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Pas: Canad Idioma oficial: Ingles y francs Capital: Ottawa Presidente de la repblica: Canad no tiene Presidente de la Repblica porque

es un pas que funciona bajo un sistema de monarqua parlamentaria. Su jefe de gobierno o primer ministro en la actualidad es el seor Stephen Harper Ubicacin geogrfica: Canad se ubica en Amrica del norte Pases limtrofes: Al sur con Estados Unidos de Amrica y al noroeste con el territorio de Alaska que pertenece a Estados Unidos y al noreste con Groenlandia que es autnomo del reino de Dinamarca Comida tpica: Los canadienses franceses tienen las patatas fritas con poutine. Los canadienses ingleses, tienen las tartas de pollo o carne. Otro producto tpico canadiense es el salmn ahumado y la carne de bfalo. Baile tpico: danzas de los nativos americanos o "First Nations"
Deportista destacado de Canad: Elvis Stojko, su deporte es el patinaje artstico, con 4 medallas de oro y 2 medallas de plata. Este hombre combina talento deportivo, carcter, inteligencia y profundo compromiso con su labor. Es considerado por los canadienses un modelo a seguir y un hroe nacional.

Country: Canada Official language: English and French Capital: Ottawa President of the Republic: Canada is not President because it is a country that operates under a system of constitutional monarchy. The head of government or prime minister today is Mr. Stephen Harper Location: Canada is located in North America Bordering countries: South with the United States of America and northwest Alaska territory belonging to the United States and northeast Greenland that is independent of the Kingdom of Denmark. Typical food: French Canadians have fries with poutine. English Canadians have the chicken or meat pies. Another typical product is Canadian smoked salmon and buffalo meat. Typical dance: Dances of the Native Americans or "First Nations" Athlete highlights of Canada: Elvis Stojko, your sport is figure skating, with 4 gold medals and 2 silver medals. This man combines sports talent, character, intelligence and deep commitment to their work. It is considered by Canadians a role model and a national hero.

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