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Summary: the pedagogy for this course should focus on students use of grammar within their own writing from EN 101 and other courses. Worksheets and activities independent of their writing should be used only sparingly. Plan to start and end the semester with a writing prompt. Collect these prompts and retain them after the semester ends in order to use them for evaluating student learning.

Semester-start in class writing prompt (45 minutes): Please write a paper describing your greatest issues with editing and proofreading in your own writing. Use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your best proofreading and editing skills. *** Semester-end writing prompt assignment: End of Semester Written Reflection Paper Please write a 2-3 page reflection paper analyzing how your editing and proofreading skills have improved from the beginning of the semester until now. Discuss your three major editing and proofreading issues and how you have addressed learning (or re-learning) these writing concepts.

SESSION 1 - Allow 45 minutes for students to write in class-writing prompt. - Use observations from students writing prompt responses to plan Session 2 activities. Review observations regarding grammatical-error trends based on Session 1 writing prompt. Find two or three grammatical-error-trends present in most students writing. Use these trends to plan lesson for Session 2. - Require students to bring in a writing sample from one of their other classes (previous or current classes) on Session 2.

SESSION 2 - During class, present mini-lesson on grammatical issues (two trends identified from Session 1) that the students had in their writing sample (2 grammatical concepts per class) including brief activities which give them an opportunity to find and correct the grammatical errors outside of their own writing - Collect writing sample and prepare feedback for next class session which identifies the grammatical errors and how to correct them. - Make copies of the Grammar Worksheet to provide with the writing sample that has your feedback. Assign students to record their errors using the Worksheet and then correcting their errors in the essay itself.

SESSION 3-5 - Instructor presents mini-lessons and activities in each session based on the students editing issues - Within this span of time, instructor provides one more in-class writing prompt, collects the writing, gives feedback on grammatical issues , and uses the Grammar Worksheet to prompt students to record and correct their errors SESSION 6 - Workshop Day: individualized check-up day; students work on their writing for EN 101 - Assign students to bring in writing sample from another class (due Session 7) SESSION 7 - In-class reflection writing prompt (mid-term): reflect on what youve noticed about your editing and proofreading skills so far in your EN 101 class. What issues did you have on your first two essays and how have they changed or remained the same? - Instructors use the mid-term to evaluate what future lessons should focus on and what lessons have been successful so far. - Collect student writing sample from other class and give feedback; in following class session return essay with feedback to students and assign Grammar Worksheet. SESSION 8-11 - Mini lessons (repeat process described in Session 3-5) SESSION 12 - Workshop Day: individualized check-up day; students work on their writing for EN 101 SESSION 13 - Final Reflection paper is assigned using MLA style (see End of Semester Reflection Paper at top of page) SESSION 14 - Final Reflection paper is due


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