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Life Through Gods Sovereignty Week 6-Oct 28-Nov 1, 2013 Psalm 46:1-6

Monday: Read Psalm 46:1-6 Meditate on Psalm 46:1. This week, why not consider memorizing this verse? Do you ever feel that God has left you during a time of trials? Verse 1 reminds us that he is a present help in trouble? You can bank on that. He is there in your trials, he is present. How does that encourage you to know that he is present with you in your darkest times? What is a refuge? Describe the refuge that you would like to have. God wants to be that for you. Run to his refuge. Find security and safety in that refuge. Thank him for being with you in trial and providing a refuge of safety. Tuesday: ReadPsalm 46:1-6 In verses 2-3, you see a frightening scenario described. Even in that, the psalmist reminds that you need not fear. What are you afraid of today? Make a list. Look back at verse one. What can we count on from God? Are you resting and trusting in him today? Wednesday: Read Psalm 46: 1-6 The psalmist speaks of a river in verse four, yet Jerusalem had no river. This metaphor speaks to the refreshment that can only come through God and his blessings. Look at Psalm 23:2, Isa. 49:10 and Rev. 7:16-17. Who leads in each of these verses? To what is he leading? Does that give you hope today? Thank God for his provision in your life. Thank him for how he refreshes and renews your hope. Thank him for the ultimate refreshment that will be never-ending. Thursday: Read Psalm 46:1-6 The psalmist declares, nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. Who has the power? Read Dan. 2:20-21. Who determines the reign of a leader? Does that encourage you? Pray about the leaders that have authority over you. What battle are you struggling with today? Do you feel attacked? Read Psalm 3:5-6. Does that offer encouragement to you today? Friday: Read Psalm 46:1-11 What benefits of God do you find in this passage? Make a list. What assurances do you find? What names of God do you discover? Sit in quietness and reflect upon what you have discovered about God today. Encourage someone, today, with the hope you find in Psalm 46.

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