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CHAPTER 15CONCLUSION After preparing the project report on E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p & Management of Innovations, we conclude that establishment of any organization

is really a crucial task. The promoters have to deal with many circumstances which require high involvement in decision making and strategic planning regarding proper innovations. However it is essential that the good top management personnel for the entire Unit who carry out their responsibilities in well manner.

The motto of our restaurant is:TO SERVE THE CUSTOMERS AT FAIR PRICE. The only thing that we have to keep in mind that as the m a r k e t potential for restaurant is increasing, we have to maintain our reputation by maintaining the quality of the services and customer relationship also. Tenet profit of our restaurant in the year 2006 is Rs. 3,75,536 and we always try our best to achieve the targeted profit in the later years. W e h a v e t r i e d o u r l e v e l b e s t t o p r e p a r e t h i s e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p & management of Innovation report. If any mistake is there in preparing this

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