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Computer Organization and Design Homework 2 - Due Date: 21 Oct 2013

1) (1 points) Exercise 2.4 in the Textbook (COD 4th Revised edition) 2) (1 points) Exercise 2.5 in the Textbook (COD 4th Revised edition) 3) (1 points) Exercise 2.6 in the Textbook (COD 4th Revised edition) 4) (1 points) Exercise 2.7 in the Textbook (COD 4th Revised edition) 5) (1 points) Exercise 2.8 in the Textbook (COD 4th Revised edition) 6) (1 points) Exercise 2.15. 5 for code segment (b) in the Textbook (COD 4th Revised edition) 7) (1 points) Exercise 2.18. 2 for code segment (b) in the Textbook (COD 4th Revised edition) 8) (1 points) Convert the following C code program to assembly a=1024; b=10024; while (a!=b) { if (a>b) a=a-b; else b=b-a; } Assume that a and b are saved in registers $s1 and $s2, respectively. 9) (1 points) Convert the above converted assembly to machine code program. 10) (1 points) Convert the following machine code program to assembly. 00011010010000000000000000000011 00100000000000000000000000000000 10101110001010110000000000000000 10101110001010100000000000000010 00100001001010010000000000001000

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