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The Five Functions of Behavior Anytime there is an issue with our students we need to isolate why they are

doing what they are doing. 1. Attention: 3rd grade and younger students mainly attention. If they dont get it at home, they will get it at school, they call it misbehaving. 2. Escape a task: Student or students dont want to do it. I dont want to do it. 3. Obtain Tangible: Student or students are not doing what they are doing to escape a task; they are doing what they are doing because they would rather be doing something else. 4. Biological or Physical Need: If a student is too hot, too cold, too hungry, or too sleepy they will not perform. 5. Emotional or Psychological: Mainly 9th-12th grade students, but can be seen in younger students as well. This is a problem that students are dealing with that parents have not dealt with yet, that is leading to their academic and behavior problems. This is when home disabilities become learning disabilities.

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