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 Starting a Facilitation

__ introduce yourself and give a brief personal background

__ clarify the role you’ll be playing as the facilitator

__ clarify the roles to be played by any other members

__ go around the room and have members introduce themselves by name and
perhaps position, especially if there are people present who don’t know each other

__ conduct a warm-up activity to relax the group. Make sure this fits with the time
available and activity focus

__ review any data collected from members. Have key points written on flip chart
paper or on overheads. Answer questions

__ clarify the goal and the specific objectives for the session

__ review the agenda and invite comments. Make any changes

__ specify time frames. Appoint a timekeeper. Make sure there is true acceptance of
the agenda

__ take care of all housekeeping items

__ ask the group to set norms for the session; post these on a wall within clear view
of all members

__ set up a parking sheet to keep track of digressions for later review

__ proceed to the first item on the agenda. Make sure everyone is clear about what’s
about to be discussed

__ explain the process, or how you’ll be handling this agenda item

__  be sure that the time frame for the first item is set. Have a timekeeper and a
minute taker on hand

__ get on with the discussion

Facil itat ing  with  Eas e!

©2 000  Ingr id  Ben s a nd  Jos sey­Ba ss,  In c.

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