one of its most famous landmarks on Paseo de Gracia, the Casa Mila, also known as La Pedrera. It is the last civil work designed by the artist, who once received a lot of criticism due to the undulating original stone facade and the praised iron decorations of balconies and windows. Curiously, these elements so criticized at the beginning have made the building a monument and gained a deserved worldwide recognition. Continuing our route along the Paseo de Gracia, on the right we find the Casa Batll, considered one of the most creative and original work of the Catalan architect, with its wide variety of shades of green, red and blue all over the facade. Finally, it is essential to mention the most valued and internationally recognized work by Antonio Gaudi: the Sagrada Familia, which is also the main representative of the Catalan Modernism. Please note that this basilica is one of Spains most visited monuments, and you will find it surrounded by hordes of tourists shooting away with their cameras from every possible angle at any time of year. Although its not yet finished, and projections suggest that it will not be completed before the year 2026, it is still fascinating to contemplate its marvellous structure, its decoration and

Discovering Barcelona of

Gaud in his legacy left many more creations that give prestige to the streets of Barcelona
shapes inspired by nature and carefully kept in every detail. It cannot be compared to any other architectural work in the world. With this little tour, we hope you will enjoy one of the most significant delights of the city; the work of Antoni Gaud.

la visita the visit


Poble Espanyol
El Poble Espanyol, un recinto nico donde se concentra el arte contemporneo, la arquitectura espaola, la artesana y la gastronoma del pas. Situado en una de las zonas ms emblemticas de Barcelona y a pocos metros de las fuentes de Montjuc, el Poble Espanyol es uno de los mayores atractivos de la ciudad por el conjunto nico que ofrece en cuanto a arte contemporneo, arquitectura, artesana y gastronoma en un entorno tranquilo y apacible. El recinto fue construido en 1929, con motivo de la Exposicin Internacional, con la idea de ser una sntesis de la riqueza arquitectnica y cultural de Espaa. Aunque estaba previsto derribarlo tras este acontecimiento, se decidi conservarlo debido a la aceptacin que consigui. Por eso, hoy podemos seguir disfrutando de las calles, plazas y fachadas que hacen del Poble Espanyol un verdadero pueblo en el que se encuentran rplicas de edificios de diferentes regiones espaolas y en el que se respira el ambiente y la diversidad cultural del pas. El inters cultural del Poble Espanyol se explica, tambin, por la presencia de ms de 30 artesanos que trabajan dentro del recinto de forma regular y continuada y a los que se puede ver trabajando en directo. Profesionales reconocidos que elaboran vidrio, cuero, cermica, joyas, mscaras, cestera, guitarras espaolas, se concentran en establecimientos o talleres para ofrecer a los visitantes piezas nicas, exclusivas, artesanales y, si se desea, personalizadas. El Museo Fran Daurel es otro de sus atractivos. Se trata de una coleccin privada abierta al pblico que alberga ms de 295 obras de autores clave del arte contemporneo: Picasso, Dal, Mir, Tpies, Barcel, Guinovart y Amat, entre muchos otros. Y entre paseos, descubrimientos artsticos y visitas a los ar-

una experiencia enriquecedora y agradable

tesanos y tambin a las tiendas de productos gourmet, ser necesario retomar fuerzas en alguno de los restaurantes o bares del Poble Espanyol. Existe una amplia oferta de establecimientos con diferentes tipos de cocina en los que disfrutar de buena comida en un entorno tranquilo y sin coches. Y si el tiempo acompaa, por qu no aprovechar para sentarse en alguna de sus agradables terrazas?

The Poble Espanyol, a unique area which concentrates contemporary art, Spanish architecture, craft and gastronomy of the country. Located in one of the most emblematic areas of Barcelona and a few metres from the Fountains of Montjuc, the Poble Espanyol is one of the biggest attractions of the city offering an unique set about contemporary art, architecture, crafts and gastronomy in a quiet and peaceful. It was built in 1929, on the occasion of the International Exhibition, with the idea of being a synthesis of architectural and cultural richness of Spain. Although it was planned to be demolished after this event, it was saved thanks to its success. So today, we can still enjoy the streets, squares and facades that make the Poble Espanyol a real village where we can find replicas of buildings from different Spanish regions where you can breathe the atmosphere and cultural diversity of the country. The cultural interest of the Poble Espanyol is also explained by the presence of more than 30 craftspeople working in the area in a regular and continuous way and can be seen working. Recognized professionals who make glass, leather, ceramics, jewellery, masks, basketry, Spanish guitars..., they work on establishments or workshops to offer visitors unique pieces, exclusive, handmade and, if desired, tailor made. The Fran Daurel Museum is another attraction. This is a private collection open to the public that hosts 295 works by famous artists from the contemporary art: Picasso, Dal, Mir, Tpies, Barcel, Guinovart and Amat, among many others. Between walks, artistic discoveries and visits to the craftspeople and also to the gourmet food stores it will be necessary to regain strength in one of the restaurants or bars in the Poble Espanyol. There is a wide range of establishments

with different types of cuisine where is it possible to enjoy a nice food in a quiet place without cars. And ... if the weather is good, you can sit on one of the pleasant terraces.

A synthesis of architectural and cultural richness of Spain.

Una sntesis de la riqueza arquitectnica y cultural de Espaa

Poble Espanyol

an enriching and enjoyable experience


la visita the visit

Santa maria del mar

Una joya de la Edad Media

tura ordenada en tres naves, todas ellas prcticamente a la misma altura, y con unas sobrias y altas columnas que, junto las vidrieras, el altar y el precioso rosetn, consiguen darle al recinto una impresionante amplitud. Aprovechad para deleitaos la vista con la que es, sin duda, una de las iglesias ms bonitas de todo el continente europeo. Y adems, como valor aadido a la visita a la Baslica de Santa Mara del Mar, encontramos la gran variedad de restaurantes acogedores y para todos los precios y gustos, que estn situados en la misma zona de la iglesia. As que, si queris compaginar la historia, el arte y la cultura de la ciudad de Barcelona con una comida en un clido restaurante del barrio antiguo, no dejis de visitar la magnfica Baslica de Santa Mara del Mar y sus alrededores. The Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar, Catalan Gothic style. The church was built by and for the people. If you walk in the Ribera quarter of Barcelona, the place where you can find the most bohemian atmosphere and magical city, Santa Maria del Mar will surprise you suddenly standing in front of you. From W2 Barcelona, we strongly recommend, even if you have only a few hours to visit the city, to go to this place and lose yourself in these beautiful streets surrounding the church, let your imagination go to the Barcelona of the Middle Ages, where a group of workers began to lay the first stone of the basilica of Catalan Gothic style, in 1329 which will be completed in less than 55 years. We can ensure that the work belonged exclusively to the entire population of the la Ribera, as they were responsible to the construction for the material; the bastaixos professionals, who were volunteered, transported the stones from the mountain of Montjuc. If you find the exterior of Santa Maria del Mar beautiful, do not miss what you will find inside. An ordered structure in three naves, all practically at the same level, and with a sober and tall columns along the windows, the altar and the beautiful rosette, get to the site an impressive breadth space. Make the most of it and enjoy, because this is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful churches in the entire Europe.

La Baslica de Santa Mara del Mar, puro estilo gtico cataln. La iglesia que fue construida por y para el pueblo. Si paseamos por el barrio de la Ribera de Barcelona, este es el lugar donde se encuentra el ambiente ms bohemio y mgico de la ciudad, nos sorprender, de repente, tener ante nuestros ojos la Baslica de Santa Mara del Mar. Desde W2 Barcelona, os recomendamos muy fervorosamente que, aunque solamente tengis unas pocas horas para visitar la ciudad, optis por perderos por estas preciosas calles que rodean la iglesia, seguro que os harn trasladar vuestra imaginacin a la Barcelona de la Edad Media, en la que un grupo de trabajadores empezaban a poner las primeras piedras de esta baslica de puro estilo gtico cataln, en el ao 1329 y que estara acabada en menos de 55 aos. Podemos asegurar que la obra perteneca exclusivamente a toda la poblacin de la Ribera, ya que sta fue la responsable material de la construccin del templo, cuyas piedras eran transportadas desde la montaa de Montjuc por el gremio de los bastaixos, los cuales trabajaron como voluntarios. Pero si el exterior de Santa Mara del Mar es bonito, no os perdis lo que os encontrareis en su interior. Una estruc-

Catalan Gothic Style

And, as an added value to the visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar, we find a large variety of friendly restaurants with all prices and tastes, which are located in the same area of the church. So, if you want to combine the history, art and culture of the city of Barcelona with a warm meal at a restaurant in the old town, do not miss the magnificent Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar and its surrounding area.

Santa maria del mar

Photo: Amaianos

Puro estilo gtico Cataln

A jewel of the Middle Age


Un rincn en el parque A corner of the park


parque DE La

un oasis en medio de la ciudad
El descanso ms gratificante du- Si indagamos un poco en el pasado rante tu ruta por Barcelona. La mejor del parque, sabemos que est muy opcin para relajarte entre rboles, vinculado a la historia de la ciudad de Barcelona, debido a que est situado fuentes y caminos. en los terrenos donde Felipe V, despus Entre las calles ruidosas e incasables de tomar la ciudad el 11 de septiembre de la ciudad condal, existen tranquilos de 1714 y ganar la Guerra de Sucesin, parques que le harn olvidar, por un moal siguiente ao mand construir una mento, la velocidad frentica de la ciugran ciudadela militar, de ah sabemos dad. El parque de la Ciutadella es, sin de dnde procede su nombre. No fue duda, un ejemplo paradigmtico de esta hasta el ao 1869, cuando el general tranquilidad que necesitamos en toda Prim entreg la ciudadela a Barcelona visita cultural. con la condicin que el solar estuviera Situado en el barrio de Ciutat Vella, destinado a ser un parque pblico. este parque pblico del siglo XIX se encuentra en el tringulo delimitado por la En su interior Estacin de Francia, el Arco del Triunfo y podemos visitar el Zoo la Villa Olmpica. Para entrar en el recinto, lo podremos hacer desde 10 accesos distintos, los cuales son realmente necesarios dado el tamao de ste. All, podris disfrutar de hasta 17,42 hectreas de terreno verde, sin contar el espacio que ocupa el Zoo de Barcelona, ubicado dentro del parque desde el ao 1892. Sumando la extensin del zoolgico el nmero de hectreas llega a las 31.

Fue entonces, cuando en el ao 1872 se aprob el proyecto de Josep Fontser y se construy el parque, el cual sufri unas modificaciones en motivo de la Exposicin Universal de Barcelona de 1888, cambios que podremos ir contemplando, con las correspondientes explicaciones en forma de cartel, a medida que sigamos paseando por los caminos. Hoy en da, el parque de la Ciutadella comprende muchas instalaciones, como por ejemplo el Museo de Zoologia, el Museo de Geologa, el Invernadero, el Umbrculo, el Zoolgico, el IES Verdaguer, la Capilla Castrense, el embarcador, el parque infantil, la glorieta de msica, el Castell dels Tres Dracs y, sobre todo, la sede del Parlament de Catalua. ste ltimo se encuentra en la plaza de las armas, ocupando el edificio del antiguo arsenal militar de la Ciutadella. Otros de los elementos de inters que podremos visitar en el interior del parque son el lago y la cascada, esta ltima diseada en 1875 por el mismo Josep Fontser con la ayuda de un todava muy joven Antoni Gaud, e inaugurada el ao 1881. Esta bonita cascada est decorada por muchos elementos escultricos de artistas catalanes del siglo XIX.

Adems, no se nos puede olvidar ni la copia de la preciosa escultura modernista catalana de Josep Llimona, El desconsol, la cual fue premio de honor en la quinta Exposicin Internacional de Arte, ni tampoco el gran mamut, una curiosa escultura de hormign de unos 3,5 metros de altura y 5,5 metros de largo que atrae tanto a los pequeos como tambin a los mayores. No os la perdis, porque vale realmente la pena hacerse una foto subido encima de su gran trompa. Desde W2 Barcelona os animamos a pasar en algn momento por el parque de la Ciutadella, porque aunque sea slo para un rato, seguro que os ayudar a reponer fuerzas para seguir disfrutando de vuestra intensa pero gratificante visita a la ciudad.

de Barcelona, ubicado dentro del parque desde el ao 1892

Ciutadella Park. Photo: Amaianos

Its the most gratifying rest on your walk around Barcelona and the best option to relax between trees, fountains and paths. Among the noisy and tireless streets of the old city, there are quiet parks that will make you forget, for a moment, the frenetic speed of the city. The Ciutadella Park is certainly a paradigmatic example of this peace that we need during all cultural visit. Located in the area of Ciutat Vella, this nineteenth-century public park is placed in a triangle limited by the train station Estaci de Frana, the Arc de Triomf and the Olympic Village. There are 10 different entries to the park, and they are all necessary given the size of the park. It offers 17.42 hectares of green areas, excluding the space occupied by the Barcelona Zoo, located in the park since 1892. Adding the extension of the zoo, the number of hectares amounts to 31. If we go back in time, we will find that the past of the park is closely linked

Un rincn en el parque A corner of the park


to the history of Barcelona city, as it is located on the site where Philip V, one year after conquering the city on September 11 of 1714 and winning the War of Succession, ordered the construction of a large military citadel, from which it takes its name. In 1869, General Prim gave the citadel to the city of Barcelona on the condition that the area was transformed into a public park In 1872 Josep Fontser approved the project and the park was built, although it underwent some modifications on the occasion of the Universal Exposition of Barcelona in 1888. These changes are explained on posters corresponding to the

Inside we can visit the Barcelona Zoo, located in the park since 1892
surroundings that can be read as we continue walking along the roads of the park. Today, the Ciutadella park includes many installations, such as the Museum of Zoology, the Geological Museum, the Conservatory, the Umbraculum, the Zoo, the IES Verdaguer, the Military Chapel, the shipper, a park for children, the music bandstand, the Castell dels Tres Dracs and, above all, the headquarters of the Parliament of Catalonia. The

latter is located in the square Plaa de les Armes, occupying the building of the former military arsenal of the Ciutadella. Other elements of interest that you can visit inside the park are the lake and the waterfall, designed in 1875 by Josep Fontser with the help of a very young Antoni Gaud, and inaugurated in 1881. This beautiful waterfall is decorated by many sculptural elements of Catalan artists of the nineteenth century. In addition, we can not forget the copy of the beautiful Catalan modernist sculpture by Llimona, The Desconsol, which was award of honor at the fifth International Art Exhibition, and the mighty mammoth, a curious sculpture of 3.5 meters high and 5.5 meters long that attracts both small as well as the elderly. Do not miss it, because it is really worth to take a picture up above her big trunk. From W2 Barcelona we encourage you to spend some time in the Ciutadella park, if only for a short while, we assure you it will help to regain strength to continue enjoying your intense but gratifying visit to the city.


Ciutadella park
An oasis in the middle of the city



Una ciudad de postal A beautiful city



Historia de Barcelona History of Barcelona



El origen de sus habitantes est en los pueblosberos, cartagineses, romanos,judos, visigodos, musulmanes y cristianos.
Barcelona, conocida por su gran valor arquitectnico y cultural, debe todas sus virtudes a las numerosas civilizaciones que la han habitado, dejando su huella a lo largo de muchos siglos. Historia y ciudad se unen para ofrecernos una experiencia nica. Lahistoria deBarcelonase extiende a lo largo de 4.000 aos, desde finales delneoltico, con los primeros restos hallados en el territorio de la ciudad, hasta la actualidad. El origen de sus habitantes est en los pueblosberos, cartagineses,romanos,judos,visigodos,musulmanesy cristianos. Aunque es cierto que hubo civilizaciones anteriores, la verdadera expansin de la ciudad se produjo durante la poca romana, de cuyo primer momento de esplendor ir evolucionando hasta convertirse en uno de los principales puertos delMediterrneooccidental, alcanzando en laEdad Mediala primaca sobre el resto decondados catalanesy convirtindose en una de las ciudades ms importantes de laCorona de Aragn. Tras la unin deCastillayAragn,Barcelona siempre ha gozado de una posicin de gran relevancia en el desarrollopoltico,socialyeconmicodeEspaa. Pero, cmo vemos Barcelona hoy? Sin duda el gran acontecimiento urbano de la Barcelona se da durante el siglo XIX y fue el proyecto de ensanche (Eixample) creado por Ildefons Cerd. Conocido como El Plan Cerd propona un trazadoortogonalentre la montaa de Montjuc y el rio Bess, con un trazado de calles rectilneas de orientacin noroeste-sureste, de 20 metros de anchura, cortadas por otras de orientacin suroeste-noreste paralelas a la costa y a la sierra deCollserola. Quedaban as delimitadas una serie de manzanas de plantaoctogonal, de 113,3 metros de lado. El plano prevea la construccin de varias avenidas principales: laDiagonal, laMeridiana, elParalelo, la Gran Va y el Paseo de San Juan; as como varias grandes plazas en sus intersecciones: Tetun,Glorias,Espaa, Jacint Verdaguer, Letamendi y Universidad. Todo ello es visible hoy da y Barcelona goza de uno de los mejores planes urbansticos del mundo. En la actualidad, acontecimientos como losJuegos Olmpicos de 1992y elFrum Universal de las Culturashan situado a Barcelona como una ciudad mundialmente reconocida y alabada, importante focotursticoycultural, as como centro financiero y congresstico de reconocido prestigio.


Historia de Barcelona History of Barcelona


the river Besos, with a rectilinear street layout and a northwest-southeast orientation of 20 metres and another southwest/north-east orientation parallel to the coast and the Sierra de Collserola. There were a number of well defined octagonal blocks, of 113.3 square feet. The plan envisaged the construction of several main avenues: the Diagonal, the Meridiana, the Parallel, the Gran Via and the Paseo of San Juan, and some large squares at their intersections: Tetuan, Glorias, Espanya, Verdaguer, Letamendi and Universitat. All this is visible today, and Barcelona has one of the worlds best urban plans.

Barcelona, famous for its great architectural and cultural value, owes all its virtues to the numerous civilisations that have lived in and left its mark on the city over many centuries. The city and its history offer a unique experience. The history of Barcelona stretches back well over 4000 years, from the late Neolithic period, with the first remains found in the territory of the city until today. The origin of its people is in the Iberian villages, Carthaginians, Romans, Jews, Visigoths, Muslims and Christians. Although it is true that there were earlier civilizations, the real expansion of the city took place during the Roman period. From its first moments of splendour, the city would become one of the main ports of the western Mediterranean and during the Middle Ages it dominated the other Catalan counties and became one of the most important cities of the Crown of Aragon. After the union of Castile and Aragon, Barcelona held a position of great importance in the political, economic social development of Spain. What can we say of Barcelona today? Without a doubt, the most important urban development of Barcelona city, the project of expansion (Eixample) created by Ildefons Cerd, took place during the XIX century. He proposed The Cerd Plan an orthogonal design between the Montjuc Mountain and

The origin of its people is in the Iberian villages, Carthaginians, Romans, Jews, Visigoths, Muslims and Christians.
At present, events such as the Olympic Games of 1992 and the Universal Forum of Cultureshave put Barcelona on the map as a globally recognized and praised city, an important focus for tourists and culture, as well as a financial and commercial centre.



Mapa de Barcelona Map of Barcelona



Mapa de Barcelona Map of Barcelona



entrevista Interview


Sra. Carmina Vall

directora del Museo de Cera
Cundo BCN pas a ser una de las ciudades con ms inters turstico y por qu?
Sin duda las Olimpiadas fueron el punto determinante que cambi por completo el turismo en Barcelona. Del 92 a ahora ha habido un cambio significativo, en nmero de personas, y en renombre a nivel mundial. Puedes ir a cualquier sitio del mundo y decir que eres de Barcelona, y todo el mundo sabr de qu ests hablando, y raramente no habr quien te diga que Barcelona es una ciudad fantstica que les encantara visitar, si es que no lo han hecho ya. Barcelona es uno de los sitios ms queridos del mundo, y tambin de los ms visitados.

Puede citarnos alguno de los ltimos cambios que animan al turista a visitar el Museo de Cera? Qu tipo de turismo viene a Barcelona? Cmo definiras el turista que viene a visitar Barcelona?
No creo que se pueda definir en un solo tipo: turistas hay tantos tipos como personas. S, seguramente podremos encontrar el clsico turista que viene por la fiesta, la sangra y la paella, pero tambin tenemos el que prefiere gozar de la arquitectura modernista, el que viene a ver el Bara o el que prefiere empaparse de la cultura catalana y mediterrnea. Y hay quien hace un poco de todo: por la maana Sagrada Famlia, por la tarde vamos al Museo de Cera, por la noche al Bara y luego vamos a tomar algo. Barcelona, como deca, tiene oferta para todos. Eso s, todos coinciden en pasearse por La Rambla, uno de los boulevares ms bonitos de todo el mundo. El Museo de Cera es un clsico de la ciudad, no solo por sus originales escenografas o su coleccin de casi 300 figuras, tambin por un edificio nuevecentista que hay que ver. Es un sitio recurrente del visitante de cruceros, porque estamos a 5 minutos del puerto y tenemos una oferta completa: un museo imprescindible, uno de los bares ms famosos del pas (El Bosc de les Fades) y una tienda con los souvenirs ms originales y de calidad que encontrarn en la zona (El Passatge del Temps).

Han cambiado los alicientes,que ofrece la ciudad y buscan los turistascuando vienen a Barcelona, en los ltimos 25 aos?
Barcelona sigue manteniendo la esencia que la haca encantadora: playa, oferta cultural, gastronoma, casco antiguo, modernismo, arquitectura moderna Lo que s hemos aprendido es a aprovechar mejor lo que tenemos, a sacarle el mayor partido y a vendernos mejor.

Ya hemos visto cuales son los puntos fuertes en lo que se refiere ala atraccin de turistas a la ciudad de Barcelona. Hay algn punto dbil que debera mejorar la ciudad?
Siempre hay cosas a corregir en una ciudad, y eso bien lo sabemos los ciudadanos. Creo que debemos combatir ms la oferta turstica fraudulenta, los timos y las propuestas de mala calidad que pueblan la ciudad. Todava hoy hay restaurantes que ofrecen paellas malsimas, o supuestos museos que solo hacen que timar al turista. Pero tenemos mucho camino recorrido: la oferta de hoy en Barcelona es mejor que la de ayer.

Hacia dnde evoluciona el turismo de Barcelona? Cul ser el principal punto fuerte de la oferta turstica para atraer un nmero mayor de turistas?
El turismo en Barcelona est evolucionando del mismo modo que lo est haciendo el de todo el mundo. La gente viene menos das y gasta menos, fruto de las low-cost. Es ms pro-activo, y busca mejor qu hacer en sus vacaciones, planes que se ajusten a lo que quieren. Quizs antes se guiaban ms por las agencias, ahora raro es el turista que no ha buscado en Google lo que quiere hacer. Cul es nuestro principal punto fuerte? Tenemos oferta de calidad, y tenemos variedad para que todo el mundo encuentre lo que busque y quede satisfecho.

When did BCN became one of the cities with most tourist attractions and why?
The Olympic games has without a doubt, been the most determining factor, that totally changed the tourism in Barcelona. Both the number of visitors and the worldwide popularity of the city have significantly changed since 1992. You can go anywhere in the world and say you are from Barcelona, and everyone will know where it is and they will tell you that Barcelona is a fantastic city that they would love to visit, if they havent already visited it. Barcelona is one of the most loved cities in the world and also one of the most visited.

entrevista Interview


Has the attraction that Barcelona offers and that is sought by tourists changed over the last 25 years?
Barcelona still maintains its essence: the beach, its cultural offer and the gastronomy, the old quarter, the modernism, the modern architecture ... We have learned to make a better use of what we have, to make the most of it and sell it better.

Could you cite some recent changes to encourage the tourists to visit the Wax Museum? What kind of tourism is coming to Barcelona? How you would define the typical tourist that visits Barcelona?
I dont think it can be defined as one single type: you will find as many different kinds of tourists as there are people. We will surely come across the classic tourist that has come for the party, the sangria and the paella, but theres also the tourist who prefers to enjoy the modernist architecture, or comes to see Bara playing or to soak up the Catalan and Mediterranean culture. Sometimes they prefer to do a bit of everything: the Sagrada Famlia in the morning, the Wax Museum in the afternoon and to see a Bara match in the evening followed by some drinks. Barcelona, as I said, has something to offers every tourist. That said, they all coincide in taking a stroll down the Rambla, one of the most beautiful boulevards in the world. The Wax Museum is a classic of the city, not only for its unique scenery or its collection of nearly 300 figures, but also for its nineteenth-century building that must be seen. It is a recurrent stop for the cruise visitors as it is only 5 minutes away from the harbour and we have a complete offer: an essential museum, one of the countrys most famous bars (El Bosc de les Fades) and a shop with the most original quality souvenirs that you will find in the area (El Passatge del Temps).

How is the tourism of Barcelona developing? What strong point will the tourism offer to attract more tourists?
The tourism in Barcelona is developing the same way as in the rest of the world. People stay less days and spend less money, as a result of the low-cost tourism. They are more pro-active, and better at planning their holidays, they make plans that fit what they want. Before they may have been guided by agencies, today most tourists will have used Google to find out what to do. Whats our strong point? We offer quality, and have a large range of activities to keep everybody satisfied.

You have given us the strong points that attract tourists to Barcelona. Is there any weak spot the city needs to improve?
There are always things to improve in a city, all citizens know that. I think we should fight the fraud in tourism, scams and the poor quality proposed all over the city. There are still restaurants offering lousy paella, or false museums that only cheat tourists. But we have come a long way: today, the offer in Barcelona is getting better every day.

MS. Carmina Vall

Director of the Wax Museum


eventos Events

To view the different competitions live, we go to different areas and spaces that they have been adapted to host this competition. The areas selected are the Palau Sant Jordi, the Montjuc Municipal Pool, the Port Vell and the Bernat Picornell Pools. Barcelona has always had a strong tradition on being a great host when in comes to celebrating major sporting events. Some of these events have been the finals of Euroleague Basketball, the Football Champions League or the World Handball Championship, lets not forget the 1992 Olympic Games. Now the city hopes to have the same success with the World Swimming Championships, from W2 Barcelona we believe that will be a good opportunity to enter in the world of some of the aquatic sports. It will be a unique experience; you cant afford to miss it.


Los Campeonatos del Mundo de Natacin son la mejor manera para disfrutar de los excepcionales profesionales del deporte acutico. Entre los das 19 de julio y 4 de agosto se van a celebrar en Barcelona los Campeonatos del Mundo de Natacin 2013. sta ser la edicin 15 de estos mundiales, los cuales ya se haban realizado anteriormente en la ciudad condal en el ao 2003, y tambin en otras ciudades como Berln, Roma, Montreal o Melbourne. Este ao los deportes que se practicarn sern la natacin, la natacin sincronizada, los saltos, la natacin en aguas abiertas y el waterpolo. Adems, como novedad encontraremos por primera vez en la historia de estos campeonatos, los saltos de gran altura, formando parte de la competicin como una nueva disciplina ms. Seguro que si acudimos a presenciarlo pasaremos un buen rato viendo increbles piruetas de los saltadores profesionales, cuyas acrobacias sern realizadas desde 28 metros los hombres y 20 metros las mujeres. Para poder ver las diferentes competiciones en directo, nos dirigiremos a los distintos recintos y espacios que se han adaptado para poder acoger esta competicin. Los espacios seleccionados han sido el Palau Sant Jordi, la Piscina Municipal de Montjuc, el Port Vell y las Piscinas Bernat Picornell. Barcelona ha tenido siempre una arraigada tradicin en acoger de forma triunfante grandes eventos deportivos . Algunos de estos acontecimientos han sido las finales de la Euroliga de baloncesto, Liga de Campeones de ftbol o el Campeonato Mundial de Balonmano, sin olvidar los Juegos Olmpicos de 1992. Ahora la ciudad espera repetir los mismos xitos con el Campeonato del Mundo de Natacin, el cual desde W2 Barcelona creemos que ser una buena oportunidad para adentrarse en el mundo de algunos de los deportes acuticos. Una experiencia nica y difcil de poder volverla a presenciar. The World Swimming Championships are the best way to enjoy the aquatic sports professionals Between the 19th of July and the 4th of August, Barcelona will celebrate the World Swimming Championships 2013. This will be the 15th edition, which had already took place earlier in Barcelona in 2003, and also in other cities like Berlin, Rome, Montreal and Melbourne. This year the sports that will be practiced are: swimming, synchronized swimming, diving, open water swimming and water polo. Also, we will find for the first time in the history of these championships, high diving, we will have a good time watching the amazing somersaults of the professional divers. The mens divers will be from a 28 meters platform and the womens will be from 20 meters.




eventos Events


West Side Story, Avanti!, and also Citizen Kane. And the cinema lovers will see films like Drive, Untouchable, The Guard or Source Code. The admission is 6, free for children up to 6 years, with the possibility of renting a deck-chair for 3 extra. Tickets available at the Monjuc box office, every day from 8:30 pm, or in advance at the website SalaMontjuc. In addition, the program includes for the most adventurers other activities such as concerts and short films. All concerts begin at 8:45 pm and you can find a variety of styles: jazz, Brazilian music, folk fusion, Flamenco, Cuban music and blues. In conclusion, the open-air film festival of Montjuc gives you the opportunity to experience a film-lovers atmosphere in Barcelona in the most night relaxing environment. From Welcome to Barcelona we encourage you to feel for a moment as a citizen of Barcelona, a beautiful city.

Taking advance of the night breeze offered by the Barcelona summer evening, the 30th of June is the 11th edition of open-air cinema, which presents a selection of the best films of all time, in the incomparable setting of the Montjuc Castle moat. This year, after the opening, the festival continues with screenings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until the 7th of August, start at 10:00 pm after nightfall. All films are in original version, with Spanish subtitles. At the opening session, it will be screened one of the most successful films of the year, Snow White, which has received a great recognition with 10 Goya and 4 Gaud awards. In addition, a special screening featuring a live performance of the soundtrack as it was done in Spain in the 1920s. All these elements turn the opening day into the most recommended one. On the remaining days it will be screened a wide range of film genres, including the classics and other independent films. Some of these films are

muestra de
Aprovechando la brisa nocturna que nos ofrece la Barcelona veraniega al atardecer, el prximo 30 de junio se celebra la 11 Muestra de cine al aire libre, que presenta una seleccin de las mejores pelculas de todos los tiempos, en el marco incomparable del foso del Castillo de Montjuc Este ao, tras su apertura, la muestra sigue con las proyecciones todos los lunes, mircoles y viernes, hasta el 7 de agosto, a las 22:00h una vez haya oscurecido. Todas las pelculas son en versin original, subtituladas en castellano. En la sesin inaugural del 30 de junio, se proyectar una de las pelculas ms exitosas del ao, Blancanieves, que ha merecido un gran reconocimiento estatal con 10 premios Goya y 4 premios Gaud. Adems, este primer film se podr disfrutar con la banda sonora interpretada en directo, tal y como se haca en la Espaa de los aos 20 en la que transcurre la trama. Todos estos elementos hacen del da inaugural uno de los ms recomendables. En los das restantes, se proyectarn pelculas de una amplia variedad de gneros cinematogrficos, incluyendo a la vez grandes clsicos y otros films de corte ms independiente. Algunos de estos mticos largometrajes sern West Side Story, Qu ocurri entre mi padre y tu madre y tambin Ciudadano Kane. Y para los amantes del cine ms actual no faltarn films como Drive, Intocable, El Irlands o Cdigo Fuente. La entrada cuesta 6, siendo gratuita para los nios de hasta 6 aos, con la

posibilidad de alquilar una tumbona por 3 adicionales. Puede adquirir sus entradas en la taquilla del recinto, cada da a partir de las 20:30h, o de forma anticipada a travs de la web SalaMontjuc.

al aire libre

the best films of all time, in the incomparable setting of the Montjuc Castle moat.

Adems, para los ms aventureros, el programa tambin incluye otras actividades como conciertos y cortometrajes. Todos los conciertos empiezan a la 20:45h y ofrecen tambin una gran variedad de estilos: jazz, msica brasilea, folk fusin, flamenco, msica cubana y blues. En definitiva, la muestra de cine al aire libre de Montjuc brinda la oportunidad de vivir el ambiente cinfilo, en el entorno nocturno barcelons ms relajante. Desde Welcome to Barcelona os animamos a que asistis y os sintis por unos instantes, un habitante ms de la esplndida Barcelona, una ciudad de cine.

Las mejores pelculas de todos los tiempos, en el marco incomparable del foso del Castillo de Montjuc




Alrededor de Barcelona NEAR BARCELONA


Sitges te da la oportunidad de disfrutar de un da tranquilo de playa, lleno de encanto. Su idlico ambiente y la exquisitez de sus restaurantes la convierten en un plan extraordinario. Sitges es una ciudad de la costa mediterrnea, ubicada en la comarca del Garraf, que se encuentra a tan solo 36 km al sur de Barcelona. Esta corta distancia (tardaremos menos de una hora en coche o tren), nos permitir ir a pasar el da all, pudiendo disfrutar de su magnfica y tranquilizante playa y su gastronoma, principales argumentos a favor para satisfacer las delicias de aquellos que se acercan a esta bonita localidad. Cuando hablamos de Sitges, hablamos de playa, de sol, de tranquilidad, de desconexin, de buena comida pero tambin hablamos de cultura. Una cultura cuyos orgenes, gracias a los restos arqueolgicos encontrados recientemente, sabemos que se remontan hasta el siglo IV y III a.C., cuando un reducido asentamiento ibrico se arraig donde hoy en da se encuentran el Ayuntamiento y la iglesia de la ciudad. Fue a partir del siglo I cuando en Sitges ya se situaron dos pequeos ncleos de poblacin. Ms adelante, el puerto se convirti en su principal fuente econmica, sirviendo como punto de intercambio, primeramente con otros asentamientos de la Mediterrnea romana, y posteriormente con Amrica. Actualmente, el ambiente cultural de Sitges tambin forma parte de algunos de los puntos significativos de la localidad, tal como muestran los diferentes museos y galeras que encontramos, como por ejemplo el Museo Romntico y el Museo Can Ferrat, cuyo recinto es la que fue la casa y taller del famoso escritor y pintor Santiago Rusiol. Si estis unos das de visita por Barcelona, que seguro que van a ser enrgicos e intensos, desde W2 Barcelona os recomendamos que hagis esta pequea escapada a Sitges, donde podris relajaros con una pequea ruta que os lleve por los rincones ms emblemticos de la ciudad, como la Puerta del mar, la Fragata o las escaleras que llevan a la iglesia.

Paisaje, brisa marina y buena gastronoma.

Desconectaris del ruido y del estrs tumbados en alguna de las playas, escuchando solamente el sonido de las olas golpeando las rocas. Despus, comeris en alguno de sus extraordinarios restaurantes con vistas al mar, donde podris saborear sus exquisitos arroces y su marisco fresco, acompaados de un buen vino de la tierra Verdad que es un plan perfecto? Visitad Sitges y dejaros captivar por sus encantos, que seguro que harn de vuestra estancia un da plenamente gratificante.

Cuando hablamos de Sitges, hablamos de playa, de sol, de tranquilidad, de desconexin, de buena comida pero tambin hablamos de cultura

Sitges gives you the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing day on the beach, full of charm. The idyllic environment and its exquisite restaurants make it an extraordinary plan. Sitges is a town on the Mediterranean coast, located in the county of Garraf, located only to 36 km south of Barcelona. This short distance (it will take less than an hour by car or train), will allow you to go and spend the day there, enjoying its magnificent and calming beach and gastronomy, these are the main arguments to gratify the delights of those who approach to this beautiful town. When we talk about Sitges, we talk about beach, sun, quiet, good food ... but also we talk about culture. A culture whose origins, thanks to the archaeological remains found recently, we know that date back to the forth century BC, when a small Iberian settlement took root where now are the Town Hall and the church of the city. In the first century

Alrededor de Barcelona NEAR BARCELONA


stood two small towns in Sitges. Later, the port became his main source of income, serving as a point of exchange, first with other settlements in the Roman Mediterranean, and later with America. Currently, the cultural atmosphere of Sitges is also part of some of the significant points of the town, as the museums and galleries shown, such as the Romantic Museum and the Museum Can Ferrat, which was once the house and studio of the famous writer and painter Santiago Rusiol. If you are visiting Barcelona for a few days, for sure hectic and intense, from W2 Barcelona we recommend you to make this little trip to Sitges, where you can relax with a small stroll which will lead you through the most emblematic sigths of the city, such as Puerta del Mar, la Fragata or the stairs leading to the church.

When we talk about Sitges, we talk about beach, sun, quiet, good food ... but alaso we talk about culture
You will isolate yourself from the noise and stress of lying on one of the beaches, just hearing the sound of the waves hitting the rocks. Then you can eat at one of its extraordinary restaurants with sea view, where you can enjoy a fine dish of rice and fresh seafood, accompanied with a good local wine ... Is a perfect plan, isnt it? Visit Sitges and let yourself go by its charms, which will make your day.

Landscape, sea breeze and good gastronomy



Agenda diary
28/7/2013 Port Forum Buika Music pop, jazz, folk, flamenco... 21/7/2013 Teatre Grec | Pg. de Santa Madrona, 36 08038 Barcelona Opening hours:10pm Casa Batll at night Exhibitions and activities 15/6/2013 to 29/9/2013 Casa Batll | Pg. de Grcia, 43 08007 Barcelona Grec Festival of Barcelona Festivals 30/6/2013 to 31/7/2013 Pasolini Roma Exhibitions and activities 22/5/2013 to 19/9/2013 Centre de Cultura Contempornia de Barcelona (CCCB) | Montalegre, 5 08001 Barcelona Opening hours:From Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 8pm Thursdays, from 11am to 10pm Closed on Mondays except holidays Patrim 2012. Tcnica Mixta Exhibitions and activities 2/7/2013 to 21/7/2013 Espai Volart | Ausis March, 22 08010 Barcelona Opening hours:From Mondays to Thursdays, 9.30am to 2pm and from 4pm to 7pm, Fridays from 9am to 3pm Puz/zle Dance 15/7/2013 to 16/7/2013 Teatre Grec | Pg. de Santa Madrona, 36 08038 Barcelona Opening hours:10 pm Ventanas al mundo Exhibitions and activities 24/1/2013 to 15/8/2013 Caixaforum | Av. Ferrer i Gurdia, 6-8 08038 Barcelona

welcome2barcelona Opening hours:From Mondays to Fridays, from 10am to 10pm Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 10am to 9pm VI Regata Puig Vela Clssica Barcelona Sports 10/7/2013 to 13/7/2013 Reial Club Nutic de Barcelona | Moll dEspanya s/n 08039 Barcelona Yo Picasso. Autorretratos Exhibitions and activities 31/5/2013 to 1/9/2013 Museu Picasso | Montcada, 15-23 08003 Barcelona From Tuesdays to Sundays (including holidays), from 10am to 8pm Grupo Tall Exhibitions and activities 6/7/2013 to 29/12/2013 Museu Nacional dArt de Catalunya (MNAC) | Palau Nacional (Parc de Montjuc) 08038 Barcelona Opening hours:From Tuesdays to Sundays, from 10am to 7pm Sundays and public holidays, from 10am to 2.30pm Closed on Mondays except holidays Contemporary art Collections from Fundaci MACBA and Fundaci La Caixa. Exhibitions and activities 19/7/2013 to 28/2/2014 Museu dArt Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) | Pl. del ngels, 1 08001 Barcelona Opening hours:Mondays to Fridays from 11am to 8pm Thursdays and Fridays, until 12pm Saturdays, from 10am to 10pm Sundays and public holidays, from 10am to 3pm Tuesdays closes (except public holidays) Animalarium Exhibitions and activities 22/2/2013 To 1/9/2013 Museu Blau. Museu de Cincies Naturals | Pl. Leonardo da Vinci, 4-5 Parc del Frum Barcelona Opening hours:From October to May: Cor Jove de lOrfe Catal / Rquiem de Mozart Classical music and Opera 11/7/2013 Roman city of Baetulo Exhibitions and activities January 2013 to December 2013 Museu de Badalona | Pl. Assemblea de Catalunya, 1 08911 Badalona From Tuesdays to Fridays, from 10am to 7pm Sundays and public holidays, from 10am to 8pm From June to September: From Tuesday to Sundays, from 10am a 8pm Antoni Clav 100 aos de Clav Exhibitions and activities 4/3/2013 To 21/7/2013 Can Framis | Roc Boronat, 116-126 08018 Barcelona Opening hours:From Tuesdays to Saturdays from 11am to 6pm Sundays from 11am to 2pm Carmen Amaya 1963. Photographs by Colita and Julio Ubia Exhibitions and activities 8/5/2013 to 7/7/2013 La Virreina Centre de la Imatge | La Rambla 99 08002 Barcelona Opening hours:From Tuesdays to Fridays, from 11am to 2pm and from 4 to 8.30pm. Saturdays, from 11am to 8.30pm. Sundays and public holidays, from 11am to 3pm Chema Madoz. Ars combinatoria Exhibitions and activities 9/4/2013 to 28/7/2013 Casa Mila Fundacio Catalunya La Pedrera | Provena, 261-265 08008 Barcelona Open-air cinema Family activities | Others 30/6/2013 to 7/8/2013 Castell de Montjuc | Ctra Montjuc, 66 08038 Barcelona Opening hours:Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8.30pm

Agenda diary
11th San Miguel Mas i Mas Festival Festivals 26/7/2013 to 11/9/2013 15th FINA World Championships Barcelona 2013 Sports 19/7/2013 to 4/8/2013 The 24 Motorcycling Hours of Catalunya Sports 5/7/2013 to 7/7/2013 Circuit de Catalunya | Mas La Moreneta 08160 Montmel Barcelona Design Festival Festivals 11/6/2013 to 11/7/2013 Barcelona Harley Days Sports 5/7/2013 to 7/7/2013 BCNSWIM OPEN Sports


Agenda diary


w2 recomienda
A partir del prximo mes de julio, y hasta finales del mes de septiembre, el Museo de Cera de Barcelona abrir sus puertas a las visitas nocturnas personalizadas. Todos aquellos que quieran disfrutar de esta singular experiencia, podrn hacerlo los sbados a las 20:00h. Las plazas son limitadas, el precio es de 19 y la edad mnima para poder realizar la visita es de 8 aos. El Museo de Cera de Barcelona nos ofrece, con sus visitas nocturnas dramatizadas, la oportunidad de realizar un recorrido lleno de sorpresas, cuyo objetivo ser el de mantenernos siempre alerta, para as gozar de una vivencia emocionante.


During July, August and September, the Wax Museum of Barcelona offers the evening customized visits, every Saturday at 8pm. The admission is limited, the price is 19 y minimum age: 8 years old. The wax museum of Barcelona offers, with night dramatized visits, the opportunity to make a walking tour full of surprises, to enjoy an exciting experience.

can guinart

Es un restaurante ubicado en La Rambla, donde se encuentra el Mercado de la Boqueria. All el chef Josep Nicolau nos ofrecer una cocina con algunos de los mejores productos que podemos encontrar en el propio mercado. Disfrutaremos de excelentes tapas, pescado y marisco, las mejores carnes y, adems, siguiendo la tradicin del establecimiento, pasta fresca de calidad hecha el mismo da.

A restaurant located in the Rambla, at the Boqueria Market. There the chef Josep Nicolau will offer a cuisine with some of the best products we can find in the market itself. You can enjoy great tapas, fish and seafood, the best steaks and also the tradition of the establishment, fresh pasta quality made on the same day.


w2 recommends
Diego el Cigala Music pop, jazz, folk, flamenco... 10/7/2013 Teatre Grec | Pg. de Santa Madrona, 36 08038 Barcelona Opening hours:22 h Earth, Wind & Fire Music pop, jazz, folk, flamenco... 7/7/2013 Palau Reial de Pedralbes | Jardins | Av. Diagonal, 686 08034 Barcelona La Banda Zarzuela Classical music and Opera 21/7/2013 LAuditori | Lepant, 150 08013 Barcelona http://www.auditori.catOpening hours: 7pm Lana del Rey Music pop, jazz, folk, flamenco... 5/7/2013 Palau Reial de Pedralbes | Jardins | Av. Diagonal, 686 08034 Barcelona FIRE !! Others 4/7/2013 To 14/7/2013 Institut Francs | Casa sia Kiko Veneno Music pop, jazz, folk, flamenco... 31/7/2013 Teatre Grec | Pg. de Santa Madrona, 36 08038 Barcelona Opening hours: 10pm The nights at La Pedrera Exhibitions and activities 20/6/2013 to 7/9/2013 Casa Mila Fundacio Catalunya - La Pedrera | Provena, 261-265 08008 Barcelona 50 years of the Picasso Museum. Origins Exhibitions and activities 9/3/2013 to 16/2/2014 Museu Picasso | Montcada, 15-23 08003 Barcelona


horarios timetable


museums CaixaForum / Casa Ramona Address: Av. Francesc Ferrer i Gurdia, 6-8, 08038 Area: Sants, Montjuc Opening hours: Monday to Sunday, 10am to 8pm h / Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10am to 9pm. Closed 25 December, 1st and 6th January Prices: Free Entrance, except for special events Phone: +34 93 476 86 00 Map: A6 Antoni Tpies Foundation - Barcelona Address: Arag, 255, 08007 Area: Eixample right Opening hours: Tuesdays to Sundays from 10am to 7pm // Closed 25 and 26 December, 1 and 6 January. Prices: General entrance: 7.00 // Reduced entrance: 5.60 Phone: +34 934 870 315 Map: F4 Foundation Caixa Catalunya La Pedrera Address: Passeig de Grcia, 92 (La Pedrera), 08008 Area: Eixample right Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday: 10am - 2pm & 4pm - 8pm; Sunday: 10am - 2pm. Phone: +34 93 484 5979 Map: F4 Joan Miro Foundation Address : Parc de Montjuc, 08038 Area : Sants / Montjuc Opening hours : Tuesday to Saturday, 10am 7pm. Sundays 10am to 2.30pm / Closed on Mondays (except public holidays) Prices : 8 euros Phone : +34 93 4439470 Map: A7 Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum (MACBA) Address : Pl. dels Angels, 1, 08001 Area : El Raval Opening hours : From 25 September to 26 June: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 11am - 7.30pm. Saturday: 10am - 8pm. Saturday: 10am - 8pm; Sundays & holidays: 10am - 3pm. Sundays & holidays: 10am - 3pm. Tuesday (not holidays) closed Prices : General: 7,5 euros

Phone : +34 93 412 08 10 Map: E6 Science Museum Address : Isaac Newton, 26, 08022 Area : Sarri / San Gervasi Opening hours : Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 8pm. Closed on Mondays (not holidays) Prices : 3 / free under 6 years old Phone : +34 932 12 60 50 Museum of the History of Catalonia Address : Pl. de Pau Vila, 3, 08003 Area : Barceloneta Opening hours : Tuesday to Saturday: 10am - 7pm / Wednesday: 10am - 8pm / Sunday & holidays: 10am - 2.30pm. / Mondays (not holidays) closed / Closed on: 25-26 Desember and 1st and 6th January Prices : 4 Phone : +34 93 225 47 00 Map: F9 Maritime Museum Address : Av. de les Drassanes, 08001 Area : El Raval Opening hours : Open every day from 10am to 8pm. Closed 25-26 December and 1st and 6 January Prices : 2,50 Phone : +34 93 342 9920 Map: D9 MNAC (Catalan National Art Museum) Museu Nacional dArt de Catalunya Address : Parc de Montjuc, 08038 Area : Sants / Montjuc Opening hours : Tuesdays,Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays: 10am - 7pm; Thursdays: 10am to 2:30am.Sunday & holidays:10am - 2:30pm. Prices : 8,50 Phone : +34 93 622 0360 Map: A6 Picasso Museum Address : Montcada, 15-23, 08003 Area : Ciutat Vella Opening hours: Tuesdays to Sundays from 10am to 8pm. Mondays (not holidays) closed. Prices : 10 (museum + temporal exhibition) or 6 (temporal exhibition) Phone : +34 93 256 30 00 Map: F8 Museo Dal

Address: Plaa Gala-Salvador Dal, 5, 17600 Figueres, Girona. Opening hours: From the 1st of March to the 30th of June from 9.30am to 6pm, from the 1st of July to the 30th of September from 9am to 8pm,from the 1st October to the 30th October from 9.30am to 6pm. Closed on: the 1st of January and the 25th of December and Every Monday between the 1st October and the 31 of May, except on holidays and holiday eves. From 1 June to 30 September open every day. Prices: Individual: 12 (includes Dal-Jewels exhibition), Reduced: 9 (includes Dal-Jewels exhibition), Groups (+25 people):8 . Reservation is required. Reduced admission charges for students, old age pensioners and unemployed people on production of the appropriate documentation. Also for groups of more than 25 peoples and owner of Carnet Jove, Jove (Euro <26). Phone: +34 972 677 500 Museo Arqueolgico Address: Passeig Santa Madrona, 39, 08038 Barcelona. Area: Ciutat Vella. Opening hours: From Tuesday to Saturday: from 9.30am to 7pm, Sundays and public holidays: from 10am to 2.30pm. Closed on Mondays, the 25th and 26th of December and the 1st of January. Prices: General admission: 3 , includes access to both permanent and temporary exhibitions. Reduced fee: 2,10 Pensioners, unemployed people, visitors between 16 and 18 years old, people with 33 % disability or greater, holders o a valid student ID, Carnet Jove, people belonging to large or single-parent families, Arqueoticket and BarcelonaCard. Free admission: Visitors under 16 years old, visitors over 65 years old, groups of students accompanied by a teacher, accredited university students, IOCM, SCA or AMC members, personnel employed in education in Catalonia. Last Sunday of every month, the 23rd of April, the 18th of May the 11th of September and the days corresponding to Barcelonas City Festival. Phone: 93 423 21 49 Map: D8 Futbol Club Barcelona Museum Address: Av.Arstides Maillol, s/n, 08028 Barcelona Area: Les Corts. Opening hours: From 01/01/13 to 24/03/13 and from 28/10/13 to 22/12/13 from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 6.30pm


TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICES OF BARCELONA Passatge de la Concepci, 7 +34 93 368 97 00 Plaa Catalunya, s/n +34 93 270 35 34 Pau Claris, 145 +34 93 215 91 04 METROPOLITAN PUBLIC TRANSPORT 902 075 027 +34 93 298 70 00 +34 93 214 80 00 TAXIS +34 933 577 755 +34 932 250 000 +34 933 300 300 +34 933 033 033 TRAMVIA (TRAM) 900 701 181 FERROCARRILS DE LA GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA (FGC) 900 90 15 15 RENFE 902 320 320 GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA 012 CITY COUNCIL OF BARCELONA 010 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE 112 NATIONAL POLICE 091 LOCAL POLICE 092 MOSSOS DESQUADRA (CATALAN POLICE FORCE) 088 GUARDIA CIVIL (POLICE FORCE) 062 RED CROSS +34 933 006 565 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES 061 FIRE SERVICE 080


horarios timetable


Sundays and public holidays form 10am to 2. Except from 6/12 and 8/12 from 10am to 6.30pm. From 25/03/13 to 06/04/13 and from 24/06/13 to 15/09/13 from Mondays to Sundays and public holidays from 9am to 7.30pm. From 07/04/13 to 23/06/13, from 16/09/13 to 27/10/13 and from 23/12/13 to 30/12/13 from Mondays to Saturdays from 9.30am to 7pm. Sundays, public holidays and the 31st/12 from 9.30 to 2.30pm. Prices: Adult 23 , admission free until 5 years old, between 6 and 13 years old 17 clubs, students and from 70 years old 17 , Large families 17 , Free entrance for members. Phone: +34 934 96 36 00 Map: A1 The Mies Van der Rohe Pavilion Address: Av. Francesc Ferrer i Gurdia, 7, 08038. Area: Sants / Montjuc Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays from10am to 8pm Prices: Admission 4,60 Phone: +34 93 423 40 16 Map: A6 Barcelona Contemporary Culture CCCB Address: Montalegre, 5, 08001 Area: el Raval Opening hours: From Tuesdays to Saturdays: 11am to 8pm; Sundays and holidays: 11am 7pm; Closed on Mondays Prices: 4,50 Phone: +34 93 306 4100 Map: D6 Foundation La Caixa / Macaya House Address: Passeig Sant Joan, 108, 08037 Area: Eixample right Opening hours: Tuesdays to Saturdays: 11am to 8pm 20h; Sundays and public holidays: 11am to 3pm Phone: +3493 476 8600 Map: H4 Frederic Mars Museum Address: Plaa de Sant Iu, 5-6, 08002 Area: Ciutat Vella Opening hours: Tuesdays to Saturdays: from 10am to 7pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm; Closed on Mondays Prices: 4,20 - (Free admission on Mondays after 3pm and the first Sunday of the month). Phone: +34 932 563 500

Map: F8 Chocolate Museum Address: Comer, 36, 08003 Area: la Ribera Opening hours: Mondays to Saturdays from 10am to 7pm, Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm. Summer: Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm. The Museum will be open from Mondays to Saturdays from 10am to 10pm, from the 17th June until the 15th of September. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm. Prices: Individual admission 5. Group (from 15 people) 4. Phone: +34 932 68 78 78 Map: G7

12th September to the 30th of November (except Easter and public holidays). Closed: 1st and 6th of January, the 25th and 26th of December. Prices: General Admission: 11 temporary and permanent exhibitions. Reduced prices: 8 students, unemployed, large families and single parental families, Carnet Jove holders, accredited teachers, over 65 years old and children between 5 and 15 years old. Free admission: Club de Amigos del Museo Egipcio de Barcelona members, children under 5 years old, Club Sper 3 members, ICOM members, Derby Hotels Collections guests. Phone: +34 934 88 01 88 Map: F4 Parque de atracciones del Tibidabo

Opening hours: Everyday from 8am to 12:45am and from 5pm to 7:30pm Phone: +34 93 342 82 60 Map: F7 Park Guell of Antoni Gaudi Address: Carrer DOlot, 08024 Area: Grcia Opening hours: November to February from 10am to 6pm - March and October from 10am to 7pm - May to August from 10am to 9pm Prices: Free Phone: +34 93 413 24 00 The Sagrada Familia of Antoni Gaud Address: Mallorca, 401, 08013 Area: Eixample right Opening hours: October to March from 9am to 6pm. April to September from 9am to 8pm. / 25 and 26 December 1st and 6th January from 9am to 2pm Prices : 17 with guide Phone : +34 93 207 30 31 Map: I5 Church Santa Maria del Mar Address: Plaa de Santa Maria, 1, 08003 Area: El Born Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 9.00am to 1.30pm and from 4.30pm to 8pm. Sunday and holidays from 10am to 1.30pm and from 4.30pm to 8pm Phone : +34 933 102 390 Map: F8 Zoo de Barcelona Address: Parc de la Ciutadella s/n 08003. Area: Vila Olmpica. Opening hours: from the 1st January to the 23rd March, from 10am to 5.30. From the 24th March to the 15th May from 10am to 7pm, from the 16th of May to the 15th of September from 10am to 8pm. From the 16th of September to the 26th October from 10am to 7pm. From the 27th October to the 31st December from 10am to 5.30pm. The 25th of December open until midday. Price: Adults 19,60 , children from 3 to 12years old 11,80, seniors 65 and above 9,95 , Pink Card holders with reduced rate 4,55 , free entry to disabled people. Phone: +34 902 45 75 45 Map: G-H 9

The Music Museum Address: (LAuditori) Lepant, 150, 08013. Area: Plaa Les glories. Opening hours: from 10am to 6pm. Sundays from10am to 8pm. Closed on Tuesdays. Yearly closing days: the 1st of January, Good Friday, the 1st of May, the 24th of June, the 25th and 26th of December. Free admission: Every Sunday from 3pm, first Sundays of the month, the 10th of February, Santa Eulalia, the 18th of May, Museum International Day, 18 de mayo, at night (from 7pm to 1pm). The Music Festival: the Sunday 16th of June (from 3pm to 8pm), the 24th of September La Merc, and the 22nd of November, Santa Cecilia. Prices: General admission: 4 . Reduced: 3 . Students under 25 years, Youth Card holders, unemployed, pensioners, large and single-parents families, public libraries card, OBC general members, Cavall Fort Card, TRESC. Free: Students under 16, the over 65s, student groups accompanied by teachers, accredited teachers, free rate Metropolitan Pink Card holders, tour guides, members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), members of the Catalan Association of Museologists, holders of a metropolitan carer pass, Barcelona Card, OBC subscribers concert day, Association of Museum Friends card holders. Phone: +34 932 56 36 50 Map: I6 Egyptian Museum Address: Valencia, 284, 08007 Area : Eixample right Opening hours: is open 362 days/year from Mondays to Saturdays from 10am to 8pm and Sundays from 10am to 2pm. Closed: from 2pm to 4pm from 8th January to 21st of June and from the

Direccin: Pl. Tibidabo, 3-4, 08035 rea: Sarri-Sant Gervasi Horario: Mircoles, jueves y viernes de 12:00 a 21:00 horas. Sbado de 12:00 a 23:00 horas. Domingo de 12:00 a 22:00 horas. Precios: 28,50. Menores de 120 cm: 10,50. Menores de 90 cm: gratis. Entrada mayores de 60: 10. Visita mayores de 60: gratis. Persona con discapacidad: 5,60. Telfono: 93 211 79 42 Aquarium Direccin: Moll dEspanya del Port Vell, s/n08039 rea: Ciutat Vella Horario: De lunes a viernes de 9:30 a 21:00 horas. Fin de semana y festivos: de 9:30 a 21:30 horas. Todo junio y septiembre de 9:30 a 21:30 horas. Todo julio y agosto de 9:30 a 23:00 horas. Precios: Adultos (de 11 a 64 aos): 20. Nios de 5 a 10 aos: 15. Adultos a partir de 65 aos: 15. Tarifa reducida (nios de 3 a 4 aos): 5. Telfono: 932 21 74 74 Map: E9 MONUMENTS Casa Batll Address: Passeig de Grcia, 43, 08007 Area: Eixample right Opening hours: Every day 9am to 9 pm Prices: 16,5 Phone: +34 93 488 06 66 Map: F5 Catedral de la Santa Creu Address: Pla de la Seu, 3, 08002 Area: Barrio Gtico


vocabulario bsico Basic Vocabulary


Hello Yes No Friend Thank you Good morning Good afternoon Good night Toilet Good-bye Where is...? Can I have...? Please Napkin Fork Spoon Knife Plate Bread Butter Tea Coffee Salt Water Pepper Tomato Olive oil T-shirt Leather jacket Dress Skirt Trousers Bag Accessories Necklace Wallet Fashion Shoes Size

Hola S No Amigo/a Gracias Buenos das Buenas tardes Buenas noches Bao Adis Dnde est...? Me ds...? Por favor Servilleta Tenedor Cuchara Cuchillo Plato Pan Mantequilla T Caf Sal Agua Pimienta Tomate Aceite de oliva Camiseta Chaqueta de Piel Vestido Falda Pantaln Bolso Complementos Collar Cartera Moda Zapatos Talla

Hola S No Amic/amiga grcies Bon dia bona tarda Bona nit Bany Adu On est...? Em dones...? Si us plau Tovall Forquilla Cullera Ganivet Plat Pa Mantega Te Caf Sal Aigua Pebre Tomquet Oli doliva Samarreta. Jaqueta de pell Vestit Faldilla Pantalon Bossa Complements Collar Cartera Moda Sabates Talla

sopa de letras wordsearch





8 2 7 9 4 9 7

6 3 1 2 3 5

9 8 5 16 9 2 6



survey encuesta



en la encuesta de Welcome 2 Barcelona

LA opinin de aquellos que visitan un destino turstico es fundamental para conocer cmo es ste, con sus virtudes y con sus defectos. Por esa razn, en Welcome 2 Barcelona les invitamos a par ticipar en una encuesta, donde podr expresar de forma annima sus conclusiones sobre su paso por la ciudad. Para ello, slo tendr que leer con su dispositivo mvil el cdigo QR que aparece en esta pgina. A par tir de ah acceder a un breve cuestionar io que podr completar en menos de un minuto. Muchas gracias por su colaboracin.

the survey of Welcome 2 barcelona


THE opinions of those who visit a tourist destination are important because they provide useful feedback about what that destination is like, what is good about it and what its defects may be. For that reason, Welcome 2 Barcelona invites you to take par t in a survey, where you can anonymously express your opinions about your visit to the city. To do so, all you need to do is scan the QR code which appears on this page with your mobile phone. This will lead you to a brief questionnaire which will take less than a minute to complete. Many thanks for your cooperation.


de la Polica Nacional a los turistas que nos visitan y consejos preventivos de seguridad
Mantega sus pertenencias siempre a la vista. Proteja su bolso y su cartera en los transportes pblicos y en las grandes aglomeraciones (mercadillos, espectculos)

from the National Police for tourists who visit us and preventive measures for safety
Always keep your belongings in sight. Protect your handbag and wallet on public transport and in crowded
areas (markets, events)


Evite que su equipaje sea manejado por terceras personas y nunca

facture a su nombre maletas o bultos de otras personas, especialmente en desplazamientos internacionales.

Dont allow your luggage to be handled by third parties and never

check- in suitcases or bags which belong to other people, especially on international journeys.

Preste atencin a su cmara fotogrfica o de video en los lugares de


Keen an eye on your camera or video camera in places of leisure When you go to the beach or the swimming pool, only take what is

Cuando vaya a la playa o piscina, lleve slo lo imprescindible. Si utiliza vehculo, no deje objetos de valor o llamativos a la vista. En la medida de lo posible, procure no transitar por lugares solitarios o
poco alumbrados.

If you use a vehicle, dont leave valuable or noticeable objects in view As far as possible, try not to go to lonely or badly lit places Dont trust suspicious attempts to help (someone advising you that
there is a stain on your clothing or a problem with your vehicle, etc). These are usually attempts at robbery.

Desconfie de ayuda sospechas (aviso de manchas en la ropa, avera

en su vehculo, etc). Suelen ser argucias para robarle.

En la calle no intervenga en juegos de azar ni acepte gangas. Seguro

que es un engao o un timo. En hotel o apartamento

In the street, never participate in games of chance and dont accept

bargains. These are undoubtedly swindles or scams. At the hotel or apartment

No deje en su habitacin llaves, dinero u objetos de valor. Utilice las

cajas de seguridad.

Dont leave keys, money or valuable items in your room. Use the safe
deposit boxes.

En las zonas comunes (recepcin, restaurantes, piscina) vigile su equipaje y objetos personales (bolsos, cmaras, etc).

In communal areas (reception, restaurants, swimming pool) keep an eye

on your baggage and personal tems (bags, cameras etc.).

Siga las mismas medidas de autoproteccin que le recomienda la Polica de su pas: precisamente por estar en una ciudad nueva est ms atento.

Follow the same self-defence measures which are recommended by the

Police in your own country: but be extra wary because you are in a city which is new to you.

En sus paseos lleve slo la documentacin imprescindible, y evite hacer ostentacin de bienes valiosos (dinero, joyas, cmaras,)

When walking about, only take essential documentation with you and
dont have valuable tems (money, jewellery, cameras) on show.

Sea cuato cuando utilice cajeros automticos y procure no pagar con

tarjeta de crdito en mercadillos o para abonar pequeas sumas.

Be careful when you use automatic cash dispensers and try not to use
your credit card in markets or to pay small amounts.

En los locales no deje sus pertenencias (telfono, cmara,) encima de

la mesa, ni el bolso en el respaldo de la silla.

In cafs and restaurants, dont leave your belongings (telephone, camera) on top of the table and dont hang your bag over the back of your chair.

En la medida de lo posible, procure no transitar por lugares solitarios o

poco iluminados.

As far as possible, try not to walk around empty streets or poorly lit

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