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1.acknowledgment means When you recognize or admit the truth of something, you make an acknowledgment.

Your grumpy friend who never gets enough sleep? He needs to make an acknowledgment of what his late nights are doing to his mood. Other kinds of acknowledgments give credit where it's due. Research papers that quote other people's words or ideas contain acknowledgments that name the source. Publicly thanking someone is another kind of acknowledgment. Award winners at the Oscars and other ceremonies often rattle off a big list of names, acknowledgement for their contribution to the winner's success.
2. Disjointed --dislocated 3. realize means to see 4.judicial means: 5.expressing carefully judgement

6.evaporate means to:

To evaporate is to fade away or to literally turn into vapor. If you leave a glass of water out and the water slowly disappears, it's not being consumed by elves; it's evaporating. 7. humid means: When there is a lot of moisture in the air, it is humid out. The air in a rain forest is humid, the air in a desert is dry. 8. temper means: Temper can refer to a tendency to become unreasonably angry. If youre not sure whether you have a temper, ask your friends but dont get mad if you dislike what they have to say. 9.

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