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Sheet 13 CENTRALLY ORIENTED Sheet ‘13 SYMMETRICAL GRAVITATIONAL MODE expanding moduls, changeable pentachords ‘ORBITAL PRESENTATION Five staves are for five areas of the mode. + {see also the previous sheet) “*._ Note the density of + each area: tral area: 9 tones, ine ang of + ‘The tonic G# is unique in the whole mode. Its situated in the center of the "planet system", GOig and "As. ntahierkin tenes tte oni tomes!), shi Ae trode ftes) hey arb inthe est orbles” extreme upper area middle upper area" ci aps and pb's are whole aay from tn; they show up 4 times in the mode and they in the second orbite. In the third orbite are "E"s and which show up 4 times, too. In the fourth orbite are "Eb"s and "CH" ~ 3times ‘There are only two "D"s. They the upper and low tritonantes, In the last orbite there are single "F" and single "BQ". Middle areas: 8 tones _4f the range of min. 7 ‘Extreme areas: only 6 tones in the range of dim. Sve

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