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Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering San Jose State College


McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY New J ork. St. Louis. San Francisco, Uiisseldorj, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, London, Mexico, Montreal, New Delhi, Panama, Rio de Janeiro, Singapore, Sydney, and Toronto

Copyright 1971 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 07-056328-4 3 46 6 7 8 9 1 0 SH S H 75432106

This book is designed primarily to supplement standard texts in physical or applied acoustic at the senior undergraduate level, based on the belief that numerous solved problems constitute one of the best means for clarifying and fixing in mind basic principles. Moreover, the statements of theory and principle are sufficiently complete that, with proper handling of lecture-problem time, the book could be used as a text. It should be of considerable value to the physics and engineering students who are interested in the science of sound and its applications. The practicing engineers could also make frequent references to the book for its numerical solutions of many realistic problems in the area of sound and vibration. Throughout the book emphasis is placed on fundamentals, with discussions and problems extending into many phases and applications of acoustics. The subject mat ter is divided into chapters covering duly-recognized areas of theory and study. Each chapter begins with pertinent definitions, principles and theorems which are fully explained and reinforced by solved problems. Then a graded set of problems are solved followed by supplementary problems. The solved problems amplify the theory, present methods of analysis, provide practical examples, illustrate the numerical details, and bring into sharp focus those fine points which enable the students to apply the basic principles correctly and with confidence. Numerous proofs of theorems and derivations of basic results are included among the solved problems. The supplementary problems with answers serve as a complete review of the material of each chapter. The essential requirements to use this book are knowledge of the fundamental prin ciples of mechanics, electricity, strength of materials, and undergraduate mathematics including calculus and partial differential equations. Topics covered are vibrations and waves, plane and spherical acoustic waves, trans mission of sound, loudspeaker and microphone, sound and hearing, architectural acoustics, underwater acoustics and ultrasonics. To make the book more flexible, con siderably more material has been included here than can be covered in most semester courses. I wish to thank Mr. Daniel Schaum for his utmost patience and kind assistance. W. W. SETO San Jose State College December, 1970

Page Chapter

VIBRATIONS AND W AVES..........................................................

Introduction. Waves. Simple harmonic motion. Vibrations. Energy of vibra tion. Vibration of strings. Longitudinal vibration of bars. Vibration of mem branes. Vibration of circular plates.


PLANE ACOUSTIC W AVES..........................................................

Introduction. Wave equation. Wave elements. Speed of sound. Acoustic inten sity. Sound energy density. Specific acoustic impedance. Sound measurements. Resonance of air columns. Doppler effect.



SPHERICAL ACOUSTIC WAVES ................................................

Introduction. Wave equation. Wave elements. Acoustic intensity and energy density. Specific acoustic impedance. Radiation of sound. Source strength. Radiation impedance.



TRANSMISSION OF SOUND.........................................................
Introduction. Transmission through two media. Transmission through three media. Reflection of sound. Refraction of sound. Diffraction of sound. Scat tering of sound. Interference. Filtration of sound. Absorption of sound.



LOUDSPEAKER AND MICROPHONE ........................................

Introduction. Electroacoustical analogy. Loudspeakers. Loudspeaker enclos ures. Horns. Microphones. Pressure-operated microphones. Pressure gradient microphones. Sensitivity. Directivity. Directional efficiency. Resonance. Cali bration.



SOUND AND HEARING ..................................................................................

Introduction. Noise. Physiological and psychological effects of noise. Loudness. Noise analysis. Pitch and timbre. Music. Speech. The human voice. The human ear.



ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS ...................................................

Introduction. Reverberation. Noise insulation and reduction. Sound absorp tion. Sound distribution. Room acoustics.



Page Chapter

UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS..........................................................
Introduction. Underwater sound. Refraction. Reverberation. Ambient noise. Underwater transducers. Cavitation.



Introduction. Wave types. Ultrasonic transducers. Piezoelectric transducers. Magnetostrictive transducers. Electromagnetic transducers. Absorption. Applications.




Chapter 2

Plane Acoustic W aves

NOMENCLATURE = area, m2 = acceleration level, db bulk modulus, nt/m2 = speed of wave propagation, m/sec = end correction factor, m = energy density, joules/m3 = frequency, cyc/sec f I = acoustic intensity, watts/m2 IL = intensity level, db = wave number k L = length, m = acoustic pressure, nt/m2 V P = period, sec PWL = sound power level, db r = specific acoustic resistance, rayls = condensation s SPL = sound pressure level, db T = absolute temperature u = instantaneous displacement, m V = speed of observer, m/sec V = volume, m3 VL = velocity level, db w = speed o f medium, m/sec W = power, watts X = specific acoustic reactance, rayls Y = Youngs modulus of elasticity, nt/m2 z = specific acoustic impedance, rayls 0) = circular frequency, rad/sec = density, kg/m 3 P = ratio of the specific heat of air at constant pressure to that at constant volume y = Poissons ratio A = wavelength, m a = coefficient o f expansion of air A AL B c e E



[CHAP. 2

INTRODUCTION Sound waves are produced when air is disturbed, and travel through a three-dimensional space commonly as progressive longitudinal sinusoidal waves. Assuming no variation of pressure in the y or z direction, we can define plane acoustic waves as one-dimensional free progressive waves traveling in the x direction. The wavefronts are infinite planes per pendicular to the x axis, and they are parallel to one another at all time. In fact, when a small body is oscillating in an extended elastic medium such as air, the sound waves produced will spread out in widening spheres instead of planes. The longitudinal wave motion of an infinite column of air enclosed in a smooth rigid tube of constant cross-sectional area closely approximates plane acoustic wave motion. WAVE EQUATION In the analysis of plane acoustic wave motion in a rigid tube, we make the following assumptions: (a) zero viscosity, (b) homogeneous and continuous fluid medium, (c) adia batic process, and (d) isotropic and perfectly elastic medium. Any disturbance of the fluid medium will result in the motion of the fluid along the longitudinal axis of the tube, causing small variations in pressure and density fluctuating about the equilibrium state. These phenomena are described by the one-dimensional wave equation
flHt 2 &u

dt2 ~


where c = y'B/p is the speed of wave propagation, B the bulk modulus, p the density, and u the instantaneous displacement. Since this partial differential equation of motion for plane acoustic waves has exactly the same form as those for free longitudinal vibration of bars and free transverse vibration of strings, practically everything deduced for waves in strings and bars is valid for plane acoustic waves. The general solution for the one-dimensional wave equation can be written in progressive waves form u(x, t) - f i ( x - c t ) + f 2(x + ct) which consists of two parts: the first part fi (x - ct) represents a wave of arbitrary shape traveling in the positive x direction with velocity c, and the second part fi (x + ct) represents a wave also of arbitrary shape traveling in the negative x direction with velocity c. In complex exponential form, the general solution can be written as u(x,t) = Aeiiat~kz} + Bei< u t+ kx} where k-^/c is the wave number, i = yf-l, and A and B are arbitrary constants (real or complex) to be evaluated by initial conditions. In sinusoidal sine and cosine series, the general solution is u(x,t) = 2 x + Bi cos x)(Ci sin pit + i= 1 ,2 ,... (Aisin \ C C/ Di cospif)

where Ai and Bt are arbitrary constants to be evaluated by boundary conditions, Ct and A are arbitrary constants to be evaluated by initial conditions, and Pi are the natural fre quencies of the system. (See Problems 2.1-2.6.) WAVE ELEMENTS Plane acoustic waves are characterized by three important elements: particle displace ment, acoustic pressure, and density change or condensation.

CHAP. t)



Particle displacements from their equilibrium positions are amplitudes o f motion of mall constant volume elements of the fluid medium possessing average identical properties, and can be expressed as or n(x t) A e it'tt> ~^M ) + u(x, t) = A cos (mt - kx) + B cos (* + kx)

Acoustic pressure p is the total instantaneous pressure at a point minus the static pres sure. This is often referred to as excess pressure. The effective sound pressure Prm , at a point is the root mean square value of the instantaneous sound pressure over a complete cycle at that point. Thus p = or P = ~pc2j = ipCmiAe**-*'- B e*****) -pCuA sin M ~ kx) + pCm B sin (m t + kx)

Density change is the difference between the instantaneous density and the constant equilibrium density of the medium at any point, and is defined by the condensation s at such point as _ s = - = = ikA e i("*-kI) - ikBeK td+kM i
Po dx

When plane acoustic waves are traveling in the positive x direction, it is clear that particle displacement lags particle velocity, condensation and acoustic pressure by 90. On the other hand, when plane acoustic waves are traveling in the negative x direction, acoustic pressure and condensation lag particle displacement by 90 while particle velocity leads it by 90. (See Problems 2.7-2.9.) SPEED OF SOUND The speed of sound is the speed of propagation of sound waves through the given medium. The speed of sound in air is c = y/yplp m/sec where y is the ratio of the specific heat of air at constant pressure to that at constant vol ume, p is the pressure in newtons/m2, and p is the density in kg/m*. At room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure, the speed of sound in air is 343 m/sec and increases approximately 0.6 m/sec for each degree centigrade rise. The speed of sound in air is independent of changes in barometric pressure, frequency and wavelength but is directly proportional to absolute temperature, i.e. c jc i y/Ti/Ti The speed of sound in solids having large cross-sectional areas is
c = V d i+ S a - ^ ) m /M C

where Y is the Young's modulus of elasticity in nt/m3, p the density in kg/ma, and /* Poissons ratio. When the dimension of the cross section is small compared to the wavelength, the lateral effect considered in Poissons ratio can be neglected and the speed of sound is simply e = y/Y/p m/sec The speed of sound in fluids is c = y/Btp m/sec where B is the bulk modulus in nt/m1 and p is the density in kg/m*. 2.10-2.13.) (See Problems

INTRODUCTION Sound waves are produced when air is disturbed, and travel through a three-dimensional space commonly as progressive longitudinal sinusoidal waves. Assuming no variation of pressure in the y or z direction, we can define plane acoustic waves as one-dimensional free progressive waves traveling in the x direction. The wavefronts are infinite planes per pendicular to the x axis, and they are parallel to one another at all time. In fact, when a small body is oscillating in an extended elastic medium such as air, the sound waves produced will spread out in widening spheres instead of planes. The longitudinal wave motion of an infinite column of air enclosed in a smooth rigid tube of constant cross-sectional area closely approximates plane acoustic wave motion.

WAVE EQUATION In the analysis of plane acoustic wave motion in a rigid tube, we make the following assumptions: (a) zero viscosity, (b) homogeneous and continuous fluid medium, (c) adia batic process, and (d) isotropic and perfectly elastic medium. Any disturbance of the fluid medium will result in the motion of the fluid along the longitudinal axis of the tube, causing small variations in pressure and density fluctuating about the equilibrium state. These phenomena are described by the one-dimensional wave equation



^ dx2

where c = \B!p is the speed of wave propagation, B the bulk modulus, p the density, and u the instantaneous displacement. Since this partial differential equation of motion for plane acoustic waves has exactly the same form as those for free longitudinal vibration of bars and free transverse vibration of strings, practically everything deduced for waves in strings and bars is valid for plane acoustic waves. The general solution for the one-dimensional wave equation can be written in progressive waves form u(x, t) = f i ( x- ct ) + f 2{x + et) which consists of two parts: the first part /i (x - ct) represents a wave of arbitrary shape traveling in the positive x direction with velocity c, and the second part fi{x + ct) represents a wave also of arbitrary shape traveling in the negative x direction with velocity c. In complex exponential form, the general solution can be written as u(x,t) = Ae"*-** + Beiiat+kx) where k = a/c is the wave number, t = yf-\, and A and B are arbitrary constants (real or complex) to be evaluated by initial conditions. In sinusoidal sine and cosine series, the general solution is u(x, t) = y

( Ai sinx + Bi co3x){Ci sin p + Di cos Pit) \ C c /

where Ai and < are arbitrary constants to be evaluated by boundary conditions, C < and A are arbitrary constants to be evaluated by initial conditions, and pi are the natural fre quencies of the system. (See Problems 2.1-2.6.) WAVE ELEMENTS Plane acoustic waves are characterized by three important elements: particle displace ment, acoustic pressure, and density change or condensation.

CHAP. 2]



Particle displacements from their equilibrium positions are amplitudes of motion of small constant volume elements of the fluid medium possessing average identical properties, and can be expressed as u(x,t) = A eiiut~kx) + Be'tut+M or u(x, t) = A cos (wt kx) + B cos (wt + kx)

Acoustic pressure p is the total instantaneous pressure at a point minus the static pres sure. This is often referred to as excess pressure. The effective sound pressure prm s at a point is the root mean square value of the instantaneous sound pressure over a complete cycle at that point. Thus V = - Pc2^ or = iPcw(Aei(0,t~kx) - Betu *t+kx')

p = pC u> A sin (wt kx) + pCwB sin (wt + kx)

Density change is the difference between the instantaneous density and the constant equilibrium density of the medium at any point, and is defined by the condensation s at such point as _ s = - = = ikAeH at~kx' - ikBe t+kx)
Po dx

When plane acoustic waves are traveling in the positive x direction, it is clear that particle displacement lags particle velocity, condensation and acoustic pressure by 90. On the other hand, when plane acoustic waves are traveling in the negative x direction, acoustic pressure and condensation lag particle displacement by 90 while particle velocity leads it by 90. (See Problems 2.7-2.9.) SPEED OF SOUND The speed of sound is the speed of propagation of sound waves through the given medium. The speed of sound in air is c = VyP/p m/sec where y is the ratio of the specific heat of air at constant pressure to that at constant vol ume, p is the pressure in newtons/m2, and p is the density in kg/m3. At room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure, the speed of sound in air is 343 m/sec and increases approximately 0.6 m/sec for each degree centigrade rise. The speed of sound in air is independent of changes in barometric pressure, frequency and Wavelength but is directly proportional to absolute temperature, i.e.
C1 /C2 = y jT i/ T z

The speed of sound in solids having large cross-sectional areas is c J m/sec

where Y is the Youngs modulus of elasticity in nt/m2, p the density in kg/m3 , and p . Poissons ratio. When the dimension of the cross section is small compared to the wavelength, the lateral effect considered in Poissons ratio can be neglected and the speed of sound is simply c = yjY/p m/sec The speed of sound in fluids is ___ c = yjB/p m/sec (See Problems

where B is the bulk modulus in nt/m2 and p is the density in kg/m3. 2.10-2.13.)



a c o u s t ic

w aves


A C O U ST IC IN T E N S IT Y A coustic intensity / o f a sound wave is defined as the average pow er transm itted per unit area in the direction o f wave propagation:

w a tts/TTla

where p. is the effective (root mean square) pressure in nt/m a, p is the density in k g /m a, and c is the speed o f sound in m/sec. A t room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure, p n B = 0.00002 n t/m a, f> = 1.21 k g/m , c = 343 m/sec, and so acoustic intensity fo r airborne sounds is approxi mately 10 watt/m*. (See Problems 2.14-2.18.)

SO U N D E N E R G Y D E N S IT Y Sound en erg y density is energy per unit volume in a given medium. en ergy which is partly potential due to displacement o f the medium arisin g from the motion o f the particles o f the medium. I f there are o f these tw o energies is constant. Energy losses are supplied from the The instantaneous sound energy density is Eta* = pi-1 + ^ w att-sec/m 3 c Sound w aves carry and partly kinetic no losses, the sum sound source.

and the average sound energy density is

Em ,


w here p is the instantaneous density in kg/m*, p is the static pressure in n t/m x, x is particle velocity in m /sec, and e is the speed o f sound in m /sec. (See Problem s 2.19>2.20.)


Specific acoustic impedance z o f a medium is defined as the ratio (real o r com plex) o f sound pressure to particle velocity: z = pfv kg/m*-sec or rayls w here p is sound pressure in nt/m*. and v is particle velocity in m /sec. F o r bartDcftue plane acoustic waves traveling in the positive z direction,
z _ t**A i _ ^

ax*J f o r b a n u o x plane aoMtstae waves traveling in the negative z direction, * =



w ben t * is ik e dtmatizj m kg/m*, c is tine speed o f soond in m /sec, and pc is know n as the cia-mcterMrfic m remstmmze o f the medium in rayl*. A t standard atm o sp h eric f-sr the density o f air i* 1-21 kg/m*, the speed of sound is 34X see, ssrf H & e efaaraeSerjstx: jwpedaocae air w 1.Z1&43, or 415 rayls For distilled wafier at vtm**** * * * pnam r* aad C, the deastty is kg/m* and the speed rf wai a 14M lotee 7t* ilsn eten itK iwpedaaee is 1 .4 4 1 0 / rayls

C H A P . 2]



For standing waves, the specific acoustic impedance will vary from point to point in the x direction. In general, it is a complex ratio z = r + ix rayls where r is the specific acoustic resistance, x is the specific acoustic reactance and i = }/!

SOUND MEASUREMENTS Because of the very wide range of sound power, intensity and pressure encountered in our acoustical environment, it is customary to use the logarithmic scale known as the decibel scale to describe these quantities, i.e. to relate the quantity logarithmically to some standard reference. Decibel (abbreviated db) is a dimensionless unit for expressing the ratio of two powers, which can be acoustical, mechanical, or electrical. The number of decibels is 10 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the power ratio. One bel is equal to 10 decibels. Thus sound power level PWL is defined as PWL = 10 log {W/Wo) db re W0 watts

where W is power In watts, W0 is the reference power also in watts, and re = refer to the reference power W0. For standard power reference W0 = 1 0 "1 2 watt, PWL = (10 log W + 120) db The acoustical power radiated by a large rocket, for example, is approximately 107 watts or 190 db. For a very soft whisper, the acoustical power radiated is 10-10 watt or 20 db. Sound intensity level IL is similarly defined as IL = 10 log (///o) db re Io watts/m2

For standard sound intensity reference Io = 10 1 2 watt/m2, IL = (10 l o g / + 120) db Sound pressure level SPL is thus defined as SPL = 20 log (p/po) db re p0 nt/m2

For standard sound pressure reference p0 = 2(10)_5nt/m2 or 0.0002 microbar, SPL = (20 log p + 94) db In vibration measurements, the velocity level VL is similarly defined as VL = 20 log (v/vo) db re v0 m/sec The acceleration level AL is

where v0 = 10-8 m/sec is the standard velocity reference. AL = 20 log (a/a0) db

re a0 m/sec2 (See Problems 2.21-2.29.)

where a0 = 10-5 m/sec2 is the standard acceleration reference.

RESONANCE OF AIR COLUMNS Acoustic resonance of air columns is tuned response where the receiver is excited to vibrate by sound waves having the same frequency as its natural frequency. Resonant response depends on the distance between sound source and the receiver, and the coupling medium between them. It is, in fact, an exchange of energy of vibration between the source and the receiver.

The Helmholtz resonator makes use of the principle of air column resonance to detect a particular frequency of vibration to which it is accurately tuned. It is simply a spherical container filled with air, and having a large opening at one end and a much smaller one at the opposite end. The ear will hear amplified sound of some particular frequency from the small hole when sound is directed through the larger hole. Half wavelength resonance of air columns will be observed when the phase change on reflection is the same at both ends of the tube, i.e. either two nodes or two antinodes. The effective lengths of air column and its resonant frequencies are L tA/2, where

f -

c/\ -


i = 1, 2, .. .

is the wavelength and c is the speed of sound.

Quarter wavelength resonance of air columns will be observed when there is no change in phase at one end of a stationary wave but 180 phase change at the other end. The effective lengths of air column and its resonant frequencies are L = A(2i l)/4 , f = c(2i 1)/4L, i = 1,2,3,... (See

In general, an open end of a tube of air is an antinode, and a closed end a node. Problems 2.30-2.37.)

DOPPLER EFFECT When a source of sound waves is moving with respect to the medium in which waves are propagated, or an observer is moving with respect to the medium, or both the source and the observer have relative motion with respect to each other and to the medium, the frequency detected by the observer will be different from the actual frequency of the sound waves emitted by the source. This apparent change in frequency is known as the Doppler effect. The observed frequency of a sound depends essentially on the number of sound waves reaching the ear per second, and is given by / ' = (c v)f/(c u) cyc/sec where / ' is the observed frequency, c the speed of sound, v the speed of the observer relative to the medium, and u the speed o f the source. When the source and observer are approach ing each other, the observed frequency is increased; while if they are receding from each other, the observed frequency is lowered. (See Problems 2.38-2.41.)

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Solved Problems


Derive the differential equation o f motion for the free longitudinal elastic vibration of air columns and discuss its general solution.

An air column may be defined as a sample o f air contained by a cylindrical tube o f length L and of uniform cross-sectional area A. The tube is closed at both ends. Then the mass o f the air column is ALp, where p is the density o f air. Assume the temperature is constant throughout the tube, and also negligible air viscosity effects. In short, we have an ideal gas. While the air column is vibrating, the density o f the air in the neighborhood o f any section changes with time. Also, at any instant, the density o f the air varies from point to point along the column. Let u be the instantaneous displacement o f any cross section dx o f the air column as shown in Fig. 2-1. When the column o f air is vibrating, the initial and instantaneous section dx and (dx + du) will always contain the same mass o f air, Ap dx. Therefore we can write
Ap dx = A(p + dp)(dx + du)


where (p + dp) is the instantaneous density o f air, and (dx + du) is the instantaneous length o f the section o f air dx in question. Expanding equation (1) and neglecting the higher order term dpdu, we obtain
dp = p du/dx (2)

Now dp B dp/p is the change in pressure due to change o f volume and B is the bulk modulus. We can write equation (2) as dp = B du/dx (3) While the air is vibrating, pressure changes indicated by (J) will exert forces on the section dx. Balancing the inertia force and the pressure forces on the section dx, we obtain

r,. . Simplifying,


B cPu

... M)

Since u is a function o f both x and t, we may use partial differentials to rewrite equation (4) as
d2u iw

2 d2u
= {S)

where c2 = B/p. Equation (5) is therefore the differential equation o f motion fo r the free longitudinal vibration o f an air column inside a closed cylindrical tube and is commonly known as the one-dimensional wave equation. It has exactly the same form as the differential equation o f motion fo r the free transverse vibration o f strings and free longitudinal vibration o f bars. (See Problems 1.16 and 1.21.) Hence all the theory discussed and problems solved in Chapter 1 fo r the free transverse vibration o f strings and free longitudinal vibration o f bars apply equally well fo r the vibration o f air columns.



[CHAP. 2


Prove that the following expressions are correct solutions for the one-dimensional wave equation: () () m(j, t) = A e ' sin kx + BeM cos kx = (CV** + D e-^ e'* ' i c'ax

() The one-dimensional wave equation is given by Pu _

dt* Now ^ = k(A cos kx B sin kx)M,

(I) (J)



= k2(A sin kx + B cos kx)e ' u2(A sin kx + B cos kx)e,at

~ = iu(i4 sin kx + B cos kx)etM l, dt

a t *=

Equating (2) and (3) gives fc* = u*. But k = u/e is defined aa the wave number. When this expression for the wave number is used, the required answer follows. () If u(x, t) = {C#k * + D_tt*)*,"r f we proceed as in part (a): 0X
= iu(Ceu + D e -^ e * * 1 , and the wave equation becomes j*

^ = ~u2(CelkI + De~,lcl)e,ut

-u*(Cu + D -u )e(" = e2k2(Ceikz + De~ila)e,ut

which again yields k = u/e as in part (a). Therefore we conclude this is also a correct solution. Since the wave equation for plane acoustic waves is linear, i.e. u and its coefficients never occur in any form other than that of the first degree, the principle of superposition can be applied to obtain solutions in series form. For example, if f t and ft are any two possible and correct solutions for the wave equation, a,/, + a j 2 is also a possible and correct solution where o, and O j are two arbitrary constants. In short, the most general solution is in series form which is the sum of an arbitrary number of all possible solutions.


If u(x, 0) = Uo(x), u(x,0) = 0 are the initial conditions, find the traveling-wave solution for the one-dimensional wave equation.
The traveling-wave solution for the one-dimensional wave equation can be written as (*. 0 = /i(* - et) + /*(* + et) where /, and f t are arbitrary functions. From the given initial conditions, u(x,0) = / j ( x ) + / s(x) = U0(x) *(* 0) = - /!(* ) + c/i (x) = 0 and from (*), Integration of (J) gives Substituting (4) into (1), we obtain 2/i(*) + C = l/0(*) or /j(x) = |[l/0( x ) - q (a) /|(x) = /'(x ) /,(* ) = /,(* ) + c (j) (J) (J) ^

From W-

fi (*) = i(U(x) + q

Substituting (5) and () into the traveling-wave solution,

.<.<> = . < . - > + q +

+ <#_ q = o . ( . - ) + t,l b + -))

CHAP. 2]




Show that solutions to the one-dimensional wave equation can assume harmonic, complex exponential, hyperbolic and exponential forms.
Plane acoustic wave motion is governed by the one-dimensional wave equation $? dt2 = C 2 3x2 in

Let us look for a solution in the general form of u(x, t) = X(x) T(t), where X and T are functions of x and t respectively. Substituting this expression for u into (J), we obtain 1d2X X dx2 c2T dt2 '

Since the right-hand side of (2) is a function of t, and the left-hand side is a function of x alone, each side must be equal to the same constant. Let this constant be p2. This leads to the following ordinary differential equations g the solutions of which are X (x) and so or and = A cos px + B sin px, T(t.) = C cos cpt + D sin cpt (5) + p2X = 0 and f + c V r = 0

m(x, t) (A cos px + B sin px)(C cos cpt + D sin cpt) X(x) = Ac' p* + B e - * 1, T(t) = Ceic + D e-w *

m(x, t) = (Ae* 1 + B e -w ^ C e '^ + D e -''* )


where A ,B ,C ,D are arbitrary constants. If we call the constant for equation (2) p2, we obtain drX ,v . d x * ~ p'X = 0 the solutions of which are X(x) and so or and = A cosh px + B sinh px, = T(t) = C cosh cpt + D sinh cpt (5) , and d*T 2
c2p 2T

n = 0

u(x, t)

(A cosh px + B sinh px)(C cosh cpt + D sinh cpt) T(t) = C e ^ + D e~c

X(x) = A epz + B e -* 1,

u(x, f) = (A epx + B e-r^iC c'f* + D e - '* )


Equations (3) to (6) represent the four different forms of solution for the one-dimensional wave equation. These forms of solution the harmonic, the complex exponential, the hyperbolic and the exponential are all interchangeable and will give rise to standing waves, formed by the super position of two sets of waves equal in wavelength and amplitude but moving in opposite directions. (See Problem 2.3 for the progressive waves forms of solution for the one-dimensional wave equation.)

2J> .

Show that the function u = /(< + kx) represents a progressive wave of fixed profile f(kx) moving along the negative x axis with constant velocity c = w /k.
Since u is a linear, single-valued function of x and t, we may write u = /(ut + kx) = kf(ut/k + x) = kf(x + ct) where c = /&. Plotting the function u against x, the wave at time t = 0 is u = fc/(x) or f(kx). As the wave is propagated without change of shape, the wave shape at a later time t will be identical to that at t = 0 except that the wave profile has moved a distance ct in the negative x direction. O' ct


0 X

Fig. 2-2


P L A N E AC O U STIC W A V E B Now O' li the new origin, and x ~ X ct as shown In Fig. 2-2. profile referred to this new origin O' li u = k f(X ) = k f(x + ct)

[CHAP. 2
The equation of the wave

Similarly, It can be shown that u = /(at - kx) or u = k/(x - ct) represents a wave of Axed profile /(kx) moving in the positive * direction with constant velocity o = u/k. If the wave profile is harmonic, we have free harmonic progressive waves, e.g. A sin (wt + At*), A c o k (x ct), A e ,(u,~ kx}. A harmonic diverging spherical wave is therefore represented by (A/r) cos (ut kx) or (A/r)ei<ai k,) where its amplitude decreases with distance of propagation.


Use DAlembert's method of integration to obtain the solution for the one-dimensional wave equation.
Let us introduce two new independent variables r and i such that r = x ct, _ Then Using the chain rule: du dx d*U dx* _ ~ _ ~ du dt du dr + dr dx da dx d*u dr 9*u da + dr* dx dr da dx du dt 3*m dt* = = du dr dr dt d*w dr * dr* dt 9f _ du dr d*u da da* dx du da da dt _ ~ du da d*u dr dr da dx du . C dr + c d*u d*u + 2?* + dr* dr da da* du eT da d*u da e da* dt
(1 )

a = da dx

x 4- ct , da dt ~

dr dx ~

. '

dr at ~

d*u da + C dr da dt

d*u dr dr da dt

2 * * -^ - + c*
dr da

da* = c2 yields



Substituting (J) and (S) into the wave equation ^

B .
Integrating (S) first with respect to r gives

du/da = f'2{a) /*() is an arbitrary function of a. Integration of (4) with respect to a gives = / , (r) + f 2(a)


f 2(a)ds + / , (r)


k u * f i ( r) a aa arbitrary function at r.

Thus the general solution is

*(*, t) = / , ( * <) + / 2(* + et) where / , sd /* are arbitrary functions.

W A T S ELEMENTS 2J7. For srauaoida] plane acoustic waves, show that the effective (root mean square) value of acoustic pressure Pm, = Find the intensity / of a plane acoustic wave having a peak acoustic pressure of 2 nt/m* at standard atmospheric pressure aad temperature.

CHAP. 2)



Now the period P = 2jt/<j, then


V ^ P peak

P peak^V ^

and / = P,.ak/2pc = 22/f2 (l.21)343] = 0.0024 watt/m 2, where and e = 343 m/sec is the speed o f sound in air.

p = 1.21 kg/m 3 is the density o f air

Here we have ideal constant wave front propagation, i.e. intensity remains constant fo r any distance from the source because o f plane acoustic waves. This is not true fo r spherical acoustic wave propagation.


For harmonic plane acoustic wave propagation in the positive x direction, show that particle velocity leads particle displacement by 90. What is the phase relationship between acoustic pressure and particle displacement when the waves are traveling in the negative .r direction?
F or harm onic plane acou stic wave propagation in the positive x direction, particle displace

ment is expressed as it(x,t) = A eiiut~kz}

P article velocity or


u(x,t) = A cos (ut kx)

du/dt = iuAeilwt~k xJ = tuu du/dt = <ji4 sin (wt kx) = <jj4 cos (ut kx + 90)

Thus the particle velocity du/dt leads the particle displacement u by 90. For harmonic acoustic wave propagation in the negative x direction, u(x,t) = A ei(at +kx)
N ow acou stic pressure p = -pc-(du/dx) = ipcuAe'lut +kzi = ipcuu. sure p lags the p a rticle d isplacem en t u by 90.

Therefore the acoustic pres


Derive an expression for acoustic pressure p in a free progressive plane acoustic wave from measurement o f particle velocity du/dt.
In the derivation of the wave equation for plane acoustic waves, the force acting is shown equal to the product of mass and acceleration, i.e. - dp/dx = p(S2u/dt2) For steady state sinusoidal progressive wave motion, we can write particle displacement, velocity, and acceleration respectively as it = A eho,~kx\ du/dt = iuAeiiut~kx), dlu/dt* = - t A e i( t" 'ci) = iw(du/dt)

Substitute the above expression for the acceleration into the force equation and obtain dp/dx = p(iv)(dn/dt) or Ap = iuAxp(du/dt) nt/m2

where i = is the frequency in rad/sec, p is the density in kg/m3, Ax is the particle displace ment in m, and du/dt is the particle velocity in m/sec.

2.10. Calculate the speed of sound in air at 20C and standard atmospheric pressure.
e = Vyp/p = 343 m/sec where y = 1.4 is the ratio of the specific heat of air at constant pressure to that at constant volume, p = 1.01(10)5 nt/m2 is the pressure, and p = 1.21 kg/m3 is the density of air.



[CHAP. 2

2.11. The bulk modulus of water is B = 2.1(10)9 nt/m*. Find the speed of sound in water.
c = \/B/p = \/2.1(10)9/998 = 1450 m/sec w hen p = 998 kg/m3 is the density of water.

2.12. Youngs modulus of copper is 12.2(10)10 nt/m*, and the density of copper is 8900 kg/m3 . Calculate the speed of sound in copper.
e ~ y/Wp = Vl2.2(10)/8900 = 3700 m/sec

2.11 Prove that the speed of sound in air is proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature.
The speed of sound in air at 0C is given by c0 = Vrp/po where y is the ratio of the specific heat of air at constant pressure to that at constant volume, p is the effective pressure, and po is the density at 0C. Similarly, the speed o f sound in air at _____ tC is

et = Vypfpt
where p, is the density of air at tC. But p0 = pt(l + a*) = p ,(r t/ r o), where a is the coefficient of expansion of air, r 0 and Tt are absolute temperatures. Thus ct = JVTj) = = V ^ r t/ Tq or ct/c 0 = y/Tt/Ta

INTENSITY AND ENERGY DENSITY 214 Derive a general expression for the intensity of harmonic progressive plane acoustic waves.
Acoustic intensity is the average rate o f flow o f sound energy through unit area, or the average o f the instantaneous power flow through unit area. Instantaneous power per unit area is the product o f instantaneous pressure p and instantaneous particle velocity v, and the average power per unit area or intensity is therefore given by I p j

1 Cp

p vd t


[ pcuA sin (uf fcr)] [aA sin (at kx)] dt

where P is the period, p is the density, e is the speed o f sound, u = A cos (at kx) is the harmonic progressive wave, r = Sujit = - o A sin (i* - lex), and p = -pc^du/dx) = -p c^ A sin (at - kx). Thus

= =

p J

(cos1 kx sin2 at -r sin2 kx cos* ut ^ sin 2at sin 2kx) dt = JpftAA* = -pCaA, Prm M = Pmax/ & the general expression

Sinot ? = - o t a A s n ^ t - k x ) and pm far aeoasQc ictensty can be writtai as

1 =

pL J Z *

p L J pc

CHAP. 2]



2.15. Compare the intensities of sound in air and in water for (a) the same acoustic pres sure, and (b ) the same frequency and displacement amplitude.
(a) At standard atmospheric pressure and temperature, the density o f air is p = 1.21 kg/m 9 and the speed o f sound in air is c = 343 m/sec. The characteristic impedance o f air is pe = 1.21(343) = 415 rayls. Similarly, the characteristic impedance o f distilled water is pe = 998(1480) = 1.48(10)a rayls. Intensity I P?ms/pc and so the ratio is i iOMnm
Avater Prmsf(f^) water



This indicates that fo r the same acoustic pressure, the acoustic intensity in air is 3560 times that in water.
^water _ $(pCu2A 2) water (pC)water _

( }


^(pCw2A 2)alr




1.48(10) _ 415


For the same frequency and displacement amplitude, the acoustic intensity in water is 3560 times that in air.

2.16. A plane acoustic wave in air has an intensity of 10 watts/m2. Calculate the force on a wall of area 1 0 m2 due to the impact of the' wave at right angles to the surface of the wall.
Acoustic intensity is defined as power per unit area, and power is the product o f force and velocity. Acoustic intensity can be expressed as I = pe w atts/m 2 Thus

where p is the acoustic pressure in nt/m 2, and c is the velocity o f sound wave in air. p = He = 10/343 = 0.0292 nt/m 2

where e = 343 m/sec fo r air at room temperature and pressure. F pA = (0.0292)(10) =

The force on the wall is therefore

0.292 nt

2.17. Compute the intensity and acoustic pressure of a plane acoustic wave having an intensity level of 10 0 db re 1 0 ~ 12 watt/m2.
From the definition o f sound intensity level, we have IL = 10 l o g / + 120 db re 10 12 w att/m 2 or 100 = 10 l o g / + 120

from which log / = 2 and I 0.01 w att/m 2. Acoustic pressure p = VTpc = \/0-01(l-21)343 = 2.04 nt/m 2

where p = 1.21 kg/m 3 is the density o f air, and c = 343 m /sec is the speed o f sound in air. If the sound pressure level is assumed equal to the intensity level (see Problem 2.27), then SPL = 20 log p + 94 db re 2(10) ~ 5 nt/m 2 or 100 = 20 1ogp + 94

from which log p = 0.3 and p = 2.00 nt/m 2.

2.18. What is the acoustic intensity in water produced by a free progressive plane acoustic wave having a sound pressure level of 10 0 db re 1 microbar? Find also the ratio of sound pressures produced if an identical sound wave of equal intensity is propagated through air and water.
The sound pressure level SPL = 20 log (p/p0) = 0.1 nt/m2. The effective pressure o f the given wave is Prms = -l antilog 5 = 20 log (p/0.1) = 104 nt/m 2 100 db re 1 microbar =


[CHAP. 2 # y * water,

Since acoustic intensity

I = p2 m s/ pC where

p = 998 kg/m3 iB the

e = 1480 m/sec is the speed of sound in water, then

I = (10^)2/998(1480) = 77.6 watts/m2 For sound waves of equal intensities,

^water _

(Prtnjp^)water (Prins/Pc)air

(P rm s)w ater^ ,4 8 0 ,0 0 0



where pc is the characteristic impedance.

P w ater/M SO .O O O =

p 2ir/ 4 1 5 Or P w ater/Palr = 60

Sound pressure in water is therefore 60 times greater than sound pressure in air for waves of equal intensities.

Find the sound energy density in air and in water of a free progressive plane acoustic wave having an intensity level of 80 db re 10~12 watt/m2 .
Wave in air: Intensity level IL = 10 log (///) where / = 10 1 2 watt/m2 is the reference intensity. Thus 80 = 10 log / + 120 or / = 10-4 watt/m2. The sound energy density is He = 10-V343 = 2.9(10) where c = 343 m/sec is the speed of sound in air. Wave in water: The sound intensity is the same but the speed of sound is different. The sound energy density is therefore . . . He = 10-V1480 = 6.7(10)- joules/m3 where c = 1480 m/sec is the speed of sound in water. joules/m3

Derive an expression for the sound energy density of a harmonic plane acoustic wave.
The sound energy density associated with a medium at any instant is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies per unit volume. The kinetic energy is \pVx2, where p is the average density, V the volume of the medium, x the average particle velocity over the volume. The potential energy is determined as follows: The potential energy is equal to the work done by the sound pressure and change in volume of the medium, i.e. W = - J ' p' dV' where p' is the instantaneous pressure and V' the instantaneous volume. But dV' = V dp'IB where B = pc2 is the bulk modulus of the medium. static sound pressure; then W V/B I Let p0 be the

rp 'P' dp'

= V/2B[(p')2p2]


W = (V/2B)(2p0p + p2)

where p = p' ~Po is the excessive pressure. For harmonic plane acoustic progressive waves, p = pci; hence the total sound energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energies, E = \pVi2 + (V/2B)(2p0 p + p2) = V(p*2 + p0i/c) Then the instantaneous sound energy density is Ein s = E/V = P x2 + p0x/c watt-sec/m3

and the average sound energy density is therefore given by (pi2 + p0x/c) dt o averaging over a complete cycle of period P. If x(t) = A cos (at kx), then x = uA sin (at kx), and the above expression will yield Eav = \px2 or ^pu2 i42 watt-sec/m3 Ea v = 1/P f

CHAP. 2)



SOUND MEASUREMENTS 7 91 The power output from a loudspeaker is raised from 5 to 50 watts. change in sound power level?

What is the

Sound power level is PWL = 10 \og(W/W0) db re W 'q watts, where W0 is the reference power in watts. Thus (PWL), = 10 log(5/IV0) db, (PWL), = 10 log (5 0 /^ ) db and APWL = = (PWL)2 (PWL), = = 10 log (50/W0) = 10 db 10 log (5/fV0)

50/1V0 10 log-,.- 0/ rr o

10 log 10

Conversely, if the power output is lowered from 50 to 5 watts, the change in power level would be 10 db.

232.. Show that the ratio of the acoustic powers of two sounds in decibels is equal to the difference of their power levels.
Let and W2 be the acoustic powers of two sounds. in decibels this ratio becomes 10 log(Wrl /W 2) db. Now the sound power levels are (PWL), = lO log fH V W V d b , where W0 is the reference power. The difference in sound power level is given by APWL = = (PWL), - (PWL)2 = 10 log(W V W 0) w /w 10 log = 10 1 og(W V W 2)db 10 log(WVW'o) (PWL)2 = 10 log (W J W 0) db The ratio of the powers is W\/W2, and

2.23. Determine the acoustic intensity level at a distance of 10 m from a source which radiates 1 watt of acoustic power. Use reference intensities of (a) 100, (b) 1 , (c) 1 0 -12 and (d) 1 0 13 watts/m2.
The acoustic intensity level is defined as IL = 10 log (I/I0) db re / 0 watts/m2, where / 0 is the reference intensity. First calculate the sound intensity at 10 m from the source: Power radiated W = (intensity)(area) = 4irr-I (Here we assume spherical wave propagation.) Then I = W/A = 1/4(3.14)100 = 0.00079 watt/m2.

(a) IL = 10 log (0.00079/100) = 10 log 0.00079 10 log 100 = 51 db re 100 watts/m2 (b) IL = 10 log (0.00079/1.0) = 10( 3.1) = -3 1 db re 1 watt/m2 (c) IL = 10 log (0.00079/10-2) = 89 db re 10 ' 2 watt/m2 (d) IL = 10 log (0.00079/10-) = -3 1 + 130 = 99 db re 1 0 watt/ m2 In general, the acoustic intensity level of a sound source at a given distance is given in the number of decibels, omitting the reference intensity which is commonly accepted as 1 0 "1 2 watt/m2.

2.24. An air-conditioning unit operates with a sound intensity level of 73 db. If it is operated in a room with an ambient sound intensity level of 68 db, what will be the resultant intensity level?
(IL), = 10 log (/,//(,) = 73 db (IL)2 = 10 log (/j/Zfl) = 68 db or or / , = / 0 antilog 7.3 = 4.77(10)7/ 0 watts/m2 I2 / 0 antilog 6.8 = 0.9(10)7/ o watts/m2

The total sound intensity I / , + I2 = 5.67(10)7/ o watts/m2 and the resultant intensity level is IL = 10 log (///) = 10 log5.67(10)7 = 73.69 db

Calculate the sound pressure level for a sound wave having an effective pressure of 3.5 nt-'m1 . Use reference pressures of (a) 10, (6) 1, (c) 10-4 and (d ) 2(10) 4 miorobars.
The sound pressure level SPL - 20 log(p/p0) db re p0 microbars, where 1 m icrobar = 0.1 nt/m2. iai SPL - 20 log 35,10; = 10.8 db re 10 microbars l& i SPL - 20 log35 = 30.8 db re 1 microbar

SPL - 20 log;35/10~4) = 110.8 db re 10-< microbar microbar For

irf) SPL = 20 log 35/0.0002) = 104.8 db re 2(10)

In general, reference pressure of 1 microbar is commonly used fo r underwater sound. audible sound, reference pressure of 0.0002 microbar is being used.

126. If sound pressure is doubled, find the increase in sound pressure level.
Let p be the initial sound pressure. 20 log(2p/p0) db. Thus .iSPL = Then (SPL), = 20 log (p/p0) db 2p/pn 20 log = and sim ilarly

(SPL)2 =

(SPL), (SPL).


20 l o g 2

6 db

127. For plane acoustic waves, express the intensity level in terms of the sound pressure level.
The intensity level is defined as IL = 10 log ( / / / 0) db where I is the intensity and I 0 is the reference intensity. Now I = p2/pc and / 0 = p2/(pc)0 where p = p rms = effective pressure. Thus IL = 10 lo g / - 10 lo g /0 = 10 log (p2/pc) - 10 log (p2/p0c0) ~ = 10 logp2 - 10 log Pc 10 logpjj + 10 log (pc)0 = SPL + 10 log (p0c0/pc)

10 log (p^pjj) + 10 log (p0c0/pc)

If the measured characteristic impedance pc is equal to the reference ch aracteristic impedance

fpci0 (e.g. measurements are made in the same medium under identical environm ent), intensity level

IL will be equal to the sound pressure level SPL.

128. Two sound sources Si and S2 are radiating sound waves of different frequencies. If their sound pressure levels recorded at position S as shown in Fig. 2-3 are 75 and 80 db respectively, find the total sound pressure level at S due to the two sources together.

By definition, sound pressure level SPL = 20 log (p/p0) db. (SPL)j = 20 log (pi/po) = 75 (SPL)2 = 20 log (p2 /p0) = 80 or or


pl = 5.6 x 103p0 nt/m2 p2 = 104p0 nt/m2

CHAP. 2]



Thus the total sound pressure at S is pressure level is (SPL)tota, = 20 log (p/po) =

p = p 1 + P2 = IB- * 103Po nt/m 2 and the total sound 20 log (lB.eOOpo/po) = 20(4.196) = 83.9 db

The total sound pressure level is not at all equal to the arithmetic sum o f the individual sound pressure levels. It is not necessary to determine the actual sound pressure in the computa tion of total sound pressure level. On the other hand, if the two sound sources are radiating sound waves o f the same frequency, the total sound pressure level at S will be different from the one calculated above. (SPL)! = 20 1ogP! + 94 = 75 (SP L )2 = 20 1ogp2 + 94 = 80 or or Pj = 0.11 nt/m 2 p2 = 0.2 nt/m 2 Thus

and the total sound pressure p = Vp* + P2 V(0.11)2 + (0.2)2 = 0.23 nt/m 2. (SPL)tota, = 20 log 0.23 + 94 = 92.7 db


The pressure amplitude of a plane acoustic wave is kept constant while the tem perature increases from 0C to 20C. Find (a) the percent change in sound intensity, (b) the change in sound intensity level, and (c) the change in sound pressure level.
(a) Sound intensity is / = p2/2 pc, where p is the pressure amplitude in nt/m 2, p is the density of air in kg/m 3, and c is the speed o f sound in air in m/sec. Let the sound intensity at 0C be I (0) = p2/ 2(1.3)332 = p2/ 862 watts/m 2 and the sound intensity at 20C be / (20) = p2/2(1.2)343 = p2/ 824 watts/m 2. Then

= / (20) - 7(0) = p2/824 - p2/862

where p is the constant pressure amplitude. Hence the percent change in sound intensity is given by A/ p2/824 - p2/862 A r/v/ 7(0) p2/862 0.05 or 5 / (b) The sound intensity level is IL = 10 log / 10 l o g / 0 db where I is the sound intensity and / 0 is the reference intensity. A t 0C , we have IL (0) and at 20C, Then (c) IL (20) IL (0, = IL (20) = = 10 log (p2/862) I0 1 og /Odb 10 log (p2/824) 10 lo g 824 = 10 log / db 10(2.936-2.916) = 0.2 db

10 l o g 862 -

The sound pressure level is SPL = 20 log (p/p0) db where p is the pressure amplitude and p0 is the reference sound pressure amplitude. A t 0C, we have SPL(O) = 20 lo g (p (0)/p) db and at 20C, S P L (20) = 20 log (p(20)/p 0) db

But since the sound pressure amplitude is kept constant, i.e. p (0) = p ,2o) = P, SPL (0) = SPL(20). We find no change in sound pressure level.

RESONANCE OF AIR COLUMNS 2.30. A rigid tube of uniform smooth cross-sectional area is closed at both ends. tube contains air, find its motion when disturbed. If the

The one-dimensional wave equation fo r harmonic progressive plane acoustic wave is (see Problem 2.1)

a 2 u /d t 2= c 2 ( 3 2 u /d x 2 )

The general

where c - y/B/p solution is

is the speed o f sound, B the bulk modulus and p the density.

where ylj.B, are arbitrary constants to be determined by initial conditions, C D , are arbitrary constants to be determined by boundary conditions, and p, are the natural frequencies o f the system.

CHAP. 2]



2.41. Considering the same relative velocity in the Doppler effect, we obtain different apparent frequencies according as the source or the observer is in motion relative to the medium. Prove that this statement is correct.
Let the given relative velocity o f approach be w. I f the observer is approaching the stationary source, we obtain /; = - ^ f < i> where / ' is the apparent frequency, c the speed o f sound and / the actual frequency o f the source. If the source is approaching the stationary observer,

Thu, M i = ( H ^

) /


= 1 ",w

< 2>

Equation (J) shows that unless the relative velocity o f approach w is equal to the speed o f sound c, the two apparent frequencies will not be the same. If the observer is moving away from the stationary source with the same velocity w, n = -J c = ^ Lf w

and if the source is also moving away from the stationary observer with velocity w, * and fa/fi = = 1 >2/c 2 (as in (8)) < 5) (6)

Supplementary Problems
WAVE EQUATION 2.42. 2.43. 2.44. Prove that u (x ,t) = A (ct x ) ~ Bict~ z) is a possible solution fo r the one-dimensional wave equation.

Use the Fourier transform to obtain the solution fo r the one-dimensional wave equation. Show that the one-dimensional wave equation may be expressed in polar coordinates as 1 d^u. c2 dt2 _ ~ l j / du\ r d r \ 'd r j 1 B^u r&He2


Prove that the follow ing expression is a possible general solution fo r the one-dimensional wave equation.

u(x, t)

=0 ,1 .2 _

A j cos (ix + 6:) e - '*0 1


For one-dimensional wave propagation, find the initial conditions such as to cause only a wave traveling in the negative x direction. Ans. u(x, 0) = 0, u(x, 0) = e du/dx

WAVE ELEMENTS 2.47. Show that the maximum particle displacement and maximum pressure at a given point do not occur simultaneously in a sound wave. Show that the kinetic and potential energies o f a free progressive plane acoustic wave are equal. Show that the kinetic and potential energies o f stationary sound waves in a rectangular room have a constant sum.

2.48. 2.49.


Th pressure amplitude of a plane acoustic wave is kept constant while the temperature rises from 0 C to UO-'C. Find the percent change in sound intensity and the intensity level. Atu. 14'v, 0.7 db


151. 2.52.

Find the sped of sound wave propagation in an aluminum bar.

Ana. e = 5100 m/sec Find the speed

The planet Jupiter has an atmosphere of methane at a temperature of 130C. of sound there. Ans. e = 310m/sec


A blow is made by a hammer on a steel rail 1 km from a listener who puts one ear to the rail and hears two sounds. Calculate the time interval between the arrivals of the sounds. .4 ns. f = 2.85 sec



Prove that intensity at any distance from the sound source for a one-dimensional cylindrical wave is inversely proportional to the first power of the radius. (A one-dimensional cylindrical wave is a wave radiated outward from the longitudinal axis of a long cylinder expanding and contracting radially.) Show that I = 2v'2 f2 A2 pc watts/m2 is a correct expression for acoustic intensity of a plane wave. Compute the intensity of a plane acoustic wave in air at standard atmospheric pressure and tem perature if its frequency is 1000 cyc/sec and its displacement amplitude is 10-s m. Ans. I = 0.82watt/m2 Show that the average sound energy density for a standing wave is twice that for a free progres sive plane wave and is equal to p2 /pc.

2.55. 2.56.




Calculate the characteristic impedances of hydrogen at 0C and steam at 100C. Ans. 114, 242 rayls Prove that the characteristic impedance of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its absolute temperature.




Two electric motors have intensity levels of 58 and 60 db respectively. intensity level if both motors run simultaneously. Ans. 62.1 db

Find the total sound


What will be the total sound pressure level of two typewriters if each has sound pressure level 70 db? Ans. 76 db The sound pressure levels of three machines are respectively 90, 93 and 95 db. total sound pressure level if all the machines are turned on. Ans. 97.8 db At standard atmospheric pressure and temperature, show that SPL = IL + 0.2 db. What is the power level of 0.02 watts of power? Ans. PWL = 103 db Find the combined power level. Determine the


2.(3. 2.64. 2.65.

The power levels of two engines are 90 and 100 db respectively. Ans. 100.4 db



If two parallel reflecting surfaces are 10 m apart, find the lowest frequency for resonant standing waves that can exist between the surfaces. Ans. 172 cyc/sec

CHAP. 2]


63 Find the


A resonance box is to be made for use with a tuning fork of frequency 472 cyc/sec. shortest length of the box if it is closed at one end. Ans. 0.18 m


A vertical tube of length 5 m is filled with water. A tuning fork of frequency 589 cyc/sec is held over the open top end of the tube while water is running out gradually from the bottom of the tube. Find the maximum number of times that resonance can occur. Ans. 3 times A closed tube of length 0.25 m and an open tube of length 0.3 m, both made of the same material and same diameter, are each sounding its first overtone. What is the end correction for these tubes? Ans. e 0.05 m Show that / ( = (2i 1)/1 ( i = 1,2, . . . , open at one end. where f x is the fundamental frequency for resonant tubes




A cylindrical tube of length 0.2 m and closed at one end is found to be at resonance when a tuning fork of frequency 900 cyc/sec is sounded over the open end. Find the end correction. Ans. t = 0.036 m

DOPPLER EFFECT 2.72. An automobile traveling at 50 m/sec emits sound at a frequency of 450 cyc/sec. apparent frequency as the automobile is approaching a stationary observer. Ans. f = 526 cyc/sec Determine the


The frequency of a car is observed to drop from 272 to 256 cyc/sec as the car passes an observation post. What is the speed of the car? Ans. 23 mph A locomotive is passing by a stationary observer at a railway station with speed v, and is sounding a whistle of frequency /. Determine the change in pitch heard by the observer. Ans. f = 2e/v/(e2 r 2) Two observers A and B carry identical sound sources of frequency 1000 cyc/sec. If A is stationary while B moves away from A at a speed of 10 m/sec, how many beats/sec are heard by A and Bt Ans. A, 2.8; B, 3.0 beats/sec



Chapter 3
Spherical Acoustic Waves
NOMENCLATURE a = radius, m A = area, m2 = bulk modulus, nt/m2 B = speed of sound in air, m/sec e = directivity factor D = directivity index, db dr Dr = directivity ratio E< = energy density, joules/m3 = frequency, cyc/sec f 1 = acoustic intensity, watts/m = Bessel function of the first kind of order one Jl k = wave number; spring constant, nt/m = KE = m = P = P = PE = Q = = r Rm = Rr = s = u =

V = 1C = W = Xr = z = Z m = mechanical impedance, rayls Z r = radiation impedance, rayls m = circular frequency, rad/sec A = wavelength, m p = density, kg/ms

constant kinetic energy, joules mass, kg acoustic pressure, nt/m2 period, sec potential energy, joules source strength, m3 /sec radial distance, m dissipation coefficient, nt-sec/m radiation resistance, kg/sec condensation particle displacement, m; component velocity, m/sec particle velocity, m/sec volume, m* component velocity, m/sec power, watts radiation reactance, kg/sec specific acoustic impedance, rayls


CHAP. 3]



and which yields

v = p (l/r + ik)/ipa =

(A\/l + fcWpcfcr*) cob (ut kx e)


v0 = A V l + kh^tpckr2

The expression for energy density becomes E d = (KE + P E)/V0 = i ( p v + p * / p c * ) Substituting expressions for po and vQ from (U) and (6) into (7) gives

where e is the speed of sound, k = u/c is the wave number, and r is the distance from the Bource to the point of interest in the wave.

3.11. A diverging spherical wave has a peak acoustic pressure of 2 nt/m2 at a distance of 1 m from the source at standard atmospheric pressure and temperature. What is its intensity at a distance of 10 m from the source?
Assume the source is emitting a constant amount o f energy to the sound waves. For diverging spherical waves, the area o f the wavefront increases as the waves are traveling farther and farther from the source. Hence intensity o f such waves diminishes with distance of propagation. At a distance o f 1 m from the source, I = pV2Pc = 22/[2 (l.21)343] = 0.0048 watt/m*

where p = 1.21 kg/m3 is the density of air, and c = 343 m/sec is the Bpeed of sound in air at standard atmospheric pressure and temperature. At a distance of 10 m from the source, the effective sound pressure will change but the power radiated will remain the same. W = 4rr27 = 4(3.14)(1)2(0.0048) = 0.062 watt Thus / = I*74irr* = 0.062/4(3.14)100 = 0.000048 watt/m2

3J2. A simple sound source radiates harmonic diverging spherical waves into free space with 10 watts of acoustic power at a frequency of 500 cyc/sec. Find the (a) intensity, (b) acoustic pressure, (c) particle velocity, (d) particle displacement, (e) energy density, (f) condensation and (0 ) sound pressure level at a radial distance of 1 m from the source.
(a) Intensity I = W/At t t 2 = 10/4(3.14)(1)2 = 0.8 watt/m2 (M Acoustic pressure p - yj2pd V2(1.21)(343)(0.8) = 25.8 nt/m* (< ) Particle velocity r - pipe cos 0 = 0.062 m/sec

where p - 25.8 nt/m2 is acoustic pressure, p = 1.21 kg/ms is density of air, c = 343 m/sec is speed of sound in air, cos e = fcr/V 1 + fc*r* = 0.99 and kr = ur/e = 2(3.14)(500)(1.0)/343 = 9.18. (rf) Particle displacement u = v/u = 0.062/6.28(600) = 1.97(10)_ 5 m (r) Energy density (see Problem 3.10)

Condensation - p/pc* = 25.8/(1.21)(343)* = 1.8(10) * Sound pressure level SPL = 20 log p + 94 = 20 log 25.8 + 94 = 122.3 db

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