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Famil y • Menispermaceae

Maka buhay
Tinospora rumphii Boerl.
Other s cie ntific nam es Co mmo n na me s
Tinospora crispa F.-Vill. Makabuhai (Tag., Bis., Ilk.)
Tinospora cordifolia F.-Vill. Makabuhay (Tag., Ilk.)
Cocculus cordifolius F.-Vill. Paliaban (Bis.)
Menispermum crispum Linn. Paliahan (Bis.)
Panauan (Bis.)
a Pañgiauan (Bis.)
Pañgiauban (Bis.)
Sañgaunau (Bag,)
Taganagtagua (Bis.)
Taganagtagwag (Tag., Bis.)
Tagua (Bis.)
Giloya (Ind.)
Heavenly elixir (Engl)
Bo tan y
Climbing vine reaching 4-10 meters. Stems fleshy, about 1 cm in diameter, with scattered
protuberances. Leaves thin, ovate, 6-12 cm long and 7-12 cm wide, with pointed tip and
heart-shaped based, smooth and shiny. Petiole up to 6 cm long. Racemes solitary or in
pairs arising from axils of leaves, light green, and short pedicelled. Fruit 8 mm long, in long
clusters. Propagated by stem cuttings or seeds. Support needed for climbing.

Addit ion al inf o

Classified in Ayurvedic medicine as a rasayana herb, meaning "circulation of the nutrient"
in Sanskrit, considered to enhance longevity, promote intelligence and prevent disease.
Pr oper tie s
Febrifuge, vulnerary, tonic, antimalarial, parasiticide.

Di stri buti on
Found in thickets in most islands of the Philippines.

Ch emic al con stit uen ts an d p rop er tie s

• Plant contains a bitter principle, colombine (2.22%); traces of an alkaloid; and a
glucoside. Also contains a amorphous bitter principle, picroretine and traces of
• A study showed that the bitter extract of the stem does not contain an alkaloid.
• Study yielded two new diterpenes along with known compounds tinotufolin D
and vitexilactone. (Source)

Par ts util iz ed
Stems and leaves.

Co ns titu ent s
Picroretin (amorphous); berberine; colombin.

Use s
ø Decoction of leaves and stems used for malaria and fever and as a tonic (40 gms
to pint of boiling water).
ø Scabies: Crush fresh stem and apply juice over the affected.
ø Tropical ulcers and wound healing: Decoction of the stem as wash, or crush
stem, soak in oil for 12 hours and apply oil extract on affected areas.
ø Pounded stem, mixed with coconut oil, has been used for a variety of rheumatic and
arthritic complaints; also for abdominal colic.
ø Athlete's foot.
ø Fertility regulation.
ø Rheumatism and flatulence: mixture of the vine with oil. Cut 100 gms of the vine in small
pieces, mix with 3 ounces of coconut oil. Place in bottle and "cook" under the sun for 5-7
ø For stomach ulcers: stem is pounded inside a plastic bag, water is added, strained, and
drank once daily. Also, stems are dried, thinly sliced, decocted, then drank.
ø Used by nursing mothers to assist in weaning infants off breast-feeding. The bitter juice
of the stem is applied to the nipple area causing the infant's aversion to breastfeeding and
facilitating transfer to breast feeding.
Other s
ø As pesticide (rice blackbugs, rice green leafhoppers, rice stemborers) using pounded
chopped vines stirred in one liter of water and sprayed on seedlings before transplanting
orsoaking the seedlings overnight before transplanting.
ø Makabuhay, with madre de cacao and hot red pepper extract in water sprayed on rice
plants at weekly intervals.
New a pplica tions
Being studied for it possible stimulant effect on the immune system. Anecdotal benefits for
a variety of HIV-related complaints.
Caution: Should not be used by pregnant women, patients with cardiac disorders.
Recent uses and pr epar ations
Preparation of ointment: Wash and chop 1/2 glass of stem. Sauté chopped stem on low fire
for about five minutes in one glass of coconut oil. Remove the stems then add half a glass
of grated white candlewax. When the wax is melted, pour
into clean bottle and label. Use the ointment over the whole body, save the face area, for
three consecutive nights
• Recent study showed tinospora to contain a special polysaccharide, or carbohydrate, that
triggers activity of macrophages, white blood cells that play a role in immunity.
• Hay Fever / Allergic Rhinitis: A study in the Indira Ghandi Medical College showed it
effective in relieving symptoms of hay fever or allergic rhinitis. The study used the
supplement Tinofend 300 mg three times a day.
• Anti-scabies: Tinospora rumphii Boerl. (Makabuhay) in the Treatment of Scabies: The study
established the acaricidal property of TR.
• New antimicrobial diterpenes from Tinospora rumphii.

Avail abil ity


Ad ditio nal Sour ce s and Sug ges ted R ead ing s

Tinospora rumphii Boerl. (Makabuhay) in the Treatment of Scabies
Stop Sneezing This Season / Sara Altshul / Prevention Sept 2007
Insecticidal use of Tinospora rhumhii
New antimicrobial diterpenes from Tinospora rumphii.
Recent uses : Philippine Inquirer. Monica Feria. Oct 6, 2007

Latest Updated Tagalog and English Lists of Philippine Medicinal Plants

List of Philippine Medicinal Plants with Chinese Names


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