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ACETARSOL Therapeutic Function: Antiprotozoal, Tonic Chemical Name: Arsonic acid, (3-(acetylamino)-4-hydroxyphenyl)Common Name: Acetarsol; Acetarsone; Osarsol(um) Structural

Formula: Chemical Abstracts Registry No.: 97-44-9 Acetarsol 49 Trade Name Manufacturer Country Year Introduced Acetarsol Cyklo Pharma Chem Pvt. Ltd. -Acetarsol Nizhpharm - Fluoryl AFI - Gynoplix Theraplix - Laryngarsol Sanofi-Synthelabo - Nilacid Sanofi-Synthelabo - Orarsan Boots - Osarbon Nizhpharm - Trade Name Manufacturer Country Year Introduced Pallicid Wander - Spirocid Hoechst - Stovarsol Abbott - Raw Materials 4-Chloroaniline Sodium nitrite Hydrogen chloride Sodium arsenite Sodium hydroxide Nitric acid/Sulfuric acid Sodium thiosulfate Acetic anhydride Manufacturing Process 1 part of 4-chloroaniline is dissolved with 2 parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1.16) and 10 parts of water, and diazotised in the usual manner. 3 parts of sodium arsenite are introduced into the diazo solution thus obtained, the sodium arsenite being dissolved in 5 parts of water and 1 part of 96% ethanol. The solution is heated slowly to 70C. When evolution of nitrogene ceased, it is filtered from separated oil and the addition of hydrochloric acid precipitates the 4-chlorophenylarsonic acid, which crystallizes out in the form of white needles. By action HNO3/H2SO4 on 4-chlorophenylarsonic acid is obtained 4-chloro3nitrophenylarsonic acid which is converted at 100C with 33% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide to 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylarsonic acid. After

reduction of NO2 group of 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylarsonic acid by the action of Na2S2O3 or Fe/NaOH is obtained 3-amino-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid. From 3-amino-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid and acetic anhydride is prepared N-acetyl-4-hydroxy-m-arsanilic acid. References Bart H.; GB Patent No. 568; Jan. 9, 1911 GB Patent No. 5595; 06.03.1911; Assigned to Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius, and Bruning, Hoechst, Germany

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