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Chapter 5 Review Who was the Russian scientist who came up with the idea of arranging elements in the

e periodic table according to their chemical and physical properties? Name three important features of that scientists original periodic table.

How was Moseleys periodic table arranged? How is this different than Mendeleevs?

What group of elements was discovered by Strutt and Ramsay? What is the name of the Group 1 elements? Group 2? Group 16, 17, and 18? The elements in groups 3-12? The elements with atomic numbers from 5871? The elements with atomic numbers from 90-103?

Which period is the element with electron configuration [Ar] 4s23d104p4 in? Which group is it in? The elements whose electron configurations end with s2p1 in their highest occupied energy level are in what group? If a period on the periodic table contains 18 elements, what sublevels are present in that period? Where on the periodic table are the metals located? Where are the nonmetals located?

Know the 4 periodic trends. How they change as you go down a group or across a period. And what causes those changes to occur.

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