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)eynote (ddresses0

Talbot &rewer

'arah &uss
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The deadline is February 15, 2013. We welcome submissions from faculty and graduate students, as some sessions will be reserved for student resentations. !lease submit an essay of a ro"imately #000 words and an abstract of at most 150 words. $ssay to ics in all areas of ethical theory and olitical hiloso hy will be considered, although some riority will be given to essays that ta%e u themes from the wor%s of Talbot &rewer and 'arah &uss, such as autonomy, desire, goodness, moral sychology, moral res onsibility, leasure, ractical reasoning, res ect, virtue, (ristotelianism and )antianism. $ssays and abstracts should be re ared for blind review in word, rtf, or df format. *raduate submissions should be sent by e+mail to nuste .grad.conference, faculty submissions should be sent by e+mail to %ebelsduggan, .otices of acce tance will be sent by ( ril 1, 2013. For more information, lease contact )yla $bels+/uggan at the e+mail address above or visit our website0 htt 011www. hiloso hy.northwestern.edu1conferences1moral olitical1

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