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At, in, on Preposiciones de tiempo

At se utiliza con las horas, algunos periodos festivos y otras expresiones: at the weekend / at weekends at Easter at Christmas at night at the end of (June...) at the beginning of .... at the moment at present

at half past six. at three oclock at midday at midnight

In acompaa a las partes del da (excepto night), meses, estaciones, aos y siglos: in summer/spring.... in July/May..... in 1965 in the 21st century in 5 minutes/one hour

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

On precede a los das de la semana y fechas concretas: on Saturday night on Wednesday afternoon on Monday morning on Thursday evening

on Monday/Tuesday.... on 20 May on Christmas Day on New Years Eve on St. Patricks Day

Cuando la expresin de tiempo va precedida de last, next o every, no se usa ninguna preposicin:

Last week I went to the cinema Ill see you next Monday. I visit him every Sunday.

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