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Academia Inmaculada Concepcin Mayagez, PR 00680

Name: ______________________________ Ms. Sharon Mndez

Date: ________________________ Grade and Group: 10- ____

Discussion Questions Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Instructions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Write the answers in your binder. You must have the teacher's signature in order to get complete credit. 1. What does Edwards hope to accomplish in this sermon? What is his purpose? 2. What does natural men mean? Who is Edwards target audience? 3. The power of imagery is an important part of this sermon. How does the imagery enhance or detract from the sermon? 4. Why does Edwards use this type of imagery? 5. Tone is the technique by which the author conveys his/her attitude toward his or her subject. Describe Edwards tone. List at least 10 words or phrases he uses to create this tone. Does the tone change throughout part of the sermon you have read? Where? 6. Many in his congregation were said to have fainted and cried out as he delivered his sermon. What parts of the sermon do you believe might have evoked such a response? Why? 7. We have discussed at length in class the use of imagery and the purpose of the author in this text. How would you persuade the audience of "natural men" to be converted using a different type of imagery? Do you believe it would be as effective? Why or Why not?

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