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In-Class Participation 10%

1 Skills

Due: All Term

Demonstrating through in-class participation that you have done the reading and writing assigned for the day through active engagement in class/group discussion and any other in-class activities assigned.

2 Goals
Developing a strong understanding of the course material and building upon your understanding through engagement with your classmates and instructor.

3 Requirements
Come to class prepared: o Bring your course textbook, headphones/earbuds, hard drive, and batteries to each class. o Have done the readings assigned for that class period and be able to talk about them in class. If that means you need to take notes or use other study methods to remember what the readings were about, do so. o Bring the writing due to class that day. That could be tweets, a blog post, or a draft of an assignment. Participate in group and class discussions and presentations. If you are uncomfortable speaking up in front of everyone, tweet your responses and thoughts during class. Do any in-class writing, composing, editing, peer review, or other work assigned. Be on time, awake, and engaged in class activities (not texting or participating on nonclass related media or conversation).

4 Grading Criteria Each week, you can receive a total of 6 participation points. They break down into three categories, which are multiplied by two for the number of class periods per week: -Attendance (1 pt. x 2 class periods) This is pretty simple. If you are excessively tardy, these points will be affected. See the syllabus for more on the attendance policy. -Reading and Writing (1 pt. x 2 class periods) I will check that you did the reading and comprehended it by giving reading checks and engaging you in class discussions or check that you did the writing by checking for blog posts, writing due in-class, etc. -In-class discussion (1 pt. x 2 class periods) Even if you have not done the reading and lose that point, you should attempt to engage with the ideas being discussed during class.

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