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Russian Revolution 1905: defeat by Japan, Bloody Sunday (January), Duma and civil liberties (October) 1907: Nicholas

as II reasserts power 1914: Russia unprepared for Total War By 1917, 2 million Russians dead and 4-6 million captured/wounded Government undermines industries war efforts 1916 December: assassination of Rasputin March 8, 1917: strikes and march in Petrograd especially by women workers; troops join protesters March 15, 1917: Tsar abdicates, Duma sets up provisional government Problems of provisional government: soviets, terrorism, Marxist Social Democratic Party, Lenin arrives in April 1917 Lenins ideas: bourgeois revolution is not necessary; Peace, land, and bread, anti-imperialism Army Order No. 1 by the Petrograd Soviet Civil War between Whites and Red Army, 1918-21 Putting ideology into practice: Cheka, class enemies, patriotism (German and Allied meddling in Russia) ; bureaucratic centralization and zhenotdels 1921 failure of war communism famine, NEP 1924 death of Lenin; 1927 rise of Stalin and totalitarianism; purges and arrests; social legislation reversed Five-year plans rapid industrialization; working class impoverished; cult of Stakhanov Forcible collectivization of agriculture 10m peasants die 1932-33

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