Sie sind auf Seite 1von 22

if (!

window['googleLT_']) {
window['googleLT_'] = (new Date()).getTime();
if (!window['google']) {
window['google'] = {};
if (!window['google']['loader']) {
window['google']['loader'] = {};
google.loader.ServiceBase = '';
google.loader.GoogleApisBase = '';
google.loader.ApiKey = 'notsupplied';
google.loader.KeyVerified = true;
google.loader.LoadFailure = false;
google.loader.Secure = true;
google.loader.GoogleLocale = '';
google.loader.ClientLocation = null;
google.loader.AdditionalParams = '';
(function () {
var d = void 0,
g = !0,
h = null,
k = !1,
l = encodeURIComponent,
m = window,
n = document;
function p(a, b) {
return a.load = b
var r = "push",
s = "replace",
t = "charAt",
v = "indexOf",
w = "ServiceBase",
x = "name",
y = "getTime",
z = "length",
A = "prototype",
B = "setTimeout",
C = "loader",
D = "substring",
E = "join",
F = "toLowerCase";
function G(a) {
return a in H ? H[a] : H[a] = -1 != navigator.userAgent[F]()[v](a)
var H = {};
function I(a, b) {
var c = function () {};
c.prototype = b[A];
a.T = b[A];
a.prototype = new c
function J(a, b, c) {
var e = Array[A], 2) || [];
return function () {
var c = e.concat(Array[A];

return a.apply(b, c)
function K(a) {
a = Error(a);
a.toString = function () {
return this.message
return a
function L(a, b) {
for (var c = a.split(/\./), e = m, f = 0; f < c[z] - 1; f++) e[c[f]]
|| (e[c[f]] = {}), e = e[c[f]];
e[c[c[z] - 1]] = b
function aa(a, b, c) {
a[b] = c
if (!M) var M = L;
if (!N) var N = aa;
google[C].v = {};
M("google.loader.callbacks", google[C].v);
var O = {},
P = {};
google[C].eval = {};
M("google.loader.eval", google[C].eval);
p(google, function (a, b, c) {
function e(a) {
var b = a.split(".");
if (2 < b[z]) throw K("Module: '" + a + "' not found!");
"undefined" != typeof b[1] && (f = b[0], c.packages = c.packages
|| [], c.packages[r](b[1]))
var f = a;
c = c || {};
if (a instanceof Array || a && "object" == typeof a && "function" ==
typeof a[E] && "function" == typeof a.reverse) for (var j = 0; j < a[z]; j++) e
else e(a);
if (a = O[":" + f]) {
c && (!c.language && c.locale) && (c.language = c.locale);
c && "string" == typeof c.callback && (j = c.callback, j.match(/
^[[\]A-Za-z0-9._]+$/) && (j = m.eval(j), c.callback = j));
if ((j = c && c.callback != h) && !a.s(b)) throw K("Module: '" +
f + "' must be loaded before DOM onLoad!");
j ? a.m(b, c) ? m[B](c.callback, 0) : a.load(b, c) : a.m(b, c) |
| a.load(b, c)
} else throw K("Module: '" + f + "' not found!");
M("google.load", google.load);
google.S = function (a, b) {
b ? (0 == Q[z] && (R(m, "load", S), !G("msie") && !G("safari") && !G
("konqueror") && G("mozilla") || m.opera ? m.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded"
, S, k) : G("msie") ? n.write("<script defer onreadystatechange='google.loader.d
omReady()' src=//:><\/script>") : (G("safari") || G("konqueror")) && m[B](ba, 10
)), Q[r](a)) : R(m, "load", a)

M("google.setOnLoadCallback", google.S);
function R(a, b, c) {
if (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener(b, c, k);
else if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent("on" + b, c);
else {
var e = a["on" + b];
if (e != h) {
var f = [c, e];
c = function () {
for (var a = 0; a < f[z]; a++) f[a]()
a["on" + b] = c
var Q = [];
google[C].O = function () {
var a = m.event.srcElement;
"complete" == a.readyState && (a.onreadystatechange = h, a.parentNod
e.removeChild(a), S())
M("google.loader.domReady", google[C].O);
var ca = {
loaded: g,
complete: g
function ba() {
ca[n.readyState] ? S() : 0 < Q[z] && m[B](ba, 10)
function S() {
for (var a = 0; a < Q[z]; a++) Q[a]();
Q.length = 0
google[C].d = function (a, b, c) {
if (c) {
var e;
"script" == a ? (e = n.createElement("script"), e.type = "text/j
avascript", e.src = b) : "css" == a && (e = n.createElement("link"), e.type = "t
ext/css", e.href = b, e.rel = "stylesheet");
(a = n.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]) || (a = n.body.parentNod
} else "script" == a ? n.write('<script src="' + b + '" type="text/j
avascript"><\/script>') : "css" == a && n.write('<link href="' + b + '" type="te
xt/css" rel="stylesheet"></link>')
M("google.loader.writeLoadTag", google[C].d);
google[C].P = function (a) {
P = a
M("google.loader.rfm", google[C].P);
google[C].R = function (a) {
for (var b in a)"string" == typeof b && (b && ":" == b[t](0) && !O[b
]) && (O[b] = new T(b[D](1), a[b]))
M("google.loader.rpl", google[C].R);
google[C].Q = function (a) {

if ((a = a.specs) && a[z]) for (var b = 0; b < a[z]; ++b) {

var c = a[b];
"string" == typeof c ? O[":" + c] = new V(c) : (c = new W(c[x],
c.baseSpec, c.customSpecs), O[":" + c[x]] = c)
M("google.loader.rm", google[C].Q);
google[C].loaded = function (a) {
O[":" + a.module].l(a)
M("google.loader.loaded", google[C].loaded);
google[C].N = function () {
return "qid=" + ((new Date)[y]().toString(16) + Math.floor(1E7 * Mat
M("google.loader.createGuidArg_", google[C].N);
L("google_exportSymbol", L);
L("google_exportProperty", aa);
google[C].a = {};
M("google.loader.themes", google[C].a);
google[C].a.H = "//";
N(google[C].a, "BUBBLEGUM", google[C].a.H);
google[C].a.J = "//";
N(google[C].a, "GREENSKY", google[C].a.J);
google[C].a.I = "//";
N(google[C].a, "ESPRESSO", google[C].a.I);
google[C].a.L = "//";
N(google[C].a, "SHINY", google[C].a.L);
google[C].a.K = "//";
N(google[C].a, "MINIMALIST", google[C].a.K);
google[C].a.M = "//";
N(google[C].a, "V2_DEFAULT", google[C].a.M);
function V(a) {
this.b = a;
this.o = [];
this.n = {};
this.e = {};
this.f = {};
this.j = g;
this.c = -1
V[A].g = function (a, b) {
var c = "";
b != d && (b.language != d && (c += "&hl=" + l(b.language)), b.nocss
!= d && (c += "&output=" + l("nocss=" + b.nocss)), b.nooldnames != d && (c += "
&nooldnames=" + l(b.nooldnames)), b.packages != d && (c += "&packages=" + l(
ckages)), b.callback != h && (c += "&async=2"), != d && (c += "&style="
+ l(, b.noexp != d && (c += "&noexp=true"), b.other_params != d && (c +
= "&" + b.other_params));
if (!this.j) {
google[this.b] && google[this.b].JSHash && (c += "&sig=" + l(goo
var e = [],
for (f in this.n)":" == f[t](0) && e[r](f[D](1));
for (f in this.e)":" == f[t](0) && this.e[f] && e[r](f[D](1));
c += "&have=" + l(e[E](","))
return google[C][w] + "/?file=" + this.b + "&v=" + a + google[C].Add

itionalParams + c
V[A].t = function (a) {
var b = h;
a && (b = a.packages);
var c = h;
if (b) if ("string" == typeof b) c = [a.packages];
else if (b[z]) {
c = [];
for (a = 0; a < b[z]; a++)"string" == typeof b[a] && c[r](b[a][s
](/^\s*|\s*$/, "")[F]())
c || (c = ["default"]);
b = [];
for (a = 0; a < c[z]; a++) this.n[":" + c[a]] || b[r](c[a]);
return b
p(V[A], function (a, b) {
var c = this.t(b),
e = b && b.callback != h;
if (e) var f = new X(b.callback);
for (var j = [], q = c[z] - 1; 0 <= q; q--) {
var u = c[q];
e && f.A(u);
if (this.e[":" + u]) c.splice(q, 1), e && this.f[":" + u][r](f);
else j[r](u)
if (c[z]) {
b && b.packages && (b.packages = c.sort()[E](","));
for (q = 0; q < j[z]; q++) u = j[q], this.f[":" + u] = [], e &&
this.f[":" + u][r](f);
if (!b && P[":" + this.b] != h && P[":" + this.b].versions[":" +
a] != h && !google[C].AdditionalParams && this.j) {
c = P[":" + this.b];
google[this.b] = google[this.b] || {};
for (var U in U && ":" == U[t](0) && (google[t
his.b][U[D](1)] =[U]);
google[C].d("script", google[C][w] + c.path + c.js, e);
c.css && google[C].d("css", google[C][w] + c.path + c.css, e
} else(!b || !b.autoloaded) && google[C].d("script", this.g(a, b
), e);
this.j && (this.j = k, this.c = (new Date)[y](), 1 != this.c % 1
00 && (this.c = -1));
for (q = 0; q < j[z]; q++) u = j[q], this.e[":" + u] = g
V[A].l = function (a) {
-1 != this.c && (da("al_" + this.b, "jl." + ((new Date)[y]() - this.
c), g), this.c = -1);
this.o = this.o.concat(a.components);
google[C][this.b] || (google[C][this.b] = {});
google[C][this.b].packages = this.o.slice(0);
for (var b = 0; b < a.components[z]; b++) {
this.n[":" + a.components[b]] = g;
this.e[":" + a.components[b]] = k;
var c = this.f[":" + a.components[b]];
if (c) {
for (var e = 0; e < c[z]; e++) c[e].B(a.components[b]);
delete this.f[":" + a.components[b]]

V[A].m = function (a, b) {
return 0 == this.t(b)[z]
V[A].s = function () {
return g
function X(a) {
this.D = a;
this.q = {};
this.r = 0
X[A].A = function (a) {
this.q[":" + a] = g
X[A].B = function (a) {
this.q[":" + a] && (this.q[":" + a] = k, this.r--, 0 == this.r && m[
B](this.D, 0))
function W(a, b, c) { = a;
this.C = b;
this.p = c;
this.u = this.h = k;
this.k = [];
google[C].v[this[x]] = J(this.l, this)
I(W, V);
p(W[A], function (a, b) {
var c = b && b.callback != h;
c ? (this.k[r](b.callback), b.callback = "google.loader.callbacks."
+ this[x]) : this.h = g;
(!b || !b.autoloaded) && google[C].d("script", this.g(a, b), c)
W[A].m = function (a, b) {
return b && b.callback != h ? this.u : this.h
W[A].l = function () {
this.u = g;
for (var a = 0; a < this.k[z]; a++) m[B](this.k[a], 0);
this.k = []
var Y = function (a, b) {
return a.string ? l(a.string) + "=" + l(b) : a.regex ? b[s](/(^.
*$)/, a.regex) : ""
W[A].g = function (a, b) {
return this.F(this.w(a), a, b)
W[A].F = function (a, b, c) {
var e = "";
a.key && (e += "&" + Y(a.key, google[C].ApiKey));
a.version && (e += "&" + Y(a.version, b));
b = google[C].Secure && a.ssl ? a.ssl : a.uri;
if (c != h) for (var f in c) a.params[f] ? e += "&" + Y(a.params[f],

c[f]) : "other_params" == f ? e += "&" + c[f] : "base_domain" == f && (b = "htt

p://" + c[f] + a.uri[D](a.uri[v]("/", 7)));
google[this[x]] = {}; - 1 == b[v]("?") && e && (e = "?" + e[D](1));
return b + e
W[A].s = function (a) {
return this.w(a).deferred
W[A].w = function (a) {
if (this.p) for (var b = 0; b < this.p[z]; ++b) {
var c = this.p[b];
if (RegExp(c.pattern).test(a)) return c
return this.C
function T(a, b) {
this.b = a;
this.i = b;
this.h = k
I(T, V);
p(T[A], function (a, b) {
this.h = g;
google[C].d("script", this.g(a, b), k)
T[A].m = function () {
return this.h
T[A].l = function () {};
T[A].g = function (a, b) {
if (!this.i.versions[":" + a]) {
if (this.i.aliases) {
var c = this.i.aliases[":" + a];
c && (a = c)
if (!this.i.versions[":" + a]) throw K("Module: '" + this.b + "'
with version '" + a + "' not found!");
return google[C].GoogleApisBase + "/libs/" + this.b + "/" + a + "/"
+ this.i.versions[":" + a][b && b.uncompressed ? "uncompressed" : "compressed"]
T[A].s = function () {
return k
var ea = k,
Z = [],
fa = (new Date)[y](),
ha = function () {
ea || (R(m, "unload", ga), ea = g)
ia = function (a, b) {
if (!google[C].Secure && (!google[C].Options || google[C].Option
s.csi === k)) {
for (var c = 0; c < a[z]; c++) a[c] = l(a[c][F]()[s](/[^a-z0
-9_.]+/g, "_"));
for (c = 0; c < b[z]; c++) b[c] = l(b[c][F]()[s](/[^a-z0-9_.
]+/g, "_"));
m[B](J($, h, "//" + a[E](

",") + "&it=" + b[E](",")), 1E4)

da = function (a, b, c) {
c ? ia([a], [b]) : (ha(), Z[r]("r" + Z[z] + "=" + l(a + (b ? "|"
+ b : ""))), m[B](ga, 5 < Z[z] ? 0 : 15E3))
ga = function () {
if (Z[z]) {
var a = google[C][w];
0 == a[v]("http:") && (a = a[s](/^http:/, "https:"));
$(a + "/stats?" + Z[E]("&") + "&nc=" + (new Date)[y]() + "_"
+ ((new Date)[y]() - fa));
Z.length = 0
$ = function (a) {
var b = new Image,
c = $.G++;
$.z[c] = b;
b.onload = b.onerror = function () {
delete $.z[c]
b.src = a;
b = h
$.z = {};
$.G = 0;
L("google.loader.recordCsiStat", ia);
L("google.loader.recordStat", da);
L("google.loader.createImageForLogging", $);
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