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/**************************************************************************** ************** Name : Square of Nine - Roadmap Charts (Amibroker implementation) Coded by : Lal Date : 27th March 2008

Note : Grateful thanks to Peter Amaral of To gain an understanding of how these roadmap channels work, read the article here: Thanks also to wavemechanic for his inputs. Used properly, on the basis of a SINGLE Roadmap Charts will produce define the overall future trend that can last anything from days to months or beyond. To use, select the bar that you suspect to be a possible high or low. Decide whether you want a bearish or a bullish channel. Next choose an appropriate "Factor" (try starting with a value of 1) and a "Multiplier." For tickers that are greater than 3 digits, you may try a Multiplier value of 0.10 and those below 3 digits, a value of 10. Tickers with with just 3 digits, leave the Multiplier at 1. However, there are no absolute rules here and experimentation is strongly encouraged. The Horizontal lines are support/resistance lines while the vertical lines are timing lines. beyond the last bar. All the lines plotted by this script can extend So make sure you have enough blank bars in the right margin channels that will pretty much bar,

(set by Preferences). ***************************************************************************** **********************/ _SECTION_BEGIN("So9_Params"); Base_Factor = ParamList("Factor", "0.015625|0.03125|0.0625|0.1250|0.1875|0.2500|0.3125|0.3750|0.4375|0.5|0.5625 |0.6250|0.6875|0.8125|0.8750|0.9375|1.0|1.250|1.5|1.75|2.0|2.5|3.0|4.0", 16); Multiplier = ParamList("Multiplier", "0.001|0.01|0.10|1|10|100|1000|10000", 3);

Auto_Price = ParamToggle("Auto-select Price field?", "No|Yes", 1); Price_Field = ParamField("Use "); Max_Hor_Lines = Param("Max Hor. Lines", 10, 2, 100, 1); Plot_Half_Lines = ParamToggle("Hor. HalfLines?", "No|Yes"); Extend_Bars = Param("Extend Plot by", 20, 0, 50, 1); Channel_Type = ParamList("Channel Type", "Bullish|Bearish|None", 0); Max_Chanl_Lines = Param("Max Channel Lines", 3, 1, 20, 1); Show_Degrees = ParamToggle("Show Degrees?", "No|Yes", 1); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Line Colours"); Bull_Line_Color = ParamColor("Bullish Horizontals", colorDarkGreen); Bull_Half_Color = ParamColor("Bullish Horizontal Halfs", colorRed); Bull_Vert_Color = ParamColor("Bullish Verticals", colorGrey50); Bull_Chanl_Color = ParamColor("Bullish Channels", colorDarkGreen); Bear_Line_Color = Bear_Half_Color = Bear_Vert_Color = Bear_Chanl_Color _SECTION_END(); ParamColor("Bearish Horizontals", colorRed); ParamColor("Bearish Horizontal Halfs", colorDarkGreen); ParamColor("Bearish Verticals", colorGrey50); = ParamColor("Bearish Channels", colorRed);

SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", colorTeal),ParamColor("BgBottom", colorLightGrey)); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); SetBarsRequired(100000, 100000); EnableTextOutput(False); // Convert list-type parameters to numbers Base_Factor_N = StrToNum(Base_Factor); Multiplier_N = StrToNum(Multiplier); Vertical = 0;

// Display various bits of info. in Interpretation window printf("\nSquare of Nine Roadmap Channels\n"); printf("-----------------------------------------\n"); if(Channel_Type == "Bullish") printf("Channel Type: Bullish\n"); if(Channel_Type == "Bearish") printf("Channel Type: Bearish\n"); if(Channel_Type == "None") printf("Channel Type: NONE\n"); printf("Factor : %g\n", Base_Factor_N); printf("Multiplier: %g\n", Multiplier_N); printf("Origin Bar: %g\n", SelectedValue(BarIndex())); // Plot Bullish Channels with horizontal Support/Resistance if(Channel_Type == "Bullish") { // Select price for pivot low if(Auto_Price == 1)

{ Price_Field = L; } Bull_Hor_A[0] = SelectedValue(Price_field); Horizontal is drawn from the current bar for(i = 1; i <= Max_Hor_Lines-1; i++) { Bull_Hor = ( sqrt(Price_Field * Multiplier_N) + (Base_Factor_N * i)) ^2; Degrees = 180 * Base_Factor_N * i; Bull_Hor = Bull_Hor/Multiplier_N; // Put value back to pre-multiplication for plotting Start_Bar Start_Y = End_Bar = End_Y Hor_Plot Start_Y, End_Bar, End_Y, 1); = SelectedValue(BarIndex()); SelectedValue(Bull_Hor); BarCount - 1; = Start_Y; = LineArray(Start_Bar - Extend_Bars, // 1st

Plot(Hor_Plot, "", Bull_Line_Color, styleLine|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Extend_Bars); if(Show_Degrees) { PlotText("" + NumToStr(Degrees, 4, 1) + "", Start_bar+2, Start_Y + 1 , colorBlack); } if(i == 1) { // Plot the 1st Horizontal. execution. Plot(LineArray(Start_Bar - Extend_Bars, SelectedValue(Price_Field), End_Bar, SelectedValue(Price_Field), 0), "", Bull_Line_Color, styleLine|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Extend_Bars); } Bull_Hor_A[i] = SelectedValue(Bull_Hor); next horizontal value // Plot the half-level if(Plot_Half_Lines) { Bull_Hor Bull_Hor_A[i])/2; Start_Bar Start_Y = End_Bar = End_Y Hor_Plot Extend_Bars, Start_Y, End_Bar, End_Y, Plot(Hor_Plot, styleLine|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, // Store the

This is a one-time

horizontals conditionally = (Bull_Hor_A[i-1] +

= SelectedValue(BarIndex()); SelectedValue(Bull_Hor); BarCount - 1; = Start_Y; = LineArray(Start_Bar 1); "", Bull_Half_Color, Extend_Bars);

} } // End loop for plotting horizontal lines

// Plot Vertical Lines Vertical = round(sqrt(Price_Field * Multiplier_N)); Next_Vertical = SelectedValue(BarIndex() ) + Vertical; Plot(IIf(BarIndex() >= SelectedValue(BarIndex( )), (Cum(1)SelectedValue(BarIndex()) - 1)%SelectedValue(Vertical) == 0, Null), "", Bull_Vert_Color, styleHistogram| styleOwnScale|styleNoLabel); // DIsplay timing info printf("Timing Interval: %g\n", Vertical);

// Logic to plot at least one vertical bar BEYOND Barcount() Next_Vertical = SelectedValue(BarIndex()) +SelectedValue( Vertical); while(Next_Vertical < BarCount) { Next_Vertical = Next_Vertical + SelectedValue(Vertical); } // Work out how many bars to shift the vertical to the right from current selected bar Shift = Next_Vertical[0] - SelectedValue(BarIndex()); Line1 = BarIndex() == SelectedValue(BarIndex()); // are we at current bar? Plot(Line1,"", colorRed, styleHistogram| styleOwnScale, Null, Null, Shift) ; // Plot vertical with a forward shift // Plot channel lines for(a = 0; a <= Max_Chanl_Lines - 1; a++) { Start_Bar = SelectedValue(BarIndex()) Extend_Bars; Start_Y = Bull_Hor_A[a]; End_Bar = Start_Bar + SelectedValue(Vertical); End_Y = Bull_Hor_A[a+1]; Channel_Line = LineArray(Start_Bar - 0, Start_Y, End_Bar, End_Y, 1); Plot(Channel_line, "", Bull_Chanl_Color, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel, Null, Null, Extend_Bars); } } // Plot Bearish Channels with horizontal Support/Resistance if(Channel_Type == "Bearish") { // Select price for pivot high if(Auto_Price == 1) { Price_Field = H; } Bear_Hor_A[0] = SelectedValue(Price_field); Horizontal is drawn from the current bar // 1st

for(i = 1; i <= Max_Hor_Lines-1; i++) { Bear_Hor = ( sqrt(Price_Field * Multiplier_N) (Base_Factor_N * i)) ^2; Degrees = 180 * Base_Factor_N * i; Bear_Hor = Bear_Hor/Multiplier_N; // Put value back to pre-multiplication for plotting Start_Bar Start_Y = End_Bar = End_Y Hor_Plot Start_Y, End_Bar, End_Y, 1); = SelectedValue(BarIndex()); SelectedValue(Bear_Hor); BarCount - 1; = Start_Y; = LineArray(Start_Bar - Extend_Bars,

Plot(Hor_Plot, "", Bear_Line_Color, styleLine|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Extend_Bars); if(Show_Degrees) { PlotText("" + NumToStr(Degrees, 4, 1) + "", Start_bar+2, Start_Y + 1 , colorBlack); } if(i == 1) { // Plot the 1st Horizontal. execution. Plot(LineArray(Start_Bar - Extend_Bars, SelectedValue(Price_Field), End_Bar, SelectedValue(Price_Field), 0), "", Bear_Line_Color, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Extend_Bars); } Bear_Hor_A[i] = SelectedValue(Bear_Hor); next horizontal value // Plot the half-level if(Plot_Half_Lines) { Bear_Hor Bear_Hor_A[i])/2; Start_Bar Start_Y = End_Bar = End_Y Hor_Plot Extend_Bars, Start_Y, End_Bar, End_Y, Plot(Hor_Plot, styleLine|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, } } // Plot Vertical Lines Vertical = round(sqrt(Price_Field * Multiplier_N)); horizontals if asked = (Bear_Hor_A[i-1] + // Store the

This is a one-time

= SelectedValue(BarIndex()); SelectedValue(Bear_Hor); BarCount - 1; = Start_Y; = LineArray(Start_Bar 1); "", Bear_Half_Color, Extend_Bars);

Next_Vertical = SelectedValue(BarIndex()) + Vertical; Plot(IIf(BarIndex() >= SelectedValue(BarIndex( )), (Cum(1)SelectedValue(BarIndex())-1)%SelectedValue(Vertical) == 0, Null), "", Bear_Vert_Color, styleHistogram| styleOwnScale|styleNoLabel) ; // DIsplay timing info printf("Timing Interval: %g\n", Vertical);

// Logic to plot at least one vertical bar BEYOND Barcount() Next_Vertical = SelectedValue(BarIndex()) +SelectedValue( Vertical); while(Next_Vertical < BarCount) { Next_Vertical = Next_Vertical + SelectedValue(Vertical); } // Work out how many bars to shift the vertical to the right from current selected bar Shift = Next_Vertical[0] - SelectedValue(BarIndex()); Line1 = BarIndex() == SelectedValue(BarIndex()); // are we at current bar? Plot(Line1,"", colorDarkGreen, styleHistogram| styleOwnScale|styleNoLabel, Null, Null, Shift) ; // Plot vertical with a forward shift // Plot channel lines //Extend_Bars = 0; for(a = 0; a <= Max_Chanl_Lines - 1; a++) { Start_Bar = SelectedValue(BarIndex()) Extend_Bars; Start_Y = Bear_Hor_A[a]; End_Bar = Start_Bar + SelectedValue(Vertical); End_Y = Bear_Hor_A[a+1]; Channel_Line = LineArray(Start_Bar - 0, Start_Y, End_Bar, End_Y, 1); Plot(Channel_line, "", Bear_Chanl_Color, styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel, Null, Null, Extend_Bars); } } // End bearish channels Channel_Bull_Text "" ); Channel_Bear_Text ""); Channel_Null_Text = = = WriteIf(Channel_Type == "Bullish", "Bullish", WriteIf(Channel_Type == "Bearish", "Bearish", "";

Price_Info = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ); Title = EncodeColor(colorBlack) + Price_Info + "\n" + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + "Channel Type: " + EncodeColor(colorBlue) + EncodeColor(colorRed) + Channel_Bear_Text +

Channel_Bull_Text +

EncodeColor(colorBlack) + Channel_Null_Text + "\n" + EncodeColor(colorBlack) EncodeColor(colorBlue) + Base_Factor + "\n" + EncodeColor(colorBlack) EncodeColor(colorDarkGreen) + Multiplier_N + "\n" + EncodeColor(colorBlack) EncodeColor(colorYellow) + SelectedValue(BarIndex()) + EncodeColor(colorBlack) EncodeColor(colorDarkBlue) + Vertical; + "Factor: " + + "Multiplier: " + + "Origin Bar: " + "\n" + + "Timing Interval: " +

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