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Problem/Solution Organizer

Presented by: Richard Kenneth U. Bandiola Deanna Mae Ross O. Damian

The Conversion of the Wolf of Gubbio

(Adapted from: The Little Flowers of St. Francis)

Saint Francis of Assisi



A terrible and cruel wolf lived near and preyed upon the livestock and people upon the town of Gubbio.

Saint Francis decided to help the town by looking for the said wolf. The people promised to provide the wolf sustenance and to accord it with Attempted respect. Solutions: A miracle was performed whereby the wolf followed the words of St. Francis. The wolf repented of his deeds, became tamed, and promised the people that it would never again hurt them.


The wolf lived out its remaining years respected and loved by the townspeople since it stood as a symbol of St. Francis holiness and a reminder of Gods love and forgiveness. End Result:

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