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Ms. Henkel 7th Advanced Language Arts Periods 1, 5 Week 9-Oct 7-Oct 11 Weekly Standards/ Objectives 1.

TSW apply literary terms and short story ideas by completing a timed short story write. 2. TSW reflect on their short story by completing given reflection questions. 3. TSW apply Finding Evidence formula to given test questions by explaining correct answers for every AIMS practice test question. 4. TSW develop reading strategies by completing Reading Plus assignments. 5. TSW practice finding the main idea of an information text by creating a main idea bubble chart for a given article. 6. TSW explain their selected main idea for their article by using the Finding Evidence formula. Activities/Assignments Monday: I do: Collect Short Story Final Assignment (with these assignments attached in this order: Rubric, Final Draft, Peer Revision, Rough Draft, Plot Line); Explain end of term, give assignment to check grades for accuracy (if anything is not correct on a lined piece of paper, write the name of the assignment and explain why you think there is a problem--Check the No Name pile and then submit to me) We do: Reflect on the Short Story Assignment: Complete the Short Story Reflection Questions (5th Period began, but didnt finish) You do: First Timed Write: A fortune teller at a county fair tells you that a good event will happen to you and a bad event will happen to you. What are these events or occurrences? In 20 min, write a complete SHORT story in one page (front AND back). Turn this in because it is the first assignment for Quarter 2. Closure: Write HW in Agenda---Grammar Pre-Test: Write everything you remember learning about grammar (exs: punctuation, capitalization, sentences, etc . . .) AND hand in completed assignments (Timed Write) Tuesday: I do: Pass out AIMS practice tests. Explain assignment-Use the Finding Evidence formula to explain what you think the correct answer is on each of the questions on the AIMS practice test. We do: Work with a partner to use the formula to complete the task. You do: Each person writes their response (the formula) to demonstrate what they think the answer is. Closure: AIMS practice books and answer sheets are collected. Wednesday: I do: Collect Late Short Stories, Catch Classes Up We do: Quick Group: With Group of 3, Compare Grammar Lists to come up with one list. Each group will give one item for an ultimate class list. You do: Reflect on the Short Story Assignment: Complete the Short Story Reflection Questions AND finish AIMS practice test assignment. Closure: Turn in: Short Story Reflection, Grammar Assignment, AIMS practice test and Answer Sheet

Thursday: I do: Attendance, Monitor Reading Plus Program We do: Work Respectfully You do: Complete at Least 2 Combos (Read 4 stories and get consecutive 80%) This will be a separate grade from the October Assignment---Need to Tell Teacher When Complete! Closure: Push in Chairs, Computers Signed Off, No Trash Friday: I do: Introduce Informational Text: Ask students to write what they think when they hear those words. Introduce Finding the Main Idea Strategy. Introduce Finding the Main Idea Bubble Chart with first part of article (get from bin). We do: Come up with benefits of informational text. Work with shoulder partner to read a remaining article (get from bin) and complete the rest of the Finding the Main Idea Bubble Chart You do: Use the Finding Evidence formula and your completed Bubble Chart to explain what the Main Idea of the article is and why you think that. (this should be on the back of the Bubble Chart). Closure: Turn in Completed Bubble Chart and Explanation using Finding Evidence formula (this should be on the back of the Bubble Chart).

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