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Usos Pon el gerundio:

1. Despus de las preposiciones. 2. Despus de algunos verbos. 3. Como el sujeto de una frase. Pon 'to' + Infinitivo:

Ejemplos She left without kissing me. Were thinking of going to Italy. I enjoy eating out. Do you mind giving me your address? Smoking is bad for you. Skiing is expensive

Problemas / Notas Los verbos ms frecuentes que solemos encontrar con el gerundio son: like, love, hate, enjoy, miss, feel like, mind, finish, risk, practise, put off, stop, suggest, cant help, fancy, admit, deny, give up, imagine, keep (on), put off (postpone), spend time, cant stand, delay, regret, avoid, consider, involve, go on (=conti nue)

1. Para dar una respuesta a la pregunta Why (por que?) 2. Despus de los adjetivos

Why did you stop working? - To spend more time with my children. Its not easy to find a good man.

for spend for to spend Observa los ejemplos con el negativo not to: We hope not to be in the same flat next year. She decided not to get married. Los verbos ms frecuentes que solemos encontrar con 'to' + infinitivo son: would like, want, need, decide, hope, arrange, expect, plan, forget, seem, appear, wish, promise, offer, refuse, learn, manage, afford, agree, fail, tend, happen, mean, prepare, pretend, threaten, attempt.

I forgot to phone the 3. Despus de algunos bank. She needs to verbos see you urgently.

STOP - I stopped to have a beer. Se interrumpe la actividad que se est haciendo para beber una cerveza. - I have stopped drinking beer. Se interrumpe la actividad (en este caso de beber cerveza). TRY - I tried to lift the box but it was too heavy. Se intenta algo difcil que requiere esfuerzo. - Why dont you try closing the window if the traffic is too noisy? Se intenta un experimento, test o prueba para ver si funciona. LIKE - I like to get up at 6am. Me gusta el resultado de la actividad porque me da tiempo a desayunar y hacer otras cosas tranquilmente. - I like getting up at 6am. Realmente me gusta realizar la actividad. NEED - I need to work harder. Tengo la obligacin de hacer algo. - This room needs painting. Hay necesidad hacerlo (en voz pasiva) REMEMBER Y FORGET 1. Remember to buy milk on your way home. 2. I remember kissing my first girlfriend. 1. I forgot to phone Dad on his birthday. 2. Ill never forget seeing my wife for the first time. She looked beautiful. 1. Se refiere a recordar u olvidar cosas que tienes o tenas que hacer. 2. Se refiere a recordar u olvidar cosas que

ocurrieron en el pasado. REGRET - We regret to inform you that your application for a loan of 5000 Euros has not been accepted. Normalmente se utiliza para comunicar malas noticias. - Do you regret leaving school early and not going to university? Lamentas cosas que ocurrieron en el pasado. GO ON - After winning the Kings Cup, Valencia went on to win the Champions League. Expresa un cambio de actividad. - They went on complaining about their holiday all evening. Expresa que se continua realizando la misma actividad. Hay algunos verbos en ingls que se pueden usar con ambos el gerundio y el infinitivo con el mismo significad 1. Begin empezar They began to study German last year. They began studying german last year. ambos frases significan - Empezaron a estudiar Alemn el ao pasado. 2. Start - empezar They started to study German last year. They started studying German last year. ambos frases significan - Empezaron a estudiar Alemn el ao pasado.

3. Continue - continuar /seguir They continued to study German. They continued studying German. ambos frases significan - Seguian estudiando Alemn.

Gerundios e infinitivos Tant o gerundios como infi nitivos pueden ser sujeto de una oracin. -Smoking is bad for your health. -T o smoke is bad for your health. Fumar es malo para tu salud. -Speaki ng Chi nese is very di fficult -T o speak Chi nese is very di fficult. - Hablar chino es muy dificil Tant o l os gerundios como l os i nfi nitivos pueden ser objeto de un verbo. Mary likes runni ng i n the afternoon Mary likes to run i n the afternoon A Mary le gusta correr por la tarde. Sin em bargo, sol o l os gerundios pueden ser objeto de una preposicin -We are tal ki ng about studyi ng abroad. -Estamos hablando sobre estudiar en el extranjero. Algunos verbos si em pre van segui dos por gerundios: -Consider We consi dered tell ing the police. Consideramos contrselo a la polica. Admit She admitted taking Sandras keys. Admiti haber cogido las llaves de Sandra. -Recommend The doct or rec omm ended her resting for a few days. El doctor le recomend descansar unos das. Feel like -I feel like goi ng on a shi p trip. Me apetece hacer un viaje en barco. Otros verbos si em pre van segui dos de i nfi nitivo: -Refuse -They refused to tell the police. Se negaron a contrselo a la polica - Promise -I promised to bri ng them a souvenir. Promet traerles un regalo. Aim -We aim to win the gam e. Nuestro objetivo es ganar el juego. ask -I asked her to pass m e the salt . Le ped que me pasara la sal. Otros verbos pueden ir seguidos tant o de i nfi nitivos como de gerundios - Like I like eat ing outsi de i n the garden. -I like to eat outside in the garden Me gusta c om er fuera en el jardn -Love -She l oves travelli ng -She l oves t o travel -Le encanta viajar. Begin -It began raining -It began t o rain

-Empez a llover.

-Try -Im going to try eati ng less junk food -Im going to try to eat less junk food. oy a intentar comer menos comida basura. Algunos verbos tienen el mismo significado cuando van seguidos de i nfinitivo y gerundio Like -I like readi ng sci ence fiction books -I like to read sci ence fiction books -Me encanta leer li bros de ci enci a ficcin - Hate -I hate c ooking -I hate t o cook Odio c ocinar. -Begin -I began cryi ng when she sai d that-I began to cry when she said that. Empec a llorar cuando ella dijo eso.

Otros v erbos m uestran diferenci as de si gnificado dependi endo de si van segui dos de i nfi nitivo o gerundio Remember, forget, stop -I rem em bered t o water the plants this morning -I rem em ber watering the plants in the morning En la prim era frase prim ero m e ac ord y luego regu las plantas, mientras que en la segunda prim ero las regu y ahora recuerdo c mo las regaba. -I forgot to call you. -I forgot call ing you. En la prim era se m e ol vi d llam arte, no te llam . En la segunda si te llam , pero luego se m e olvid el hecho de que te haba llam ado. -I stopped smoking. -I stopped to smoke. En la prim era se habla de una accin c oncreta que ya estaba realizando en el pasado, esta accin ya est com pletada, mientras que en la segunda dec imos que dejamos de hacer algo para fum ar, la acc in n o es t c om pleta si n o que s er una acc in futura.


Actually Abus e Actual A iry 5. Antic ipation 6. Ally 7. A m ply 8. Apparition 9. Arena 10. Ability 11. Adorn 12. Balloon 13. B illet 14. Bland 15. Brace 16. B one 17. Bale 18. Bare 19. Burly 20. Bully 21. Blind 22. B om ber 23. Brag 24. Carpet 25. Cal ve 26. Cart 27. Com promis e 28. Conference Conjure Code Cole Com e Com positor Care Dis gus t Dote Deception Design Date Defender De voluc Dude E ventually Edit Echo Educated E m bark atio n E m bargo E m ergent Elaborate Editor Educate Elect Fable Fagot Faro Fas tidious Fiery Floor Fond Fracas Frais e Fum e Fund Gala Gam e Gate Gentle Grab Grass Grate Guis e Grape Hum Hull Horn Hip Hermit Habit In front of Idioms Ignore Infant Inform al Injure 1. 2. 3. 4.


Error Castellano

English real

Incluso Actualm ent Nowadays Ins ultos e Im position Verdadero Abuso Pres ent B ien Actual A ir ventilado A ire Ad vance E s peranza Antic ipac in There Aliado All Spac ious Bas tante A m plio Appearance Fantasm a Aparic in Sand E s tadio Arena Cle verness Capac idad Habilidad To dec orate E m bellecer Adornar Ball Globo Baln Tic k et Alojamiento B illete S oft Sua ve Blando Arm Refuer zo Brazo V oucher Hueso B ono Bullet Paca Bala Gibe Des nudo Bara Uproar Mem brudo Burla To armour Matn Bulla Pum p Cegar Blindar Panties B om bardero B om ba File Fanfarronad Braga Bald a Carpeta Letter Alfom bra Cal vo Obligation Parir Carta Lecture Carro Com promis Exorc ism Arreglo o Elbow Congreso Conferenc ia Tail Hacer Conjuro Comm a juegos de Codo Com pos er m anos Cola Expensive Cdigo Com a Annoyance Colza Com positor Dowry Venir Caro Dis appointm Cajis ta Dis gus to ent Cus todia Dote To Repugnanc i Decepc in designate a Designar Fact Adorar Dato To defend Engao Defender To return Dis ear De vol ver Doubt Fecha Duda Conditionall Defensor E ventual y Transmitir Editar To publis h Petim etre Echar To throw Con el Educar To educate ti e m p o E m barcac i Vess el D i ri g i r n Seizure Repetir E m bargo Res ultant Culto E m ergente To m a k e E m bargue Elaborar Publis hing E m bargar Editor P olite Rec in Educado V oter des arrollado Elector Literary Trabajo Fabla imitation o f Director Fagot old Ens ear Faro Bassoon Elegir Fas tidio Lighthous e Fbula Fiera Annoyance Atar en Flor Fierce haces Fonda Flower Faran Fracaso Inn Delicado Fras e Failure Ardiente Fum ar Sentence Suelo Funda S mok e Carioso Gala Cover Ria Gam a Full dress Fris a Gato Scale Humo Gente Cat Fondo Gra va People Fies ta Gras a Brok en Juego Grato s tone Puerta Guiso Greas e De buena Grapa Pleas ant familia Humo Coc k ed dis h Coger Hulla Staple Hierba Horn o Fum e Chim enea Hipo Coal Capa de Ermita O ven U va Habitar Hiccups Zum bido Enfrente de Hermitage Cs cara Idiom a To occupy Cuerno Ignorar Opposite Cadera Infanta Language Ermitao Inform al N o t to

Ins pect Insole Introduce In vidious Itinerant Jus tic iary Juror Junto Jug J ous t Jardiniere Jes t J ot Kale Karak ul Le vant Liar Lim e Lob Lobate Lobule Locality Lone Lute Local Library Lecture Mar Mask Massive Mattery Mayor Mazo Meandrous Medic Mercery M illed M om entous M over M ovie Madeira Male Mane Mans e Mantle M is erable Mark M ire M inor Notice Nominate Nominee Nobly Nude Noti fy Ne ver Nutria Offic ial Omit Operative Ornam ent Obs equies Obta ve Om ber Offence Once Ocurrente Operate Ordinary Parent Pre vent P ile Phras e Pale Professor P oss e Pager Pane Panties Parade Pas t Penury P ie P illar P inch P it Plum P o l i ti c P ope P opulace Quiet Qui t

Cos tum bre Delante de Fras e hecha No hacer caso Nio Des en vuelt o Herir Re vis ar Plantilla Pres entar Odioso A m bulante Jus tic ial Jurado Cam arilla Jarro Torneo Jarrn Brom a Tilde Col rizada A s tracn Marchars e Mentiroso E s calar Lom briz para cebo Lobulado Lobulillo Rec ordar lugares S olitario Lad De tu zona B iblioteca Debate E s tro pear Enm as carar Mac izo Im portante Alcalde Confusin S inuoso Alfalfa Sedera M olinero Tras cendent e Promovedor Pelcula V ino de m adera Macho Crin Rectora Manto Tris te Nota Vena S in im portanc ia A viso Proponer Candidato Con generosidad Des nudo A vis ar Nunca Capa Agente Suprimir En vigor Adorno Funeral Obta va Tresillo Delito Una vez Suceso Manejar Corriente Padres Im pedir M ontn S intagm a Plido Catedrtic o Pelotn Localizac in Cris tal

Injuria k nown Ins pector Princess Insolente Bad Introduc ir Ins ult En vidioso Ins pector Itinerante Insolent Jus tic iero To bring in Jurar En vious Junto Tra velling Jugo Righteous Jus to To s wear Jardinero J oined Ges to Juice J ota Fair Cala Gardener Carac ol Grim ace Le vante Iota Liar Ca ve Lim a Snail Lobo Eas t c oas t Lobato To tie [up] Lbulo File Localidad W olf Lona W olf AB Luto Lobe Local Location Librera Can vas Lectura M ourning Mar Place Mas car B ook s hop Masivo Reading Materia Sea Mayor To chew Mazo Mass Meandro Material Medic o Main Mercera Mallet M illar Meander M om entos Doctor M over Haberdas he M over ry Madera Thous and Malo M om ents Mano To move Mango To move Mantel W ood M is erable Bad Marca Hand M irar Gentle Menor Tablecloth N o ti c i a Mean Nominado Stam p Nmina To look at Noble S m aller Nudo New Noti ficac in Mentionate Ne var Lis t Nutria Noble Ofic ial Knot Omitir Noti fication Operativo To s n o w Ornam ento Otter Obs equio Officer Octa vo To lea ve Hom bro Operation Ofens a Adornm ent Once Pres ent Ocurrenc ia E ighth Operar Shoulder Ordinario Attac k Parientes Ele ven Pre venir W ittic ism P ila To produce Fras e Us ual Pala Relatives Profesor To prepare P os eer Battery Pagar Sentence Pan Spade Panties/m e Teacher dias To own Parado To pay Pas to Bread Penuria Tights P ie M otionless P illar Grass P inchar Shortage P i to Foot Plum a P illage P oltic o To pric k Papa Whis tle P opular Feather

Qui te Quince Quo te Quali fication Quarto Quiz Quire Quarry Quid Qualm Realize Red Ram Rape Rec ipient Reclus e Rec ollect Reclam ation Rec ollection Rec ord Regale Rem ark Rice Spade S im ply Sable Sale Sal vage Sensibly Sauce Scenery Scholar Sc ope Secrete Sensible Tape Tablet Tart Tenner Tentative Tes timonial Thic k et Tirade Tire To p i c Torm ent Toss Us ually Ultim ate United Until Urge Us er Us ual Un Urinal Ulterior Us Unlace Various Vacant Vacuum Valance Venture Ves t V icarious V ictor V ital V iva V ote Vulgar Zes t a

Calzonc illos Des file P or delante de M is eria Tarta Colum na Pellizc o H o yo Ciruela Prudente Papa Pueblo Res er vado Dejar Totalm ente Mem brillo Citar Ttulo Tam ao Concurso Mano Pres a Libra E s crpulo Dars e cuenta de Rojo Carnero Colza Des tinatario S olitario Rec ordar Recuperac i n Recuerdo Regis tro Entretener Com entario Arroz Pala Senc illam ent e Cebellina Venta Sal vam ento Con c ordura Sals a Pais aje Sabio Libertad Secretar Sens ato Cinta Pas tilla c ido De die z (libras) Indec iso Rec om enda c in Matorral Diatriba Caus ar Tem a Torm ento Sacudida Norm alm ent e ltimo Unido Has ta Im pulso Us uario Ac os tum bra do In Urinario Ulteriores Nos Des enlazar Diversos Libre Vaco Cenefa A ventura Camis eta Indirecto Vencedor Im pres c indib le Exam en

Quieto Tactful Qui tar Stern Qui te P opular Quince Still Cuota To call up Calificac in Removal Cuarto Fifteen Quiz Quo ta Quis e A ss ess nrent Guarro Quarter Quid Perhaps Calm a To W ant Realizar Dirty Red Gis t Ram a Calm Rape To achie ve Rec ipiente Net Recluso Branch Rec olector Anglerfis h Reclam ac i Container n Im prisoned Rec olecc in Collector Rec ordar Claim Regalo Collection Rem arcar To Rizo rem em ber E s pada Pres ent S im plem ent To no tice e Curly Sable Sw ord Sala Merely Sal vaje Sabre Sensible Living Sauce W ild E s cenario Feeling E s c olar W illow E s c opeta Stage Secreto Schoolgirl Sensible Shotgun Tapa Secret Tableta Feeling Tarta Lid Tener Bloc k Tentativa Cak e Tes timonial To ha ve Tic k et Attem pt Tirada Tok en Tirar Tic k et T p i c o Throw Torm enta To throw Tos Local Us ual Storm Ultim atum Cough Unidad Cus tom ary Util Ultim atum Hurgar Unit Us ar Us eful Us ual To pok e Un Us e Orinal Cus tom ary Anterior A Uso Cham berpot Enlace Front Vario Us e Vacante Connection Vacuna Varied Balance E m pty Ventura Vacc ine Ves tido Balance V icario Fortune V ictoria Dress V ital Curate V iva V ictory B ote Life Vulgar Cheer Ces ta Can Common Bask et

V otac in Ordinario nimo

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