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Winrunner Lab 2 copyrights reserved

1. Start a new Winrunner test.
Click the New toolbar icon, or select File > New
2. Start a new or order In Flight Application.
Select File > New Order

Record Creating an Order:

3. Start Recording.
Press the Record Button on the Winrunner toolbar, or select Create > Record – Context Sensitive
4. Enter the date of flight.
Click the Date of Flight edit field and type 07/07/07 or later date
5. Select the flight route.
Select ‘Los Angeles” from Fly From drop-down list.
Select “Denver” from Fly To drop-down list.
6. Select a flight number.
Press the Flights button.
Select a flight from Flights Table and Press OK.
7. Enter the customer name.
In the Flight Application, click in the Name field and type your name.
8. Finish the data entry.
Check the First radio button under Class
Type 2 in the Tickets field.
9. Create the order
Press the insert Order button.After the order is inserted into the database, the massage “Insert
Done …” appears in the progress bar.
10. Stop recording.
Press the Stop toolbar icon, or select Creat > Stop Recording
11. Save the test as: C:\Winrunner_Project\Flight_Ver_1A\Lab_2

Examine the Script:

12. Examine the statement in the script:

Set_window ( “Flight Reservation”, 10) ;

Edit_set ( “Date of flight :”, “07/07/07” ) ;

List_select_item (“Fly From; “, “Los Angeles” ) ;

button_press ( “OK’ ) ;

13. Play back the script.

Did the test play back to completion? If not, why?
14. Press the Pause button in the Winrunner Message box.
The test run paused at the line:
button_press ( “Insert Order” ) ;
Were the initial conditions of the application the same when you recorded the test and when
you ran it? How can you correct the problem?

Set Initial Conditions

15. In Winrunner, Insert an empty line at the top of the script, before the first statement. Place
the cursor in the empty line.
16. Start Recording.
Press the Record toolbar button.
17. Set the initial conditions for AUT (Application Under Test )
In the flight Reservation window , select File > New Order.
18. Stop Recording.
In Winrunner, press the Stop Recording button in the toolbar, or select Create > Stop
19. Now save the test and play back twice.

Copyrights Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

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