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( J nit ^-Accessibility

*w Research accessibility codes f o r buildings in y o u r community


S e l e c t an accessibility ramp in y o u r community and determine whether or not it meets the A D A G d codes.

~!~he p r e s e n t a t i o n o f y o u r results (on a sheet of paper) should include: T i n d ings from y o u r research (list key facts from y o u r research t h a t relate t o accessibility ramps - with a list o f references)

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A sketch o f the ramp ( labeled with the measurements y o u t o o k ) L i s t the t o o l s y o u used t o take the measurements (Calculate t h e angle o f incline A N D the slope o f the ramp, (show y o u r work)

D e t e r m i n e if y o u r ramp meets the codes (Compare the angle o f elevation o f y o u r ramp t o the guidelines; and d o m p a r c the slope o f y o u r ramp t o the guidelines. .r.criQN:
1. 2. W h a t d oes 'accessibility' mean? W h a t can |, as an educated citizen, d o t o ensure accessibility f o r those in my community? D
, s c u s s

the accuracy o f y o u r measuring technique.

( M e n t i o n t h e t o o l s used, the units of measurements, and any r o u n d i n g in y o u r calculations.) +. /Analyze the

accuracy o f y o u r results.

M o w c o n f i d e n t are y o u in y o u r find! ne;s? |f y o u feel y o u r f i n d i n g s are o f f , how f a r o f f could y o u r calculated results be from the actual measurement? 7. Imagine y o u are a build ing inspector and p a r t o f y o u r j o b is t o check the accessibility ramps of buildings. |s the method and tools y o u used sufficient t o judge whether or n o t a ramp meets code? 6. 7S t a t e any changes t o y o u r method y o u would make in the future. Y o u may also include any additional t h o u g h t s a b o u t the a c t i v i t y / t o p i c .

Criterion D: Reflection in Mathematics

Achievement Level 5-6 Descriptor The student critically explains whether his or her results make sense in the context of the problem and provides a detailed explanation of the importance of his or her findings in connection to real life. The student justifies the degree of accuracy of his or her results where appropriate.

The student suggests improvements to the method when necessary. 3-4 The student correctly but briefly explains whether his or her results make sense in the context of the problem and describes the importance of his or her finding in connection to real life. The student attempts to justify the degree of accuracy of his or her results where appropriate. 1-2 The student attempts to explain whether his or her results make sense in the context of the problem. The student attempts to describe the importance of his or her findings in connection with real life.

Notes: 1. "describe": present an account without providing reasons or explanations 2. "explain": give a detailed account including reasons, causes or justifications. Explanations should answer the questions "why" or "how".

Criterion C: Communication in Mathematics

Achievement Level 54) Level Descriptor The student shows good use of mathematical language and forms of mathematical representation. The lines of reasoning are concise, logical and complete. The student moves effectively between different forms of representation. 3-4 The student shows sufficient use of mathematical language and forms of mathematical representation. The lines of reasoning are clear though not always logical or complete. The student moves between different forms of representation with some success. 1-2 The student shows basic use of mathematical language and/or forms of mathematical representation. The lines of reasoning are difficult to follow.



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