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El Protocolo Banerji

Un nuevo mtodo para el tratamiento de tumores cerebrales con Ruda y Fosfato Triclcico

Prasanta Banerji

Pratip Banerji

Fundacin de Investigacin Homeoptica Prasanta Banerji (PBHR)

Los Drs. Prasanta y Pratip Banerji en la conferencia CCC2000 (Comprehensive Cancer Care) de medicina de cuerpo y mente en Arlington, EE. UU.


El fundador de la Homeopata, Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, publica en 1796 los resultados de sus investigaciones en un artculo titulado Ensayo sobre un nuevo principio para conocer el poder curativo de los frmacos. En l expone el principio

fundamental de la Homeopata, afirmando que Toda sustancia farmacolgicamente activa, provoca en el individuo sano y sensible un conjunto de sntomas caractersticos de dicha sustancia, cuanto ms fuerte sea el medicamento, ms violenta y acentuada ser la enfermedad provocada. Deberamos imitar a la naturaleza, que, en ocasiones, cura una enfermedad crnica por medio de otra enfermedad. Por eso debemos recetar, para la enfermedad que queremos curar, especialmente si se trata de

una enfermedad crnica, un frmaco que tenga el poder de provocar otra enfermedad artificial tan similar como sea posible a la que se quiere curar. Lo similar se cura con lo similar. En Homeopata, la dilucin de un medicamento se lleva a cabo bien dentro de los lmites aceptados por norma general (dilucin molecular) o fuera de los mismos (lmites ultramoleculares). Este proceso se consigue mediante la sucusin y/o trituracin del principio activo en cada fase de la dilucin.

La Homeopata de Hahnemann no posee un remedio especfico para cada enfermedad pero s para cada enfermo. Diez casos de tuberculosis pueden necesitar diez medicamentos diferentes, mientras que diez enfermedades diferentes pueden precisar el mismo medicamento, siempre que sus sntomas sean ms o menos similares. Este enfoque de tratamiento de pacientes teniendo en cuenta solamente sus sntomas es fundamentalmente indispensable de cara a aquellos sntomas crnicos que no se corresponden con una naturaleza fija y que varan dependiendo de cada paciente. Un mismo frmaco no tiene porque ser til para cada caso.

En general, cuando un homepata examina a un paciente slo tiene en cuenta algunos medicamentos para su tratamiento. Este pequeo grupo sustancias producen sntomas similares. Por ltimo, slo se selecciona uno de ellos como consecuencia de la experiencia prctica.

Nosotros hemos refrendado y propagado la idea de utilizar un medicamento homeoptico especfico para combatir una enfermedad teniendo en cuenta sus sntomas. Hoy en da, el tipo de tratamiento se modifica rigurosamente al tener en cuenta los datos de diagnstico de laboratorio que permiten seleccionar un medicamento especfico para combatir una enfermedad particular. En este nuevo mtodo de tratamiento no nos apoyamos en la mxima de Hahnemann: "nico, simple y mnimo.

En este nuevo mtodo de tratamiento no nos importa prescribir mezclas de remedios o repetir de manera asidua el uso de los mismos cuando sea necesario, sin embargo, la Homeopata convencional nunca sigue este planteamiento. El uso de la combinacin de dos medicamentos se realiza de manera significativa y est basado en aos de experimentos clnicos y observaciones llevadas a cabo por nosotros mismos. Los medicamentos se combinan para conseguir una serie de ventajas especiales de cara al tratamiento, de ah que se pueda controlar un posible empeoramiento producido por los frmacos, que los efectos secundarios de los mismos puedan mitigarse y que pueda garantizarse una rpida recuperacin en un tiempo ms breve. En la actualidad, nuestra Fundacin lleva a cabo un trabajo de investigacin en colaboracin con investigadores del MD Anderson Cancer Center acerca de la accin de las medicinas homeopticas sobre varios tipos de clulas cancergenas, por ejemplo, tumores cerebrales, cncer de mama, etc. Los NIH (Institutos Nacionales de la Salud) de EE. UU se han interesado en nuestra investigacin sobre varios tipos de cncer y nos han solicitado la realizacin de registros que documenten nuestros exitosos resultados. Para ello hemos presentado ante el Centro Nacional para la Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa (NCCAM) y el Instituto Nacional del Cncer (NCI) de los NIH el programa Best Case Series sobre el cncer. En la actualidad, el NCI de EE. UU est creando un

Estudio observacional de las posibles consecuencias para el Carcinoma Broncognico en nuestra clnica en India, con vistas a alcanzar un protocolo para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad que les permita preparar el terreno para realizar ensayos clnicos en EE. UU. El progreso cientfico nos exige realizar cada vez ms experimentos con medicamentos en un gran nmero pacientes as como conservar todos los documentos observacionales que se deriven de los mismos. De hecho, hemos reunido una gran cantidad de datos observacionales basados en nuestra experiencia, que nos han dado seguridad a la hora de recetar dosis frecuentes y, en ocasiones, para mezclar o alternar medicamentos, siempre que fuese necesario. En las ltimas tres dcadas hemos tratado a miles de pacientes con cncer. Mostraremos algunos resultados de nuestro tratamiento conseguidos en los ltimos tiempos. Este es el resultado general del tratamiento de ms de 17.324 pacientes con cncer desde 1990 a 2005 realizado en nuestra clnica. Estos grficos muestran que en el 19% de los casos hubo una regresin completa de los tumores, muy significativa desde nuestro punto de vista. En el 21% de los casos los tumores permanecieron estacionarios o experimentaron una mejora despus del tratamiento.

Resultados del tratamiento de 17.324 casos de tumor maligno (1990 2005)

34% Agravado 19% Regresin Completa

26% Interrumpido 21% Estacionario

En nuestra Fundacin de Investigacin, realizamos un tratamiento exitoso de los tumores cerebrales con medicamentos homeopticos. Gracias a nuestra amplia experiencia clnica pudimos ofrecer ayuda a un gran porcentaje de pacientes, algunos de los cuales evidenciaron una regresin completa posteriormente. En el tratamiento de estos casos se emple la Ruta 6 y el Fosfato Triclcio. A travs de la observacin durante los ltimos 30 aos, se ha podido confirmar que estos medicamentos tienen el poder de reducir y curar lesiones ocupantes de espacio

(LOE) intracraneal. En el MD Anderson Cancer Center de Houston se han llevado a cabo de manera exitosa varios experimentos in vitro utilizando esta combinacin de medicamentos y ya se ha publicado un artculo cientfico en esta lnea.

Algunos de los primeros casos de tumor cerebral tratados de manera exitosa:

Consideraremos dos casos que hemos tratado haciendo uso de todos los informes mdicos y de toda la informacin documentada durante aos, incluyendo TAC (Tomografa Axial Computarizada) antes y despus del tratamiento.

F.Y., mujer de 27 aos de edad cumplidos en diciembre de 1990, padeca dolores de cabeza espordicos desde 1986. El 17 de diciembre de 1990 sufri un fuerte dolor de cabeza, ms acentuado en el hemisferio izquierdo. El 29 de diciembre de 1990, cuando acudi a nuestra clnica para someterse a tratamiento, los dolores iban acompaados de mareos y visin borrosa. En su historial clnico qued registrado que la paciente manifestaba visin borrosa, dolor y debilidad en la parte derecha. Tras realizarse un TAC cerebral el 25.12.1990, se dedujo: "La anomala ms importante es la presencia de una masa bien delimitada con valores de atenuacin de tipo mixto (hipo e hiperdensa) en la regin suprasillar e intrasillar que produce una notable dilatacin de la silla turca ligeramente superior en el lado izquierdo. Esta gran masa mide como mximo 22 cms en AP, 354 cms en lateral y 337 cms en vertical, craneofaringioma? macroadenoma pituitario?

TAC cerebral con fecha 25.12.1990

Despus de someterse a nuestro tratamiento con Ruta 6 y Fosfato Triclcico, la visin borrosa mejor a partir del primer mes desde el comienzo del tratamiento y hoy

en da ha recuperado totalmente la visin. El paciente se recuper completamente del dolor y de la debilidad que sufra en el brazo derecho. En la actualidad es una persona sana y normal que disfruta de la vida.

El TAC cerebral realizado 27 de abril de 1992 revel: Caso complementario de masa intrasillar bastante grande con predominio de extensin suprasillar que, en la actualidad, evidencia una desaparicin completa dejando atrs un aspecto normal de la glndula pituitaria y de la cisterna suprasillar desde el ltimo escner realizado el 25 de diciembre de 1990.

TAC cerebral con fecha 27.04.1992

El marido de la paciente no visit recientemente y nos inform de su buen estado de salud. A.A., hombre casado de 60 aos, acudi a nuestra clnica el 03.08.2004 con sntomas de debilidad gradual y progresiva en la parte derecha de su cuerpo y extremidades, insomnio, irritabilidad y enojo fcil desde haca 2 meses. Antes de acudir a nuestra clnica se le realiz un TAC cerebral con fecha 28.07.2004 .. Impresin de diagnstico Glioma multicntrico.

TAC cerebral con fecha 28.07.2004

La biopsia estereotctica realizada el 29.01.2004 .. desde la cpsula interna derecha.. Neoplasia de alto grado.. Glioma.

El informe del Hospital del Colegio Mdico Cristiano (CMC) de Vellore del 29.07.2004. hace pesar en Corpus Collosum (cuerpo calloso) y neoplasia glial de alto grado a nivel periventricular del lado parietal derecho?

Diapositiva de una histopatologa

Tras someterse a nuestro tratamiento con dos dosis diarias de Ruta 6 y Fosfato Triclcio todos sus sntomas desaparecieron tras 7-8 meses. Hasta ahora, el paciente lleva una vida normal y sin problemas aunque todava contina en tratamiento.

El TAC cerebral (Estudio sencillo y de contraste) realizado el 16.04.2005 reflej . reas hipodensas y calcinosis en la regin frontal derecha. Al contrastarlo con el anterior TAC cerebral del 25.07.2004 la masa casi ha desparecido.

Durante el tratamiento se produjo una reaparicin de tumores.

TAC cerebral con fecha 16.04.2005

Cmo actan la Ruda y el Fosfato Clcico

La rutina, componente activo de la Ruda, es conocida por sus propiedades antinflamatorias y antioxidantes y tambin por reducir el dao oxidativo en modelos de experimentacin con roedores. Adems, la Ruda tambin es conocida por proteger al ADN contra la ruptura de sus hilos y por prevenir la mutagenesis. El Fosfato Clcico activa la fosfolipasa, que cliva el fosfatidil inositol difosfato, una molcula rodeada por una membrana que activa la protena quinasa C.

Dibujo de la planta Ruta graveolens

Resumen del artculo publicado en la Revista Internacional de Oncologa n 23: 975-982, 2003

El uso de la quimioterapia convencional en el tratamiento de pacientes con tumores malignos puede afectar de manera negativa a las clulas normales." Las clulas hematopoyticas de la mdula sea son las ms afectadas. Por consiguiente, es necesario hallar agentes alternativos capaces de destruir las clulas cancergenas pero que tengan unos efectos mnimos sobre las clulas normales. Examinamos la actividad destructiva de clulas cancergenas del cerebro de un medicamento homeoptico, la Ruda, aislada de una planta, Ruta graveolens. Utilizamos distintas concentraciones de Ruda en combinacin con CO3(PO4)2 para el tratamiento in vitro del cncer de cerebro humano y de las clulas de leucemia HL-60, de las clulas normales de linfocitos B y de las clulas de melanoma murino. Se trat con Ruta 6 y CO3(PO4)2 a quince pacientes con tumores intracraneales. De estos 15 pacientes, 6 de los 7 que padecan glioma experimentaron una regresin completa de los tumores. Con el fin de comprender el posible mecanismo de destruccin celular y empleando tcnicas de la citogentica molecular y convencional, se examinaron los linfocitos normales de la sangre humana, las clulas de linfocitos B y las clulas cancergenas del cerebro tratadas con Ruda in vitro en busca de la dinmica de la regin telomrica, catstrofe mittica y apoptosis. Ambos resultados, tanto in vivo como in vitro, mostraron una induccin de

las vas de sealizacin de supervivencia en linfocitos normales y una induccin de las vas de sealizacin de muerte en las clulas cancergenas del cerebro. El proceso de destruccin de las clulas cancergenas se inici por medo de la erosin telomrica y se complet a travs de episodios de catstrofe mittica. Pensamos que la Ruda en combinacin con CO3(PO4)2 puede ser til para el tratamiento eficaz del cncer de cerebro, en especial el glioma.

Perspectiva actual de casos de tumor cerebral tratados con nuestros medicamentos:

La Ruda y el Fosfato Clcico pueden prevenir la reaparicin de tumores cerebrales.


A pesar de la existencia de muchas terapias alternativas y convencionales, la reaparicin de tumores cerebrales tras la ciruga, la radiacin o la quimioterapia es un problema comn. ltimamente, nuestro tratamiento del tumor cerebral con Ruta 6 y Fosfato Triclcico est adquiriendo popularidad en India y la mayora de estos pacientes utilizan nuestro tratamiento sin necesidad de someterse a ningn otro tipo de intervencin convencional. Sin embargo, hoy en da, nuestro tratamiento se utiliza en otros pases, fundamentalmente para prevenir recidivas. Hemos analizado documentos de 147 casos disponibles hasta la fecha (76 casos en India, 44 casos en EE. UU. y 27 en otros pases incluyendo Reino Unido, Canad, Espaa, Italia, Suecia, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, los Pases Bajos, Turqua, Israel, Malasia, Pakistn, etc.) en los que se han empleado nuestros medicamentos slo para prevenir recidivas sin hacer uso simultneo de ninguna otra terapia convencional. En el 66,74% de los casos, dicho anlisis evidenci que nuestros medicamentos desempean un papel definitivo en la prevencin de recidivas de tumores cerebrales. En cuanto al oligodendroglioma la prevencin de recidivas fue extraordinaria, sin embargo, en gliomas del tronco cerebral sta fue relativamente menor.


La recidiva de tumores cerebrales es un fenmeno comn y a pesar de que se han encontrado diferencias en relacin a la reaparicin en distintos tipos de tumores cerebrales, estas son muy elevadas, teniendo en cuenta aspecto global.

Aunque la administracin de quimioterapia, principalmente con temozolomida y/o de radioterapia, es eficaz de cara a la prevencin, por lo menos en cierta medida, hasta ahora no existe un cambio significativo del punto de vista y la mayora de los pacientes con tumor cerebral mueren incluso despus de haber utilizado todos los medios posibles para evitar su reaparicin. En 2000, se diagnosticaron, en todo el mundo, aproximadamente 176.000 nuevos casos de tumor cerebral y otros tumores del sistema nervioso central (SNC), con una mortalidad aproximada de 128.000 (Parkin et al, 2000). En 2006, se han registrado en EE. UU., aproximadamente, 18.820 nuevos casos y 12.820 muertes como

consecuencia de tumores cerebrales y otros tumores del sistema nervioso (American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures 2006. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society, 2006. Last accessed August 7, 2006). Los tumores cerebrales representaron entre el 85% y 90% del total de tumores primarios del sistema nervioso central (Levin et al, 2001) y, entre 1996 y 2000, la base de datos del programa Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) indic que el ndice de tumores primarios invasivos del sistema nervioso central en EE. UU. es de 6,6 por cada 100.000 personas al ao, con una mortalidad anual aproximada de 4,7 por cada 100.000 personas. En la actualidad, un nmero significativo de pacientes con tumor cerebral sufren recidivas. Por ello, llevamos trabajando durante un periodo relativamente largo con el fin de descubrir algn medio a travs del cual podamos prevenir la reaparicin tumoral. Nuestro prolongado afn de bsqueda de alguna sustancia qumica que pudieran servir de ayuda en este proceso nos condujo a la Ruta 6 y el Fosfato Triclcico. En este artculo intentaremos ofrecer algunos detalles acerca de nuestro trabajo de investigacin, llevado a cabo con estas sustancias, para la prevencin de recidivas de tumores cerebrales malignos .

Materiales y Mtodos:

Pacientes con tumor cerebral: A pesar de que existen muchos pacientes con tumor cerebral en todo el mundo, es imposible probar en ellos nuevos medicamentos, salvo, excepcionalmente, en algunos ensayos clnicos de Fase I y II, teniendo al alcance todas las infraestructuras preventivas que nos permitan controlar cualquier efecto adverso que pudiera surgir en el momento o con posterioridad. Por ello, buscamos cualquier medicamento adecuado mediante el anlisis de cientos de extractos diferentes utilizados en la farmacopea homeoptica que no hubieran sido sometidos a un examen apropiado tras la muerte, hace 200 aos, de su iniciador, el Dr.

Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahanemann. Estas sustancias qumicas son completamente inofensivas cuando se diluyen, sin embargo, existen pruebas documentadas que demuestran que un incremento de la dilucin produce efectos biolgicos positivos (Banerji and Banerji, 2001, Sen Pathak et al, 2003). Ya que ambos autores se dedican a la prctica mdica de estos medicamentos homeopticos, les fue ms sencillo seleccionar medicamentos para combatir tumores cerebrales de entre miradas de preparaciones. Con anterioridad a sus publicaciones (Banerji and Banerji, 2001), se desconoca que la Ruta 6 y el Fosfato Triclcico eran eficaces contra los tumores cerebrales. Tras la publicacin de nuestro primer trabajo (Banerji and Banerji, 2001, Sen Pathak et al, 2003), miles de personas que padecan tumor cerebral acudieron, no slo a nuestras clnicas privadas sino tambin fuera de India, donde personas interesadas comenzaron a ofrecer ayuda a pacientes con tumor cerebral para que se beneficiaran de nuestro tratamiento especfico contra dichos tumores (Fundacin del Tumor Cerebral, EE. UU.).

Debido a que una multitud de pacientes (cifra que asciende a algunos miles) ya se est sometiendo al tratamiento con Ruta 6 y Fosfato Triclcico y ya que un nmero significativo se ha beneficiado del mismo, dato que se ha observado no slo en nuestro centro de India sino tambin en otras partes del mundo, ahora estamos interesados en investigar las caractersticas preventivas de estos medicamentos para combatir la reaparicin de tumores cerebrales tras la ciruga tanto en India como en otros pases: Reino Unido, Canad, Espaa, Italia, Suecia, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Pases Bajos, Turqua, Israel, Malasia, Pakistn, etc. (ver tabla 1 y grfico 1).

Tabla 1: Pas N. de pacientes tratados para prevenir recidivas de tumor cerebral

India EE. UU. Reino Unido, Canad, Espaa, Italia, Suecia, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Pases Bajos, Turqua, Israel, Malasia, Pakistn, etc.

76 64 27



Grfico 1: N de casos de tumor cerebral en otros pases.

N de casos

El gobierno indio aprob el uso de estos medicamentos y estamos autorizados a emplearlos en el tratamiento de estos pacientes, sin embargo, seguimos el protocolo estndar del consentimiento del paciente, la autorizacin del comit tico, la revisin de los pacientes por parte de onclogos eminentes de la ciudad, los seguimientos clnicos adecuados siguiendo criterios de inclusin y exclusin y el control apropiado de los casos adversos. Fuera de India existen algunos centros de apoyo (Fundacin del Tumor Cerebral), muchos de los cuales se pusieron en contacto con nosotros y siguieron el programa de tratamiento con todos los servicios de apoyo mdico y de investigacin ofrecidos por los doctores del pas de cada paciente.

De todos estos pacientes, 57 (38,8%) padecan astrocitoma y otros gliomas, 28 (19,0%) padecan meningioma, 20 (13,6%) padecan adenoma pituitario y 42 (28,6%) padecan otras variedades de tumor.

64 pacientes (43,5%) presentaron grado IV, 36 (24,5%) grado III y 47 (32,0%) grado II. Ningn paciente p

Los medicamentos:
Tal y como se menciona anteriormente, hemos empleado dos sustancias qumicas, Ruta 6 y Fosfato Triclcico de acuerdo con la farmacopea homeoptica britnica e india. Estas sustancias se obtuvieron directamente de Holistic Remedies Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, India (en colaboracin con Bioforce A.G., Suiza).


1. Ruta graveolens 6c, una dosis = 2 gotas en 1 cucharadita de agua potable, dos dosis diarias. 2. Calcarea Phosphorica 3x, una dosis = 2 comprimidos (grnulos), dos dosis diarias.


Desde el comienzo del tratamiento se realiz un seguimiento de al menos un ao a todos los pacientes.

Grfico 2: Resultado del tratamiento del tumor cerebral con el Protocolo Banerji en varios pases.

India EE. UU Otros pases

Sin recidiva Recidiva Sin valoracin

Perspectiva mdica en India:

En India, nosotros tratamos de manera directa a todos los pacientes despus de haber sido sometidos a ciruga y a ninguno de ellos se les administr quimioterapia ni radioterapia. El resultado de nuestro tratamiento en pacientes indios se puede observar en la Tabla 2 (ver tambin Grfico 2). En el 78,9% de los pacientes no hubo recidiva, en el 13,2% de los pacientes se produjo una recidiva y en el 7,9% de los casos no se pudo ofrecer una valoracin exacta.

Tabla 2: casos tratados en India (N=76) Sin recidiva Recidiva Sin valoracin exacta 78,9% 13,2% 7,9%

En aquellos pacientes que padecan oligodendroglioma, el papel preventivo de estos medicamentos ms eficaz (100%) que en pacientes con gliobastoma multiforme (GBM) (66,7%) y, en rasgos generales, observamos que 60 pacientes (78,9%) de 76 se beneficiaron de nuestro tratamiento.

Perspectiva mdica en EE. UU.:

En EE. UU. tuvimos a nuestra disposicin la informacin as como todos los documentos referentes de 44 pacientes con caractersticas similares. El resultado de nuestro tratamiento en pacientes con tumor cerebral en EE. UU. puede observarse en la Tabla 3 (ver tambin Grfico 2). No se observ recidiva en el 63,6% de los casos, el 22,2% de los pacientes sufri una recidiva y en el 18,2% de los casos no se pudo ofrecer una valoracin exacta. En rasgos generales, observamos que el 63,6% de los pacientes se benefici de nuestro tratamiento.

Tabla 3: casos tratados en EE. UU. (N=44) Sin recidiva Recidiva Sin valoracin exacta 78,9% 22,2% 18,2%

Pacientes de otros pases:

Contamos con registros de 27 pacientes de otros pases (Tabla 1). El resultado de nuestro tratamiento en pacientes con tumor cerebral puede observarse en la Tabla 4 (ver tambin Grfico 2). El 37,0% de los pacientes no sufri ninguna recidiva, el 22,2% sufri una recidiva y en el 40,7% de los casos no se pudo ofrecer una valoracin exacta. En general, observamos que un 37,0% de los pacientes se benefici de nuestro tratamiento.

Tabla 4: Casos tratados en otros pases (N=27) Sin recidiva Recidiva Sin valoracin exacta 37,0% 22,2% 40,7%

Por lo tanto, de un total de 147 pacientes observamos que 98 (66,74%) se beneficiaron de nuestro tratamiento)

Grfico 3: Resultado del tratamiento de tumor cerebral siguiendo el Protocolo Banerji (N total de casos)

Sin valoracin Recidiva Sin recidiva


El principal problema al que nos enfrentamos en todo el mundo es a una posible recidiva del tumor cerebral tras la ciruga, y por el momento, no hay ninguna solucin eficaz a la vista. Nuestro intento por solucionar este problema fue muy esperanzador con una ndice de beneficio ante la prevencin de recidivas del 66.74%. Sin embargo, cuando comparamos los resultados de los pacientes sometidos a nuestro tratamiento en distintas reas geogrficas, nos encontramos con que obtenemos mejores resultados en India y en EE. UU. que en otros pases. Es difcil determinar una razn exacta que explique este dato, si bien es cierto que tanto en India como en EE. UU. contamos con tratamientos y centros de apoyo que no existen otros pases en los que los pacientes sometidos a nuestro tratamiento dependen, por lo general, solamente de consultas online. Por ello, es posible que tampoco puedan seguir el protocolo adecuado ni tener acceso a los medicamentos apropiados de acuerdo con la farmacopea britnica o india, que, por el contrario, pueden conseguirse con facilidad en India y EE. UU.

No obstante, nos hemos encontrado con que casi todos estos pacientes, incluyendo algunos de los que han sufrido una trayectoria en descenso, colaboraron totalmente con nosotros en todos los aspectos posibles. Muchos de ellos interactuaron, no slo a travs

de Internet, de los medios de comunicacin, etc. sino tambin con el NIH de EE. UU, solicitndoles que adopten nuestro protocolo en todos aquellos casos de tumor cerebral.

En lo que respecta a los posibles mecanismos de accin de los medicamentos se ofrecen detalles en otra parte del libro (Sen Pathak et al, 2003); sin embargo, en la actualidad, estamos llevando a cabo un estudio observacional de las citoquinas con el fin de hallar pistas adems del probado cambio telomrico que se produce en los niveles genticos (Sen Pathak et al, 2003).

De este modo, nuestros hallazgos indican claramente que este sencillo tratamiento mdico con Ruta 6 y Fosfato Triclcico es capaz de prevenir recidivas de tumores cerebrales en un importante nmero de pacientes. Este tratamiento es muy prctico al igual que econmico y recomendamos sin ninguna reserva la aplicacin del mismo a todos aquellos pacientes que padezcan tumor cerebral.


Banerji P, Banerji P. Intracraneal Cisticercosis: on effective treatment with alternative medicines. In Vivo. 2001; 15(2): 181-4.

Levin VA, Leibel SA, Gutin PH: Neoplasms of the central nervous system. In: DeVita VT Jr, hellman S, Rosenberg SA, eds.: Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp 2100-60.

Parkin DM, Bray F, Ferlay J. et al.: Estimating the world cancer burden: Globacan, 2000. Int J Cancer 94 (2): 156-3, 2001.

Pathak S, Multani AS, Banerji P, Banerji P, Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes. A novel treatment for human brain cancer. Int J Oncol. 2003; 23(4): 975-82.

Nuestros planes futuros:

Hoy en da es tamos estudiando el efecto que los inmunomoduladores tienen sobre los tumores cerebrales as como sus modelos cambiantes durante el tratamiento con nuestros medicamentos. No obstante, nuestros planes futuros se basan en descubrir cul es el motivo exacto que en algunos casos conduce al fracaso al igual que proporcionar otra terapia alternativa en el caso de que este protocolo fallase. Ya hemos concluido nuestros primeros trabajos siguiendo esta lnea y hemos observado que en aquellos casos fallidos un preparado de Naranja Amarga pude tener unos efectos asombrosos (patente en trmite); de este modo se consiguen resultados cada vez ms exitosos.

Acerca de la Fundacin de Investigacin Homeoptica PB (PBHRF):

Al relacionarse con tal cantidad de pacientes, los Drs. Banerji se encontraron, a menudo, con gente que se hallaba en una situacin de extremo desamparo. Para estos pacientes resulta imposible tener acceso a tan costosos recursos de investigacin como el TAC (tomografa axial computarizada), los MRIs (imgenes por resonancia magntica), el ECG (electrocardiogramas) o incluso someterse a pruebas de precio relativamente razonable como un anlisis de sangre. Para ayudar a estas personas y tambin para conseguir que el tratamiento fuera ms preciso, se opt por financiar estas pruebas patolgicas. As fue como en 1992 se fund la Fundacin de Investigacin Homeoptica PB.

PBHRF Clnica y Fundacin de Investigacin

El propsito de esta Fundacin es el de instaurar la Homeopata como un modo de Medicina cientfico y eficaz. Esta Fundacin brinda una exhaustiva asistencia sanitaria as como un establecimiento cientfico con el fin de otorgar a la Homeopata el lugar que le corresponde como la medicina de las masas.

Investigacin colaborativa

Dr. Jeffrey D. White, Dir. OCAAM, NCI, EE.UU y Dr. Prasanta Banerji, Dr. Jeffrey D.White, Dir. OCAAM Ejecutivo Fiduciario, PBHRF en el NCI, EE.UU. NCI, EE.UU, Dr. Prasanta Banerji, Ejecutivo Fiduciario, PBHRF, Dr. Patrip Banerji, Ejecutivo Fiduciario Adjunto, PBHRF curaron a pacientes con cncer en Calcuta, India.

La Fundacin de Investigacin Homeoptica PB tiene su base en Calcuta y, en la actualidad, colabora en trabajos de investigacin con las siguientes instituciones de renombre en todo el mundo:

Universidad de Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center de Houston, EE. UU., acerca de la accin de los medicamentos homeopticos sobre varios tipos de clulas cancergenas como tumores cerebrales, de pulmn y cncer de pecho, etc. Laboratorio del Catedrtico de Patologa y Director, Image Cytology Diagnosis Laboratory (Laboratorio de diagnstico por imagen de citologa). Univesidad de Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center de Houston sobre el Carcinoma broncognico. Laboratorio del Director, Cancer Research Unit (Unidad de investigacin del cncer), VA Medical Center, Universidad de Kansas sobre el Cncer de mama. Departamento de farmacologa de la Anadolu University de Eskisehir en Turqua desde el ao pasado investiga acerca de la accin que nuestros medicamentos especficos ejercen sobre distintos tipos de clulas tumorales.

Tambin se est llevando a cabo un minucioso trabajo de investigacin y miles de pacientes con cncer se han beneficiado del tratamiento del Protocolo Banerji en las ltimas cuatro dcadas.

Los Drs. Banerji y el Dr. Jeffrey D. White con el Dr. Vinod Kochupillal, HOD, Oncologa Mdica, AIIMS, Nueva Deli

Trabajos de investigacin presentados en los Foros Cientficos Internacionales

Dr. Prasanta Banerji en la VII Conferencia Dr. Pratip Banerji en la VII Conferencia Internacional de Investigacin Anticncer, 2004, Internacional de Investigacin Anticncer, 2004, Corfu, Grecia. Corfu, Grecia.

Corfu Tras cuatro dcadas dedicadas a la investigacin, el Dr. Prasanta Banerji & el Dr. Pratip Banerji presentaron sus exitosos artculos en diversas conferencias homeopticas internacionales. La primera vez que EE. UU se interes por sus trabajos de investigacin, fue durante la V Conferencia Internacional de Investigacin Anticncer que tuvo lugar en Corfu, Grecia, en el ao 1995. El impacto global se sinti de inmediato despus de que los Drs. Banerji, los nicos mdicos homeopticos de entre 1200 mdicos que asistieron a la conferencia en Grecia, presentaran 16 casos de regresin de tumor cerebral y su curacin con medicamentos homeopticos.

La Universidad de Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center de Houston El departamento de medicina alternativa de EE. UU. realiz un seguimiento de los casos expuestos en Corfu a travs de la realizacin de pruebas de laboratorio aplicando los medicamentos homeopticos de los Drs. Banerji sobre clulas cancergenas en la Universidad de Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) de Houston. El Dr. Sen Pathak, catedrtico de Gentica y Biologa Celular de la Universidad de Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center de Houston, colabor en esta investigacin en equipo llevada a cabo por el PBHRF y el MDACC. El trabajo de investigacin ya est terminado y publicado. Mediante estudios in vitro con nuestros medicamentos se han obtenido resultados excepcionales de destruccin de las clulas cancergenas a la vez que se produce una activacin de las clulas normales. El artculo La Ruta 6 provoca, de manera selectiva, la muerte de las clulas cancergenas del cerebro pero produce la proliferacin de los linfocitos sanguneos perifricos normales: un tratamiento novedoso contra el cncer cerebral en humanos fue publicado conjuntamente por S. Pathak, AS. Multan del Departamento de Gentica Molecular, MD Anderson Cancer Center de Houston, EE. UU., en el nmero de octubre de 2003 de la Revista Internacional de Oncologa.

El Instituto Nacional del Cncer, NIH de EE. UU. - En la actualidad, las universidades americanas son lderes mundiales en cuanto a la investigacin mdica se refiere. Hoy en da, estas instituciones, debido a sus amplios recursos, ejercen un control sobre todas las tendencias futuras en tecnologa mdica. Una institucin de este tamao es el Instituto Nacional del Cncer del gobierno de EE. UU. En 1991, lanz su programa Best Case Series con el fin de buscar enfoques alternativos de cara al

tratamiento del cncer as como apoyar futuros proyectos de investigacin haciendo uso de las terapias que se identifican en este programa.

El Dr. Prasanta Banerji, Fundador y Ejecutivo Fiduciario, PBHRF, y el Dr. Pratip Banerji, Cofundador y Ejecutivo Fiduciario Adjunto, PBHRF, presentaron su programa Best Case Series ante el NCI en marzo de 1998. Los Drs. Banerji reunieron 12 casos; "no nuestros mejores casos", dijo el Dr. Pratip Banerji, "pero s los ms completos". Fue un examen retrospectivo de 12 casos de pacientes con varios tumores malignos, de los cuales 7 eran de cncer de pulmn. El NCI dio por completa la serie en marzo de 1999. Nuestro nico propsito al presentar el Best Case Series es el de seguir una trayectoria positiva con el fin de conseguir que la Homeopata se convierta en un medio eficaz y bien promocionado de tratamiento con medicina complementaria y alternativa", dijo el Dr. Prasanta Banerji. De todo esto se obtuvo como resultado un acuerdo, jams conseguido con anterioridad, entre una institucin sanitaria de EE. UU.

y una rama de la medicina alternativa para la investigacin del tratamiento contra el cncer. La carta que recoge este compromiso, firmada con PBHRF por la Oficina de Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa para el Cncer (OCCAM) del Instituto Nacional del Cncer con sede en EE. UU. y por el Instituto Nacional de Salud de Maryland, es la primera carta de este tipo que reconoce la importancia que tiene la Homeopata en el tratamiento del cncer de pulmn.

El Dr. Prasanta Banerji y el Dr. Pratip Banerji fueron invitados a exponer sus trabajos en la conferencia "Comprehensive Cancer Care, 2000" patrocinada por el Instituto Nacional de Cncer (NCI) y el Centro Nacional para la Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa (NCCAM) del NIH, EE. UU. que tuvo lugar del 9 al 11 de junio de 2000 en Arlington, VA, EE. UU. La presentacin del artculo Tumores Malignos: Recuperacin de la salud mediante Medicamentos homeopticos fue acogida con gran xito por los all presentes.

Nueva Deli, 2001. Indian Science Congress, Millennium - En 2000, el Dr. Prasanta Banerji y el Dr. Pratip Banerji fueron invitados para presentar la ponencia cientfica de la conferencia Tratamiento homeoptico de la Tuberculosis. En la misma conferencia, el Dr. Pratip Banerji expuso otro de sus trabajos titulado: Tumores malignos: Un enfoque homeoptico. A esta conferencia asistieron muchos de los ms prestigiosos cientficos de India y ambas presentaciones tuvieron una gran aceptacin.

En nmero 2 del volumen 15, de 2001 de la revista In Vivo del Internacional Institute of Anticancer Research de Attili, Grecia se public un artculo escrito por los Drs. Prasant y Pratip Banerji titulado Cisticercosis Intracraneal: Un tratamiento eficaz con medicinas alternativas.

Bienvenida a nuevos colaboradores:

A pesar de que hoy en da existen muchos colaboradores tanto dentro como fuera de nuestro pas, siempre damos la bienvenida a nuevos colaboradores con el fin de perfeccionar cada vez ms nuestro protocolo.


Dr. Prasanta Banerjji, Fundador y Ejecutivo Fiduciario, PBHRF

PRASANTA fue el segundo hijo del Dr. Pareshnath Banerji. Aprob su I.SC en el Vidyasagar Collage de Calcuta y despus estudi en el INSTITUTO DE HOMEOPATA de Mihijam. Tras obtener su ttulo en el Instituto en 1956 se convirti en un todo un doctor y realiz prcticas en la clnica de s u padre en Mihijam, Bihar. Alrededor de 1958 pens que si ampliaba su campo de actuacin tendra ms posibilidades de utilizar sus conocimientos homeopticos por todo el pas y beneficiar a la poblacin ingente para que tuvieran la oportunidad de conseguir medios de tratamiento ms econmicos con el fin de curar sus enfermedades. Pens en Calcuta como lugar para establecer su consultorio. El Dr. Prasanta Banerji se traslad a Calcuta en 1958 donde fund su clnica. En 1986, cre una segunda clnica debido a la cantidad de trabajo que tena.

El Dr. Prasanta Banerji inculc la misma frmula que introdujo su padre el Dr. Pareshnath, la modific y la mejor convirtindola en un mtodo de tratamiento concreto otorgando claridad y cordialidad a la Homeopata. Hizo que la Homeopata fuera fcil de aprender y de practicar, de este modo, la desmitific. Esto permiti una duplicacin en la ciencia. Debido a sus exclusivos esfuerzos a este respecto, el establecimiento cientfico moderno finalmente ha reconocido y aceptado el protocolo de tratamiento Banerji mediante el uso de medicamentos homeopticos dentro de la corriente dominante de asistencia mdica.

Dr. Pratip Banerji, Cofundador y Ejecutivo Fiduciario Adjunto, PBHRF

El Dr. Pratip Banerji pertenece a al cuarta generacin de homepatas de la familia; realiz su postgrado en Homeopata Clsica en el London College. Tras finalizar su postgrado, Pratip fue invitado a comparecer ante el Consejo del Secretario britnico de Mdicos Complementarios (British Registrar of Complementary Physicians), y acept la invitacin. Despus recibi una carta del Consejo pidindole la direccin del lugar dnde le gustara establecer su consultorio en el Reino Unido con el fin de poder enviarle pacientes. Pero Pratip regres a India para establecer su propio consultorio en Calcuta y seguir los pasos de su padre para servir as a sus compatriotas. El Dr. Pratip Banerji introdujo un enfoque cientfico as como unos principios internacionales que permitieran la verificacin de sus datos de investigacin. l inici el proceso de acumulacin de informacin y documentacin de acuerdo con los ms

rigurosos principios internacionales. Esto ha hecho que la comunidad cientfica internacional aceptara su investigacin. Su visin en cuanto al futuro de la Homeopata ha animado enormemente a la PBHRF ha realizar colaboraciones de investigacin con los principales centros cientficos internacionales, de este modo, la homeopata tiene un lugar seguro en las corrientes dominantes de las plataformas mdicas internacionales.


The Banerji Protocol ~ A New Horizon in Medicine

by Prasanta & Pratip Banerji of The PBH Research Foundation, India.

The role and efficacy of Homeopathic medicines, on treatment of malignant tumors is largely unknown and unproven so far. Homeopathic therapy is mainly used for supportive cancer

care only and some have advised for an integration of this therapy with conventional methods. However, in a study done by Sharples et al in 2003, it was found that orthodox medicine is not meeting the needs of some patients and that Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) may wholly or partly substitute for conventional medicines. Most patients indicated their problem had improved with Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

Homeopathic medicines are produced using various plant extract, salts, snake venoms, metals etc. and then by diluting the extracted mother tincture or the crude materials/ solutions as per homeopathic methods, which when ingested by healthy volunteers produce symptom complexes that mimic various diseases. These solutions are serially diluted and succussed until the desired potency is produced.

Classical Homeopathy has no specific remedy for any disease by name, but it has specificity for each individual case of disease. This approach of treating patients on the basis of symptoms only, is basically a must in long standing chronic diseases, and changes from patient to patient. A specific drug cannot be used for a specific disease. In general, when a Homeopathic Physician examines a patient, only a few medicines come to his mind. This small group of medicines exhibits similar symptoms on proving. Finally only one is selected as a result of practical experience and this procedure requires a long time. In an interesting study done by Becker-Witt et al in 2004, it was shown that a typical homeopathic initial consultation took 117 +/- 43 minutes for each adult patient and 86 +/- 36 minutes for each child patient.

Ours is a new method of treatment. Specific medicines are prescribed for specific diseases. Diseases are diagnosed using modern/state of the art methods. This is done because modern diagnostic approaches incorporate and help in the selection of medicines so that specific medicines can be easily prescribed for specific diseases.

With the passage of time and the availability of new diagnostic tools like Ultrasonography, MRIs, cancer markers and other advanced tests, we have been able to

further streamline the treatment protocols accurately. The efficiency of this streamlining is reflected by the encouraging results of our new method of treatment. We often combine two potentized medicines and use the combination in our practice. This combination of two potentized medicines, are made in a meaningful way based on years of clinical observations by us. They are combined for special advantages in treatment, so that the aggravation due to the medicines can be checked, side effects of the medicines abated, quick and uneventful recovery can be ensured in a much shorter time. Attempts to find out specific homeopathic medicine for a particular disease by many researchers in recent times also showed promising results such as the recent experiment on upper respiratory tract infections by Steinsbekk et al in 2004, clearly demonstrated that specific medicines were highly correlated with the homeopathically selected medicine. Similarly it was proved that homeopathic medicine Fluoric acid is a most effective preparation for radiationinduced itching in breast cancer patients. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, was very interested in our research into various types of cancers and had asked us to produce records of our successes. This we had done by submitting a Best Case Series on Cancer to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the NIH. On acceptance of our series, we were invited to present the same before the Cancer Advisory Panel for Complementary and Alternative Medicines in July 1999. As a result of our presentation, the NCI, USA, is at present devising a Practice Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Study for Bronchogenic Carcinoma at our clinic in Kolkata, India, with a view to arrive at a protocol for treatment of these cases at institutions in the US. Therefore, scientific progress demands that we continuously carry on more and more experiments and keep observational records.

Along with the Professor of Cell Biology and Genetics, at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, one paper has been published entitled Ruta 6

selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel treatment for human brain cancer in the International Journal of Oncology in October 2003 where our method of treatment with Ruta and Calcarea Phosphorica was followed with excellent results.

In our observation for the last 30 years, these medicines have the definite power to reduce and cure Intracranial SOL. It may be interesting to note that our claims with regard to the action of these medicines have been successfully vindicated in vitro. These slides show Metaphases from control and Ruta 6-treated MGR-one human brain cancer cells showing mitotic catastrophe:

A, normal metaphase spread from a control culture;

B, endo-re-duplicated partial metaphase spread showing dicentrics, chromatid breaks, and tri-radial configurations; and

C, an endoreduplicated metaphase with extensive chromosome fragmentations from Ruta-treated cultures. These slides show FISH (Fluorescent in-situ Hybridization) preparations of interphase cells from a human B-lymphoid cell line and MGR-one brain cancer either untreated or treated with Ruta 6 + Ca3(PO4)2 are stained with DAPI for DNA (blue), and telomeric DNA labeled with rhodamine (red).

B-lymphoid control cells (A)

and Ruta 6-treated cells (B) both show no reduction in telomeric signals.

Untreated control (C)

and Ruta-treated (D) human brain cancer cells show significant difference in telomeric signals. Large nuclei from Ruta-treated cells show reduced telomeric signals. All microphotographs were taken at the same magnification. Both in vivo and in vitro results showed induction of survival-signaling pathways in normal lymphocytes and induction of death-signaling pathways in brain cancer cells. Cancer cell death was initiated by telomere erosion and completed through mitotic catastrophe events. We proposed that Ruta in combination with Ca3(PO4)2 could be used for effective treatment of brain cancers, particularly glioma. Of interest in this context is the fact that the brain tumor community in the US has shown an immense response to this protocol of treatment. We all know that patients suffering from serious diseases often acquire a good deal of knowledge about their diseases. Lately, we have been receiving 60 to 70 mails a day from patients all over the world who have found the paper on Ruta and in an uncontrolled manner have started taking the medicines themselves. When after 3 to 4 months of treatment, they find that their tumor has regressed or become static, they contact us to fine tune the treatment for them.

Some have even gone so far as to set up user groups on the internet which are showing remarkable results. One such group is run by Mr. Alex Fidelibus and can be accessed on the projected URL:

Collaborative research work on Bronchogenic carcinoma is also going on in the laboratory of the Professor of Pathology and Director, Image Cytology Diagnostic Laboratory, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, on

breast cancers in the laboratory of the Director, Cancer Research Unit, VA Medical Center, University of Kansas Medical Center, and in the Department of Pharmacology at the Anadolu University in Eskisehir in Turkey on the action of our specific medicines on different brain tumor cell lines since the last one and a half years. 21% 3638 34% 5890 26% 4504 19% 3292 We have treated thousands of cancer patients in the last four decades. Here we now highlight some outcome of our treatment in the recent past.

This Graph shows general outcome of treatment of 17,324 cancer patients from 1990 to 2005 at our clinics. In 19% cases the malignant tumors were completely regressed which appeared to us very significant. In 21% cases they were static or improved after treatment. Over the last two years, there has been a spurt in the number of cancer cases visiting our clinics. It may be mentioned here that the above in-house figure is mainly based on those cases with complete documentation such as scan plates, biopsy slides and such, and the actual number of cancer cases under our treatment exceeds this figure. On an average about 1000 new cancer cases are registered in our clinics every month and in December 2006 we have treated 1136 new such cases. Thus presently it appears from all these findings that our new method of treatment with homeopathic medicines may be regarded as the future drug for cancer research and

treatment for the benefit of mankind.

A Presentation of Cases
From the vast number of cases under our treatment, we would like to present here, 7 cases which are considered to be incurable by any form of oral medication currently available in conventional medicine. In our research foundation we have treated these cases using only homeopathic medicines, and the following part of the presentation will show the results: Now let me show details of these cases: Esophageal Carcinoma These two patients suffering from esophageal carcinoma were treated with the homeopathic medicine Condurango 30c, prepared from the plant Marsdenia condurango. They were followed meticulously for several years and all original documents, radiological plates and histology slides were kept for reference. There has been no evidence of recurrence or metastasis in either of them. The patients are now in normal health.

Case No. 1

Mrs. C K, Female, aged 75 years was suffering for 3 months with difficulty in eating anything, return of food and drink on attempting to swallow, when she came to us for her treatment on 07.09.1995. Clinically the patient presented with severe dysphagia, an emaciated state of health, food pipe fitted jejunostomy that was done on 21.08.1995.

X-ray (Barium swallow of oesophagus) done on 19.08.1995 (Patient was too sick to

stand and swallow Barium at the time of X-ray)shows gross filling defect at mid and lower 1/3rd MALIGNANT NEOPLASM.

Biopsy done on 28.08.1995 showed features suggestive of Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicine Condurango 30c 2drops twice daily, the patient is asymptomatic and keeping alright. The jejunostomy was removed

some time after the start of our treatment when the patient was found to have recovered from her dysphagia.

Post treatment repeat X-ray barium swallow done on dated 12.10.1995 shows There is no filling defect in oesophagus.

We are still reviewing the case every six months but there has been no recurrence. She is still living in good health.

Case No. 2

Mr. S D, male, aged 75 years was suffering for 2 months with difficulty in swallowing food, heartburn and belching, when he came to us for his treatment on 16.12.1996. Clinically the patient presented with dysphagia, heartburn and belching.

Endoscopy done on 29.11.1996 shows GE junction at 40cm. At 18 cm. is a growth extending upto 22cm. causing luminal narrowing.

section shows moderately differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicine Condurango 30c 2 drops twice daily, Now the patient is feeling much better. He is keeping good health and does not complain of dysphagia any more.

Post treatment barium swallow X-ray of oesophagus dated 12.07.1997 shows there is considerable improvement in the patency of the oesophagus.

All plates together There were no complications during treatment. We are still reviewing the case every six months but there has been no recurrence.

The Medicine

(Picture of Condurango plant) The botanical name of Condurango is Marsdenia condurango under the family Asclepiadaceae. Homeopathic medicines are produced from the bark and the medicines used by us were procured from reputed Homeopathic medicine manufacturers.

(Condurango chart) It is very difficult to explain the action of Condurango and how it

helps in the regression of esophageal tumors. Condurango contains large amounts of tannins. Tannins (commonly referred to as tannic acid) are water-soluble plant polyphenols comprising a heterogeneous group of compounds. An increasing body of experimental evidence indicates that tannins exert anti-carcinogenic activity and can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and induce apoptosis. Tannins of Terminalia catappa, which is a folk medicine, can prevent lipid peroxidation, superoxide formation and have free radical scavenging activities. In these ways they can prevent cancer. It has also been observed that tannic acid dietary intake in low doses can produce a strong chemo-protective activity against spontaneous hepatic neoplasm development in C3H male mice, most probably through anti-promoting mechanisms. Considering all these facts it appears that tannins of Condurango prevents development of cancer by antipromoting mechanisms, free radicals scavenging, decreasing lipid peroxidation and superoxide formation. After development of cancer, tannins of Condurango can initiate apoptotic mechanisms in the tumor cells and thereby produce a regression in the tumor. Thus our findings indicate that Condurango is a medicine that can be used with reasonable confidence in the treatment of esophageal carcinoma.

Intracranial Space Occupying Lesions

Incidence of tumors of the Brain, of its meningeal covering, and of the spinal cord ranges from 11 to 19 per 100,000 population. About one half of brain tumors are primary lesions derived from neurons, glia or their supporting meningo-vascular structures. The remainders are metastatic lesions. As per traditional methods, treatments of brain tumors include maintenance medical therapy, surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immuno-therapy. In many cases, surgical removal of the tumor is impossible, in such cases, sometimes partial resection is effected. Response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy is poor in many cases, and in a good percentage of cases their administration in contraindicated. There are recurrences in many cases and good many cases show poor prognosis. In our Research Foundation, brain tumor cases are treated successfully with Homeopathic medicines. In our long clinical experience, we could give relief to a large percentage of cases, some of which subsequently exhibited complete regression. In this presentation a study of 2 cases treated by us have been offered utilizing all medical reports and information kept documented over the years, including CT scans before and after treatment. The cases have been treated by the medicines Ruta graveolens 6c and Calcarea Phosphorica 3x.

Case No. 3

F.Y, female, aged 27 years in December 1990, was suffering for 4 years with occasional attack of headaches (since 1986). She had severe attack of headache worse on the left side on 17th Dec 1990 with swoon and hazy vision when she came to us for her treatment on 29th Dec 1990. Clinically the Patient presented with haziness of vision, pain and weakness of the right side.

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 25.12.1990 showed The most significant abnormality is the presence of a mixed attenuating (hypo and hyperdense) well circumscribed mass at supraseller and intra-seller region producing marked expansion of the sella slightly more on left side. The fairly large mass measures about 2.2 cms in AP, 3.54 cms in transverse and 3.37 cms vertically as maximum dimensions. ?Craniopharyngioma, ?? Pituitary macroadenoma.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta graveolens 6c and Calcarea Phosphorica 3x, Haziness of vision improved from the first month of the commencement of the treatment and vision has been completely restored now. Pain and weakness of the right arm completely recovered. She is now healthy and normal and enjoying life.

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 27th April 1992 - Follow up case of a fairly large intrasellar mass with predominantly suprasellar extension now showing complete disappearance of the inhomogenously enhancing mass leaving behind normal appearances of the Pituitary gland and suprasellar cistern, since the last scan done on 25th Dec 1990.

(Both Scans together) There were no complications during treatment. The husband of the patient visited us at the clinic on 30.11.1999. From him, we have learnt that the

patient is keeping well and he has promised to bring her for a CT scan at the earliest possible.

Case 4

AA aged 60years, married gentleman came to us on 03.08.2004 and presented with gradual weakness of the left side of the body and limbs; Sleeplessness; Irritability and easy anger since 2 months. Before coming to us as per his initial observations,

C.T. Scan of Brain done on dated 28.07.2004 . Impression: Multicentric Glioma.

Stereotactic biopsy done on 29.07.2004 from right internal capsule High grade neoplasm ... Glioma. C.M.C. Hospital Vellores report on 29.07.2004Suggestive of Corpus collosum and right parietal periventricular high grade Glial Neoplasm?

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X two doses a day, his all clinical symptoms were gone within 7-8 months. Till now patient is leading a trouble free, normal life but still continuing his medication.

C.T. Scan of Brain (Plain & Contrast Study) done on 16.04.2005 shows Hypodense areas and calcification in right frontal region. As compared to previous C.T. scan of

Brain done on 21.07.2004, the mass has almost resolved.

All plates together There were recurrent boils during treatment. We are still reviewing the case every six months but there has been no recurrence.

(Ruta action chart) Rutin, the active ingredient of Ruta, is known for its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities and also for reducing oxidative damage in a rodent model. In addition, Ruta is also known to protect from DNA strand breaks and to prevent

mutagenesis. Calcium phosphate activates phospholipase, which cleaves phosphalidylinositol biphosphate, a membrane bound molecule that activates protein kinase C. Thus one may consider these aspects for a possible explanation of such effects. Now I shall present two cases of bronchogenic carcinoma which were treated by us with very good results:

Case No. 5

M. K. S., 47 years came to the clinic on 30th November 1994. He was suffering from chest pain with severe cough along with loss of weight since last three months. On examination restricted respiratory movement on the left side with few localized crepitations were present in the upper part of the left chest. Following investigations were done:

Chest X-ray dated 18.11.1994 showed there is a well-defined large soft tissue density mediastinal mass in the left upper mediastinumthe lung fields are well expanded. Area of consolidation is seen in the left upper lobe.

C.T. Scan of chest dated 19.11.1994 shows There is a 8.0 cm x 6.4 cm well defined soft tissue upper mediastinum in left sidewith air space consolidation of adjacent left upper lobe.

C.T. Guided FNAC of mediastinal mass dated 24.11.1994 showed malignant tumor.

X-ray dated 31.01.1995

X-ray dated 05.07.1995

X-ray dated 09.01.1996

(NCI Slide 1)

(NCI Slide 2) In the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, it was described as a diagnosed case of Malignant Neoplasm. According to TNM classification of the tumor in this case, the growth was T2, N1, M0 Stage II, if it was a case of metastasis from an unknown primary, then it would be staged at Stage IV.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Kali Carbonicum 200c 2 drops thrice in a week and Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x 2 tablets twice daily, Patient is now asymptomatic and living his normal life.

Chest X-ray was done on several occasions last on 07.01.1999, which shows that there has been complete resolution of the mediastinal tumor. There were no complications during treatment.

All plates together We are still reviewing the case every six months but there has been no recurrence.

Case No. 6

Mrs. BM, female, aged 77 years was suffering for 3 months with loss of weight, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and chest pain, when she came to us for her treatment on 12.09.1994. Clinically the patient presented with loss of weight, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, chest pain with restricted movement of the chest wall in the right side, increased vocal fremitus and moderate crepitations.

X-ray chest (PA view) dated 27.12.1994 shows homogeneous triangular opacity of consolidation is seen in right mid zone.

CT Scan of chest dated 09.01.1995 shows dense irregular lobulated mass with shaggy margins are seen in right upper lobe and lateral segment of lateral middle lobe.

CT guided FNAC from right lung mass dated 09.01.1995 carcinoma lung (small cell type).

X-ray Chest on 09.01.1995 shows radio-opacity is seen in right upper and middle zone

X-ray Chest dated 24.03.1995

(NCI Slide 1)

(NCI Slide 2) In MD Anderson Hospital Houston, Texas it was described as a diagnosed case of Malignant Neoplasm Consistent With Non-Small Cell Carcinoma According to TNM classification of tumor in this case the growth was T (8.0cm x 6.4cm) N1M0 Stage III.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Kali Carbonicum 200c 2 drops thrice in week and Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x 2 tablets twice daily. Patient is now asymptomatic and keeping all right.

Chest X-rays done on several occasions last on 19.12.1998, which show that there has been complete resolution of lung lesion. There were no complications during treatment.

All plates together It is very difficult at present to explain how Kali Carbonicum can regress Bronchogenic carcinoma, however carcinogens in tobacco smoke e.g. NNK stimulates potassium channel in different tissues, including lung. Again ATP-sensitive potassium channel openers have been proven to be involved in protection of damaged lung tissue. Thus, Kali Carbonicum may act through these pathways. Case No 7. Osteogenic Sarcoma.

M L M, male, aged 8 years was suffering for 5 to 6 months with swelling in left knee and difficulty in flexing the knee, when he came to us for his treatment on 18th July 2003. Clinically the Patient presented with a non tender, firm to hard swelling over the left knee joint.

X-ray of left knee joint dated 5th June 2003 showed a well defined eccentric lesion in metaphyses with sclerosis at edges - ? fibrous cortical defect/aneurismal bone cyst/lymphoma

The child underwent Histopathological examination of the swelling and the report dated 12th June 2003 showed Section shows histology of a high grade sarcomatous lesion showing many mitotic figuresPoorly differentiated sarcomatous lesion At that time the parents of the child were advised at the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata, to allow immediate above the lesion amputation of the affected leg.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Symphytum 200c two doses a

day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X two doses a day and Carcinosin 30c one dose every alternate day, the swelling gradually subsided and now the architecture of the knee has completely returned to normal. Patient is now asymptomatic and living his normal life.

X-ray dated 16th December 2003 reveals gross healing at osteolytic area...

Last X-ray dated 14th August 2004 showed remineralization seen at the lower third of left femur...

All slides together. There were no complications during treatment. In this lecture I have presented only seven proved malignant tumor cases who were regressed following treatment with specific homeopathic medicines - Kali Carbonicum and Ferrum Phosphoricum for bronchogenic carcinoma, Condurango for oesophageal carcinoma, Ruta and Calcarea Phosphorica for brain tumors and Symphytum for the Osteogenic Sarcoma. Most of these cases were followed up and found normal even after five years. We have studied thousands of similar cases and promising results have been obtained in many instances.

No presentation can be complete if we do not give tribute to our team of Doctors and accessory staff who help us to run our clinics.

Thank you for you

ABREVIATURAS AP antero posterior CMC colegio mdico cristiano ECG - electrocardiograma MDACC - MD Anderson Cancer Center MIR imgenes por resonancia magntica NCCAM - Centro Nacional para la Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa NCI - Instituto Nacional del Cncer NIH - Institutos Nacionales de la Salud OCCAM - Oficina de Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa para el Cncer PBHRF Fundacin de Investigacin Homeoptica Prasanta Banerji TAC Tomografa Axial Computarizada


The Banerji Protocol ~ A New Horizon in Medicine

by Prasanta & Pratip Banerji of The PBH Research Foundation, India.

The role and efficacy of Homeopathic medicines, on treatment of malignant tumors is largely unknown and unproven so far. Homeopathic therapy is mainly used for supportive cancer

care only and some have advised for an integration of this therapy with conventional methods. However, in a study done by Sharples et al in 2003, it was found that orthodox medicine is not meeting the needs of some patients and that Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) may wholly or partly substitute for conventional medicines. Most patients indicated their problem had improved with Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

Homeopathic medicines are produced using various plant extract, salts, snake venoms, metals etc. and then by diluting the extracted mother tincture or the crude materials/ solutions as per homeopathic methods, which when ingested by healthy volunteers produce symptom complexes that mimic various diseases. These solutions are serially diluted and succussed until the desired potency is produced.

Classical Homeopathy has no specific remedy for any disease by name, but it has

specificity for each individual case of disease. This approach of treating patients on the basis of symptoms only, is basically a must in long standing chronic diseases, and changes from patient to patient. A specific drug cannot be used for a specific disease. In general, when a Homeopathic Physician examines a patient, only a few medicines come to his mind. This small group of medicines exhibits similar symptoms on proving. Finally only one is selected as a result of practical experience and this procedure requires a long time. In an interesting study done by Becker-Witt et al in 2004, it was shown that a typical homeopathic initial consultation took 117 +/- 43 minutes for each adult patient and 86 +/- 36 minutes for each child patient.

Ours is a new method of treatment. Specific medicines are prescribed for specific diseases. Diseases are diagnosed using modern/state of the art methods. This is done because modern diagnostic approaches incorporate and help in the selection of medicines so that specific medicines can be easily prescribed for specific diseases.

With the passage of time and the availability of new diagnostic tools like Ultrasonography, MRIs, cancer markers and other advanced tests, we have been able to further streamline the treatment protocols accurately. The efficiency of this streamlining is reflected by the encouraging results of our new method of treatment. We often combine two potentized medicines and use the combination in our practice. This combination of two potentized medicines, are made in a meaningful way based on years of clinical observations by us. They are combined for special advantages in treatment, so that the aggravation due to the medicines can be checked, side effects of the medicines abated, quick and uneventful recovery can be ensured in a much shorter time. Attempts to find out specific homeopathic medicine for a particular disease by many researchers in recent times also showed promising results such as the recent experiment on upper respiratory tract infections by Steinsbekk et al in 2004, clearly demonstrated that specific medicines were highly correlated with the homeopathically selected medicine. Similarly it was proved that homeopathic medicine Fluoric acid is a most effective preparation for radiationinduced itching in breast cancer patients. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, was very interested in our research into various types of cancers and had asked us to produce records of our successes. This we had done by submitting a Best Case Series on Cancer to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the NIH. On acceptance of our series, we were invited to present the same before the Cancer Advisory Panel for Complementary and Alternative Medicines in July 1999. As a result of our presentation, the NCI, USA, is at present devising a Practice Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Study for Bronchogenic Carcinoma at our clinic in Kolkata, India, with a view to arrive at a protocol for treatment of these cases at institutions in the US. Therefore, scientific progress demands that we continuously carry on more and more experiments and keep observational records.

Along with the Professor of Cell Biology and Genetics, at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, one paper has been published entitled Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel treatment for human brain cancer in the International Journal of Oncology in October 2003 where our method of treatment with Ruta and Calcarea Phosphorica was followed with excellent results.

In our observation for the last 30 years, these medicines have the definite power to reduce and cure Intracranial SOL. It may be interesting to note that our claims with regard to the action of these medicines have been successfully vindicated in vitro. These slides show Metaphases from control and Ruta 6-treated MGR-one human brain cancer cells showing mitotic catastrophe:

A, normal metaphase spread from a control culture;

B, endo-re-duplicated partial metaphase spread showing dicentrics, chromatid breaks, and tri-radial configurations; and

C, an endoreduplicated metaphase with extensive chromosome fragmentations from Ruta-treated cultures. These slides show FISH (Fluorescent in-situ Hybridization) preparations of interphase cells from a human B-lymphoid cell line and MGR-one brain cancer either untreated or treated with Ruta 6 + Ca3(PO4)2 are stained with DAPI for DNA (blue), and telomeric DNA labeled with rhodamine (red).

B-lymphoid control cells (A)

and Ruta 6-treated cells (B) both show no reduction in telomeric signals.

Untreated control (C)

and Ruta-treated (D) human brain cancer cells show significant difference in telomeric signals. Large nuclei from Ruta-treated cells show reduced telomeric signals. All microphotographs were taken at the same magnification. Both in vivo and in vitro results showed induction of survival-signaling pathways in normal lymphocytes and induction of death-signaling pathways in brain cancer cells. Cancer cell death was

initiated by telomere erosion and completed through mitotic catastrophe events. We proposed that Ruta in combination with Ca3(PO4)2 could be used for effective treatment of brain cancers, particularly glioma. Of interest in this context is the fact that the brain tumor community in the US has shown an immense response to this protocol of treatment. We all know that patients suffering from serious diseases often acquire a good deal of knowledge about their diseases. Lately, we have been receiving 60 to 70 mails a day from patients all over the world who have found the paper on Ruta and in an uncontrolled manner have started taking the medicines themselves. When after 3 to 4 months of treatment, they find that their tumor has regressed or become static, they contact us to fine tune the treatment for them.

Some have even gone so far as to set up user groups on the internet which are showing remarkable results. One such group is run by Mr. Alex Fidelibus and can be accessed on the projected URL:

Collaborative research work on Bronchogenic carcinoma is also going on in the laboratory of the Professor of Pathology and Director, Image Cytology Diagnostic Laboratory, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, on breast cancers in the laboratory of the Director, Cancer Research Unit, VA Medical Center, University of Kansas Medical Center, and in the Department of Pharmacology at the Anadolu University in Eskisehir in Turkey on the action of our specific medicines on different brain tumor cell lines since the last one and a half years. 21% 3638 34% 5890 26% 4504 19% 3292 We have treated thousands of cancer patients in the last four decades. Here we now highlight some outcome of our treatment in the recent past.

This Graph shows general outcome of treatment of 17,324 cancer patients from 1990 to 2005 at our clinics. In 19% cases the malignant tumors were completely regressed which appeared to us very significant. In 21% cases they were static or improved after treatment. Over the last two years, there has been a spurt in the number of cancer cases visiting our clinics. It may be mentioned here that the above in-house figure is mainly based on those cases with complete documentation such as scan plates, biopsy slides and such, and the actual number of cancer cases under our treatment exceeds this figure. On an average about 1000 new cancer cases are registered in our clinics every month and in December 2006 we have treated 1136 new such cases. Thus presently it appears from all these findings that our new method of treatment with homeopathic medicines may be regarded as the future drug for cancer research and

treatment for the benefit of mankind.

A Presentation of Cases
From the vast number of cases under our treatment, we would like to present here, 7 cases which are considered to be incurable by any form of oral medication currently available in conventional medicine. In our research foundation we have treated these cases using only homeopathic medicines, and the following part of the presentation will show the results: Now let me show details of these cases: Esophageal Carcinoma These two patients suffering from esophageal carcinoma were treated with the homeopathic medicine Condurango 30c, prepared from the plant Marsdenia condurango. They were followed meticulously for several years and all original documents, radiological plates and histology slides were kept for reference. There has been no evidence of recurrence or metastasis in either of them. The patients are now in normal health.

Case No. 1

Mrs. C K, Female, aged 75 years was suffering for 3 months with difficulty in eating anything, return of food and drink on attempting to swallow, when she came to us for her treatment on 07.09.1995. Clinically the patient presented with severe dysphagia, an emaciated state of health, food pipe fitted jejunostomy that was done on 21.08.1995.

X-ray (Barium swallow of oesophagus) done on 19.08.1995 (Patient was too sick to

stand and swallow Barium at the time of X-ray)shows gross filling defect at mid and lower 1/3rd MALIGNANT NEOPLASM.

Biopsy done on 28.08.1995 showed features suggestive of Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicine Condurango 30c 2drops twice daily, the patient is asymptomatic and keeping alright. The jejunostomy was removed

some time after the start of our treatment when the patient was found to have recovered from her dysphagia.

Post treatment repeat X-ray barium swallow done on dated 12.10.1995 shows There is no filling defect in oesophagus.

We are still reviewing the case every six months but there has been no recurrence. She is still living in good health.

Case No. 2

Mr. S D, male, aged 75 years was suffering for 2 months with difficulty in swallowing food, heartburn and belching, when he came to us for his treatment on 16.12.1996. Clinically the patient presented with dysphagia, heartburn and belching.

Endoscopy done on 29.11.1996 shows GE junction at 40cm. At 18 cm. is a growth extending upto 22cm. causing luminal narrowing.

section shows moderately differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicine Condurango 30c 2 drops twice daily, Now the patient is feeling much better. He is keeping good health and does not complain of dysphagia any more.

Post treatment barium swallow X-ray of oesophagus dated 12.07.1997 shows there is considerable improvement in the patency of the oesophagus.

All plates together There were no complications during treatment. We are still reviewing the case every six months but there has been no recurrence.

The Medicine

(Picture of Condurango plant) The botanical name of Condurango is Marsdenia condurango under the family Asclepiadaceae. Homeopathic medicines are produced from the bark and the medicines used by us were procured from reputed Homeopathic medicine manufacturers.

(Condurango chart) It is very difficult to explain the action of Condurango and how it

helps in the regression of esophageal tumors. Condurango contains large amounts of tannins. Tannins (commonly referred to as tannic acid) are water-soluble plant polyphenols comprising a heterogeneous group of compounds. An increasing body of experimental evidence indicates that tannins exert anti-carcinogenic activity and can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and induce apoptosis. Tannins of Terminalia catappa, which is a folk medicine, can prevent lipid peroxidation, superoxide formation and have free radical scavenging activities. In these ways they can prevent cancer. It has also been observed that tannic acid dietary intake in low doses can produce a strong chemo-protective activity against spontaneous hepatic neoplasm development in C3H male mice, most probably through anti-promoting mechanisms. Considering all these facts it appears that tannins of Condurango prevents development of cancer by antipromoting mechanisms, free radicals scavenging, decreasing lipid peroxidation and superoxide formation. After development of cancer, tannins of Condurango can initiate apoptotic mechanisms in the tumor cells and thereby produce a regression in the tumor. Thus our findings indicate that Condurango is a medicine that can be used with reasonable confidence in the treatment of esophageal carcinoma.

Intracranial Space Occupying Lesions

Incidence of tumors of the Brain, of its meningeal covering, and of the spinal cord ranges from 11 to 19 per 100,000 population. About one half of brain tumors are primary lesions derived from neurons, glia or their supporting meningo-vascular structures. The remainders are metastatic lesions. As per traditional methods, treatments of brain tumors include maintenance medical therapy, surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immuno-therapy. In many cases, surgical removal of the tumor is impossible, in such cases, sometimes partial resection is effected. Response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy is poor in many cases, and in a good percentage of cases their administration in contraindicated. There are recurrences in many cases and good many cases show poor prognosis. In our Research Foundation, brain tumor cases are treated successfully with Homeopathic medicines. In our long clinical experience, we could give relief to a large percentage of cases, some of which subsequently exhibited complete regression. In this presentation a study of 2 cases treated by us have been offered utilizing all medical reports and information kept documented over the years, including CT scans before and after treatment. The cases have been treated by the medicines Ruta graveolens 6c and Calcarea Phosphorica 3x.

Case No. 3

F.Y, female, aged 27 years in December 1990, was suffering for 4 years with occasional attack of headaches (since 1986). She had severe attack of headache worse on the left side on 17th Dec 1990 with swoon and hazy vision when she came to us for her treatment on 29th Dec 1990. Clinically the Patient presented with haziness of vision, pain and weakness of the right side.

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 25.12.1990 showed The most significant abnormality is the presence of a mixed attenuating (hypo and hyperdense) well circumscribed mass at supraseller and intra-seller region producing marked expansion of the sella slightly more on left side. The fairly large mass measures about 2.2 cms in AP, 3.54 cms in transverse and 3.37 cms vertically as maximum dimensions. ?Craniopharyngioma, ?? Pituitary macroadenoma.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta graveolens 6c and Calcarea Phosphorica 3x, Haziness of vision improved from the first month of the commencement of the treatment and vision has been completely restored now. Pain and weakness of the right arm completely recovered. She is now healthy and normal and enjoying life.

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 27th April 1992 - Follow up case of a fairly large intrasellar mass with predominantly suprasellar extension now showing complete disappearance of the inhomogenously enhancing mass leaving behind normal appearances of the Pituitary gland and suprasellar cistern, since the last scan done on 25th Dec 1990.

(Both Scans together) There were no complications during treatment. The husband of the patient visited us at the clinic on 30.11.1999. From him, we have learnt that the

patient is keeping well and he has promised to bring her for a CT scan at the earliest possible.

Case 4

AA aged 60years, married gentleman came to us on 03.08.2004 and presented with gradual weakness of the left side of the body and limbs; Sleeplessness; Irritability and easy anger since 2 months. Before coming to us as per his initial observations,

C.T. Scan of Brain done on dated 28.07.2004 . Impression: Multicentric Glioma.

Stereotactic biopsy done on 29.07.2004 from right internal capsule High grade neoplasm ... Glioma. C.M.C. Hospital Vellores report on 29.07.2004Suggestive of Corpus collosum and right parietal periventricular high grade Glial Neoplasm?

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X two doses a day, his all clinical symptoms were gone within 7-8 months. Till now patient is leading a trouble free, normal life but still continuing his medication.

C.T. Scan of Brain (Plain & Contrast Study) done on 16.04.2005 shows Hypodense areas and calcification in right frontal region. As compared to previous C.T. scan of

Brain done on 21.07.2004, the mass has almost resolved.

All plates together There were recurrent boils during treatment. We are still reviewing the case every six months but there has been no recurrence.

(Ruta action chart) Rutin, the active ingredient of Ruta, is known for its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities and also for reducing oxidative damage in a rodent model. In addition, Ruta is also known to protect from DNA strand breaks and to prevent

mutagenesis. Calcium phosphate activates phospholipase, which cleaves phosphalidylinositol biphosphate, a membrane bound molecule that activates protein kinase C. Thus one may consider these aspects for a possible explanation of such effects. Now I shall present two cases of bronchogenic carcinoma which were treated by us with very good results:

Case No. 5

M. K. S., 47 years came to the clinic on 30th November 1994. He was suffering from chest pain with severe cough along with loss of weight since last three months. On examination restricted respiratory movement on the left side with few localized crepitations were present in the upper part of the left chest. Following investigations were done:

Chest X-ray dated 18.11.1994 showed there is a well-defined large soft tissue density mediastinal mass in the left upper mediastinumthe lung fields are well expanded. Area of consolidation is seen in the left upper lobe.

C.T. Scan of chest dated 19.11.1994 shows There is a 8.0 cm x 6.4 cm well defined soft tissue upper mediastinum in left sidewith air space consolidation of adjacent left upper lobe.

C.T. Guided FNAC of mediastinal mass dated 24.11.1994 showed malignant tumor.

X-ray dated 31.01.1995

X-ray dated 05.07.1995

X-ray dated 09.01.1996

(NCI Slide 1)

(NCI Slide 2) In the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, it was described as a diagnosed case of Malignant Neoplasm. According to TNM classification of the tumor in this case, the growth was T2, N1, M0 Stage II, if it was a case of metastasis from an unknown primary, then it would be staged at Stage IV.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Kali Carbonicum 200c 2 drops thrice in a week and Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x 2 tablets twice daily, Patient is now asymptomatic and living his normal life.

Chest X-ray was done on several occasions last on 07.01.1999, which shows that there has been complete resolution of the mediastinal tumor. There were no complications during treatment.

All plates together We are still reviewing the case every six months but there has been no recurrence.

Case No. 6

Mrs. BM, female, aged 77 years was suffering for 3 months with loss of weight, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and chest pain, when she came to us for her treatment on 12.09.1994. Clinically the patient presented with loss of weight, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, chest pain with restricted movement of the chest wall in the right side, increased vocal fremitus and moderate crepitations.

X-ray chest (PA view) dated 27.12.1994 shows homogeneous triangular opacity of consolidation is seen in right mid zone.

CT Scan of chest dated 09.01.1995 shows dense irregular lobulated mass with shaggy margins are seen in right upper lobe and lateral segment of lateral middle lobe.

CT guided FNAC from right lung mass dated 09.01.1995 carcinoma lung (small cell type).

X-ray Chest on 09.01.1995 shows radio-opacity is seen in right upper and middle zone

X-ray Chest dated 24.03.1995

(NCI Slide 1)

(NCI Slide 2) In MD Anderson Hospital Houston, Texas it was described as a diagnosed case of Malignant Neoplasm Consistent With Non-Small Cell Carcinoma According to TNM classification of tumor in this case the growth was T (8.0cm x 6.4cm) N1M0 Stage III.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Kali Carbonicum 200c 2 drops thrice in week and Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x 2 tablets twice daily. Patient is now asymptomatic and keeping all right.

Chest X-rays done on several occasions last on 19.12.1998, which show that there has been complete resolution of lung lesion. There were no complications during treatment.

All plates together It is very difficult at present to explain how Kali Carbonicum can regress Bronchogenic carcinoma, however carcinogens in tobacco smoke e.g. NNK stimulates potassium channel in different tissues, including lung. Again ATP-sensitive potassium channel openers have been proven to be involved in protection of damaged lung tissue. Thus, Kali Carbonicum may act through these pathways. Case No 7. Osteogenic Sarcoma.

M L M, male, aged 8 years was suffering for 5 to 6 months with swelling in left knee and difficulty in flexing the knee, when he came to us for his treatment on 18th July 2003. Clinically the Patient presented with a non tender, firm to hard swelling over the left knee joint.

X-ray of left knee joint dated 5th June 2003 showed a well defined eccentric lesion in metaphyses with sclerosis at edges - ? fibrous cortical defect/aneurismal bone cyst/lymphoma

The child underwent Histopathological examination of the swelling and the report dated 12th June 2003 showed Section shows histology of a high grade sarcomatous lesion showing many mitotic figuresPoorly differentiated sarcomatous lesion At that time the parents of the child were advised at the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata, to allow immediate above the lesion amputation of the affected leg.

After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Symphytum 200c two doses a

day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X two doses a day and Carcinosin 30c one dose every alternate day, the swelling gradually subsided and now the architecture of the knee has completely returned to normal. Patient is now asymptomatic and living his normal life.

X-ray dated 16th December 2003 reveals gross healing at osteolytic area...

Last X-ray dated 14th August 2004 showed remineralization seen at the lower third of left femur...

All slides together. There were no complications during treatment. In this lecture I have presented only seven proved malignant tumor cases who were regressed following treatment with specific homeopathic medicines - Kali Carbonicum and Ferrum Phosphoricum for bronchogenic carcinoma, Condurango for oesophageal carcinoma, Ruta and Calcarea Phosphorica for brain tumors and Symphytum for the Osteogenic Sarcoma. Most of these cases were followed up and found normal even after five years. We have studied thousands of similar cases and promising results have been obtained in many instances.

No presentation can be complete if we do not give tribute to our team of Doctors and accessory staff who help us to run our clinics.

Thank you for you El tratamiento de Ruta 6 est contraindicado con el vinagre y la vitamina C

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