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radius of the circle. EXERCISE 16.

Q.1. Find the length of the tangent drawn to a circle of radius 3cm, from a point distant 5 cm from the centre. Sol. CT is the radius CP = 13 cm and tangent PT = 12 cm. CT is the radius and TP is the tangent CT TP. Now in right CPT ( CP)2 = ( CT)2 + ( PT)2 ( Pythagoras axiom) (13)2 = (CT)2+ 144 169= (CT)2+ 144 (CT)2= 169-144= 25 = (5)2 CT= 5 cm. Hence the radius of the circle = 5 cm

Sol. In a circle with centre O and radius 3 cm and P is at a distance of 5 cm. i.e. OT=3 cm,OP=5 cm OT is the radius of the circle. OTPT Now in right OTP , by Pythagoras axiom, 0P2=0T2+ PT2 (5)2 (3)2 + PT2 PT2 =(5)2 - (3)2 25-9= 16= (4)2 PT = 4cm. Q.2. A point P is at a distance 13 cm from the centre C of a circle .PT is the tangent to the given circle. If PT = 12 cm, find the

Q.3. The tangent to a circle of radius 6 cm from an external point P. is of length 8 cm. Calculate the distance of P from the nearest point of the circle.

Sol. Radius of the circle = 6 cm and length of tangent = 8 cm Let OP be the distance i.e. OA = 6 cm , AP = 8 cm

OA is the radius OAAP. Now in right OAP, OP2 = 0A2 + AP2 (6)2 + (8)2 = 36 + 64= 100 = ( 10)2 OP = 10 cm. Q.4. Two concentric circles are of the radii 13 cm and 5 cm .Find the length of the chord of the outer circle which touches the inner circle. Sol. Two concentric circles with centre O and OP and OB are the radii of the circles respectively , then OP= 5 cm ,OB = 13 cm

Sol. radii of the circle 5 cm and 2.8 cm i.e OP = 5 cm and CP = 2.8 cm


when the circle touches externally , then the distance between their center = OC 5+2.8 = 7.8 cm


when the circle touches internally , then the distance between their center = OC 5.0-2.8 = 2.2 cm

AB is the chord of the outer circle which touches the inner circle at P. OP is the radius and APB is the tangent to the inner circle. In right OPB , by Pythagoras Axioms, ( OB)2 = ( OP)2 + (PB)2 (13)2 = (5)2 + (PB)2 169 = 25 +(PB)2 (PB)2 = 169-25= 144 (PB)2 = 144 =(12)2 PB= 12cm But P is the midpoint of AB. AB = 2 x PB = 2 x12 = 24cm. Q.5. Two concentric circles of the radii 5 cm and 2.8 cm touch each other. Find the distance between their center if they touch : (i) externally (ii) internally

Q.6. (a)In figure (1) given below, triangles ABC is circumscribed, find x. (b)In figure (ii) given below, quadrilateral ABCD is circumscribed, find x. Sol.

(a) From A, AP and AQ are the tangents to the circle. AQ=AP= 4 cm

But AC= 12 cm CQ=12-4= 8 cm From B, BP and BR are the tangents to the circle BR=BP= 6 cm Similarly, form C, CQ and CR the tangents CR=CQ= 8 cm X=BC=BR+CR=6 cm + 8 cm 14 cm (b) From C , CR and CS are the tangent to the circle CS = CR = 3 cm But BC= 7cm BS =BC-CS =7-3 =4cm Now from B , BP and BS are the tangents to the circle BP=BS=4cm and from A, AP and AQ are the tangents to the circle. AP=AQ=5cm x=AB=AP+BP =5cm+4cm 9 cm Q.7. (a) In figure (1) given below, quadrilateral ABCD is circumscribed ; find the perimeter of quadrilateral ABCD (b) In figure (ii) given below, quadrilateral ABCD is circumscribed and AD DC ; find x if radius of in circle is 10 cm. Sol. (a) From A, AP and AS are the tangents to the circle. AS=AP=6

From B , BP and BQ are the tangents BQ=BP=5 From C ,C Q and CR are the tangents CR=CQ=3 and from D , DS and DR are the tangent DS=DR=4 Perimeter of the quad . ABCD =(6+5 +3 +3 +4+ 4+6)cm. 36cm (b) In the circle with centre O , radius OS = 10 cm , ADC = 90 PB = 27cm.BC=38 cm. OS is radius and AD is the tangent OSAD. SD = OS = 10 cm Now from D , DR and DS are the tangents to the circle. DR=DS= 10 cm From B , BP and BQ are tangents to the circle. BQ=BP=27cm CQ=CB-BQ 38-27 = 11cm Now from C , CQ and CR are the tangents to the circle CR=CQ= 11 cm DC= x=DR +CR 10+11 =21cm Q.8. (a) In the figure (1) given below, form an external point P, tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle. CE is a tangent to the circle at D . If AP 15 cm, find the perimeter of the triangle PEC. (b) In the figure (ii) given below , the in circle of ABC touches the sides BC , CA and AB at point P , Q and R respectively .Prove that AR + BP + CQ = RB + PC + Q A.

Sol. Three circles with centres A, B and C touch each other externally at P , Q and R respectively and the radii of these circles are 2 cm , 3 cm and 4 cm.

Sol. (a) From E, EA and ED are the tangents EA=ED .(i) Similarly from C , CD and CB are the tangents CD=CB (ii) and from P, PA and PB are the tangents PA = PB = 15 cm Now Perimeter of PEC PE + EC + CP PE+ED+DC+PC PE + EA + PC +C B PA+PB =15+15 =30 cm. (b) Given : In circle of ABC touches the sides of the triangle BC, CA and AB at points P, Q , R respectively. To prove : AR+BP +CQ = RB + PC + QA Proof : AR and QA are the tangents to the circle. AR=QA Similarly BP = RB and CQ= PC Adding , we get AR+BP+CQ= QA+RB+PC= RB+PC+QA Q.E.D

By joining their centres ABC is formed in which AB=2+3=5cm BC=3+4 =7cm and CA= 4+2 = 6cm Perimeter of the ABC. AB+BC +CA 5cm+7cm+6cm = 18cm

Q.10. (a) In the figure (i) given below, the sides of the quadrilateral touch the circle. Prove that AB+CD = BC+DA. (b) In the figure (ii) given below , three circles with centres A, B and C touch each other externally. IfAB = 5 cm, BC = 7 cm and CA = 6 crn, find the radii of the three circles [Hint . Let radii of three circles be x , y and z, then x + y=5 , y +z = 7 and z + x = 61]

Q.9. Three circles of radii 2 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm touch each other externally .Find the perimeter of the triangle obtained on joining the centres of these circles.

Sol. (a) Given : Sides of quadrilateral ABCD touch the circle at P. Q , R and S respectively To prove : AB+CD= BC+DA

Proof : Tangents from A , AP and AS are to the circle. AP = SA Similarity PB = BQ CR = CQ and DR=DS Adding then , we get AP + PB + CR + RD =SA+BQ+CQ+DS AP + PB + CR + RD =BQ+QC+AS+SD AB + CD = BC + DA Q.E.D (b) Three circles with centres A, B and C are drawn in such a way that they touch in each other externally and AB = 5 cm , BC = 7 cm and CA = 6 cm. Let the radii of these circles be x , y and z x + y=5cm .(i) y + z=7cm (ii) z + x =6cm (iii) adding we get 2(x + y +z )= 18 cm x+y+z =9 (iv) Now subtracting (i) from (iv) z = 9- 5 = 4 cm similarly subtracting (ii) and (iii) respectively from (iv) x= 9-7= 2 cm and y=9-6= 3cm Radii of the circle are 2 cm , 3 cm and 4cm.

Q.11. (a) In the figure (1) given below, ABC is a right angled triangle at A with sides AB = 5 cm and BC 13 cm .A circle with centre 0 has been inscribed in the triangle ABC. Calculate the radius of the in circle. (b) In the figure (b) given below, two concentric circles with centre 0 are of radii 5 an and 3 cm From an external points P , tangent . PA and PB are drawn to these circles .If AP 12 cm, find BP.

SoI. (a) . ABC is a right triangle right angle at A and AB = 5 cm, BC = 13 cm .. BC2 = AC2 + AD2 (By Pythagoras axiom) (13)2=AC2 + (5)2 AC2= (13)2 -(5)2

169 -25= 144=(12)2 AC=l2cm OP is the center of the incircle of the triangle ABC and the circle touches the sides AB, BC and CA at P , Q and R respectively. OP, OQ and OR are joined

.: OP and OR are radius on the tangents AB and AC respectively OPPB and ORAC APOR is a square AP = AR = OP = OR Now in right ABC, (BC)2=(AB)2 +(AC)2 (13)2= (5)2+ (AC)2 169=25 +(AC)2 (AC)2=169-25=144 =(12)2 AC=12 cm Let AP = AR = x (side of the sq .APOR) BP=5-x BO = BQ (Tangents from B to the circle) BQ=5-x again CR=AC-x= 12-x and CR=CQ (Tangents from C to the circle) CQ=12-X Now BC = BQ + CQ 13=5-x+ 12-x 13= 17-2x 2x= 17-13 2x=4 x = 2 Hence radius of the circle = 2 cm (b) radius of outer circle = 5 cm and radius of inner circle = 3 cm

OAAP In right A OAP OP2 = OA2 + AP2 (5)2+ (12)2 25 + 144 169 =(13)2 OP= 13 Similarly in right OBP OP2 =0B2 +BP2 (13)2= (3)2 + BP 2 169= 9+BP 2 BP 2 = 169-9= 160 BP =

Q.12. (a) In the figure (1) given below, AB 8 cm and M is the midpoint of AB .Semi circles are drawn on AB , AM and MB as diameters A circle with centre C touches all three semi circles as shown , find its radius. (b) In the figure (ii) given below, equal circle with centre O and O touch each other at X. OO is produced to meet a circle O at A. AC is tangent to the circle whose centre is O O D is perpendicular to AC . Find the value of: (i) (ii) Area of ADO Area of ACO

OA= 5 cm OB =3cm and AP= 12cm OA is radius and AP is the tangent

Sol. (a) Let x be the radius of the circle with centre C and radii of each circle equal Semi circles= = 2 cm

CP = x +2 and CM = 4-x In right PCM (PC)2 = (PM)2 + (CM)2 (x+2)2=(2)2+(4-x)2 x2+4x+4=4+168x+x2 4x+Bx+4-4-16=O 12x=16 x= =1 cm Radius=1 cm (b)Two equal circles with centre O and O touch each other externally at X . OO is joined and produced to meet the circle at A. AC is the tangent to the circle with centre O. OD is AC .. Join OC. OC is radius and AC is tangent , then OC AC. Let radius of each equal circle = r. In ADOand ACO A=A (Common) D = C (each 90) ADO similarity) (i) (ii) ADO ACO area of ADO =(AO)2 area of ACO (Ao)2 )2 = ( ) (from(i)) ACO (AA axiom of

Q.13. The length of the direct common tangent to two circles of radli 12 cm and 4 cm is 15 cm. Calculate the distance between their centres. Sol. Let R and r be the radii of the circles with centre A and B respectively and Let TT be their common tangent. (TT)2=(AB)2(Rr)2 (15)2=(AB)2-(12-4)2 225 =AB2- (8)2 .(AB2=225+64 289=(17)2 AB= 17 cm

Hence distance between their centers = 17 cm Q.14. Calculate the length of a direct common tangent to two circles of radii 3 cm and 8 cm with their centers 13 cm apart. Sol. Let A and B be the centers of the circles whose radii are 8 cm and 3 cm and let Ti length of their common tangent and AB = 13 cm.

Now (TT)2= (AB)2 (Rr)2 (13)2-(8-3)2 169- (5)2 169-25 144 =(12)2 TT= 12 cm Hence length of common tangent 12 cm

36+64= 100 = (10)2 PB= 10cm Now in PAD and BCQ A= C (each 90) ABP = CBQ (vertically opposite angles) PAB = BCQ ( AA anxiom of similarity) = 5 cm

Q.1 5. In the given figure, AC is a transverse common tangent to two circles with centres P and Q and of radii 6 cm and 3 cm respectively. Given that AB = 8 cm, calculate PQ. Sol.

BQ =

PQ = PB + BQ = 10 + 5 = 15 cm

Q.16. Two circles with centers A, B of radii 6 cm and 3 cm respectively .if AB = 15 cm , find the length of a transverse common tangent to these circles. Sol. AB = 15cm Radius of the circle with centre A = 6 cm and radius of second circle with radius B = 3 cm.

AC is a transverse common tangent to the two circles with centre P and Q and of radii 6 cm and 3 cm respectively AD = 8 cm .Join AP and CQ.

In right PAD, PB2 = PA2 + AD2 (6)2+ (8)2

Let AP = x , then PB = 15 - x In ATP and SBP T = S (each 90) APT = BPS ( vertically opposite angle)

ATP and SBP of similarity) 9x = 90 X= x=9 AP= 10 cm,PB= 15-10 = 5 cm 3x = 90 6x

(AA axiom

Sol: In BOP: POB+ OPB=90 ...(1) In OAP: AOP+APO=90 ..(2) By adding 1 and 2 APB and AOB are supplementary (ii) PQ=BQ(Tangent drawn from an external point to the circle are equal) Similarly PQ=AQ Hence BQ=AQ Q.18. (a) In the figure (i) given below , PQ is a tangent to the circle at A, DB is a diameter, ADB 30 and CBD 60, calculate (i) QAB (ii) PAD (iii) CDB. (b) In the figure (ii) given below, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral .The tangent to the circle at B meets DC produced at F. If EAB 85 and BFC 50,find CAB.

Now in right ATP, AP2-AT2+TP2 (10)2 = (6)2 + TP2 100=36+TP2 TP2 = 100 36 = 64 TP2 = (8)2 TP = 8 cm Similarly in right PSB PB2 = BS2 +PS2 (5)2= (3)2 + PS2 25 = 9 + PS2 PS2 = 25 9 =16 (4)2 PS = 4 cm. Hence TS = TP + PS = 8 + 4 = 12 cm

Q.17. (a) In the figure (i) given below, PA and PB are tangents to a circle with centre 0. Prove that APB and AOB are supplementary. (b) In the figure (ii) given below, two circles touch internally at P from an external point Q on the common tangent at P, two tangents QA and QB are drawn to the two circles. Prove that QA = QB.

SoL (a) PQ is tangent and AD is chord (i) QAB= BDA =30 ( Angles in the alternate segment) (ii)In ADB, DAB=90 ( angles in a semi circle)

and ADB= 30 ABD= 180-(90+30)= 180120=60 But PAD = ABD (angles in the alternate segment) =60 (proved) (iii) In right BCD BCD = 90 (Angles in a semi - circle) CBD = 60 ( given) CDB=180-(90+60) =180- (150)=30 Sol. (a) PQ is tangent and AD is chord (i)QAB = BDA = 30 (angles in the alternate segment) (ii)In ADB, DAB = 90 ( Angles in a semi circle) and ADB= 30 ABD=180 - (90+30) 180-120 =60 But PAD = ABD (Angles in the alternate segment) 60 (proved) (i) In right BCD BCD = 90 (Angles in a semi circle) CBD = 60 ( given) CDB=180 -(90+60) 180- 150=30 (b) ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral Ext. EAB = BCD BCD= 85 But BCD + BCF = 180 (Linear pair) 85+ BCF= 180 BCF = 180-85=95 Now in BCF, BCF+ BFC+ CBF= 180 95+50+CBF= 180 145+ CBF = 180

CBF = 180-145 = 35 BF is a tangent and BC is the chord. . CAB = CBF (Angles in the alternate segment) CAB= 35.

Q.19. (a) In the figure (1) given below, AB is a diameter of the circle , with centre 0 and AT is an tangent Caculate the numerical value of x. (b) In the figure (ii)given below, O is the centre of the circle .PS and PT are tangent and SPT = 84 Calculate the sizes ofthe angles TOS and TQS.

Sol. (a) Arc AC subtends AOC at the centre and ABC at the remaining part of the circle. ABC= AOC= x50=25 or ABT= 25 OA is radius and AT is the tangent OAAT or OAT or BAT ...90 Now in A ABT, BAT+ABT+ATB = 180 =90+25+x=180 115 +x= 180 .x=180-115=65 (b) TP and SP are the tangents and OS and

OT are the radii. OSSP and OTTP OSP=OTP=90 SPT= 84 But SOT+OTP+TPS+OSP 360 SOT = 360 - 264 SOT=360 -264 SOT=96 and reflex SOT = 360 - 96 = 264 Now major arc ST subtends reflex SOT at the centre and TQS at the remaining part of the circle TQS= x reflex <SOT= x 264 l32 Hence TOS= 96 and TQS= 132 Q.20. (a) In the figure (i) given below, O is the centre of the circle .The tangent at B and D meet at P. If AB is parallel to CD and ABC 55 ,find (i) BOD (ii) BPD (b) In the figure (ii) given below, O is the centre of the circle .AB is a diameter , TPT is a tangent to the circle at P. Calculate: (i) APT (ii) BOP

BOD=2 BCD=2x55=110 OB is radius and BP is tangent OBDP Similarly, OD DP Now in quad. OBPD. BOD + ODP + OBP + BPD = 360 (angles of quadrilateral) 110+90+90 +BPD = 360 290+BPD= 360 BPD =360-290 =70 (b) TPT is tangent (i) AD is diameter AD is diameter APD = 90 (Angles in a semi circle) and BPT = 30 APT=180-(90+30) 180- 120=60 (ii) TPT is tangent and PB is the chord BAP = BPT (Angles in the alternate segment) 30 Now arc BP subtends BOP at the centre and BAP at the remaining part of the circle. BOP=2BAP =2x30=60

Sol.(a) ABCD (i) ABC = ) BC D (Alternate angles) BCD= 55 Now arc BD subtends BOD at the centre and ) BCD at the remaining part of the circle.

Q.21. In the adjoining figure. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. The line PQ is the tangent to the circle at A. If CAQ: CAP =1:2, AB bisects CAQ and AD bisects

CAP, then find the measures of the angles of the cyclic quadrilateral. Also prove that BD is a diameter of the circle.

Q.22. In a triangle ABC, the in circle (centre O) touches BC, CA and AB at P, Q and R respectively. Calculate (i) QOR (ii) QPR, Given that A = 60 Sol. OQ and OR are the radii and AC and AB are tangents OQ AC and OR AB Now in quad, AROQ A= 60,ORA= 90 and OQA= 90 ROQ=36O -(A+ORA+OQA) 360-(60+90+90) 360-240= 120 Now arc RQ subtends ROQ at the centre and RPQ at the remaining part of the circle. ROQ=2RPQ RPQ= ROQ RPQ= x 120=60

Sol: ARCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. PAQ is the tangent to the circle at A. CAD: CAP 1: 2. AB and AD are the bisectors of CAQ and CAP respectively To prove: (i) BD is the diameter of the circle (ii) Find the measure of the angles of the cyclic quadrilateral. Proof. (i) AB and AD are the bisectors of CAQ and CAP respectively and CAQ + CAB = 180 (linear pair) CAB= CAD=90 BAD=90 Hence, BD is at diameter of the circle. (ii) CAQ: CAP= 1:2 Let CAQ=x and CAP= 2x x+2x = 180 3x=180 x=

Q.23. (a) In the figure (i) given below, AB is a diameter .The tangent at C meets AR produced at Q, CAB = 34 Find. CBA (ii) CQA (b)In the figure (ii)given below , AP and BP are tangents to the circle with centre O. Given APR 60 calculate (i) AOB (ii) OAB (iii) ACB


CAQ=60 and CAP=120 PAQ is the tangent and AC is the chord of the circle ADC=CAQ=60 Similarly ABC = CAP = 120 Hence A= 90,B=120 C= 90 and D = 60 Ans.

Sol. (a) AB is the diameter ACB=90 and CAB=30 In ABC, ACB+CAB+CBA= 180 90 + 30 +CBA= 180 (Angles of a triangle) CBA= 180- 120 = 60 and Ext. CBQ=180-60=120 CQ is tangent and CB is chord BCQ = CAB = 30 ( angles in the alternate segment) Now in BCQ BCQ + CBQ + CQB = 180 (Angles of a triangle) 30+ 120 CQB= 180 150+ CQB= 180 CQB= 180-150=30. (b) (i) AP and 1W are the tangent to the circle and OA and OB and radii on it. OA AP and OB BP AOB= 180-60= 120 Now in OAB OA = OR (radii of the same circle ) OAB= OBA (18o-120) x6o =30 (iii) Arc AB subtends AOB at the centre and ACB at the remaining part of the circle. AOB=2 ACB ACB= AOB . ACD = x 120 = 60 [From(i)]

Q.24. (a) In the figure (i) given below, O is the centre of the circumcircle of triangle XYZ. Tangents at X and V intersect at T. Given XTY 80 and XOZ 140 , calculate the value of ZXY.

Sol. join OY,OX and OY are the radius of the circle and the circle. OX XT and OY YT and XTY= 80 . XOY=180- XTY = 180-80=100 Now ZOY= 360- ( XOZ + XOY) 360-(140 + 100) 360-240= 120 But arc ZY subtends ZOY at the centre and ZXY at the remaining part of the circle. ZXY = x120 = 60 (b)In the figure (ii)given below, O is the centre of the circle and PT is the tangent to the circle at P. Given QPT 30, calculate (i) PRQ (ii) POQ Sol. (i) PT is tangent and OP is radius , then OP PT. OPT=90 But QPT = 30 OPQ=90-30=60 . OP = OQ (radii of the same circle) OQP= OPQ=60 Hence in OPQ, POQ = 60

(ii) Take a point A on the circumference and join AP and AQ Now arc PQ subtends POQ at the centre and PAQ on the circumference of the circle. PAQ= POQ= x60=30 Now APRQ is a cyclic quadrilateral PAQ+ PRQ=180 30+ PRQ = 180 PRQ= 180-30= 150 Q.25. Two chords AB, CD of a circle intersect internally at a point P .If. (i)AP = 6mi,PB = 4 cm and PD =3cm,find PC. (ii)AB=12 cm , AP= 2 cm, PC= 5 cm, find PD. (iii)AP =5cm,PB=6cm and CD =l3 cm ,find CP. Sol. In a circle , two chords AB and CD intersect each other at P internally AP. PB = CP . PD

PB=AB - AP =12-2=10cm AP X PB = CP X PD 2 x 10= 5 x PD PD= = 4cm (iii)When AP= 5cm,PB= 6cm,CD= 13 cm. Let CP =x , then PD = CD - CP or PD= 13-x

AP x PB = CP x PD 5 x 6 = x (13-x) 30=13x-x2 x2- 13x + 30= 0 x2- 10x-3x+30=0 x(x-10)-3(x-10)=0 (x-10)(x-3)=0 Either x- 10= 0,then x = 10 or x-3 = 0 then x=3 CP=10 cm or 3 cm. Q.26. (a) In the figure (i) given below, chords AB and CD when extended meet at X. Given AB = 4 cm, BX=6cm,XD= 5 cm, calculate the length of CD. (b) In the figure (ii) given below, PT is a tangent to the circle .Find If TP if AT = 16 cm and AB = 12 cm. Sol. AB and CD are chords of a circle which intersects at X outside the circle. AX .X B = CX . XD Now AB= 4cm ,BX = 6cm,XD= 5cm AX=AB+BX=4+6=10 cm 10x6 = CX x 5 CX= =12 cm

(i)When AP=6cm, PB=4cm , PD =3cm, then 6x4=CPx3 CP = =8 cm (ii)When AB= 12 cm, AP= 2 cm ,PC = 5 cm

CD=CX=DX=12-5=7cm (b) PT is the tangent to the circle and AT is a secant. PT 2 = TA x TB Now TA= l6cm,AB= 12cm TB=AT-AB=16-12=4cm PT2=16+4=64 =(8)2 PT = 8cm or TP = 8cm

But PA= 4.5 cm . AB= 13.5 cm PB=PA+PB 4.5+13.5=18 cm 2 Now PT = 4.5 x 18 =81 = (9)2 PT= 9 cm.

Q.27. PAB is a secant and PT is tangent to a drde .If (i) PT=8cm and PA 5 cm, find the1ength of AB. (ii)PA=4.5cm and AB= 13.5cm, find the length of PT. Sol. PT is the tangent and PAB is the secant of the circle

Q.28. (a)In the figure (i) given below, PAB is a secant and PT is tangent to a circle. If PA : AR = 1:3 and PT = 6 cm, find the length of PB. (b) In the figure (ii) given below, ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB =AC and Q is mid-point of AC. If APB is a secant and AC is tangent to the circle at Q. prove that AB=4AP.

Sol: Refer to hint PT2=PA.PB (i)PT=8 cm,PA=5 cm (8)2=5 x PB 64 = 5 PB PB = =12.8cm AB=PB-PA=12.8 -5.0 7.8cxn (ii) PT2 = PA x PB

Q.29. Two chords AB, CD of a circle intersect externally at a point P .If PA=PC ,Prove that AB=CD.

Given : Two chords AD and CD intersect each other at P outside the circle .PA = PC

To prove : AB = CD Proof: Chords AB and CD intersect each other at P outside the circle. PA x PB = PC x PD But PA = PC (given ) (i) PB=PD(ii) Subtracting (ii) from (i) PA-PB = PC-PD AB=CD Q.ED Q.30. (a)In the figure (i)given below , AT is tangent to a circle at A. If BAT = 45 and BAC 65 , Find ABC. (b) In the figure (ii) given below A, B and C are three points on a circle .The tangent at C meets BA produced at T. Given that ATC = 36 and ACT = 48 , calculate the angle subtended by AB at the centre of the circle.

Ext. CAB= ATC + TCA 36+ 48=84 But TCA = ABC (angles in the alternate segment) ABC = 48 But in ABC, ABC + BAC ACB = 180 (angles of a triangle) 48 +84 + ACB=180 132+ ACB= 180 ACB= 180- 132 ACB = 48 Arc AB subtends AOB at the centre and ACB at the remaining part of the circle AOB=2 ACB =2 x 48=96

Q.31. In the figure (i) given below, ABC is isosceles with AB = AC. Prove that the tangent at A to the circumcircle of ABC is parallel to BC Sol. (a) AT is the tangent to the circle at A and AB is the chord of the circle. ACB = BAT ( Angles in the alternate segment) = 45 Now in ABC, ABC + BAC + ACB = 180 (angles of a triangle) ABC+65+60 =180 ABC + 125= 180 ABC = 180-125 =55. (b)join OA , OB and CB .In ATC,

Sol Given: ABC is an isosceles triangle with AD =AC. AT is the tangent to the circumcircle at A. To prove : AT BC Proof: In ABC, AB=AC (given)

C = B (Angles opposite to equal sides) But AT is the tangent and AC is the chord. TAC = B (Angles in the alternate segment) But B= C (proved) TAC= C But these are alternate angles ATBC Q.E.D. Q.32. If all the sides of a parallelogram touch a circle .Prove that the parallelogram is a rhombus Sol. Given: ABCD is a parallelogram and a circle touches the sides of gm at P , Q, R and S respectively. To prove: ABCD is a rhombus Proof: Tangents from a point to a circle are equal in length. AP=AS Similarly BP= BQ CR= CQ and DR= DS Adding, we get AP + BP + CR+ DR=AS + BQ+ CQ+RS AB+CD=AS+DS+BC AB+CD=AD=BS ABCD is a parallelogram therefore AB = CD and AD = BC therefore AB + AB = BC + BC 2AB=2BC AB= BC AD = BC = CD = DA Hence ABCD is a rhombus. Q. E. D.

Q.33. If the sides of a rectangle touch a circle, prove that the rectangle is a square. Sol. Given : A circle touches the sides AS, BC, CD and DA of a rectangle ABCD at P. Q, R and S respectively

To Prove : ABCD is a square Proof: Tangents from a point to the circle are equal AP = PS Similarly BP = BQ CR= CQ and DR= DS Adding ,we get AP+BP+CR+DR =AS+BQCQ+DS AP + UP + CR + DR = AS + DS + SQ + CQ AB + CD = AD + BC But AB= CD and AD= BC (Opposite sides of a rectangle) AB + AB = BC + BC 2AB=2BC AB=BC AB=BC=CD=DA QE.D.

Q.34. (a)In the figure (ii) given below, two circles intersects at A, B. From a point P on one of these circles, two line segments PAC and PBD are drawn, intersecting the other circle C and D respectively. Prove that CD is parallel to the tangent at P.

intersect each other at A and B . PQ is a tangent to the centre C at A. To prove : AC bisects PAB Construction : Join AB and CP. Proof: In ACB, AC = BC (radii of the same circle) BAC= ABC ..(i) PAQ is tangent and AC is the chord of the circle PAC = ABC .... (ii) Form (i) and (ii) BAC = PAC Hence AC is the bisector of PAB. Q.E .D Q.35. (a) In the figure (i) given below, AB is a chord of the circle with centre 0, BT is tangent to the circle. If OAB = 32, find the values of x and y.

Sol. (a) Given : Two circle intersect each other at A and B .From a point P on one circle PAC and PBD are drawn .From P, PT is a tangent drawn .CD is joined. To prove: PT CD. Construction : join AB. Proof: PT is tangent and PA is chord APT= ABP (Angles in the alternate segments) (i) But BDCA is a cyclic quadrilateral Ext ABP = ACD.. (ii) From (i) and (ii) APT= ACD But these alternate angles CDPT Q.E.D (b) In the figure (i) given below, two circles with centre C, C intersects at A, B and the point C lies on the circle with centre C. PQ is a tangent to the circle with centre C at A. Prove that AC bisects PAB.

Sol. Given : Two circles with centers C and C

SoL (a) AB is a chord of circle with centre O. BT is a tangent to the circle and OAB = 32 . In OAB, OA = OB (radii of the same circle) OAB= OBA x=32 and A0B= 180 -(x+32) 180-64= 116 Now arc AB subtends AOB at the centre and ACB at the remaining part of the circle. AOB=2 ACB ACB= 2 AOB x116=58

(b) In the figure (ii) given below, O and O are centres of two circle touching each other externally at the point P .The common tangent at P meets a direct common tangent AB at M. Prove that (i) M bisects AB (ii) APB = 90

Sol. (b) Given : Two circles with centre O and O touch each other at P externally .From P, a common tangent is drawn and meets the common direct tangent AB at M. To prove: (i) M bisects AB i.e. AM = MB (ii) APB = 90 Proof:(i) From M, MA and MP are the tangents . MA=MP(i) Similarly, MB=MP .(ii) From (1) and (ii) MA= MB or M is the mid point of AB. (ii) MA=MP MAP= MPA (i) Similarly MP= MB MPB MBP. (ii) Adding (1) and (ii), MAP + MPB = MAP + MBP APB = MAP+ MBP But APB + MAP + MBP = 180 (Angles of a triangle) APB + APB = 180 2 APB= 180 APB= = 90

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