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Consitutional Law I Reacquisition of Citizenship July 5, 2012 When a person has to reacquired his citizenship under 9225, he can

now exercise the privileges like any otherfililipino citizen. He can acquire real properties. If your with a foreigner still, under 9225 you cannot acquire properties. But that would be the general effects. There are special conditions when under the xercise of the right of suffrage, for be appoiunted to office. When a person has reacquired his citizenship under 9225 and would want to exercise his right to vote, he must be a qualfied voter. Meaning registered. If you were to be elected to public office, he is required to execute a sworn renunciation of all and any foreign citizenship before he would be wqualified for the position. Again, any and all foreign citizenship. So, can a person of dual citizenship, be allowed to run for public office. The answer is no. Because he is considered a dual citizen, once he runs for public office, he has to renounce his foreign citizenship, in effect, he would be considered a filipino citizen only. But for those who would be appointed to office, there is also a requirement of renunciation for all foreign allegiances, so while you are not required to renounce a foreign xitizenship, you are required to renounce your allegiance to your foreign citizenship. So. Elective, foreign xitizenship, appoointive foreign allegiances. There is also a disqualification 2:57

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