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Law Office Of

HIHHBB' ^axl
MUnadftiltUdlnMlMchMrm and Rhak Ulantf)

April 4, 2007

Sent via facsimile: (2021 622-5390

Jennifer Hughton, Assistant Director

Designation Investigations Division


Dear Ms. Hughton:

This is to advise you that the undersigned represents the above

referenced individuals in their petition for removal irom the OF AX list.

1 am enclosing herewith a letter of engagement, together with my

application for licensing to submit to OFAX Licensing Division. Please
consider this letter as my clients' petition for removal from the OFAX List.
Please advise as to what type of information you require from my clients,
and I will provide it upon request.


All redactions made on this page pursuant to exemptions
(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

Translation of letter dated April 3,2007

Barranquilla, April 3,2007

Mifm.t — Florida .......

Through these presents we -advise you that we have retained attorney

HHI^HH as representative a ttonieyofJHflp£|£|^|£££| bearer
of citizenship identification card No. HMHTofBarranquilla and H |
bearer of citizenship identification card No.
of del Carmen de Bolivar (Bolivar) so that he may represent us
before OFAX for the purpose of being removed from the Clinton List, where
we were included on I


C.C. f Barranquilla

—Signed -
C.C. No. del Carmen de Bolivar

All redactions made on this page pursuant to exemptions
(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

Barranquilla, 03 de Abri! de 2007 -

Miami - Florida

traves de la presente manifestanrios que hernos contratado al Doctor

como abogado representative
icienBficada con la ceduia de ciudadania NoJ
Tien de
la c6dula.4e ciudadan^Noj|||HBHr^'^" Bolivar (Boifvar)
para que r»os represente delante de OFAX con el qbjeto de que seamos
desvlnculadas o removidas de la Lista Clinton, en la cual fuimos inctuldas
ei dfa I

C.C, No [del Carmen de Bolivar


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