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By- Jigyasa Gautam


is a dynamic condition when one is confronted with a situation related to what he or she desires, for which outcome is uncertain and important

Stress drives 40 students to death every year (source: Deccan Herald)

other consequences are high blood pressure, headaches, heart diseases, anxiety, depression, nervous breakdown and even cardiac arrest.

People think of sports as a physical activity with defined set of rules and result. But sports is much more than that its a pleasure its a learning its an amusement and most of all its a complete physical therapy which not only energises your mind and body ,but also leads to an ultimate feeling of jest and pleasantry


active people have a 20-30% reduced risk of premature death and up to 50% reduced risk of major chronic disease such as CHD, stroke and cancer

A 10% increase in physical activity combined with a better diet could, conservatively, prevent 300 premature deaths each year and save the health service in Wales more than 25m annually, with wider economic benefits in excess of 100m annually



making Team Spirit Interpersonal Skills Time management Goal Setting Respecting the Competitor

Neurotransmitters Progressive muscle relaxation and contraction Blood flow rate Breathing rate

Sport is where an entire life can be compressed into a few hours, where the emotions of a lifetime can be felt on an acre or two of ground, where a person can suffer and die and rise again on six miles of trails. Sport is a theatre where sinner can turn saint and a common man become an uncommon hero, where the past and the future can fuse with the present. Sport is singularly able to give us peak experiences where we feel completely one with the world and transcend all conflicts as we finally become our own potential. ~George A. Sheehan .

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