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Kidney Stones Q: I recently had a kidney stone, and I'm not eager to repeat that experience any time

soon. Anything I can do? Dr. Wright: In 1974, researchers from Harvard had a study printed in the Journal of Urology showing that calcium oxalate kidney stones (the most common kind) could be prevented by supplementing with magnesium oxide and vitamin B6. In the study, 149 individuals with a multi-year history of recurrent calcium oxalate kidney stones took 300 mg per day of magnesium oxide along with 10 mgs a day of vitamin B6. During the six years of the study, the mean rate of stone formation fell from 1.3 kidney stones per year to 0.1 kidney stones per year--that's a significant 92.3 percent reduction. There were no side effects. Yet even into the 90s, most urologists were still in the dark about this natural treatment. At least it seemed that way to me, since they never mentioned it to their patients. I made sure I always kept copies of the study on hand for calcium oxalate kidney stone sufferers to give to their uninformed urologists. And it still amazes me that to this day, I continue to encounter a few calcium oxalate kidney stone sufferers whose urologists haven't told them to use magnesium and vitamin B6 every day!

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