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Reproduced from IheUnCiasslfiedrDeCiassifiedHoldings of the Natiopal Archives:

Am,l,c'l' SEORET
.A.t'ter AGt.ion Against
The":lIh1.eJq ,( 46th. i'ieldArtilleryBattalioa
-. !!
1 1844'
Begi:rm.1n.g at dusk the 30th Novembel" the b;ttalion le18 nO" Batt.r.r moved out for an. : .1:: of st. Suzanne Farm.. Reconnaie$ partie. have lett previously ill!) /:
reooJmoiter p081tiolUl in vio1n1:by of Ntodoma.e.. The 18 atta.,he' to Task . FOl"o. BOlli')
wh10h in ttIrlililJ attached to the 95th lnt Div with the mi.'sion at attaoking to the D',a.ndE to)
tho'Saal" Riftl"o Positions are ooouiied botween N1edervisse and ""arvie". with Of in,
Attaok ia soheduled at 0800 the fo1ow1ngmorning. No registl"ation i. possible 'becau of
n.... Battery "011l"ejoina battalion after having been attaohed to 3d Bn, loth Infan.t17. Anothk
reoonnaissanoe i.made in vioirdi;y ot Ham 80US Varbvg butth1. polition oannot be ooeup1e4 until
the eneD\Y" ia driven from tne.outh edge of Oruezwa1d from whloh theY' oan observe tu poaitioD.
19th FA Bn' 18 attaohed to 46th FA Bn. Positions have reconnoitered by the B-2 and they-ate
.oooupied by1;hia battalion (l9th)o !l'h.. prev10Wl night lilaroh was 0""1"3' mile.. lIissiona 1'.
Rounds 630.
2 Deoember 1944
Sell., ha"f'ing reveriled to ith. Int Div oontrol on 1 'With ith '
Rangel" Dn and 6th OaT (.Meos) on the right (south)o Battalion elispleA... ,,. battery. rendering
oontinuous support to attack. to podt1ol'l8 in noin1:tY' ot Ham.0.... Varb,rg *ioh. had been pre
Teo 5 Jamea 0., !lImore, wt"bh other m.8JriDe1"8 ot 4' tonardobserver par'ty
rom .. "A
, enoountere. some eneJq in woods approximately one mile south ot. Otuezwa.ld and
Teo" I) Paliaorereoeived a gunaho1; wound in the left .houlder. .Party was returning to wUiI with
radio torrepair,.I'b was not until 3 December it ene. he.d gotten. radio, and oammo
expre.sed ooncern over neoeSlility otohanging frequenoY,aga1l2. It had been aooomplishecl No;vca
wgedenae foreails prevent lII&IW obserTed missions from being fired.. tuId .foot .OO11o. Fire i.
u.suallY' dil"ected at plaoe. eneJq fire 1. seen or heard to co_ from. with'l!laDY acl:juatm,ents tnap,e
witht ho. ot sound. EneD\Y 8.17111017 fire has not tallen :La the battalion area in thil
engagemont to. da:t. lti.sio:n8 28. B.ounda 676. .' _ .,' .
3 Deoember 1'944 I' \
.. . . . I I
Battalion oontbue. it. mi.sion of 4i..eot .upport of Talk Foroe 11ell (loth OT ReentoroeM ',I
tiring rom peait!ou tn'vioinity ot 1Jam aoua VaI'b.rf. Bati:ery DO" 2:Lat FA Bn brepol"te' to be \
on.W87 to be ueed,in gen.eral lupport and a p081t1oa 8 recennolterecii 1n "I
thia battery. Clbservation and.weathel" are too poor to permit .. high peroen-:bageo. observed
missiold.h:01Ve'Ve1",tiring W1OD._n.d misd0l1t keeps tJae battalion oooupied6' ,presentlt.eavily
I ,
ti'cWlteiground makes obseMatiea pOI.1bl. ottl" .hort diatanoea only., Lt Bry .. n.':Pvt \
Te. 6 Brelltord wounded ill "C" Battery OF piirty. Lt. Bry-an died ot wounds' later,.
party- went to vi0 in.ity of Ora.twald and Dl"esen and seleoted positionllo ' Missions 34. lo_cia 971,./
, - . .,I
4 Deoember 1944
, I
8-2 Battery- "u" 21at FA Bn into position in Vicinity ot Guel'ting at 0036e FA Sn
support of llta Intantl"y.. 46th FA Dn to vicinity of '
with OP there. Battel'y "C" 21at FABD. moves into old position of Battery "An 46thFABn. !lfa;roh
of . 2 mile. completed 'Without incident<o However, pr.viGuI to marCh, a.bout 6 rounds of unkno'WD.
oal1ber$l'tillery 1'011 in vioinity ot Ham 10UI 'Val"berg. The rO'Ullds appeartd. 1;8 be 170Jmn.. til",ed
trOJa a l'ongrange. and 'With One ol"aterwaa bloWD. in a road, but it did not prevent
use of the rElad. otlier artillery fell. in our al"ea. M,1118io11837., i '
, '. . 5 1944' . . I
P081t1ou. one. m11. D .:reoonnoitered the daY' pl"ev1ousl1 were not satiBi'aotoz7.;'.:
having been x:ee.o.rmoitered 1ns,e1O.i""darkne.a., New reoollln1a.ssanoe made early 111 morning fUld the '
battal1on1O.o.,.e'., )atteryto the..a.rea'2mlles IJouth of Vb.rherm. Batte17 "c" 21st FA Ba
moved to poSition one mile, J, or oruezwa.ld .. Positions al"e on!1 few hun.dred yuda 1'1"0m. the
Qivillanl speak only Ge1"t!l8.n,; 8.ndthe men are 'beginning to look upon 'oiViliana,
nth auspio10n. Firing is much light'el" tod.,. '. Maroh 01' Smiles' was delayed by one gun
1'r?Dl Battery' "D".449th AU A1f Dn. Wh1ch missed the tl"eadway ot the engill$Elr bridge over the .
B1I5ton Damage was aUght,a.nd, l5un may be t1red without further;ge.
Killaionl ,16. Round,a 4660
'and'b8.ptured ' he Qould be evaoua'bedo nihi. ptlr'tyPtc,,\
DeOorpo Was k:tJ,.le.d# First report or Lt Sha.1mom.
came from 2 enem;y efficer l?1V's captured
,by loth lntantryo They .reported that two artillery perB.oxmel had been evaeuated through their
medioal eham1elso .
Reoo:rmiassanoe was made earq in the m',tning tc l'illtl F08itions in vic,inity of Fried1'iclu
'Positions :found. the so11;'-wa8 t;,ou.n<l te be sandy and. very wet. In oOll8equenoe,
the soil :ta like qUJ.oksand. and. vehi,oles :beoome Bogg.d down immediatl. The sof't8oilis.8.
proble1l1 1'01'1011.. guns die. Disp1acemelilt .i8 made 'by batte17 and. completed at 1600 hours atter
making a '1ve Jl1iletQaroho' Minions 42." ttolUlU' 8230
j , '.
'1 December 1944
, . i ; .
The battalion oontinued its missicn of direot suppert of the 10th lnt'antry by firing on: '. "
.. targets on both the Westan.d Ea.1o sid.. of the Saar Ri'Yer. The gun po&1tioJ;1S are by
enlargiDg foxholes', making sh.lters ofammunitioB orates filled with sand. a.nd begimti"":i;hllc
revet"'otgWlBo !fAe bat"beries maintaineli an espeoially a.lert gua.rd sinoe our (mortlt)
flank:, i8 :not, definitely Jcnc)wn to 111. oleared of elleD\Y# Missions 3$, RotU1ds 538. .
S Deoember 1944
Battalion oont1111i1es its normal misSion today with IlQ lUlusua1 reports madao 141ssiona 26.
ROUl!1a 4110
.' In t .. to o tho loth __.,. in .....taotwlth
enemy. the 46"bhFA Bnfireci1n support of the fth Ranger Bn and the 6th. QavRon Sqd.r,. 1n arlal.'Y!
these unitJ,.ha."Ie8.ssuned reepoXUlibllity for. and tormer1yrponsibil'i....t thelothX:afa.nt:r1'oi,,'
S.. to J:)6;v OPat for brief; prior to reoonnaissanoe otpositien artea. . .
. . in 95th: 1n lUlJ.'tioipation otpaasage of 6th In!' DiT throttgh the i
uni"hs . at Sa.a.rlaut.rn, i::wo are... aretound.8..tis.f.a,otot!1. first, )
KerlingellJi and.' ..!Saud one mile SW of Wa,11ertangeno 1I1Bsi.118 26:. llo.unda 4?lo ',. !
.; \
10. 11,12 Deoember 1944 !
. .' I
Miss;ion continu.d. supportot loth Infantry and elements of the 6:t.h Cav Ron<Sqd1' op,erat.1ng j
in seatoI' of the loth ,Infantry.. Bome observed missions fired onOPs., self propelled gums D I
and pereon;nel in tho' openCt Artillery fire received from .en8ll\Y was desultory. .1
and did not do UN' 0n 11th December, Lt.. 001. Robert L. BrUIl.Ze11. Bn Oomdr W8.1eva01.1atEd
from oP. lOth Im.fantry 'ffiQn battle casualty) and Major ela!"e Fl. donde, Bn"Exeouta;v,e,. asstUtled r
command. Se')1"eral reC0n11ai8saneea made in. search of suitable positions in.area, west of$a$.r- .
in an"!:iioipation of pending operations in whiohe.le.mel1:Gs ot the 5th ,lJ:Jt I
Div WiH r.8.. l1eve ufiitl in bridgelaeada a.l.ready established. PosiMOllS ,:1.1:). vioin1tyof . . I
Duren and Wallerfangen were found liIa.tisfaetory. Missions RoUllda . !
. ..' 118th - 9 11'1
11th - '1 210
12th - ., 190'
13 Deoember 1944
Todq '.Major Charles B.. Ballou and Oapt FraDk G. Woodin are assigned to 46th FA BB and
assume their .duties asBn Oomdr and :{:3n 8-3 respectively. Major R. Chris Oanadq assigned to
19th FA Bnafter several years of sorvice with this batta.liono Firing oontinued to b. light
on observed tarhets. Missions 1, Rounda 28.
14 Decemb.r 1944
Dq is unvent:ful' exoept tor a short viBit from General Vanclerveer and Oolonel Horner.,.
MAintenance of materiel is littrEtss.d, and ordnance department personnel the tu",e. of all
twelve howltzers, deolariag two worn. out. $:ad fit 1'01' rep1a.oem.ento Inspeotion itt ordered by 1311.
Comdr o'bservers have reported excelUI dispersion some concentrations and have great
d;\ffioulW seouring targe,t fLits on preeililien. mi.sdons. Missions 8. 110uncl8 1&20
. Bn oonthiue'. to in support of lOth lnf'lUltry and :&ertOrDll maintenanoe dutieeo S..2
conduots reoonnabsanoe of area near B.a.mara1s (Sohonbruck) a:ruifinds suitable posi'bion areaso
Missio)ll 4. Rounds 94 .' .
., . 16 Deoember 1944 ' .
.Bn Comdr and 'reoonnaissanoe parties a detailed reoonnaissanoe of the area
___ ,
Reproduc8d:fnjm lile .UncI!!sslfi8d I
Declassified 'Holdings of the NatioDal Archives'
:1:;:; ,
.rec4IlUloitered by 8,,.2 O:r;i::. firing on observed targets, and
repairingorganbational:,equipme,#l!:to Uild"rgone thorough inspection by'variou8
teams' detailed;9y Div .Arty.;Eteu inspeoted areinotol;' vehioles, messes. tao-tical ilistallatb...' ";
howitzera,small'arms. instruments, and $. Rounds 69. . >,':; "
IT December 1944
'Bnprepares to move to poaitions west of lea.marais (Sohonbruck)in general support of 5th
Inf'Div, reE?llf'oroing fires of 5OthFA13n, olosing on new area at 1835 hours. Parties have been
sent forward earlier in the day to provide proteotion for personnel and begin digging '\Veapons
pits, and on' arrival of main boq, the battalion is well protected. Mareh is oonduoted without
e:tJI. diffioulty. over a 'Winding route of 11 mileBoRoute is chosen so as to avoid deteotioll
by the eneJI\V. Missions 1. Rounds 10
.. 18 De0 ember 1944
:];)q.'pasaes firing in support of .,in Saarla.uterna.nd Ensdorf bridgehead ,
areas, and improving positions. Haze a.aad smoke :make. use of organio Glbservation post
and observers conduct all missions., Plus ar.e. arranged to alert a m.e.x:tmum number of .
personnel'in the event of an attack on the area by paraohute troop.. Batt.ries establish very
vigilant guards to prevent sabatoge by and en_ .in American uniforms, u have beea
reported captured in the locality. Persomael are -.rned tha.t operations 1m. Germa.I\V will be 1
acoompanied by rec.ption _1oh we r .....ved ;from the population ot: France. Batterie. haw ohanged:
their policy of staying a"flq from. buildings in favor of the protaetion from. weather .which has '
been .,.,rereceu:tl:y'. .lIi.ssioDS 16_ Ro1:UlCis 202.,: I
19,Deoember 1944
portion. o.f apen't in support ot bridgehead, and at 1300, ..ttalion
reoeives OS140,;prepare,tomove we81;. to.assembq area a.t ltuatzigo- March is oonduot.d partly :tn
darkness fO,r- 8; total distance. at 31 mil.. Rhnaissance of the ltuntdg at'ea.. a
billetting party the 8-2 in darkness. The are.. had been heavily mined by the enetq but
no oasualties or were suffered,.. and after feeding a hot meal. the battalion resum.edits
(II18.rch.:; through !hoinville aWl hal-Md for 'bWG hours in Luxemoourg. $:Cill in clarknes8. the
'.. ... . .. p.t... ..ttal:t.811... in" ...... ...... under, the __
..i,!::iollo 16\ milea. .MissiODS 13,. Rounds 367. . ..' .
L:(}' ;i. 20 Deo.mber 1.944
i'h.: arrives ..
In:wter aad prepar,es pos!tioaa in theseoond tille at dete:ji1se1De- '
hind element. of .other. diIVisio;nsin contact 1dth the enenv. For this. operatiGn the battalion
is attached to lOth CT,e.nd:prepares to relie..,. elements of' other units tnthe pr1m.aJ:y line of
dafe.ue. SnoW' f,.,11$ tor. B:e first. in: quantiV a.nd make. good very 4:i.ttioult.
8. Rounds 104.
21 I).oember 1944
1311 remains 1n positions near Ernster resting and preparing to relieve other units in con....
We missions were fir.a
22 Deoember 1944
Bn OoJDdr and 1'eOOlU'lai8s.ano. party leave at 013(;) to 1'ill4 p08itloDS' in support of MLR i1t
vicinity of Beoh!! .Trat'r1c on. roads is heavy and putt do:not arrive until a few'lttes 'be:f.'ea
the .main body., .. I'he maroh or five (5)mile8 is oonduoted witllout incident. 11'1 oloses on new
position at 1150.hours and establishes oommunioationwith. other .FA units 1. vioinity to
faoilitate :massing of fires. Registration by high burs1; methods ill conducted that night.
Missioa,14, Rounds 429.
23 December 1944
reverts. to Div Arty control and fires in support of attaok of 10th lafant17 at 0746
hqurs. Atta.ek 'malie . in. direction of Eokwnmok Oll bmDder between LuxeBoeg and Gel"l1.8l\V.
A;t;t111"ry fire received on front lineelem&nts was the ,heaviest received during.theattaoks
sinee the attaok in.the direction of Jetzo Fire reoieved from 21 Om and
and artiller,r throughout the day.nad night. The rooket projectiles appear to be
pr,J.marily inteDded to produoe blasto Initial attack gets under way slow.1. and a aeoom attaok:
is fqr 24 Deoembero. Our fire is used by forward obser'V'ersw1th soma of the cilea.cilliest
etfect obser;ved so. far in combat. Rieeochet. and timeflreare usedwithexoellent effect, with
enemy,f' the attack progresses. Dense coniferous forests and deep gullies
.running. :parallel to the axis of advanoe make advanoe again8t the hea-vy en8l1W' fire ditfioult.
}AjJssiona 34, RoundQ 16410
24 December 1944
..: :,". , . ,'. '\,..' .. .' .'IJ",: ,
FiX'ing:in the of lOth Intantl'Y is oontinued. today with devastating effeot
on the enel1\V. A oounterattaok w:Lth four Sf' guns' and. infantry (estimated oompti\.l.W) is repulsed
with mlUl\Y' oasualites and destruetiCin of two of the SP'1l by fire f%'om the 46th FA:eno Tree burslll
inthe dense woods have great erfeet on personnel, and the oounterastaCk is repulsed almost
oompletely by artillery" .'
Tlt.,oe.ttaliontires the :new Posit Fuze (180 rounds) for the first time from this position on !
OhristInasEveo requires preparation at the gun position, but promisses to be a deadl new
adaltion!to e.rtilleryo Missions 78. :Rounds 19430 .
/25Deoember 1944
Battalion oontinues to rire in suppo:r,t of loth Infantry attack with exeellent effeot..
AdvanGing infantry-find. :hti.ndreds of dead Germans killed by artillery and mortar shells.
Christma.s dinner was goodJ.o:Miss:\,pns 51. Rounds 1061.
26 Deoember 1944
!En.: Bn Comraander ,and: party rEibdonoiterarea near Soh'ladgan for positions. finding satistaotory
areasA) Bn m.oved .to al'$a an uneYell"b;t'ul :p.:l.ght march at six mil.So . lIotI.S13 ions. 43., RoUDd8 869..
21 DetCJember 1944
ReooDD.aissUoe party
proceed to vicinity 01' Ermsdort to find positions .-vo make reliet 01'
eleIflents of' 6"bh .A.r&dD:tv poadble. Poa:l.tions are touud. and on return of tliereeonnaissanee
parby. the battalionpX'epaX'e. to diaplaoe 1mmediatelo Displacement is aotually accomplished'
the following' day without incident. MiSsions 20. Round. 4.16. .
28 Deoember 1944
A.fter a quiet morning. iil\e batta11.on mo'Us to vicin1t;y of Er.mBdo:rf. !hetown is orowded
and ,sui_ble,. OPts e.nd. other iJiatallat10ns are dittioult to find. RegistX'atlon is aooomplished
by high burst methods tho. 'ba'b-tal1on ha.a .an .alert nature. to try out 8.plo of
&;rea defense. At el1enw airplane c1rolesth.e v111age fourt1nl,e.,. on. the. second circleD
i'irinlb a short burst :Ci7omit. maohine guns. Its orew is evidently attra.oted by a burnililg
building a.nd one bomb. es-vimated 100 Xg, . i8. dr.opped on the tourth pass. Tae bomb strikes tae
building housinlb the Bn OP u,4 lie, Oen. 1hl sn. in.d quarters at some offioer8. and :rne:a.Blut,
pragmentsand easualtiel. Among tho injureCl. are the in eomdr Ma.jor
9a11QU .Dn Sg10 16ajor.. l'sg'b, Beibning, Uq 'i'Btry 1st Sg'b,Sgt Albrochta.,and 'Killed were
01areB. Oonde.h,Exeo.Pvt liarri8 and Pvt Rainone. both ot BtryO. Total oasualties
' '
" .3 Killed, .. ',.1
. 16 ;t/V'ounded (a:l.l Il,ot Oftouated)
rhe plane walil' not shot dowx:t.. .Missions 14. Rounds 216.
29.December 1944
lIIajor :8., .Bl8.Dk( fermorlyJ1' offieer 6th. Inf Div uSUl1l8d OQ1Jlllli.ndo Major R. Ohril
the :b.atta.lion in .the oapa.oity at exeoutive.,. .Vehicl are dispersed and camoutlaged. an
tva" a.ttupt to, oause t11e 'ho"el1eve the town is evaoue.tod is _do. This is ma.d..e: ,ea.aier
)ythe f'Aot. tho,a.;b another FA.' In,leavelll the,vioinity of the village, 'orowding 8omewha.t.
(is,sion in this position is aetensive, with high ground south of the Sure River on tne .!Li.
riS!3iolUl 21. Rounds 357.
30 December 1944
Battalion continue. '-Co support loth In.tantt7 :i.ndefense, and reoonna.:1.uallee :1.s made 1n_
,ther near areal to find positions to wh:Loh orderly wi1ob.drawal could be maio. Areas are touml
,ear,Erlllen and Altinster. JU..siolll3 a.gaiDSt enft\Y in the. open and vehioular aotivity are tired.
nd.:oorpa !OTa.on: enemy batteries are trlquanto E:neD1 aal"rassing fire ot'moderate to light
alb on vill"age, but no ,damage result80 airore.:t't are ...overhea.d, muoh ot the time at night
nd allied planes are ".en.oonstantq during the day. Mis8bne 26, Rounds 8Q6.
.. .. 31 December 1944
N0rmal.mission oontinued with ao'iionthe same as the previous day. Lt Dona.ld ,Lareon, Bn.
Ilrvey' Qft1eer:, transgerred to 19th FA Bn. Lt Eriolcson assumes duties Sarvoy Officer,
lssions 38, Round..."I'; ...'. -. .-w
FoX' the Battalion. Commander,
O&pto 46th FA Bno, 8-2.

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