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Things the New Testament DOES NOT SAY about healing


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Things the New Testament DOES NOT SAY about healing

You will not find any of the following in the New Testament. I dare you to look for yourself and prove me wrong. 1. A case where God gave a believer a sickness to teach him a spiritual lesson. 2. A case where God gave a believer a sickness to build character, endurance and patience in him. 3. A case where God refused to heal someone who came to him for healing. (See the section on Paul's Thorn if you have been fed the lie that it was a sickness that God would not heal.) 4. A case where God said NO or WAIT instead of YES in response to a request for healing. 5. A case where God told an elderly person that he had to get sick in order to die at the appropriate time. 6. A case where sickness is referred to as a "blessing in disguise," a "friend," or something good. 7. A case where God wanted someone to stay sick because in his "sovereignty" he had a reason for it. 8. The phrase, "You never know what God's gonna do" or anything remotely similar. (You can know through his Word exactly what he will do when it comes to healing!) 9. A case where the Lord used sickness as the means to "take someone home" at the end of his race. Given that none of these things is in the New Testament, isn't it strange that they are preached as gospel in so many churches today?

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