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Double Entry Journal/Weekly Reading Response Name: Courtney Taylor

Classrooms That Work - Chapter 2 Quotes/Concepts from Text Readers are not just children who can read they are children who do read. P. 13 Chapter suggests having students answer questions on how they feel about reading and their level of reading in the beginning, middle, and end of the year. Let they read their own responses and show their goals for improvement and how they have been reached. P. 13 Reading aloud to children is a simple and research-proven way to motivate children of all ages to become readers. P.15 Just as important, if not more important, to read aloud to upperlevel grades as it is for primary grades. P. 15 Chapter suggests using a Teacher record Sheet to display books that are read aloud in class. P.17 Use an analogy such as learning to play tennis or play piano when teaching kids to read. P.18 Have a no wandering rule during S.S.R. time to prevent: distraction, an excuse from the struggling readers, stalling from all level readers. P.19 Get in the habit of reading! Kindergarten and first graders can look at books for S.S.R. time for only 5-6 minutes a day. Include a stuffed animal or doll so they can read to them. P.20 Have conferences with one fifth of the class a day about the book they are currently reading. Have it held as a conversation rather than an interrogation. P.22 Have students know what to do for the conference. Make a poster with directions of book choice, bookmark pages they want to Your reactions/thoughts/questions I think want to or love to be would be better fits for do.

I like this suggestion; it creates positive feedback and motivation. I would add the students reading level so they can see the physical increase. (There is a great example to the sheet on P. 14)

This is good for kids to be reminded of what books were read to them and its also a great checklist for the teacher to see if shes hit all genres and writing styles she can. I would target certain kids interests that I knew for certain so I could coordinate my lesson accordingly. Also have students gather several materials to read during this time in case they fall bored or finish early with the first reading material they have to further prevent excuses. Teacher to class: Pretend like you are the teacher and are reading to the class.

BE POSITIVE! This is similar to Mr. Bells interviews with the kids A.R. book each week. They sit down, one-on-one, for an interview that the kids actually look forward to because he gives them all the time that they need to talk.

share, what they liked or disliked and why, and anything interesting they liked. P.23 Making a Book Board for kids to vote on books they have read recently with 3 colors meaning good, OK, or bad with initials on colored opinions.

This could be a great show-and-tell type of weekly assignment that creates community, boost self-confidence, and most of all shares great book with others so more enjoyment can be done!

DEJ (10): _______

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