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Number-Relation Problems 1. Find three consecutive integers whose sum is 15 more than the largest. 2.

Two times the largest of three consecutive odd integers equals 17 more than the second. Find the integers. 3. Three-fourths of a certain number is 15 more than one-fourth of the number. What is the number? 4. The sum of two numbers is 80. The larger number is 9 more than the smaller number. Find the numbers. 5. There are three consecutive even integers such that the quotient obtained by dividing twice the largest integer by the smallest integer is three less than three fifths of the second integer. What are the integers? 6. Find three consecutive odd integers so that the sum of the integers is less than four times the answer. 7. In an integer between 10 and 100, the units digit is three greater than the tens digit. Find the integer if it is four times as large as the sum of its digits. Problems involving Rational Equations 1. What is the number increased by one-half of itself is equal to twenty one? 2. The numerator of a fraction is 9 less than its denominator. If 3 is added to its numerator, the new fraction is one-half. Find the original fraction. 3. Divide 182 meters into two parts such that the smaller is 1/13 of the larger. 4. One-half of a certain number diminished by 13 is equal to one-seventh of the number increased by one-eighth of the number. Find the number. Age Problems 1. The sum of the ages of two sisters is 20 years. Two years from now, one of them will bbe three times as old as the other then. Find their present ages. 2. Allen is three times as old as Betty, and Luz is five years younger than Allen. Three years ago, the sum of their ages was 56 years. What are their present ages. 3. Today, Belles age is four times less than twice the age of her sister Cecille. In five years, twice Belles age will be three times Cecilles age. How old are they today? 4. A girl is half as old as her brother and two years younger than her sister. The sum of the ages of the three children is 34 years. How old is each child?

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