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using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; // This class implements a bloom effect. // It is based off of OTEE's BlurEffect.

cs // It uses texture combiners, so it should run on older gfx. cards too. // It is based on a four tap cone kernel. [AddComponentMenu("Image Effects/Bloom")] public class BloomEffect : MonoBehaviour { /// 0 to 1... the amount of bloom effect public float bloomAmount = 1F; /// How many levels of blurryness we want public int blurLevels = 2; static Material m_BloomMaterial = null; protected static Material bloomMaterial { get { if (m_BloomMaterial == null) m_BloomMaterial = new Material ( "Shader \"Bloom Combine Shader\" {" + " Properties { _Color (\"Bloom Amount\", Color) = (1,1,1,1 ) }" + " SubShader { Pass {" + " ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off" + " Blend SrcAlpha One" + " SetTexture [__RenderTex] {" + " constantColor [_Color]" + " combine constant * texture QUAD" + "}}}}" ); return m_BloomMaterial; } } /// The blur shader material. static Material m_BlurMaterial = null; protected static Material blurMaterial { get { if (m_BlurMaterial == null) m_BlurMaterial = new Material ( "Shader \"ConeTab\" {\n" + " SubShader { Pass {\n" + " ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off\n" + " SetTexture [__RenderTex] { combine texture pha " + " constantColor (0,0,0,0.25) } \n" + " SetTexture [__RenderTex] { combine texture previous " + " constantColor (0,0,0,0.25) }\n" + " SetTexture [__RenderTex] { combine texture previous " + " constantColor (0,0,0,0.25) }\n" + " SetTexture [__RenderTex] { combine texture previous " + " constantColor (0,0,0,0.25) }\n" + " }}\n" + "}" );

* constant al * constant + * constant + * constant +

return m_BlurMaterial; } } protected void Start() { // Disable the image effect if the shader can't // run on the users graphics card if (!blurMaterial.shader.isSupported) enabled = false; } // Function that actually renders the screenspace passes, offsetting the tex ture coordinates // based one the size of the screen. public static void FourTapCone (RenderTexture source, Rect sourceRect, Rende rTexture dest, Rect destRect, int iteration) { = dest; source.SetGlobalShaderProperty ("__RenderTex"); float offsetX = (.5F+iteration) / (float)source.width; float offsetY = (.5F+iteration) / (float)source.height; GL.PushMatrix (); GL.LoadOrtho (); for (int i = 0; i < blurMaterial.passCount; i++) { blurMaterial.SetPass (i); GL.Begin (GL.QUADS); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (0, sourceRect.xMin - offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (1, sourceRect.xMin + offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (2, sourceRect.xMin + offsetX, + offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (3, sourceRect.xMin - offsetX, + offsetY); GL.Vertex3 (destRect.xMin,destRect.yMin, .1f); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (0, sourceRect.xMax - offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (1, sourceRect.xMax + offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (2, sourceRect.xMax + offsetX, + offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (3, sourceRect.xMax - offsetX, + offsetY); GL.Vertex3 (destRect.xMax,destRect.yMin, .1f); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (0, sourceRect.xMax - offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (1, sourceRect.xMax + offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (2, sourceRect.xMax + offsetX, + offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (3, sourceRect.xMax - offsetX, + offsetY); GL.Vertex3 (destRect.xMax,destRect.yMax,.1f); sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin

GL.MultiTexCoord2 (0, sourceRect.xMin - offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (1, sourceRect.xMin + offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (2, sourceRect.xMin + offsetX, + offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (3, sourceRect.xMin - offsetX, + offsetY); GL.Vertex3 (destRect.xMin,destRect.yMax,.1f); GL.End(); } GL.PopMatrix (); }

sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax

// Downsamples the texture to a quarter resolution. static void DownSample4x (RenderTexture source, Rect sourceRect, RenderTextu re dest, Rect destRect) { //if (dest.width * (destRect.xMax - destRect.xMin) *4 != source.width * (sourceRect.xMax - sourceRect.xMin)) // Debug.Log ("Warning: DownSample4x called with non-matching rectangle s"); = dest; source.SetGlobalShaderProperty ("__RenderTex"); float offsetX = 1F / (float)source.width; float offsetY = 1F / (float)source.height; GL.PushMatrix (); GL.LoadOrtho (); for (int i = 0; i < blurMaterial.passCount; i++) { blurMaterial.SetPass (i); GL.Begin (GL.QUADS); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (0, sourceRect.xMin - offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (1, sourceRect.xMin + offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (2, sourceRect.xMin + offsetX, + offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (3, sourceRect.xMin - offsetX, + offsetY); GL.Vertex3 (destRect.xMin,destRect.yMin, .1f); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (0, sourceRect.xMax - offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (1, sourceRect.xMax + offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (2, sourceRect.xMax + offsetX, + offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (3, sourceRect.xMax - offsetX, + offsetY); GL.Vertex3 (destRect.xMax,destRect.yMin, .1f); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (0, sourceRect.xMax - offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (1, sourceRect.xMax + offsetX, sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin sourceRect.yMin

- offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (2, sourceRect.xMax + offsetX, + offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (3, sourceRect.xMax - offsetX, + offsetY); GL.Vertex3 (destRect.xMax,destRect.yMax,.1f); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (0, sourceRect.xMin - offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (1, sourceRect.xMin + offsetX, - offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (2, sourceRect.xMin + offsetX, + offsetY); GL.MultiTexCoord2 (3, sourceRect.xMin - offsetX, + offsetY); GL.Vertex3 (destRect.xMin,destRect.yMax,.1f); GL.End(); } GL.PopMatrix (); } // Update is called once per frame void OnRenderImage (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) { RenderTexture buffer = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.width/4, source .height/4, 0); RenderTexture buffer2 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.width/4, sourc e.height/4, 0); // Blur the source image. Since blurring is an expensive process, we wan t to do it at // quater resolution. // Copy the main screen image into an image at half size DownSample4x (source, new Rect (0,0,1,1), buffer, new Rect (0,0,1,1)); // Blur the image by running the FourTapCone function on it i = blurLeve ls numbers of time. bool oddEven = true; for(int i = 0; i < blurLevels; i++) { if(oddEven) { FourTapCone (buffer, new Rect (0,0,1,1), buffer2, new Rect (0,0, 1,1), i); oddEven = false; } else { FourTapCone (buffer2, new Rect (0,0,1,1), buffer, new Rect (0,0, 1,1), i); oddEven = true; } } ImageEffects.Blit(source,destination); //bloomAmount = Mathf.Clamp01(bloomAmount); bloomMaterial.color = new Color(1F, 1F, 1F, bloomAmount); if(oddEven) BlitBloom(buffer, destination); else BlitBloom(buffer2, destination); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(buffer); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(buffer2); sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax sourceRect.yMax

} public void BlitBloom (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture dest) { // Make the destination texture the target for all rendering = dest; // Assign the source texture to a property from a shader source.SetGlobalShaderProperty ("__RenderTex"); // Set up the simple Matrix GL.PushMatrix (); GL.LoadOrtho (); bloomMaterial.SetPass (0); ImageEffects.DrawGrid(1,1); GL.PopMatrix (); } }

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