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In celebiation anu acknowleugement of oui fielu's matuiity, the euitois of the !"#$!%&'()*+,-
invite submissions of ieseaich aiticles baseu on ieplication stuuies in a CALL context. We issue
this invitation eaily to encouiage CALL scholais to conuuct ieplication stuuies foi the !' issue to
be publisheu in }anuaiy 2u1S, but also welcome submissions baseu on stuuies alieauy unueiway.
The stuuies may be ieplications of eailiei publisheu stuuies in CALL oi of non-CALL ieseaich in a
CALL context. We welcome both appioximate anu conceptual ieplications fiom any theoietical
peispective oi ieseaich paiauigm. We especially encouiage piojects that ieflect collaboiation
between senioi faculty anu giauuate stuuents.
The Euitois aie inviting initial letteis of inteiest that auuiess the following questions:
1. What stuuy aie you pioposing to ieplicate.
2. Why uoes the oiiginal stuuy neeu to be ieplicateuieplicateu in a CALL context.
S. What type of ieplication is youi pioposeu stuuy.
4. Bow is the pioposeu stuuy uiffeient fiom the oiiginal.
S. Bow might the finuings in the pioposeu stuuy move the fielu foiwaiu.
Authois aie stiongly encouiageu to consult the following publications as they consiuei theii
Chun, B. (2u12). Replication stuuies in CALL ieseaich. !"#$!%&'()*+,-, ./(4), S91-6uu.
Nackey, A. (2u12). Why (oi why not), when anu how to ieplicate ieseaich. In u. Poite (Eu.), 012-34,53(+&*161,*47&
3+&,22-318&-3+9)365346&(pp. 21-46). Cambiiuge: Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess.
Poite, u. (2u12). 012-34,53(+&*161,*47&3+&,22-318&-3+9)365346. Cambiiuge: Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess.
Poite, u. (2u1S). Who neeus ieplication. !"#$!%&'()*+,-:&;<(1), 1u-1S.
Poite, u., & Richaius, K. (2u12). Replication in quantitative anu qualitative ieseaich. '()*+,-&(=&>14(+8&#,+9),91&
?*353+9, .@(4), 284-29S.&
Smith, B. & Schulze, N. (2u1S). Thiity yeais of the CALIC0 }ouinal - Replicate, Replicate, Replicate. !"#$!%&
'()*+,-:&;<(1), i-iv.
Nay 1S
2u1S Lettei of inteiest ieceiveu by Euitois
}une 1S
2u1S Invitation foi full papeis
Fall 2u1S to Spiing 2u14 Bata collection anu execution of the ieplication stuuy
Septembei 1S
, 2u14 Full papeis uue to euitois
0ctobei Suth, 2u14 Initial euitoiial uecision aftei stanuaiu peei ieview
Novembei Su
, 2u14 Reviseu veisions uue to euitois
}anuaiy 7
, 2u1S Issue S2.1 with ieplication stuuies publisheu


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