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A mise en abyme constitui-se em um artificio literrio que provoca perturbao na leitura ao espelhar, ad infinitum, a histria que est sendo

contada. Em nosso artigo, estudaremos uma das faces desse artifcio, pois ele pode ser utilizado nas obras de vrias formas. Portanto, analisaremos o emprego deste recurso no romance Os

Moedeiros Falsos, cujo enredo apresenta ao leitor douard, uma personagem que tem a
escrita como profisso, e acompanharemos ao longo do texto suas reflexes acerca da composio de seu prximo livro, cujo ttulo seria, curiosamente, Os Moedeiros Falsos.

A Mise em Abyme como recurso da literatura fantstica

Some stories may include within themselves a story within a story, or even more than two layers. Neil Gaiman's influential graphic novel series The Sandman includes several examples of this device. Worlds' End, volume 8 of the series, contains several instances of multiple storytelling levels, including Cerements (issue #55) where one of the inmost levels actually corresponds to one of the outer levels, turning the story-within-a-story structure into an infinite regression. Roald Dahl's story The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar is about a rich bachelor who finds an essay written by someone who learnt to "see" playing cards from the reverse side. The full text of this essay is included in the story, and itself includes a lengthy sub-story told as a true experience by one of the essay's protagonists, Imhrat Khan. Jostein Gaarder's books often feature this device. Examples are The Solitaire Mystery, where the protagonist receives a small book from a baker, in which the baker tells the story of a sailor who tells the story of another sailor, and Sophie's World about a girl who is actually a character in a book that is being read by Hilde, a girl in another dimension. Later on in the book Sophie questions this idea, and realizes that Hilde too could be a character in a story that in turn is being read by another.

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