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wKQz Ri~ix `yAv (AvRKvi) / Some Essential Du (Adhkr)

msMnt Ave~-mvgxnvn& wmivRyj-Bmjvg / Complied By: AbuSamihah Sirajul-Islam

GKRb gywgbi Rb wRK&i ev Avjvni iY AZ
Ri~ix| eZt wRKi gywgbi AvZvK mRxeZv `vb
Ki, ivL cvYe| Avi G RbB im~jyjvn& (mjvjv
Avjvqwn IAv mvjvg) ejQb, h Zvi ieK
iY Ki Avi h Zvi ieK iY Kibv Zv`i
D`vniY nQ, h_vg, RxweZ I gZ ewi
bvq| Avjvn&i wRK&i Aviv Kvib nq `qi
ckvwi, hgb Avjvn& ZvAvjv ejQb (A_i
ZiRgv), wbqB Avjvni wRK&iB iqQ `qi
gnvb Avjvn& Zuvi gwngvgq wKZve wRK&i
Kivi Rb Cgvb`vi`i wewfbfve wb`k w`qQb|
wZwb ejQb (A_i ZiRgv), n Cgvb`viMY!
Avjvn&K ekx ekx Ki iY (wRK&i) Kiv Ges
mKvj I mvq [meY] Zvi cksmv KxZY Kiv I
cweZv eYbv Kiv|
Avi hviv G aibi KvR
Ki Avjvn& Zv`i cksmv Ki Zv`i Rb
cyivii IAv`v KiQb GB ej (A_i
ZiRgv)t Aewk h me bvix I cyil gymwjg,
gywgb, Avjvn&i AbyMZ, mZcx, ahkxj, Avjvn&i
mvgb AebZ, m`Kv `vbKvix, ivRv cvjbKvix,
wbR`i jvvbi wndvRZKvix Ges AwaKgvvq
Avjvn&i wRK&iKvix, Avjvn& Zv`i Rb gv I weivU
cyivi wbw` Ki iLQb|
G Rb Avjvn&i
iYi Kvb weK bB| Avjvn&i iYi iqQ
AbK cv| Avi mevg cv nQ Avjvn& i im~ ji
(mjvjv Avjvqwn IAv mvjvg) wkLvbv cv|
im~ jy jvn& (mjvjv Avjvqwn IAv mvjvg) Avgv`i
bwgwK KvRi Avjvn&i iYi Rb wKQz
`yAv wkwLqQb, hjv mvewYK fve Avjvn& i
wRKi Avgv`i wbqvwRZ nZ mvnvh Ki| bxP
im~ jy jvn& (mjvjv Avjvqwn IAv mvjvg) Gi mnxn&
mybvn& _K G iKg wKQz `yAv msKjb Kiv nqQ|
`yAvjv g~j Aviex cvVmn ivgvb UvwjUvikb
Ges evsjv I BsiRxZ ZiRgvmn DjL Kiv
njv| Avjvn& Avgv`i G z` cPv Ke~j Kib|

Al-Quran, 13:28
Al-Quran, 33:41-42
Al-Quran, 33:35
Dhikr or remembrance of Allah is very important for a believer.
Dhikr of Allah makes ones heart lively. That is why Raslullh
(Peace & Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said that the one
who remembers his/her Lord and the one who does not
remember his/her Lord are like the alive and the dead
respectively. The dhikr of Allah also brings tranquility to ones
heart as Allah said (translation of the meaning), Those who
believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance
of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do
hearts find satisfaction. (The Quran, 13:28). Allah (Subhnahu
wa Tala) has commanded the believers in many parts of the
Qurn to do dhikr. He said (Translation the meaning) O you
who believe! Celebrate the remembrance of Allah, and do this
often; and glorify Him morning and evening. (The Qurn,
33:41-42). And those who do such things Allah praises them
and promises big rewards for them in the following words,
(translation of the meaning). For Muslim men and women,- for
believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true
men and women, for men and women who are patient and
constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men
and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast
(and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their
chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allahs
praise,- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great
reward. (The Quran, 33:35). For this reason there is no
alternative to dhikr of Allah. There are many ways to do the
dhikr. However, the best way is the one taught by the
messenger (May blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) of
Allah. He taught us to recite some Du while we do our
everyday actions, which help us get engaged in the all-time
remembrance of Allah. The followings are some collection of
Du adopted from the authentic traditions of the Messenger
(May blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) of Allah. The
adiya are compiled with the original Arabic text, Roman
transliteration and translations in Bangla and English. May Allah
accept this little effort of ours! Ameen!
NygvZ hvevi `yAv / Du to go to bed


[Bi-ismika Allhumma Amtu wa Ahy]
n Avjvn&, Zvgvi bvg Avwg gZyeiY Kwi Avi Zvgvi
bvgB RxweZ nB|
In your name, O Allh, do I die and live.

Nyg _K DVvi ci covi `yAv / Du after
waking upt


[al-hamdu lillh al-ladhi ahyn bada m
amtan wa-ilayhi an-nushr.
mg cmskv mB Avjv n&i Rb, whwb AvgvK gZyi ci
RxweZ KiQb| Avi Zuvi KvQB Avgiv wdi hve|
All praise is for Allh, Who brought us to
life after death and we have to return to

cvqLvbv/ckveLvbvq cek KiZ evg cv AvM
w`b Ges bxPi `yAv co~b / To Enter
Toilet (Left foot first)


[Allhumma inn adhubika min al-kubuthi
wa al-khabithi.]
n Avjvn& Avwg cyil Ges bvix kqZvb _K Zvgvi
Avkq PvB|
[O Allh I seek refuge with you from all
kinds of evil]

cvqLvbv/ckveLvbv _K ei nZ Wvb cv
AvM w`b Ges bxPi `yAv co~b/Exit the
toilet with right Foot first and recite
the following:


Bukhari & Muslim
Bukhari & Muslim.
Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi & Ibn Majah
Zvgvi gv (n Avjvn&)!
Your Forgiveness [O Allh].

IR~ i Kivi `yAv/Du to begin Wud
i KiwQ Avjvn i bvg| In the Name of Allh
IR~ Kivi ci bxPi `yAv co~b /Recite the
Following Du after making wudu



[ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wah-dahu la
Sharika lahu wa ash-hadu anna
muhammadan Abduhu wa rasuluhu.
Allahumma ijalni min al-tawwabin wajalni
min al-muta-tah-hirin]

Avwg mv w`wQ h, Avjvn& Qvov Kvb Bjvn& bB; wZwb
GKK Ges Zuvi Kvb kixK bB| Avwg Aviv mv
w`wQ h, gynv` (mt) Zuvi ev`v I im~j| n Avjvn&,
AvgvK Zzwg ZIevKvix I AZwaK cweZv
ARbKvix`i ga kvwgj Kiv|

I Bear witness that no one is worthy of
worship except Allah. He is alone and has
no partner. I also bear witness that
Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alayhi wa-
Sallam) is His slave and messenger. O
Allah, Make me one of those who return to
you often in repentance and remain clean
and pure.

Rvgv-Kvco civi `yAv / Du to wear clothest


[Al-hamdu lillahi al-alladhi kasani hadha,
wa razaqanihi min ghayri Hawlin minni wa-
la quwwatin]

mg cmskv mB Avjv n&i Rb, whwb AvgvK GUv
cwiqQb Ges wiR&K wnme w`qQb hv wQj Avgvi
mva I gZvi AZxZ|

All praises are due to Allah, Who clothed
me this [dress] and provided it from beyond
my ability and power.]

b~Zb Rvgv-Kvco civi `yAv / Du to wear
new clothest


[Allahumma laka al-hamdu, anta
kasawtanihi, asaluka khayrahu wa khayra
ma sunia lahu. Wa audhubika min sharrihi
wa sharri ma sunia lahu]

n Avjvn&, mg cmskv Zvgvi Rb| Zzwg AvgvK G
[Kvco] cwoqQ| Avwg Zvgvi KvQ KjvY PvB Gi Ges
hv w`q G evbvbv nqQ| Avi Avwg Zvgvi KvQ Avkq
PvB Gi wZ _K Ges hv w`q G evbvbv nqQ|

O Allah, all praises are due to You. You
have clothed me with this [dress]. I ask You
of the good of it and the good of that by
which it is made. I also ask Your protection
from its harm and the harm of that by which
it is made.

Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi & Ibn Majah.
Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi & al-Baghawi
KvDK b~Zb Rvgv-Kvco cov `Lj h `yAv coZ
ne / Du said to someone wearing new



[Tubli wa Yukhlif Allahu Taala and/or

Ilbas Jadidan, wa Ish Hamidan wa Mut

Zzwg hb GUv co kl Kiv Ges Avjvn& ZvAvjv
GUvi e`j Ab AviKUv [hb ZvgvK] `b|
Ges/A_ev b~Zb cwiavb Kiv; cmswkZ Rxeb hvcb
Kiv Ges knx` wnme gZyeiY Kiv|

May you wear it out and May Allah Taala
replace it [with another new one].

Rvgv-Kvco LyjZ `yAv / Du to take of
(Bismillah / wemwgjvn&)

Avqbv `Lvi `yAv / Du to look in a mirror

[Allahumma Hassin Khuluqi Kama
Hassanta Khalqi]

n Avjvn&, Avgvi PwiK mfve my`i Kiv hfve
Avgvi mwK my`i KiQv|

O Allah, Make my character beautiful as
you have created my creation beautiful.

Lvevi iZ covi `yAv/Du to Begin

Abu Dawud
Ibn Majah & al-Baghawi
[Bismillah, Allahumma Barik li Fima
razaqtani waqini adhab an-nar.]

i KiwQ Avjvn&i bvg| n Avjvn&, AvgvK h wiR&K
w`qQ ZvZ eiKZ `vI Ges AvgvK Avbi kvw
_K euvPvI|

In The name of Allah. O Allah, bless the
sustenance that you provided me with and
save me from hell fire.

Lvevi kl covi `yAv/Du after Eatingt

[Al-Hamdulillah alladhi atamani hadha wa-
razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minni wa-la

mg cmskv mB Avjv n&i Rb, whwb AvgvK GUv
LvBqQb Ges wiR&K wnme w`qQb hv wQj Avgvi
mva I gZvi AZxZ|

All praises are due to Allah, Who fed me
this [food] and provided it from beyond my
ability and power.

Ni _K evBi hvevi `yAv / Du to go


[Bismillahi tawakkaltu ala Allahi, wa-la
hawla wa-la quwwata illa bi-Allah,
Allahumma inni audhubika an adilla aw
udalla, aw azilla aw uzalla, aw azlima aw
uzlama, aw ajhala aw yujhala alayya.]

i KiwQ Avjvn&i bvg| Avwg Avjvn&i Dci fimv
KiwQ| Avi Avjvn& Qvov Avi Kviv Kvb kw I gZv
bB| n Avjvn&, Avwg Zvgvi KvQ Avkq PvB Mvgivn&
Kiv ev Mvgivn nIqv _K; Mvbvn Kiv ev Mvbvn
KiZ eva nIqv _K; Ryjg Kiv ev Ryjgi wkKvi
nIqv _K; g~LZv Kiv ev g~LZvi wkKvi nIqv _K|

In the name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah.
There is no power and might except in
Allah. O Allah I seek refuge with you from
going astray and leading [others] astray; or
slip or be tripped; or oppressed or be
oppressed; or behave foolishly be treated

Ni wdivi `yAv /Du to Enter Your Home t
1. First recite the following dua

[Bismillahi walajna, wa bismillahi kharajna,
wa ala Allahi tawakkalna.]

Avjvn&i bvg Avgiv wdi Gjvg; Zuvi bvgB Avgiv ei
nqwQjvg; Avb Avgv`i iei Dci Avgiv fimv

In the name of Allah we have returned and
in the name of Allah we left and we put our
trust on our Lord Sustainer.
2. Convey salm to the household, even if
there is none at home.
Avcbv`i Dci kvw ewlZ nvK| Peace be upon

hvbevnb Povi `yAv /Du to Ride a Vehicle:


Al Quran (43:12)
[Al-hamdu lillah, Subhana Alladhi sakh-
khara lana hadha wa-ma kunna lahu
muqrinin wa inna ila rabbina la-munqalibun]

mg cmskv Avjvn&i Rb| cwe mB mv whwb GB
(evnbK) Avgv`i AbyMZ Ki w`qQb| Avgiv wbRiv
GUv KiZ mg_ wQjvgbv| Avi Avgv`i cf~i KvQB
Avgv`i wdi hZ ne|

All praises due to Allah. Glory to Him, Who
placed this [transport] at our service, which
we ourselves were not able to. And we all
have to return to our Lord Sustainer.

gmwR` hvIqvi c_ `yAv / Du to go to the


[Allahumma ijal fi qalbi nran, wa fi lisanii
nuran; wajal fi samiy nran; wajal fi
basari nran; wajal min khalfi nran, wa
min amami nran; wajal min fawqi nran,
wa min tahti nran. Allahumma atini

n Avjvn& Avgvi `q b~i `vI, Avgvi wRnvq b~i `vI;
Avgvi Kvb b~i `vI; Avgvi `wZ b~i `vI| Avgvi
mvgb b~i `vI; Avgvi cQb b~i `vI; Avgvi Dci nZ
b~i `vI; Avgvi bxP nZ b~i `vI| I Avjvn& AvgvKB
Zzwg b~i `vb Kiv|
O Allah, place light within my heart; and
light upon my tongue. Place light in my ears
and in my eyes. Place light behind me and in
front of me; place light from above me and
from beneath me. O Allah bestow upon me

Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim & Tirmidhi
Du to Enter the Masjid / gmwR` ceki
Step with the Right Foot and Recite / Wvb cv
AvM iL bxPi `yAv co~b



[Bismillah, wa al-hamdulillah, was-salatu
was-salamu ala rasulillah. Allahumma iftah
li abwaba rahmitika]
O Allah! Open for Me the Gates of Your
Mercy. n Avjvn&! Avgvi Rb Zvgvi ingZi
`ivRvjv Lyj `vI|

Du to Exit the Masjid / gmwR` _K ei
nIqvi `yAv
Step with the Left Foot and Recite / evg cv
AvM iL bxPi `yAv co~b


O Allah! I Seek bounties from you. n Avjvn&!
Avwg Zvgvi AbyMn Kvgbv KiwQ|

Du During adhan / AvRvb kvbvi mgq `yAv

gyAvwb hv ej AvcwbI ZvB ejyb ay )
( Ges ) ( Qvov|
Repeat what the muadh-dhin says except
when he says ) ( and )
( . At this time say/ G mgq ejyb:
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.

Narrayed by Abu Dawud & Muslim
Narrated by Abu Dawud & Ibn Majah
Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim
Du After Adhan / AvRvb kli `yAvt

1. Blessing on the prophet / c_g im~jyjvn&i
Dci `i~` co~b:

[Allhumma salli al Muhammad wa al
li Muhammad kam sallayta al Ibrhm
wa al li Ibrhm wa brik al
Muhammad wa al li Muhammad kam
brakta al Ibrhm wa al li Ibrhm
innaka Hamdun majd]
n Avjvn&! gynv`i Dci Ges Zuvi cwievi eMi Dci
KiYv elY Kiv, hgb Zzwg KiYv elY KiQv
Beivnxgi Dci Ges Zuvi cwievi eMi Dci| Avi
eiKZ bvwRj Kiv gynv`i Dci Ges Zuvi cwievi
eMi Dci, hgb Zzwg eiKZ bvwRj KiQv Beivnxgi
Dci Ges Zuvi cwievi eMi Dci|
O Allah send prayers upon Muhammad and
his family, as you have sent prayers upon
Ibrahim and his family and send blessings
upon Muhammad and his family, as you sent
blessings upon Ibrahim and his family.
Verily you are full of praise and majesty.

2. Recite Du wasilah / wZxqZt Avjvn&i im~ji
Rb IAvmxjvi `yAv Kibt

[Allahumma Rabba hadhihi ad-dawat at-
tammati was-salat al-qaimat ati
Muhammadan al-wasilah wa-l-fadilah, wa-
bath-hu maqaman mahmudan alladhi

Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim
n Avjvn&, GB cwic~Y Avnvb I bvgvRi cf~!
gynv`K IAvmxjv
Ges d`xjvn&
`vb Kiv; Avi
ZuvK myckswkZ vb AwawZ Kiv, hvi IAv`v Zzwg
wbR KiQv|
O Allah, the Lord of this complete call and
prayer! Bestow upon Muhammad the
wasilah and Fadilah. Also place him upon
the praised station, of which you promised.

3. Then recite the following du / ZZxqZt
bxPi `yAv co~b:

(Raditu bi-llahi Rabba, wa bi-l-islami dina
wa bi muhammadin nabiyyan wa rasula)
Avwg Avjvn&K ie, BmjvgK `xb Ges gynv`K (mt)
bex Ges im~j wnme cq m nqwQ|
I am please with Allah as my Lord, Islam as
my Deen (Religion way of life) and
Muhammad as prophet and messenger.

diR bvgvRi kl covi `yAv / Du to recite
after Fard Salah (obligatory prayer)

1. mvjvg kl 1 ev 3 evi ejyb / Say Once or
thrice After Salam t (Allahu
2. Zvici 3 evi ejyb / Then say 3 times t
(Astaghfiru Allah Av
3. Zvici 1 evi Ki ejyb / Then say the
following 1 time each:



RvbvZ GKwU vb
mwKzji k ghv`v
Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud & others.
[Allhumma Anta As-Salm wa minka as-
Salm tabrakta y dha-l-Jalli wa al-Ikrm.
Allhumma l Mnia lim Atayta wal
Mutiya Lim Manata Wa l Yanfau dhal
Jaddi minka al-Jadd.]
4. Zvici bxPi `yAvjv 33 evi Ki ejyb / Then
say the followings 33 times each
a. Subhana Allah myenvbvjvn&
b. Al-Hamdulillah Avj-nvg`y wjjvn&

c. Allahu Akbar Avjv AvKei
5. Zvici bxPi `yAv 1 evi ejyb / Then say the
following once

[La Ilaha Illa Allah, wahdahu La Sharika
lah, Lahu al-mulku wa lahu al-hamdu wa
huwa ala kulli shayin Qadir]

Zvmexn& Kvd&dviv ev gRwjm LZgi `yAv / Du
to End a Meeting


[Subhnaka Allhumma wa Bihamdika Ash-
hadu an l ilaha ill anta, astghfiruka wa
atbu ilayka]

n Avjvn&! cwe Zvgvi mv, cksmv Zvgvwi Rb,
Avwg mv `B h Zywg Qvov Avi Kvb Bjvn& bB, Avwg
Zvgvi KvQ gv PvB Ges Zvgvi KvQ ZIev Kwi|

(O Allah, You are free from every
imperfection; praise be to You. I testify that
there is no true god except You; I ask Your
Pardon and turn to You in repentance)

Narrated by Abu Hurayrah and recorded by Tirmidhi, Abu
Dawud and al-Hakim.


[Allhumma Aqsim Lan min khash-yatika
m tahlu bihi baynan wa bayna masika,
wa min tatika m tuballighun bihi
jannatika, wa-min al-yaqni m tuhawwina
alayn masiba ad-duny. Allhuma
mattina bi-asmin, wa-absrin, wa-
quwwatin m ahyaytan wa-jalhu al-
writha minn, waj-al thran al man
zalaman, wan-surn ala man dan, wa-la
tajal masbatan f dnin, wa-la tajal ad-
duny akbaru ham-min wa-l mablagha
ilman, wa-l tusallit `alayn man l

n Avjvn&! Avgv`i ga Zvgvi GZUv fxwZ eUb
Kiv hv Avgv`i I Zvgvi bvdigvwbi gvS Avovj nq;
Avgv`iK Zvgvi GZUv AvbyMZ `vb Kiv hv
Avgv`iK Zvgvi RvbvZ cuQve; Ges Avgv`i
GZUv cZq `vb Kiv hv `ywbqvi evjv-gywmeZK
Avgv`i Rb mnR Ki `q| n Avjvn&! Zzwg Avgv`i
hZw`b RxweZ ivLv ZZw`b Avgv`i kebkw, `wkw
I Abvb kwK Avgv`i IAvwim evwbq `vI|
Avgv`i wnsmv I cwZkva nvK mB ew ch
mxgve ivLv h Avgv`i Dci Ryj&g& KiQ| h
Avgv`i mv_ kZv Ki Zvi wei Avgv`i mvnvh
Kiv; Avgv`i `xbi gymxeZi ga dj w`qvbv;
`ywbqvK Avgv`i wPvi K`we`yZ cwiYZ Kivbv;

Narrated by Ibn and recorded by al-Tirmidhi.
Ges hviv Avgv`i cwZ ingw`j bq Zv`iK Avgv`i
Dci gZvevb Ki w`qvbv|

(O Allah, apportion to us such fear as should
serve as a barrier between us and acts of
disobedience; and such obedience as will
take us to Your Jannah; and such as will
make easy for us to bear in the calamities of
this world. O Allah! let us enjoy our hearing,
our sight and our power as long as You keep
us alive and make our heirs from our own
offspring, and make our revenge restricted
to those who oppress us, and support us
against those who are hostile to us let no
misfortune afflict our Deen; let not worldly
affairs be our principal concern, or the
ultimate limit of our knowledge, and let not
those rule over us who do not show mercy to

mdii `yAv /Dua while travelling:

Recite the following dua after mounting the
vehicle to start a travel.





[Avjv AvKevi, Avjv AvKevi, Avjv AvKevi|
myenvb-AvjvRx mvL&Lviv jvbv nvRv IAvgv Kzbv jv
gyK&wiwbb, IAv Bbv Bjv ixbv jvgybKvwje~b| Avjvv
Bbv bvmAvjyKv dx mvdvwibv nvRv Avj-wei&iv IAv-Z
ZvKIAv, IAv wgbv-j Avgvwj gv Zvi`v| Avjvv

Narrated by Muslim
nvIqxb Avjvqbv mvdvivbv nvRv, IAvZIqx Avbv ey`vn&|
Avjvv AvbZv-m mvwney dx-m mvdvi, IAv-j LjxdvZz
dx-j Avn&j| Avjvv Bbx AvEhyweKv wgb IAvmv
Avm-mdi, IAv KvevZ Avj-gvbRvi, IAv m~wq-j
gybKvjvwe dx-j gvwj IAv-j Avnwj IAv-j Ajv`|]
Avjv AvKevi, Avjv AvKevi, Avjv AvKevi| cwe
mB mv, whwb GK (evnb) Avgv`i Aaxb Ki
w`qQb, A_P G kw Avgv`i wQjbv| Avi AvgivZv
AekB Avgv`i iei w`K cZveZbKvix| n Avjvn& !
Avgv`i GB mdi Avgiv Zvgvi KvQ PvB bKx I
ZvKIAv Ges mB Avgj hvi cwZ Zzwg m| n Avj-
vn&! Avgv`i GB mdiK Avgv`i Rb mnR Ki `vI
Ges Gi `~iZK Kwgq `vI| n Avjvn&! G mdi ZzwgB
Avgv`i mv_x Ges Avgv`i cwievii ZzwgB AwffveK|
n Avjvn&! Avwg Zvgvi KvQ Avkq PvB mdii K I
KvwVb _K, ggvwK `ki De nIqv _K Ges ab-
m`, cwievi-cwiRb mvb-mwZi gvS Lvivc fve
wdi Avmv _K|

Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with
them) reported: Whenever the Messenger of
Allah (PBUH) mounted his camel for setting
out on a journey, he would recite: "Allahu
Akbar (Allah is Greatest),'' thrice. Then he
(PBUH) would supplicate: "Subhanal-ladhi
sakh-khara lana hadha, wa ma kunna lahu
muqrinin, wa inna ila Rabbina
lamunqalibun. Allahumma inna nas'aluka fi
safarina hadh al-birra wat-taqwa, wa minal-
`amali ma tarda. Allahumma hawwin `alaina
safarana hadha, watwi `anna bu`dahu.
Allahumma Antas-Sahibu fissafari, wal-
Khalifatu fil-ahli. Allahumma inni a`udhu
bika min wa`ta'is-safari, wa kaabatil-
manzari, wa su'il-munqalabi fil-mali wal-
ahli wal-waladi (Far removed from
imperfection is the One Who has made this
subservient to us, for we have no power to
subjugate it, and certainly to our Rubb shall
we return. O Allah, we ask You during this
journey of ours for righteousness, piety and
such deeds as are pleasing to You. O Allah,
make easy for us this journey of ours and
make the distance short for us. O Allah, You
are our Companion during the journey and
the Guardian of the family and the property
in our absence. O Allah, I seek refuge in
You from the hardships of travelling,
unhappiness connected with ghastly scenes
and evil turns in property and family).''
When he returned, he recited this
supplication making addition of these
words: "Ayibuna, ta'ibuna, `abiduna, li-
Rabbina hamidun (We are those who return;
those who repent; those who worship and
those who praise our Rubb).''

mdi _K wdi Avmvi cii `yAv
mdi _K wdi Dcii `yAv cyivUv coZ ne Ges
Zvici bxPi `yAv coZ net

[Avwqe~bv Zvwqe~bv Avwe`~b, wjiexbv nvwg`~b|]

Avgiv cZveZbKvix (mdi _K) wbivcvi mv_,
Avgiv ZIevKvix, wbR`i cf~i Bev`ZKvix I

ivM-evwa _K gyw msv wKQy `yAv /Some
Supplications related to the relief of

wbRi kixi e_v cj h `yAv coZ ne / Dua
recite in case of pain in the body.


Dmgvb Beb Aveyj-Avm (ivt) _K ewYZ, wZwb wbRi
kixi e_v Abyfe Kivq im~jyjvn&i (mt) KvQ AwfhvM
Kijb| im~jyjvn (mt) ZuvK ejjb, Zvgvi kixii
h vb e_v nQ mLvb wbRi nvZ ivL Ges wZbevi
wemwgjvn& ejv| Zvici mvZevi ejv AvEhy
weBh&hvwZjvwn IAv Kz`ivwZwn wgb kviwi gv AvwR`y IAv
Dnvwhi| [Avwg Avjvn&i ghv`v I kwi gvag Avkq
PvwQ m wRwbli wZ _K hv Avwg Abyfe KiwQ Ges
hvi AvwaKK Avwg fq Kwi|]

Uthmn Ibn Abi al- s narrated that he
complained to Allahs messenger(Sall
Allhu Alayhi wa-Sallam) about the pain in
his body. The Messenger of Allah (SAAS)
said to him: Put your hand on the part of
your body where you feel the pain and say
bismillh 3 times. After that recite
Adhu bi Izzatillhi wa-Qudratihi min
Sharri Ma Ajidu wa Uhdhiru 7 times.

Kvb ivMxi Rb hfve `yAv KiZ ne /
Supplication for a sick person who does not
seem to be apparently dying



Ave`yjvn& Beb Avevm (ivt) bex Kixg (mt) _K
eYbv KiQb h, wZwb (mt) ejQbt h ew Kvb
ivMx `LZ hvq, hvi gZy wbKUeZx bq (ej gb
nq), Ges Zvi KvQ 7 evi ej AvmAvjyjvn& Avj-
Avhxg, ievj Avik Avj-Avhxg AuvqqvkwdqvKv
(wekvj Aviki gvwjK gnvb Avjvn&i KvQ cv_bv

Narrated by Muslim
Narrated by Abu Daud & Tirmidhi
KiwQ, wZwb hb ZvgvK ivM gyw `vb Kib|) Ze
Avjvn& mB ivM _K ZvK gyw `b|

Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with
them) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said,
"He who visits a sick person who is not on
the point of death and supplicates seven
times: As'alullahal-`Azima Rabbal-`Arshil-
`Azimi, an yashfiyaka (I beseech Allah the
Great, the Rubb of the Great Throne, to
heal you), Allah will certainly heal him
from that sickness.''

KvDK Svo-duyK Kivi `yAv / Du`a to recite over
someone in trouble


Ave~ mvC` Avj-Ly`ix (ivt) eYbv KiQb h wReixj
(Avt) bex Kixg (mt) Gi KvQ Gm ejjb, n
gynv` (mt) ! vvcmvi wK Kvb (ivMi) AwfhvM
AvQ? wZwb (mt) ejjb, nuv | wReixj ZLb G
`yAv cojbt wemwgjvwn AviKxKv, wgb Kzwj kvqwqb
BDhxKv, wgb kviwi Kzwj bvdwmb AvI Avqwbb
nvwmw`b, Avjv BqvkdxKv, wemwgjvwn AviKxKv|
(Avjvn&i bvg Avwg AvcbvK Svo-duyK KiwQ Ggb
cZK wRwbli Rb hv AvcbvK K `q Ges
cZK ewi wZ I wnsmyKi bRi _K| Avjvn&
AvcbvK ivM-gyw `vb Kib! Avjvn&i bvg Avwg
AvcbvK Svo-duyK KiwQ|)

Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be
pleased with him) reported: Jibril (Gabriel)
came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said: "O

Narrated by Muslim
Muhammad (PBUH)! Do you feel sick?''
He (PBUH) said, "Yes.'' Jibril supplicated
thus (i.e., he performed Ruqyah):
"Bismillahi arqika, min kulli shay'in
yu'dhika, min sharri kulli nafsin aw `ayni
hasidi, Allahu yashfika, bismillahi arqika.
[With the Name of Allah. I recite over you
(to cleanse you) from all that troubles you,
and from every harmful mischief and from
the evil of the eyes of an envier. Allah will
cure you; and with the Name of Allah, I
recite over you].''

Rxebi kl gyZ KvQ Gm Mj h `yAv coZ
ne / Supplication when one is
disappointed about his Life



Avqkv (ivt) _K ewYZ, wZwb ejb, Avwg bex (mt)
K ejZ bwQ hLb wZwb Avgvi eyK njvb `qv
Aevq ejwQjb: AvjvvMwdijx, Iqvinvgbx,
IqvjwnKbx wei&-idxwKj Avjv (n Avjvn&! AvgvK
gv Kiv, Avgvi Dci ing Kiv Ges AvgvK k
ezi mv_ wgwjq `vI!)

Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her)
reported: While the Prophet (SAAS) was
reclining against me (during his last illness)
I heard him saying: "Allahumma-ghfir li,
warhamni, wa alhiqni bir Rafiqil-A`la (O
Allah, forgive me, bestow Your Mercy on
me and let me join with the exalted

Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi,
Ahmad, Malik (Muwatta) and Others.

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