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Course: Visual Arts (Grade 6) Time: 2x a week Instructor: Ms. Armusewicz


This class offers students the opportunity to express their personal ideas in a visual manner. Students will be engaged in art making while learning foundational artistic techniques, and will explore working creatively with both materials and ideas.

REQUIRED MATERIALS (individual student)

Sketchbook (an A5 notebook would be ideal, no larger than A4) Pencil Eraser Black pen (.5)

REQUIRED MATERIALS (for the classroom)

Wet wipes (2 packs) Paper towel roll Liquid hand soap Also, throughout the year, please bring in the following as they are encountered for the classroom & various art projects: Stray Buttons Fabric Scraps Old game pieces Cardboard Newspapers Plastic containers with lids Anything else deemed visually interesting that could be used in making art

Sketchbook: 20%: All research, notes, explorations and outside homework is to be completed in the sketchbook. Sketchbook should show inquiry, and is designed to be a resource valuable to the student. Class Participation: 20%: Based on attendance, engagement, participation in class discussions in a meaningful way, asking questions as needed, and staying focused. Tasks/Activities: 40%: This is the heart of any studio based art class. The artistic assignments are to show thought, application of what has been learned, and personal involvement. A short research paper will fall under this category as well. Reflections: 20%: Dependant on the task or activity, students will typically be asked to record and reflect on their experience in creating/completing a specific artwork/unit. Responses should be thoughtful and reflect artists intent.

93 - 100% = A

85 - 92% = B

75 - 84% = C

70 - 74% = D

Below 69% = F

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to be in class on time and to be prepared to start the lesson when class begins. Truancy will affect your grade, and appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken. If you miss a class, please email or see the instructor ASAP to set up at time to receive your assignment, and/or individual instruction as needed. If you are absent for an extended period of time (more than 2 classes) you are responsible to arrange with the teacher a time to make up your work. Each extended absence will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. LATE WORK POLICY: Art takes time, and creativity cannot be rushed. Dependant on students work ethic, participation, etc, extensions for assignments may be given as requested without penalty; however, students will need to finish assignments outside of class, and will not be excused or exempt from other projects. Should a student ask for an extension, they will need to budget their time so that it does not impact their other artwork, school work, and extracurricular activities. CONDUCT POLICY: Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the rules, regulations and policies as stated in the Schutz Student/Parent Handbook. There is a three-strike policy in the art room. Just like in baseball, three strikes youre out and into the Principals Office. Each day starts fresh; however, repeat offenders will be dealt with in an appropriate manner. Students who misuse art materials may be banned from future use of materials, and or the art room as necessary.

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