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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year

Article 1: Organization of the George Washington High School Class Council of 2014. Section 1: Name of Organization A. Classification of Appointed Officers I. Elected or Appointed Officers II. Active Members III. Advisors B. Qualification of members I. Officers and Senators must maintain a 70% cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) during the term of their position. Grade checks will be down quarterly. II. Must be a senior by credit. III. Advisors must be teacher(s) or staff member(s) of George Washington High School. Section 3: Executive Board A. The following shall be known as the members of the Executive Board: 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Recording Secretary 4. Corresponding Secretary 5. Treasurer 6. Assistant Treasurer 7. Activity Coordinator 8. Public Relations Officer (PRO) 9. Parliamentarian 10. Historian 11. Sergeant-at-Arms 12. Senators B. The Executive Board is the legal entity charged with the management and responsibility of the 2014 Council Section 4: Duties of Officers Officers of the Executive Board are obligated to perform their duties. Failure to perform duties may result in a demerit and/or probation.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
A. President 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Shall act as Chief Officer of the 2014 Council. Shall enforce all laws and regulations stated in the organization's constitution. Shall preside and preserve order and decorum at all meetings. Shall appoint committee chairperson and co-chair persons for all 2014 Council functions and events, with the consent of the Executive Board. Shall sign all documents on behalf of the 2014 Council. Shall train the Vice President on assuming the duties and responsibilities of the President should the President be absent from a meeting or activity. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate.

B. Vice President 1. Shall assume the duties of the President if the President resigns, is impeached, or is absent. 2. Shall assist the secretaries in the preparation of proposed agendas and the review of each meeting's minutes. 3. Shall follow-up and inform advisors on any on-going activities involving the 2014 Council. 4. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 5. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 6. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate. C. Recording Secretary 1. Shall take the minutes at all 2014 Council meetings. 2. Shall keep a file of each meeting's minutes in a binder. 3. Shall read or post the minutes of the previous meeting and have them approved by the 2014 Council. 4. Shall keep an accurate and up-to-date record of the exact wording of the motions currently before the 2014 Council. 5. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 6. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 7. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
D. Corresponding Secretary 1. Shall neatly type all letters that are to be officially sent by the 2014 Council. 2. Shall keep a file of all correspondence in a binder. 3. Shall produce, keep on file, and update as needed a 2014 Council directory in the binder. 4. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 5. Shall prepare and present the agenda at each Council meeting. 6. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 7. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate. E. Treasurer 1. Shall understand the policies the school has in regards to the use of student finances. 2. Shall authorize payment vouchers, sign checks, review purchase orders, and maintain the 2014 Council's accounting binder. 3. Shall keep receipts for all documents. 4. Shall present a weekly report on the financial status and/or situation of the 2014 Council. 5. Shall make financial reports and set budgets on each project. 6. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 7. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 8. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate. F. Assistant Treasurer 1. Shall understand the policies the school has in regards to the use of student finances. 2. Shall present a weekly report on the financial status and/or situation of the 2014 Council. 3. Shall make financial reports and interpretations on each project. 4. Shall assume the role of Treasurer, if the treasurer is absent at a meeting or function. 5. Shall assist the treasurer in carrying out the financial duties for the 2014 Council. 6. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 7. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 8. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate.
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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
G. Activity Coordinator 1. Shall ensure that all activities request forms reach the proper people for signatures. 2. Shall be responsible for keeping a calendar of events and activities in which the Class of 2014 is involved with. 3. Shall be responsible for issuing a calendar of events to Student Body of Association (SBA) and the Council's Public Relations Officer (PRO) upon approval from the President and the advisors. 4. Shall report on the progress of an activity request form in the process of retrieving signatures. Once the activity is approved, the chairperson and co-chairperson are responsible for the progress of the activity. 5. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 6. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 7. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate. H. Public Relations Officer (PRO) 1. Shall be responsible for informing the Class of 2014 as well as the entire GWHS student body of any important 2014 Council events or activities. 2. Shall be responsible for announcing all 2014 Council events and dissemination of any 2014 Council information through (1) the Gecko Crawler; (2) the senior bulletin board; (3) senior newsletters; (4) fliers, posters, and banners. 3. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 4. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 5. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
I. Parliamentarian 1. Shall take attendance at every 2014 Council meeting, event, and activity. 2. Shall keep a record of the attendance of each officer and senator. 3. Shall provide a weekly typewritten report on who was present, absent, or tardy from each meeting. 4. Shall report to the advisors and the President on officers and senators who have exceeded the allowed number of excused and unexcused absences. 5. Shall grant warnings and demerits for any violations of the By-Laws, with the consent of the Executive Board. 6. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 7. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officer and Advisors. 8. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate. J. Historian 1. Shall be present at all 2014 Council functions and events. 2. Shall take pictures at all 2014 Council functions and events. 3. Shall keep an updated photographic record of all 2014 Council officers, senators, and advisors. 4. Shall post and maintain a documented album of pictures of all 2014 Council events throughout the school year. 5. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 6. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 7. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate. K. Sergeant-at-Arms 1. Shall maintain order at all 2014 Council meetings. 2. Shall execute all commands of the President. 3. Shall distribute any materials to all officers, members, and advisors during meetings. 4. Shall call the meeting to order. 5. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 6. Shall fulfill any duties given by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 7. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
L. Senators 1. Shall consist of no more than four individuals. 2. Shall inform the 2014 Council about the upcoming matters of the Student Body Association (SBA). 3. Shall provide minutes of the SBA meetings to the 2014 Council Secretaries for records. 4. Shall assist the 2014 Council at all activities. 5. Shall promote class spirit among the Class of 2014 students of George Washington High School. 6. Shall fulfill any duties given to him or her by the Executive Officers and Advisors. 7. Shall be required to obtain a Health Certificate.

Section 5: Removal of Officers 1. Resignation of any officer or senator shall be made in writing and be submitted to the 2014 Council. 2. Procedures for impeachment of Officers and Senators: A. The issue of impeachment of an officer must be submitted in writing and brought up by a 2014 Council Officer who must state the reason for impeachment. B. An Officer or Senator cannot be impeached without a proper hearing. Members up for impeachment have five (5) days to defend themselves before the Executive Board. If the Officer or Senator fails to defend themselves within the allotted time period, they will be automatically impeached. C. Officers and Senators can be impeached with the approval of the Executive Board. D. The following are, but are not limited to, grounds for impeachment: 1. Suspension from George Washington High School 2. Two or more discipline/attendance referrals. 3. Theft from 2014 Council. 4. Failure to perform duties that result in demerits. 5. Accumulated more than 3 demerits.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014

Section 6: Demerit System 1. Each officer is allowed a total of six (6) demerits throughout the school year. 2. All meetings and/or activities are mandatory for Officers and Senators. Officers and Senators will be allowed three (3) excused absences and three (3) unexcused absences per semester. Excuse notes must be submitted two school days after day of absence. 3. The chairperson or co-chairperson of an event fails to attend their assigned event; he or she will be given an automatic demerit. 4. Failure to perform duties assigned by the Executive Board will result in a demerit. 5. Tardiness: A. Officers and Senators are only permitted three (3) excused tardies each semester. Three unexcused tardies equals one (1) unexcused absence. B. Once the meeting has been called to order, any officer or senator not in attendance is considered tardy. 6. Excuse Notes A. Lack of transportation is an invalid excuse. B. Written excuses must be given to the advisor and the Parliamentarian two days prior to the meeting or event. C. All excuse notes must be presented in writing with a parent or guardian signature to an advisor and the Parliamentarian at the following meeting. D. Doctor's notes must be an official document from the doctor's office and must be signed and stamped by a licensed physician. 7. Unexcused Absences A. For the third unexcused absence, a written warning will be issued to the Officer/Senator. B. For the fourth unexcused absence, demerits will be issued to the Officer/Senator by the Parliamentarian. C. For the fifth unexcused absence, the officer is up for review with the Executive Board and the advisors with the possibility of facing impeachment.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
Article 2: Procedures for conducting Business Section 7: Meetings 1. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority, 50% of the Executive Board plus four (4) senators, and at least one advisor in order for a meeting to commerce. 2. General Meetings and Executive Meetings will be held weekly. 3. Meetings shall be conducted according to the provisions of the 2014 Council's Constitution and Robert's Rule of Order. Section 8: Roll Call 1. The Parliamentarian shall administer a roll call of Officers and Senators at the beginning of each meeting. Section 9: Voting 1. Any Class Council action needs a motion and a second motion, as well as a majority approval to follow through with the action. 2. The President is not required to cast a vote unless there is a tie. Section 10: New Business 1. Any official business that has not yet been introduced or covered shall be known as "New Business." 2. Changes or amendments to the new business can be made at any given time provided that the changes are related to the subject matter. Section 11: Old Business 1. Any official business not finished in past meetings, or any on-going projects shall be known as "Old Business." 2. Changes or amendments to the old business can be made at any given time provided that the changes are related to the subject matter. 3. "Old Business" issues can be officially closed only after the chairperson submits a thorough closing report to the Recording Secretary and is approved and accepted by the 2014 Council and the advisors.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
Section 12: Committees 1. Committees shall be formed as needed for any activity. 2. The President shall appoint the chairperson and co-chairperson of a committee with the consent of the Executive Board. 3. All committees shall present an oral and written report to the 2013 Council during regular meetings, so that any member, who wishes to, may review or use it as reference. Reports shall be given to the Corresponding Secretary for filing purposes. 4. All officers and senators are obliged to chair or co-chair an event or activity per semester. 5. Committee chairs and co-chairs must submit a status report before and after the planned activity/event. Section 13: Appropriations 1. The 2014 Council must review and approve, with a two-thirds vote, any proposed expenditure. 2. All money and checks issued must be photocopied and signed when received. 3. After the expenditure, the person responsible for the check or money must present a receipt for the purchase to the 2014 Council's Treasurer, who then submits it to the school accountant. Failure to do so can automatically place 2014 Council's Treasurer on the school's financial obligation list. Section 14: Merit System/Rewards 1. 2014 Council funds will be used to pay for the cost of activities and/or food approved with two-thirds majority vote amongst the 2014 Council. 2. All 2014 Council members may participate if they meet the following requirements: A. Must have less than three (3) demerits. 3. The Executive Board decides whether or not to give a merit to an officer. 4. The Merit System shall be based on a stamp card. Collect 9 stamps and a prize shall be awarded to the given officer or member. 5. Stamps shall be earned by: A. If you chair or co-chair an activity/event B. Participate in an event for a minimum of 2 hours C. At each activity/event you MUST sign-in and out with an advisor D. A stamp shall be awarded based on an assessment from a Class Council of 2014 executive member and an advisor.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
Section 15: End of the Year Celebration 1. 2014 Council funds will be used to pay for the cost of activities and/or food approved with a two-thirds majority vote amongst the 2014 Council. Section 16: Amendments of the Constitution 1. These Sections and by-laws stated in the Constitution may be amended at any given time with a two-thirds majority vote amongst the 2014 Council. 2. All amendment requests must be submitted in writing.

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Guam Department of Education George Washington High School Class Council of 2014 Constitution and By-Laws Academic Year 2013-2014
Position President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Activity Coordinator Public Relations Officer (PRO) Parliamentarian Historian Sergeant at Arms Senator Senator Senator Senator Advisor Co-Advisor Co-Advisor Co-Advisor Name Damian Pocaigue Erin-Joy Dela Cruz Maria Moeng Kiana Brown Rhea'da Unpingco Monica Moeng Rita Barcinas Francesca Pangelinan Jesseca Valencia Krystiana Martinez Aaron Tydingco Ariana Flores Miranda Garrido Jessie Quichocho Keila Sato Alvin Sanga Marianna Hernandez Patrick Borja Dym San Nicolas Signature

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